Using Digital Workspace For FRM Audits

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2021 Crush and Convey Safety Plan-

Fatal Risk Audits in Digital

Workspace App
Key Result one in the 2021 safety plan requires all salary staff to
perform one Fatal Risk Management audit per month and document it
using the digital workspace app.

▪ The goal remains to provide an additional layer of protection for our

employees and close gaps in our Fatal Risk Management controls

▪ Work orders will still have to be submitted through a planner

▪ Action items still need to be submitted through the Action Item Tracking

The following slides are a guide to using the app and outline the
documentation process used to give auditors credit for their work


▪ Find the Freeport app

▪ The mobile Homepage will
open up, hit the waffle in
the corner.

▪ Select the Digital
Workspace App

▪ Depending on WIFI, it may
take a minute to open.
Once it does select the
plus sign

▪ Select the Fatal Risk
Management drop down.
This will bring up the full
list of Fatal Risks

▪ Select the fatal risk which
is most relevant to the job
you are auditing

▪ Select Process, Site, Area,
and Shift from the drop
down options. Once all
options have been
selected, hit “Next”

▪ Select the business
function drop down, and
choose “Processing”

▪ Now select Business Sub-
Function. Crush/Convey
and Stacking are listed
separately, as well as
many other areas relevant
to the sub crew. Choose
as appropriate

▪ At this point, you are set to
perform the audit. Select
the drop downs and review
the verification questions
relevant to your task.

▪ Any “No” answers will flag
as exceptions at the end of
the report. These
exceptions drive our
action: correction on the
spot, workorder required,
or action item submitted.

▪ The comments section is
for your summary. Be
specific Give details about
who, what, and where your
audit was conducted. In
this section you should
also document the actions
taken for any exceptions
listed. If no action is being
taken, your reasons
should be explained in

▪ Once summary is
complete, select the
attachment button to
select photos to upload.
These will show as links
within the audit, which can
be selected individually to

▪ Once photos upload,
select “Next”.
▪ The last step is the review,
listing any exception
items. Select Close to
complete the audit.

Documenting Work Orders and AIT’s

• To document work orders and AIT’s coming out of Fatal Risk Audits,
Go to the Safety Audit Dashboard in the Crush and Convey Sharepoint

• Upload photo of the issue to be corrected

• Fill in all required info: Include location, description of deficiency, and

desired corrective action

• The “workorder” required bench will be monitored by the planning

staff and workorders created

• Action Item Tracking requires auditor to create and assign AIT’s

themselves and input the AIT number in this view
Helpful hints

▪ You can save these at any time in the process. This lets you back out to
talk to people, snap photos, etc. You can then jump back in and find your
audit under the “My work” button

▪ It is easier to upload photos from your photo library than directly through
the app. Sometimes it will replace the last pic with the next one if you try
to access the camera direct from the app.

▪ You can go back and edit your audits at any time. For example, if you put
in an AIT back at the office, go back into your audit and add the AIT
number in the comments section to close the loop

▪ There are WIFI deadspots all over. If you find yourself working in one, use
the Fatal Risk Management booklet to conduct your audit. The verification
questions in the app are word for word from the booklet. Take pictures on
the scene, get back to the internet, and submit your audit using the app.

Breaker page


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