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Lumbini Banijya Campus Butwal (Reaccredited by UGC, Nepal)

BBA Program First Semester, Section ‘A’ & ‘B’

Project Work for Creative Writing

Subject Lecturer: Asst. Prof. Rom Sharma & Madhukar Sharma Subject: English I
Assigned date: Magh 18, 2079 (February 1, 2023)
Submission date: Fagun 8, 2079 (February 20, 2023)

Project Work
Visit any one of the schools offering grade 10+2 classes and ask any five students of grade 12 to
find out the problems in:
a. Students' listening ability, speaking ability, writing skill and reading skill in English
b. The methods and techniques used in learning English

After your field visit prepare a report (as recorded in the questionnaire prescribed below):
- Examining the possible obstacles or difficulties you faced and they may face while
appearing entrance exam and to pursuing BBA degree due to their proficiency in English
- Mentioning about their experience of learning English in grade 12, your experience of
learning English in grade 12 and your experience of learning English in BBA First
Semester class

Report Writing Format

1. Title
Write the title/name of your project report work
2. Introduction
Explain what you set out to do or were asked to do.
3. Significance of the Study
Write how the students of concerned schools and you can be benefited by this project work
4. Purpose of the Study
Write any three or four purposes
5. Methods
Describe the methods you used to collect the data e.g. interview, field visit, questionnaire, etc.
6. Discussion: Finding and Analysis
Summarize your discussion and describe the research or experimentation you did. Explain,
how you achieved the purpose of the study.
7. Results
Describe your findings and the response of the students of concerned schools you visited.
8. Conclusion
Compare the way you are learning English at your campus and the interviewed students
learning English. Write about your study in very short.
9. Suggestions
Suggest the different ways, techniques and methods that can be used in teaching English in
grade 12 so that the problems faced by the students while pursuing BBA degree can be solved
or decreased. Also, suggest the ways, techniques, methods and approaches that can be added
in the existing teaching pedagogy in BBA classes at your campus to make teaching and
learning more effective.
Guidelines for Technical Specifications of Project Work Report
The following guidelines have been provided for the preparation of a project work report.
1. Paper
Use A4 sized paper of good quality.
2. Fonts
Project work reports are typed in Times New Roman using 12-point characters. However,
the students may reduce the font size within tables or figures to fit within margins.
3. Spacing and Justification
Text must be 1.5 spaced, except for quoted passages that may be indented and single-space
for emphasis and within the Table of Contents or List of Figures/Tables when a heading or
caption title wraps to a second line. Text must be justified (align text to both the left and
right margins).
4. Margins
Leave uniform margins of at least 1 in. (2.54 cm) at the top, bottom, left, and right of every
page. Combined with a uniform typeface and font size, uniform margins enhance readability
and provide a consistent gauge for estimating report length.
5. Page Numbers
The preliminary pages (preceding the first main section) must have lower case Roman
numerals starting with the second page that is numbered “ii”. The title page is unnumbered,
but the implied number is “i”. The lower case Roman numerals are placed within the footer
(bottom center). The first page of text (Introduction) uses the Arabic number “1” and pages
thereafter carry consecutive Arabic numbers, including the pages in the Appendices and
References. Arabic numbers are positioned in the upper right-hand corner, one inch from
the top and one inch in from the right edge of the paper.
6. Headings and Subheadings
The following is a general heading level outline to be used. Each new primary heading must
start on a new page.
 Heading Level One
The primary heading or heading level one is center justified, and all upper case.
 Heading Level Two
Heading level two is left aligned; the first letter of each major word is capitalized.
 Heading Level Three
Heading level three is left aligned; the font is underlined and in sentence case.
 Heading Level Four (paragraph heading). This heading is indented with the
paragraph. The font is underlined and in sentence case. The heading ends with a

Name of the Student: Gender: Male/Female

School’s Name: Age:
1. What is the medium of instruction in your class?
a. English b. Nepali c. Mixed?
2. Do you use English while sharing your ideas with your English instructor outside the class?
a. Yes b. No
If yes, have you been benefitted to enhance your English proficiency?
If No, why? …………………………………………………………………………….
3. Do you give any presentation in English class?
a. Yes b. No
If yes, how many presentations have you given so far?
4. How are the English stories, essays and poems, etc. taught in your class?
a. We study the text ourselves, discuss them in the class, and write the summaries
ourselves. The teacher helps us when we have problem.
b. The teacher dictates the summaries; we write them in our notebook, and memorize them.
c. The teacher provides us the readymade notes in print form, and we memorize them.
d. We consult guidebooks and prepare for the examination.
e. ……………………………………………………………………………
5. How are the contents and exercises taught in your class?
a. We solve exercises ourselves, discuss them in the class. The teacher helps us when we
have problem.
b. The teacher dictates the answers; we write them in our notebook, and memorize them.
c. The teacher provides us the readymade answers in print form, and we memorize them.
d. We consult guidebooks and prepare for the examination.
e. …………………………………………………………………………….
6. What home assignments do you get from your English instructor? Please tick all that apply
to you.
a. The exercises from the textbooks.
b. Presentations
c. Report writing
d. Email or letter writing.
e. No homework at all.
f. ……………………………………………………………………………
7. What is your opinion on internal assessment given by your English instructor?
a. I think internal assessments are very useful in improving my English.
b. I think internal assessments are waste of time because the marks are not added to the
final examinations.
c. If others. ……………………………………………………………………………….
8. Can you tell me the practical use of English proficiency that you acquire from Compulsory
a. Yes
b. No
If yes, please tell me in short.
If no, please give reasons.

Note: Please, ask these questions listed in the questionnaire to the interviewee/students and
record their answer, and prepare your report following the given format. You can also add
other relevant questions to meet the purpose of your study.

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