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Reena Quintanilla

OGL 340
Bill Erwin
November 29, 2022
Final Reflections
Prompt #1: In Module 1, you watched "Invictus," a clip from the movie "Gandhi," and a 60
Minute Segment on Mindfulness.  The idea was to have you look at attitude and a mental model
about conflict, review the attitudes of two powerful leaders, and consider your own approach to
conflict.  Did this Module help set a foundation upon which to develop the rest of the course?
What worked and didn't work?
I thought that the learning materials setup for module 1 were very informative. Professor
Erwin wen above and beyond with his videos in every module. The exercises within module one
set the foundation for approaching conflict throughout the course. Watching both Gandhi and
Mandela, two of the most powerful leaders and conflict mediators provided great content to look
back on throughout every module. I will say although I enjoyed watching the moving, I felt like
it was a bit long and time consuming for individuals who work full time like myself.
Prompt #2:  In Module 2, you were introduced to the martial art, Aikido.  The purpose of this
module was to use a martial art that deals with "physical conflict" in a different way, a way that
provided a metaphor for how to deal with conflict in the workplace.  What did you take away
from this Module?  Did you see a connection between the principles of Aikido and the principles
of dealing professionally with workplace conflict?  
Again, I would like to put effort in the videos that were made for this course. They added
so much value to the course and helped me learn not only visually, but it allowed me to
understand concepts better through practicing. Utilizing Aikido to deal professionally in the
workplace was not something that ever crossed my mind before, but it was such a fun approach
to learning how to deal with conflict resolution. Throughout this course, I felt a great deal of
relief from the typical confrontational approach of conflict and remained clear headed through
practicing and learning about mindfulness.
Prompt #3:  In Module 3, you were introduced to the first conflict transformation skill, "Spitting
Out the Hook."  Did you learn the skill?  Will it help you deal with conflict?  Was this quiz (and
were the quizzes} fair, too hard, or too easy?  Did the quizzes help you gain more from the text?
In Module 3 practicing “spitting out the hook” allowed me to connect with my feelings
and emotions and really center myself. It is amazing how much more you can accomplish when
you have a calm demeanor and think before you speak. This allowed me a better more tactful
approach in order to not spiral into continuous argument. I think the quizzes were fair. You really
needed to read in order to pass.
Prompt #4: In Module 4, you were introduced to the second conflict transformation skill,
"H.E.A.R."  Did you learn the skill?  Will it help you deal with conflict?  Some of you already
use an active listening skill; was learning H.E.A.R. too redundant or was it valuable to review?
The H.E.A.R model allowed me to understand missing steps when communicating that
possibly lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication.  The H.E.A.R. model provided me a
tool to better identify events and reactions and ensure that there is proper closed loop
Prompt #5: In Module 5, you were introduced to the third conflict transformation skill, "BURN
CLEAN."  Did you learn the skill?  Will it help you deal with conflict? Will it help you express
your "wants" without throwing out hooks? The H.E.A.R model allowed me to understand
missing steps when communicating that possibly lead to misunderstandings and
The Burn Clean model was a way to express how you feel about something that has
happened. In doing this you must be centered and you must not be quick to anger or be to the
other person.  Burn clean allows you to get something you want done and ensure the other person
is aware of the consequences. It takes a lot of practice and tact and I feel like this was one of the
harder practices of the modules and the one I really enjoyed.
Prompt #6: In Module 6, you were introduced to the fourth conflict transformation skill, "SAY
YES."  Did you learn the steps in this skill?  Will you be able to use it to help you transform
conflict?  How confident do you feel about using the SAY YES Model?  
By following the Say Yes model, you allow the other individual to be heard and it shows
you have a lot of respect for the other party. I feel like this one was similar to H.E.A.R. This
mediation tactic is one I know I will use in certain events in the workplace where I feel there is
irreconcilable conflict evolving. I would say I am quite confident with using this Model, but
practice always helps.

Prompt #7: Is there something you wish you had learned or some topic we needed to spend
more or less time on? Add any final thoughts you think would be helpful in improving this
course.  Overall, was the workload fair and manageable, light or too much?  
I believe that this class added so much value to my educational toolbox. It was so thorough and
informative and it was taught at a great pace for the workload. Unfortunately, I did get really
sick, but my professor was more than understanding and for that I am grateful. I can’t wait to
take other 340 courses with this professor, because I am looking forward to it. Thank you for
making this an enjoyable experience and for putting so much effort into the learning materials.

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