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Part 1

Team Sparky - Project Charter

Team Charter
Project Title Project Quality Management Training

Mission Statement To explain what project quality management is and how it will
enhance the effectiveness of the organization.

Product Create an orientation module presentation on project quality

Description management that will be an introduction to a training program for
Deliverables mid-level managers.

Goal Our goal is to teach managers what project quality management is

and why it is so important.

Our second goal is to get an A on all group project milestone

assignments with everyone's active participation and hard work.

Stakeholders List
Name Expectations
Joanna Perracchio - Communicate regularly and effectively
through email, google docs, zoom
Cecilia Chavez meetings, and text
Matt Wheeler - Editing of each milestone deliverables and
finally signoff before submitted
Baylee Wardle - Submit work with honesty and integrity by
citing all sources
Reena Melinda Quintanilla
- Possess good time management to respect
other members schedules and time
sensitive due dates
- Ask questions if there is confusion and be
willing to help other teammates

Summary Milestone Schedule

Description Due Date
Milestone 1
Team charter and overview of
project quality management January 29th, 2023

Milestone 2
Develop a plan for how we are
going to explain project quality February 12th, 2023
management to our audience
Milestone 3
Develop the orientation training
February 26th, 2023
Norm #1 Show up prepared for that meeting’s content and ready to

Norm #2 Provide respectful feedback to all team members throughout

the project process.

Norm #3 Create a safe environment for discussion and openness.

Assumptions Constraints
-All team members will complete their - Time differences
tasks for the project - Work schedules
- Cloud-based
editing/technology issues
- Emergencies
- Unexpected health issues

PART 2- Overview of Project Quality Management

Project Quality management “includes the processes for incorporating the organization’s
quality policy regarding planning, managing, and controlling project and product quality
requirements in order to meet stakeholders’ objectives” (Rose, 2014). Practicing quality project
management is necessary because it will ultimately lead to a project’s success. In order to reach
project success, a project manager must meet all identified requirements set forth for the project
or product. Brown states that “the project manager ultimately is judged on the triple constraint of
the time, cost and scope of the project” (Brown, 2014). Project quality management ensures that
all requirements are delivered to the customer at the quality that they will expect.
The first step to ensuring your project’s quality is to plan the quality. During project
planning, stakeholders ascertain what the quality of a finished product is to be and agree upon
the cost, deadline and scope or goal. Proper planning will confirm that you, as the project
manager, have a good understanding about the quality expectations of your customer. Proper
planning will ensure that your project team is set up for the proper processes in order to meet the
specified quality as well as ensure that all individuals who are a part of the project understand
what these processes entail and what the goal is to achieve such quality. Communication is key
and should be continuous throughout your project. The quality criteria of the project itself
remains in the stakeholders wants, so it is imperative that the project manager ensures that all
interested parties define the project requirements and in doing so, it may save them the headache
later. Rose states that, “Quality is the ability of a set of inherent characteristics of a product,
system, or process to fulfill requirements of customers and other interested parties” (Rose, 2014).
Once we have a well-defined plan laid out, we will monitor and manage the project’s
quality by performing quality assurance and quality control. Performing these actions will
validate that we are on track and doing the processes set for us correctly. The PMBOK Guide
defines performing quality assurance as “applying the planned, systemic quality activities to
ensure that the project employs all processes needed to meet requirements” (PMBOK Guide,
Ch8). Performing quality assurance will help identify problems and mitigate risks throughout the
project. Quality assurance also acts as a baseline for continuous quality improvements. This can
be done through risk management and conducting a root cause analysis. Lastly, quality control
consists of validating results and fitness for use, by validating quality standards through testing
and inspection of the product. Quality control is a catch all, to ensure we are pushing out a
product that will satisfy the customer. Although these three key attributes of project quality
management may play at the forefront to accomplishing quality. None can be accomplished with
the said attributes of communication, risk management and continuous improvement.
The role of project management in the development of PQM practices has three elements
according to the PMBOK Guide, those three include quality planning, quality assurance, and
quality control. “Juran Trilogy describes three slightly different elements: quality planning,
quality control, and quality management. Quality assurance is similar to quality control.” (Rose
2014) Project quality management…”includes the processes and activities of the performing
organization that determine quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities so that the project
will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken” (Rose 2014). This is when a project
management has clear and effective communication when interacting with stakeholders to define
a clear scope without ambiguity. A project manager must be able to build trust with stakeholders
and team members, to efficiently support each other. A project manager will address budget,
time, scope, and resources needed for the team to be able to meet the objective in the time frame.
Quality planning requires the documentation of the standards, quality requirements, and
deliverables documented. “conformance and prevention to achieve quality” (Rose 2014). A
Quality Management plan is part of quality planning. This is a document that is used as a starting
point. The elements included are “quality policy, who is in charge? Where are we going” How
are we going to get there” (Rose 2014). Identifying customers is important to know who the
target group is for the project. When a team is able to have a positive culture this will allow input
from each member in the team to contribute. Management must be aware of the unforeseen
circumstances that can happen such as scope creep. This is why it’s important to be aware and
proactive on action plans that can be used for prevention. “In order to adapt, a company must
have its antennae tuned to signals of change from the external environment, decode them, and
quickly act to refine or reinvent its business model and even reshape the information landscape
of its industry” ( Reeves, Diemler 2011). Each team member is assigned with tasks and specific
responsibilities. When there are clear objectives, communication and responsibilities from the
start it will allow for the process of project quality management practices to run smoothly. It’s
important in being proactive and having everything clear to avoid spending extra time, money
and resources.
Leadership must maintain an understanding of the benefits of the project quality
management processes. The following 6 elements are ones that are essential in building a solid
project quality management foundation.

● Quality Planning:
Quality planning is important as part of project quality management because it helps to ensure
that the project will meet or exceed customer requirements and expectations. It involves
identifying the specific quality standards and objectives for the project, and then developing a
plan to achieve those goals. This includes identifying potential quality risks and developing
strategies to mitigate them. By having a well-defined quality plan in place, the project team is
better able to ensure that the final deliverables will meet the customer's expectations and be of
high quality.

● Quality Assurance:
Quality assurance is important as part of project quality management because it helps to ensure
that the project is being executed in accordance with the quality plan and standards. By
performing quality assurance activities, the project team can identify and address quality issues
early on, before they become major problems. This helps to ensure that the final deliverables will
meet the customer's requirements and expectations, and will be of high quality. Additionally, it
also helps to identify areas of improvement which can be taken into account in future projects

● Quality Control:
This involves inspecting and testing the project's deliverables to ensure that they meet the
established quality standards. Quality control also helps to identify any issues that might have
been missed during the quality assurance process and address them before they become a bigger
problem. This helps to maintain the quality of the project and increase customer satisfaction.

● Continuous Improvement:
Continuous improvement is important as part of project quality management because it allows
the project team to continuously evaluate and improve the quality of the project throughout its
lifecycle. Continuous improvement is a process of identifying and implementing changes to the
project that will improve its performance, efficiency, and effectiveness. Continuous
improvement can be achieved by conducting regular quality reviews, analyzing project data, and
incorporating feedback from stakeholders. This helps to ensure that the project team is always
working to improve the quality of the project and deliver the best possible outcome to the

● Communication:
Communication is important as part of project quality management because it helps to ensure
that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project's quality objectives, standards, and
expectations. Effective communication is essential for ensuring that the project is executed in
accordance with the quality plan and that quality issues are identified and addressed in a timely
manner. Effective communication also helps to create a culture of quality within the project team
and promotes a shared understanding of the importance of quality in the project. Additionally, it
allows for better coordination of the project team and stakeholders with quality management
activities, which will help to ensure that the final deliverables meet the customer's requirements
and expectations.

● Risk Management:
Risk management is important as part of project quality management because it helps to identify
and mitigate potential quality risks that could negatively impact the project and its deliverables.
Quality risks are any factors that could affect the ability of the project to meet its quality
objectives and standards. By identifying and managing these risks, the project team can
minimize the potential negative impact on the project, and increase the chances of delivering a
successful outcome. By having a well-defined risk management plan in place, the project team
can proactively identify and manage potential quality risks.

(n.d.). Chapter 8: Project Quality Management. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from


Brown, J. T. (2014). “Handbook of program management: How to facilitate project

success with optimal program management" (second ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Reeves, M., & Deimler, M. (2011). Adaptability: The New Competitive Advantage. Retrieved

2023, from

Rose, K. (2014). Project quality management: Why, what, and how. Plantation, Florida:

J. Ross Publishing.
Name Ready for Review Approval (yes/no) Approval Date

Reena Quintanilla yes Jan 29, 2023

Baylee Wardle yes jan 29, 2023

Cecilia Chavez ● yes Jan 29, 2023

Joanna Perracchio ● yes Jan 29, 2023

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