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Adv Physiol Educ 40: 147–156, 2016;

doi:10.1152/advan.00138.2015. Best Practices

Applying learning theories and instructional design models for effective

Mohammed K. Khalil and Ihsan A. Elkhider
University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville, South Carolina
Submitted 8 September 2015; accepted in final form 25 January 2016

Khalil MK, Elkhider IA. Applying learning theories and instruc- those objectives. However, faculty activities in planning edu-
tional design models for effective instruction. Adv Physiol Educ 40: cational experiences or designing educational investigation
147–156, 2016; doi:10.1152/advan.00138.2015.—Faculty members should be guided and supported by the science of learning and
in higher education are involved in many instructional design activi- instruction.
ties without formal training in learning theories and the science of
instruction. Learning theories provide the foundation for the selection
The main objectives of this article are to present the theo-
of instructional strategies and allow for reliable prediction of their retical evidence for the design and delivery of instructional
effectiveness. To achieve effective learning outcomes, the science of materials and to provide a practical framework for implement-
instruction and instructional design models are used to guide the ing those theories in the classroom and laboratory. Three
development of instructional design strategies that elicit appropriate sections are included to present the science of learning and
cognitive processes. Here, the major learning theories are discussed related learning theories, the science of instruction, and a
and selected examples of instructional design models are explained. framework for implementation.
The main objective of this article is to present the science of learning
and instruction as theoretical evidence for the design and delivery of The Science of Learning and Related Learning Theories
instructional materials. In addition, this article provides a practical
framework for implementing those theories in the classroom and How do people learn?. The information processing model
laboratory. (Fig. 1) is the prevailing theory in cognitive psychology. It
includes three types of memory (sensory, working, and long-
science of instruction; learning theories; instructional design; instruc- term memory) that interact to encode incoming information.
tional design models All information perceived by sensory memory will pass to
working memory when the learner pays attention to it. To be
ALMOST ALL FACULTY MEMBERS who teach in higher education as learned, materials must be processed in working memory,
subject matter experts lack formal training in the science of which reflects our consciousness, where mental activities take
instruction and instructional design, even though they routinely place. Working memory is very limited in duration and capac-
design instructional materials. That is, faculty members are ity (1, 32). The limitation in working memory is considered a
involved in instructional design activities that mostly lack critical factor when designing instruction (34, 41, 42).
scientific underpinning and proper documentation (13, 25). In Students use two types of rehearsal when processing infor-
contrast to subject matter experts, instructional designers are mation in the working memory: maintenance and elaborative
formally trained to use several instructional design models that rehearsal. Maintenance rehearsal, or rote memorization, occurs
have been developed for systematic planning and the develop- when the learner goes over the learning material many times to
ment of instruction. These systematic processes in designing remember it without thinking (surface learning), whereas elab-
instruction are aimed at increasing instructional efficiency and orative rehearsal is the process of organizing the information to
facilitating student learning. In that respect, design models reach meaning (i.e., understanding or deep learning). The
translate the general principles of learning and instruction to process of rote memorization is more passive and leads only to
provide a procedural framework for developing instructional short-term retention, whereas elaborative rehearsal is an active
materials and creating an environment for successful learning learning process that is useful for transferring the information
outcomes. into long-term memory. Unlike working memory, long-term
Although there are many different design models available, memory is unlimited in capacity and stores information per-
all of them include the following essential phases of instruc- manently in forms of organized schemas. Therefore, the goal of
tional design: analysis, design, development, implementation, instructional delivery is to encourage understanding over rote
and evaluation phases. The designer’s main task is to perform memorization and to facilitate the process of elaboration for
instructional analysis to determine instructional goals, develop better encoding of content to be learned. Strategies to promote
instructional strategies, and develop and conduct an evaluation understanding or deep learning are not limited to instructional
to assess and revise instructional materials. Like instructional delivery but are also linked to assessment strategies.
designers, faculty members also use aspects of instructional Domains of learning. Gagné (9) identified the five domains
design. They consider the program objectives to identify their of learning that affect the learning process: 1) motor skills, 2)
session objectives, develop learning activities to reach these verbal information, 3) intellectual skills, 4) cognitive strate-
objectives, and assess learners’ progress toward achieving gies, and 5) attitudes. Motor skills require repetitive practice to
master and include such examples as taking a pulse, the
introduction of a nasal tube, and performing dissection in the
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: M. Khalil, Univ. of
laboratory. Verbal information refers to the factual knowledge
South Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville, SC 29605 (e-mail: khalilmk@ and principles in the curriculum, and their learning requires organized presentation and meaningful context. Intellectual
1043-4046/16 Copyright © 2016 The American Physiological Society 147
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Best Practices

(shallow/surface) Level of processing (deep)

Internal Cognitive Processes

Fig. 1. Relationship between the types of
memories and types of rehearsal for encoding Maintenance
information. Also shown is the level of pro-
cessing from surface (maintenance rehearsal) E
to deep (elaborative rehearsal) in encoding V Elaborative
incoming information. I rehearsal
Sensory Working Long-term
N Input Memory Attention Memory Encoding Memory
E Retrieval

skills are the elaboration of basic concepts and rules, the Learning theories. Ertmer and Newby (6, 8) nicely ex-
learning of which is based on prior assimilation of prerequisite plained the importance of linking instructional strategies or
skills. The subcategories of intellectual skills are discrimina- techniques to the theories of human learning. They indicated
tion (e.g., distinguish between an isometric and isotonic con- that learning theories are considered a source of verifying
traction), concrete concepts (e.g., identify the differences be- instructional strategies as well as a foundation for the selection
tween the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma), defined concepts of specific strategies. The theories provide information about
(e.g., classifying the different groups of sensory nerve fibers), the relationships among strategies, context, and learner char-
rule learning (e.g., calculating the pulse pressure and mean acteristics for better integration, and, most importantly, learn-
arterial pressure), and higher order rules (e.g., problem solv- ing theories allow for reliable prediction of the effectiveness of
ing). A simple example to illustrate the difference between the selected instructional strategies.
verbal information and intellectual skills is that to recall the Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism are the three
definition of creatinine clearance is verbal information; how- primary learning theories (6, 8, 43). The general characteristics
ever, using the Cockcroft-Gault equation to estimate creatinine of these theories are shown in Table 1. The three theories differ
clearance to assess the function of the kidneys is an intellectual in how learning is defined, which subsequently leads to differ-
skill. ent roles for the learners, and dictates that different teaching
Cognitive strategies are internally organized skills that con- methods and assessment strategies are used.
trol learning behaviors, remembering, and thinking, which are In addition to the above-mentioned primary learning theo-
learned by practice. Learners develop these strategies by re- ries, we discuss below the basics of adult learning theory,
flecting on their own experiences or they may be taught cognitive load theory, and multimedia theory as important
effective learning strategies. Attitudes are considered to be in theories affecting the way we design instruction to accommo-
the affective domain and are not learned by practice. Changing date the learners’ characteristics and experience.
attitudes requires human modeling with reinforcement and Adult learning theory is defined by andragogy and self-
feedback. Attitudes affect a student’s motivation to learn. For directed learning principles (20, 30). Andragogy is the art and
example, a student with a positive attitude and interest in science of helping adults learn (19, 21), and self-directed
physiology will regularly attend physiology classes. learning is a process in which the locus of control in learning
The main message in recognizing the different domains of lies with the adult learner (20, 30). A primary principle of adult
learning is that different instructional concepts require the learning theory is that when designing instruction one should
selection of different instructional strategies and different capitalize on the learner’s experience (e.g., entry behavior).
methods of assessment. The selection of only one teaching Adult learners are independent in directing their own learning,
method to deliver all physiology sessions in the curriculum have accumulated rich life experience, have set professional
introduces unnecessary limitations that might negatively affect and personal goals, are internally motivated, are problem
the learning outcomes. centered, and seek the relevance of the new knowledge. The

Table 1. The three primary learning theories

Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivism

Definition of learning Learning is the acquisition of new Learning involves the acquisition and Learning is search for meaning
behavior reorganization of cognitive
Learner’s role Passive participants in the learning Active participants in the learning Active participants in the learning process
process process
Main strategy Facilitates knowing what Facilitates knowing how Reflection in action
Implication • Objective-based instruction • Concept maps • Authentic case-based learning environment
• Competency-based education • Reflective thinking • Reflective practice
• Skill development and training • Collaborative construction of knowledge
Example of teaching method • Lecture • Problem solving • Diaries/reflection
• Simulation • Concept mapping • Role modeling
• Demonstration • Advanced organizer • Problem-based learning
• Programmed instruction • Collaborative learning
Assessment strategies Criterion-referenced assessment: multiple- Essays, written reports, and projects Elimination of grades and standardized testing;
choice questions and recall items peer grading/review

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Best Practices

theory encourages learners to actively participate in the learn- limitation of working memory to simultaneously process sev-
ing experience and directs selection of teaching methods that eral pieces of information. The active processing principle
promote experiential learning. Information about entry behav- indicates that, for meaningful learning to occur, the processing
iors, attitudes toward content and delivery method, academic of new selected and organized information in working memory
motivation, general learning preferences, and group character- requires activation and integration with prior knowledge stored
istics are very useful and influential in guiding the design of in long-term memory (49). The goal of multimedia theory and
instruction. cognitive load theory is to use evidenced-based principles for
Cognitive load theory (40, 42, 47) assumes that, for effective instructional design that reduce extraneous cognitive process-
learning, the learner’s cognitive architecture should be aligned ing and help to manage the amount of information presented to
with instructional conditions. The learner’s cognitive architec- learner to avoid overloading the learner’s cognitive capacity
ture consists of sensory memory, working memory, and long- (28, 33, 41, 42). The work of Issa and colleagues (12, 13)
term memory. The theory assumes that learning occurs through presented evidence that applying multimedia design principles
very limited working memory and unlimited long-term mem- to modify PowerPoint (PPT) slides in medical education im-
ory. Working memory is limited in capacity and duration when proved short-term retention, long-term retention, and knowl-
dealing with novel information (1, 32). Working memory is edge transfer among medical students. An example of reducing
composed of two processors for auditory and visual informa- extraneous cognitive load during PPT presentation is to mini-
tion, respectively, with central or executive control (2), which mize text on the slide, especially if instructors intend to discuss
processes three types of cognitive load: intrinsic, extraneous, an image or a diagram. As indicated by the dual coding
and germane load. The intrinsic cognitive load results from the principle, working memory has two partially independent pro-
number of interactive elements that the learner processes si- cessors for visual and auditory information. It is better to share
multaneously in working memory (i.e., the intellectual com- the cognitive load between the two processors rather than
plexity of the concepts or instructional materials). For example, overload the visual processor. In addition, too much text on a
the identification and description of the zonation of the adrenal PPT slide results in split attention between reading the textual
cortex have low element interactivity, i.e., the name of the information and listening to the instructor.
different zones and types of cells present in each zone. How-
ever, the biosynthetic pathway for glucocorticoids, mineralo- The Science of Instruction
corticoids, and androgen is more complex due to the interac-
tion of many elements for the biosynthesis of these adrenocor- Based on an understanding of how people learn, the science
tical hormones. Extraneous cognitive load is generated by of instruction is concerned with the rational development of
suboptimal faulty presentation of instructional materials. The instructional design strategies. Effective design of instructional
addition of textual explanations describing positive and nega- materials elicits appropriate cognitive processes in the learner
tive feedback to a self-contained diagram of the hormonal and mediates more successful learning outcomes.
feedback mechanism that uses obvious plus and minus signs is The principle of instruction. Five principles of instruction
considered redundant information that imposes unnecessary have been identified (31) that promote learning: 1) learners are
cognitive load. Germane cognitive load results from learner engaged in solving real-world problems, 2) existing knowledge
interactions with the appropriate instructional design that con- is activated as a foundation for new knowledge, 3) new
tributes to learning. The general principle using cognitive load knowledge is demonstrated to the learner, 4) new knowledge is
theory is to reduce extraneous cognitive load, manage intrinsic applied by the learner, and 5) new knowledge is integrated into
cognitive load, and promote germane load. It is very important the learner’s world.
to consider the cognitive load imposed by instructional design These principles can be implemented using different deliv-
due to the limitation of working memory. Otherwise, instruc- ery/teaching methods to create effective learning environ-
tion becomes inadequate because it imposes high extraneous ments. The first principle emphasizes problem-centered in-
cognitive load irrelevant for learning (42). For example, when struction or involving students in real-world tasks. For effec-
using animations to explain organ function, it is better to tive instruction, problems should be relevant, interesting, and
provide the learner with auditory explanations rather than engaging (14), and there should be a progression from less
on-screen written explanations. It is effective to use dual-mode complex to more complex problems (36, 44). In the second
presentation instead of overloading the visual processor in the phase of activating previous knowledge, prior mental models
working memory. The design principles and strategies stem- or schema are activated to promote instructional effectiveness.
ming from cognitive load theory are highly relevant when Simply put, to avoid overwhelming students who lack founda-
teaching complex physiological concepts. Many examples of tional knowledge, provide them with relevant experience to be
design guidelines based on cognitive load theory have been used as a foundation for the new knowledge (17). This step is
offered to decrease extraneous load, manage intrinsic load, and often ignored by faculty members who assume all students
optimize germane load (e.g., Refs. 24, 48, and 50). have similar educational backgrounds, although admission
Multimedia theory, or learning from words (verbal) and committees try to diversify the student body by accepting
pictures (pictorial), is based on the researched-based cognitive qualified students of different backgrounds. In the third dem-
theory of multimedia learning (27, 28). The theory is grounded onstration principle, information is presented to the learners. In
on three principles: the dual-channel principle, limited capacity this phase, we’ll discuss basic educational theories for effective
principle, and active processing principle. The dual-channel instructional strategies and give examples of instructional de-
principle indicates that there are two separate channels for sign models that could be used to guide the design and
processing verbal and pictorial information in working mem- development of instructional materials. The fourth phase is to
ory (35). The limited capacity principle (1, 32) deals with the apply learned knowledge in different authentic situations and

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Best Practices

to provide feedback for guidance. For example, in a medical instructional design process to continuously improve instruc-
school setting to teach basic sciences including physiology, it tion before final implementation. The summative evaluation
is important to provide the clinical relevance for the basic occurs after the implementation of the final version to assess
science information and explain important relationships. the overall effectiveness of instruction.
Thereafter, provide students with different clinical scenarios to Dick and Carey (5) outlined the importance of using a
apply what they have learned to solve clinical problems. The systematic approach in designing instruction. The components
last phase, integration or the transfer of knowledge, is used in of the system include the teacher, learner, instructional mate-
different ways. rials, and learning environment. The effectiveness of the sys-
Instructional design models. Although there are many in- tematic approach in designing instruction is to provide 1) focus
structional design models, here only the analysis, design, when a clear goal or objectives are stated up front to guide the
development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) model design of instruction, 2) careful linkage between each compo-
(10), Dick and Carey model (5), and the 4CD/ID model (45, nent, and 3) an empirical and replicable process. The Dick and
46) are discussed. Both the ADDIE and Dick and Carey Carey model includes the following steps:
models use a behavioral approach in designing instruction.
However, the ADDIE model is simpler and easier to use than • Identify instructional goals
the Dick and Carey model, which elaborates on instructional • Conduct instructional analysis
design phases. The 4C/ID model is aligned with cognitivists • Identify entry behaviors and learner characteristics
learning approaches and is informed by cognitive load theory • Write performance objectives
in designing instruction for learning complex tasks. • Develop criterion-referenced test items
To produce effective instruction, all instructional design • Develop instructional strategy
models require the following phases: analysis, design, devel- • Develop and select instructional materials
opment, implementation, and evaluation. These instructional • Develop and conduct formative evaluation
design phases are summarized by the acronym ADDIE, and • Develop and conduct summative evaluation
hence it is now considered a separate model. The ADDIE
model (Fig. 2) provides systematic approach for designing The Dick and Carey model provides detailed step-by-step
and developing a learning experience. The outcome of each processes that could easily be followed. It is very helpful for
ADDIE phase informs the subsequent phase. novice instructional designers to understand the details regard-
In the analysis phase, the learner, context, and instructional ing the principles of the systemic approach to instructional
materials are analyzed to identify the characteristics of the design. The main difference between the Dick and Carey
target learner (e.g., existing knowledge, previous experience, model and ADDIE model is that the former includes all the
interests, and attitudes) and determine instructional goals and essential phases described in the ADDIE model but with more
the learning context/environment. In the design phase, the elaboration. An example of this elaboration is what happens in
learning objectives are identified to outline content and instruc- the analysis phase, which facilitates the writing of performance
tional strategies. The latter consists of preinstructional activi- objectives or learning outcomes (i.e., what a learner should be
ties, content presentation, and learner participation. During the able to do; Fig. 3). The analysis is guided by assessing the
design phase, the delivery methods, types of learning activities, needs to identify the gap followed by writing the instructional
and different types of media are selected. The development goals and then the performance objectives. Analyses of instruc-
phase includes creating the instructional contents, a prototype, tion, learners, and context are outlined as the necessary pro-
and assessment instruments. The implementation phase is the cesses in identifying the goals and writing performance objec-
actual delivery of instructional materials to support students’ tives, and the focus of the analyses outcomes are also defined.
mastery of the learning objectives. The evaluation phase in- The 4C/ID model (45, 46) mainly deals with complex
cludes formative and summative evaluation. The formative learning and has four components. The model outlines the need
evaluation occurs between the phases throughout the entire for authentic learning processes, managing cognitive load dur-

Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation

Analyze learners/ Plan and write Develop instructional Deliver instruction to Conduct formative
context instructional strategy contents target audience evaluation
Conduct instructional Conduct summative
Select delivery methods Create prototype
analysis evaluation

Create assessment
Find existing materials

Fig. 2. Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) model phases and the steps during each phase.

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Best Practices

The unique aspect of the 4C/ID model is that it is used in

Identify subordinate skills
Conduct Instructional planning training for complex learning. Developing learning
Identify entry behaviors
experiences to teach physiology could be guided by the simple
ADDIE model. However, the 4CD/ID model is appropriate for
creating learning activities for teaching complex physiological
concepts or complex courses. For example, the 4CD/ID model
has been used for designing a course on communication skills
Assess Needs to Write Performance
(39) and in designing training for evidence-based medicine
Identify Goals Objectives skills in the classroom and clinical settings (26).
From the above-listed examples of instructional design mod-
els, the ADDIE model (Fig. 2) is the most popular model used
for designing instruction. It is easy to follow and provides a
simple structure. Physiologists of different instructional design
Characteristics of target
experience can use the ADDIE model to guide the develop-
Analyze Learners and
ment of their instructions.
Contextual characteristics of
instructional setting

Framework for Implementation

Fig. 3. Steps in Dick and Carey model during the analysis phase to write the
performance objectives. The above-mentioned theories and instructional design mod-
els have very practical implications for how faculty members
design instruction and deliver content in the classroom and
ing learning, repeated practice, and assessment and feedback. It laboratory. The ADDIE model provides a simple and easy-to-
is an excellent model for integrating complex concepts from use framework for designing instruction. If there is a need for
different disciplines. The model suggests ordering learning more information and detailed explanations of what happens in
tasks from low to high cognitive activities, focusing the learn- each phase, the Dick and Carey model will be helpful. How-
er’s attention onto the most challenging aspect of learning, and ever, if you are dealing with very complex materials, then the
promoting germane load when scaffolding the learner’s efforts 4CD/ID model is your best choice. General examples of what
as he or she interacts with simple to complex tasks. The to do in all the essential instructional design phases are pro-
learning environment in the 4D/ID model is divided into the vided below.
following four components: Analysis phase. Often faculty members think as subject
• Learning tasks that are concrete and authentic whole-task matter experts and assume that, if they know the content, they
experiences. The tasks are organized from simple to com- know what works and what doesn’t with regard to teaching that
plex activities, and a high level of support is provided to the content. However, students come to class with misconcep-
learner at the beginning, which later diminishes by the end of tions or lacking the required entry behaviors. Even students
the task (scaffolding). who may have met the prerequisites may not demonstrate
• Supportive information provides a bridge between the learn- adequate understanding of the foundational knowledge and
er’s prior knowledge and learning tasks. It consists of mental may not be able to connect it to the content at hand. This
models, cognitive strategies, and cognitive feedback. might surprise some faculty members, who assume all of
• Just-in-time information is prerequisite information to the their learners have mastered the prerequisite knowledge. To
learning and performance, which consists of demonstrations avoid such false assumptions, it’s very important for faculty
and corrective feedback. The information is presented when members to conduct instructional and learner analysis to
needed and fades with acquiring expertise. identify subordinate skills, entry behaviors, and characteristics
• Part-task practice provides learners with additional practice of the target learners, that is, to know what students might
for selected aspects of the whole task to ensure the achieve- know and what they might not know before they arrive to the
ment of desired learning outcomes. class or laboratory. This step will help faculty members deter-
mine the objectives and plays a major role in choosing the
In organizing the tasks into simple to complex activities and instructional strategies later on. Without proper analysis, or
providing supporting information, it is very important to con- only with the benefit of hindsight, faculty members teaching
sider the learner level of expertise and background, especially physiology may not know which concepts are more challeng-
because a diverse student body is now recommended for ing for learners and need more emphasis and which concepts
admission to many schools. For example, many students ac- are likely to be most easy for learners and thus can be glossed
cepted into medical schools are from rural, economically over. In this analysis phase, and especially in higher education
disadvantage areas and are ethnic minorities. In addition, it is and professional schools, it is important to consider the prin-
very common to have students with biological sciences, engi- ciples of adult learning theory, which describe many parame-
neering, and social sciences backgrounds in the same class. To ters of adult learners that inform the design of instruction for
overcome this issue, development of online learning activities successful learning outcomes.
would be provided before class to meet the needs of those Design phase. When faculty members start to think as
students [i.e., self-learning modules (17)] or enrolling students instructional designers, they will be able to deal with learning
in prematriculation enrichment courses. Once again, this would as a process, not as a set of content areas. A crucial part of the
emphasize the importance of conducting learner analysis as learning process is creating specific and detailed learning
part of the analysis phase. objectives so that not only will the learners know what is

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Best Practices

Learning Objectives

Bloom’s Taxonomy


Fig. 4. Utilization of Bloom’s taxonomy cognitive Understanding

level in writing learning objectives and how these
objectives are related to the selection of teaching
methods and assessment strategies. Types of Applying Teaching
Assessments Methods



expected of them and what is important but the faculty mem- success (Fig. 4). For example, it is advisable to develop
bers can determine how they will teach the content as well as assessment instruments that are parallel to the stated learning
how they will evaluate and assess the instruction and the objectives with an emphasis on relating the domain of learning
learners’ success. Therefore, this design phase should be sys- and cognitive level of the objective to what the assessment
tematic and specific. To create useful learning objectives, use requires. For example, referring to Gagné’s domain of learn-
measurable verbs (“define,” “explain,” and/or “list”) and avoid ing, a motor skill is usually assessed using a checklist as to the
nonbehavioral verbs (“understand,” “know,” and/or “grasp”). presence or absence of the skill and attitude is assessed by a
Consider the beginning level of your learner’s knowledge and rating scale as to degree. Low cognitive level verbal informa-
skills and choose objectives to move them to the next level. tion (remembering, understanding, and/or applying) could be
Based on the learning objectives, faculty members need to assessed by simple identification of an anatomic structure in a
select the appropriate teaching methods for the cognitive level laboratory setting, whereas high mental cognitive intellectual
of the learning objectives and decide which type of assess- skills (analyzing, evaluating, and/or creating) could be assessed
ments should be used to monitor the learner’s progress and with problem sets, data analysis, or student presentations.

Table 2. Comparison between formative and summative assessments

Formative Assessment: Assessment for Learning (Support Summative Assessment: Assessment of Learning (Validation
of Learning) and Certification)

Definition Encompassing all those activities undertaken by “The process of assessment leads to summative
teachers and/or by their students that provide assessment, that is, a judgment which encapsulates
information to be used as feedback to modify all the evidence up to a given point. This point is
the teaching and learning activities in which seen as a finality at the point of the judgment.”
they are engaged (3) (42a)
Function • Guiding future learning • Making judgment
• Helping students assess their own learning prog- • Creating hierarchies of selection
• Encouraging self-regulated learning and active
learning strategies
• Promoting self-assessment and deeper approach
to learning
• Promoting reflection and developing self-evalua-
tion skills
• Maintaining motivation and self-esteem
Characteristics • Promotes learning as part of teaching • Takes place at certain intervals in reporting achieve-
• Takes into account the progress of each individual ment
learner • Reports combined assessment for all learners
• Provides diagnostic information for appropriate • Requires reliable and valid methods
interventions • Based on evidence from the full range of performance
• Requires learners to be active in their own relevant to the assessment criteria

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Similarly, for different domains of learning, the appropriate Implementation phase. The implementation phase is the
teaching methods are required. Active lecture and self-directed actual use of the learning experience. In this phase, learners are
computer-based instruction are more appropriate for teaching prepared and instructional context and technology are secured.
low cognitive level objectives, whereas problem-based learn- Faculty members verify that learners have acquired the proper
ing, discussions, or case studies are appropriate methods for prerequisites and received orientation and training on the
teaching high cognitive level objectives. hardware and software to be used during the delivery of
Development phase. After completing the design phase, instruction and that they have access to all supporting materi-
faculty members are now ready to create and develop content als. Faculty members also need to check the classroom/labo-
that is targeted to the learners and desired level of learning. In ratory layout, equipment, and technology. For example, if you
the development phase, faculty members design the structure plan to use team-based learning, it is important to evaluate the
and flow of the information as well as the type of media that learning space/setting to see if it is conducive for this type of
will be used to deliver the content and develop the learning teaching strategy. The implementation phase provides an op-
activities. Faculty members can modify existing resource ma- portunity to evaluate what was planned during the design phase
terials to align with the goal of the learning activities or can and to make sure everything perform as predicted.
develop new materials. It is worth the effort to update previous Evaluation phase. The last major step in the process is the
year PPT presentations and other learning materials based on evaluation phase. Evaluation can happen at any stage of the
the current learners’ analysis and design decisions. In this instructional design process. Formative evaluation is con-
phase, it is important to refer to the principles of multimedia ducted during the design and development phases to improve
design (27, 28) and cognitive load theory guidelines (24, 48, instruction and learning materials and to make sure they are
50) to create your instructional materials. Faculty members aligned with the learning goal and objectives. Faculty members
could simply apply these principles in creating their PPT can try out newly developed instructional materials with a
slides, which has been reported to improve long-term retention small group of students and record their performance and
and transfer (12). feedback. Student feedback on the clarity, accuracy, sequence,

Glomerular Filtration

Control of Glomerular Autoregulation of GFR

Determinant of GFR Renal Blood Flow
Filtration and Blood Flow and Blood Flow

- GFR - Renal artery pressure - Renal Sympathetic nerves - Myogenic Mechanism

- Net filtration pressure - Renal vein pressure - Hormonal and Autacoid - Tubulo-glomerular
- Total renal vascular Control Feedback Mechanism

- Glomerular/Proximal Tubular
Hydrostatic pressure
- Glomerular/Proximal Tubular
Colloid osmotic pressure

Entry behaviors line

Prerequisite skills previously learned by students

Structure of Glomerular Filtration Anatomy of the kidney and its - Hemodynamic/microcirculation - Autonomic nervous system
Membrane Blood supply - Starling forces/equation - local/neural control
- Resistance (serial and parallel)
- Poiseuille’s equation

- General Structure of Nephrons

- Structure of Renal Corpuscles

Fig. 5. Instructional analysis to teach the topic of glomerular filtration by identifying the main subtopics, subskills, and prerequisite skills.

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Best Practices

and difficulty level will be corrected before the actual delivery Based on the learning objectives, faculty members should
of instruction to the entire class. A large-scale formative choose low cognitive level objectives for out-of-class learning
evaluation is usually conducted by the office of assessment and (e.g., glomerular hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressure),
evaluation, which collects data on students’ performance and where students can self-learn the content at their own pace. In
perceptions toward specific courses or modules. Summative this case, classroom time will be spent learning high-level
evaluation is conducted at the end of the instruction to ensure objectives (e.g., correlate laboratory findings of glomerular
that learners achieved the learning objectives and that the diseases to kidney function). To ensure that students master
course achieved its goals. It is important when assessing out-of-class learning materials, it is important to quiz students
students’ performance to clearly understand the difference and review the materials at the beginning of the session before
between formative assessment, which is assessment for learn- the application of the learned knowledge. Faculty members can
ing (3, 38), and summative assessment, which is assessment of select an instructional strategy for asynchronous web-based
learning (43). Table 2 shows a comparison between the two video lecture or individual computer-based instruction outside
types of assessment and their definitions (3, 43), functions (50), the classroom and interactive group learning activities inside
and characteristics (11). Often, faculty members mistakenly the classroom to engage the learners and select the teaching
turn formative assessment into summative assessment by as- modality that is appropriate for the cognitive level of the
signing a score that is counted toward the final grade. Remem- learning objectives. For example, as strategy for outside-the-
ber: with formative assessment you’re trying to help students classroom activities, lecture video is found to be better than
develop self-evaluation skills rather than trying to make judg- textbook readings to prepare students for classroom activities
ments of their learning. The central component of formative (4). Examples of in-classroom teaching methods used with the
assessment is providing feedback (37). Many researchers have flipped model are small group, team-based learning, problem-
linked the performance in formative assessment to summative based learning, etc.
assessment outcomes (18, 29) and the importance of self- After the design step has been completed, faculty members
regulation in developing skills for lifelong learning (7, 51, 52). now are ready to create and develop content for both the
The global appreciation of the value of formative assessment classroom and out of class that is targeted to the learners and
for learning is represented, for example, by the Liaison Com- desired level of learning. In the development phase, faculty
mittee on Medical Education requirement for provision of members design the structure and flow of the information as
formative assessment in undergraduate medical education (23). well as the type of media that will be used to deliver the content
Evaluation is not limited to the evaluation of the student and develop the out-of-class learning activities (short recorded
performance or their transfer of knowledge; it could also videos, voice-over PPT slides, YouTube videos, etc.). Faculty
include evaluation of students’ attitudes and motivation and members can use existing resource materials that are aligned
evaluating the efficiency of instruction. To formally evaluate
your session or course, keeps a notebook of your observations
and elicit formal and informal feedback from students to make Table 3. Checklist for designing a flipped classroom model
adjustments as necessary.
Example of Designing Student-Centered Learning Using • Course content is appropriate for the flipped model
• Learners clearly understand the new model logistics (grades, participation,
Instructional Design Models assessment, and technology)
• The learning space is conducive for the flipped model
In this example, we will use the principles of instructional • Course goal and objectives are clearly defined
design for developing flipped classroom activities as an exam- Design
ple of student-centered learning. • Pedagogy-based teaching method is selected to interactively engage learners
First, conduct instructional analysis of the course content or • Content for out-of-class learning is selected based on the session objectives
• Assessment tools are selected to measure both in-class and out-of-class
a session content to make sure it is appropriate for the flipped learning
model. Figure 5 shows a simple example of an instructional • Classroom time is highly structured and planned
analysis for a session intended to teach glomerular filtration Develop
and its application to glomerular diseases. This analysis iden- • Out-of-class content is developed based on instructional design principles
tifies the main subtopics necessary for learning glomerular • In-class activities are directly relevant to the out-of-class work and force
students to retrieve, apply, and extend the content learned
filtration as well as their required subskills and prerequisite • Course offers multiple opportunities for students to learn the content and for
skills (entry behaviors). The instructional analysis is usually the instructor to provide feedback on the learner’s performance
followed by learners and context analyses to write the learning Implement
objectives for teaching glomerular filtration. Analysis of the • Course objectives and expectations on attendance and grades are clearly
learners is mainly conducted to identify if the learners have • Students clearly know where to find and when to submit course activities,
acquired the entry behavior skills or foundational knowledge assignments, and homework
(i.e., what and how much they know about the topic from • The instructional setting is conducive to learning
previous experience). If the prerequisite skills of learning • Needed technology and equipment are available
the structure of the glomerular filtration membrane are Evaluate
• The course clearly assesses learning outcomes and learner’s experience in
found to be a lacking knowledge during learner analysis, the flipped classroom
teaching these skills is required before the start of instruc- • Summative and formative evaluation are conducted throughout the course
tion. Lacking the adequate understanding of the founda- delivery
tional knowledge causes students to disengage and become • The instructor plans to use learners’ feedback in an ongoing evaluation to
improve the course
frustrated in this type of learning.

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Best Practices

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