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The Lacrimal Gland and Its Veil of Tears

Benjamin Walcott

The secretory cells of the lacrimal gland produce a highly complex product of
water, ions and proteins. At least five neurotransmitter receptors and three
different second message systems are involved in controlling the different
secretory processes of this highly sophisticated secretory epithelium.

T he tear film that covers the anterior surface of

the mammalian eye has a variety of con-
stituents that are essential for the maintenance of
exchange between the air and the epithelium. It
cleans debris from the transparent surface, pro-
viding a clear optical path to the retina, and pro-
“The tear film also
provides essential
the avascular transparent corneal epithelium. tects the ocular surface from invasion by bacteria metabolites such as
This film keeps the cornea wet, thus allowing gas and viruses. The tear film also provides essential retinol. . . .”
metabolites such as retinol, which serves to pre-
serve the transparent nature of the epithelium.
B. Walcott is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Neuro- The tear film is structurally complex with three
biology and Behavior at the State University of New York, distinct layers: a surface lipid layer (0.1–0.2 µm
Stony Brook, NY 11794–5230, USA. thick), a middle aqueous layer (7–8 µm thick),
0886-1714/98 5.00 @ 1998 Int. Union Physiol. Sci./Am.Physiol. Soc. News Physiol. Sci. • Volume 13 • April 1998 97
and an inner mucus layer (30 µm thick). The to protect the cornea from viral and bacterial
mucus layer is associated with the microvilli of infections. This is important because the cornea
the corneal epithelial cells and becomes less is a wet, warm surface and thus is an ideal path-
dense toward the aqueous layer where the way for pathogens to invade the body and to
boundary is indistinct. In mammals, the mucus affect the cornea. Retinol, which is derived from
layer is produced by goblet cells in the cornea vitamin A, is necessary for the health of the
and conjunctiva, the aqueous layer by the cornea. The growth factors, TGF, EGF, and
lacrimal glands and other accessory glands, and endothelin-1, are thought to be involved in the
the surface lipid layer by the meibomian glands wound healing process in response to corneal
and, in the case of many nonprimates, by the abrasion or ulceration. The osmolarity of the
harderian glands as well. lacrimal fluid is about 300 mosM and contains
The most studied of these sources of the tear Na+ (128.7 mM), K+ (17 mM), Cl– (141.3 mM),
“The growth factors. . . film are the lacrimal glands, which are the largest and bicarbonate (HCO3–; 12.4 mM) (12). This
are thought to be of these organs in mammals and are easily acces- fluid has about the same osmolarity as plasma
involved in the sible. In rodents, for example, the extraorbital but has lower Na+ (140 mM plasma) and higher
wound healing lacrimal gland is found under the skin on the lat- K+ (4 mM plasma) and much higher Cl– (100 mM
process. . . .” eral side of the face near the ear. In the rabbit, the plasma). As is discussed later, the higher K+ and
gland is located within the orbit but is relatively Cl– are a reflection of the way in which water is
easy to remove and is larger in size. Most physi- moved across the epithelium and into the gland
ological studies have used glands from either the lumen.
mouse, rat, or rabbit to examine the control and
mechanisms of secretion by this epithelium. This
work is important in part because dysfunction of
the lacrimal gland can lead to dry eye, which is The lacrimal glands consist of a tubular secre-
a painful and potentially blinding condition. The tory epithelium organized into lobes that drain
lacrimal gland epithelium also is an elegant into ducts; these ducts anastomose into larger
secretory tissue of multiple functions with com- ducts that finally drain onto the ocular surface.
plex control systems that can serve as a model Associated with the secretory tubules are myoep-
for other secretory epithelia. ithelial cells (which are thought to “squeeze” the
secretory products down the tubules), fibroblasts
(which produce the collagen and matrix that fill
The nature of tear fluid
the interstitial regions), and occasional mast cells
The fluid secreted by the lacrimal glands is a (which secrete histamine and heparin). In addi-
complex solution of ions and proteins produced tion, there are B cells and T cells of the immune
by two resident secretory cell populations: the system as well as plasma cells normally scattered
plasma cells of the immune system and the aci- throughout the interstitium of the gland. As with
nar and duct cells of the secretory epithelium of most secretory epithelia, the cells of the secreto-
the gland. The plasma cells are found in the inter- ry tubules (the acinar cells) are columnar with
stitial spaces of the gland and migrate into it from basally located nuclei and a large perinuclear
lymphoid organs such as the gut-associated lym- Golgi apparatus. The duct cells are similarly
phoid tissue (GALT). These plasma cells secrete organized, although they are more cuboidal in
immunoglobin A (IgA) which is important in pro- shape. The apical portion of the acinar and duct
tecting the ocular surface from infection. The aci- cells is filled with vesicles, which, in most cells,
nar cells of the secretory epithelium have three are not dense and therefore give the cell a
main functions: to synthesize and secrete a num- “frothy” appearance in the light microscope. The
ber of tear-specific proteins, to secrete water, and base of the cells has an associated basement
to transport the IgA secreted by the plasma cells membrane, which is important in the polariza-
from the interstitial compartment into the lumen tion and function of the cell. The cells have a
of the gland. large junctional complex near the luminal pole
The lacrimal gland-specific proteins found at that serves to mechanically attach the cells to
highest concentrations in the tears are lactoferrin, each other and to couple them electrically and
tear-specific prealbumin (TSP or lipocalin), and chemically. There are extensive gap junctions in
lysozyme (7). Other proteins occurring at lower this region, which consist of the connexins 26
concentrations are amylase, peroxidase, plas- and 32. Gap junctions can also be found outside
minogen activator, prolactin, epidermal growth of the junctional complex in some species such
factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-β (TGF- as the mouse. The high density of junctions in
β), endothelin-1, and retinol. Lactoferrin, TSP, this gland suggests that acinar cells could be cou-
peroxidase, and lysozyme as well as IgA function pled both within and between secretory tubules.
98 News Physiol. Sci. • Volume 13 • April 1998
FIGURE 1. A flow diagram showing the various receptors found on the acinar cell surface, their relation to second messenger
systems, and their ultimate effect on protein and water secretion. Many gaps in this scheme remain to be filled, for example,
how the activity of protein kinase C (PKC) and protein kinase A (PKA) actually increases vesicle fusion. Note that ion channels
(and thus water movement) are largely regulated by intracellular Ca2+ (Cai), which is increased by the action of both inositol
trisphosphate (IP3) (in the ACh pathway) and cAMP [in the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) pathway]. Enk, enkephalin; a-
ADR, a-adrenoreceptor; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; AC, adenylate cyclase; DAG, diacylglycerol.

The glands are innervated by both the sympa-

Protein secretion
thetic and parasympathetic divisions of the auto-
nomic nervous system (8). The detailed pattern As described earlier, a number of proteins are
and nature of the innervation vary considerably synthesized and secreted by the lacrimal gland “. . .a number of
among different species, but all have extensive acinar cells. The secretion of these proteins is proteins are
numbers of cholinergic fibers, many of which stimulated by the neurotransmitters and neu- synthesized and
also contain the neuropeptide vasoactive intesti- ropeptides found in the neurons that innervate secreted by the
nal polypeptide (VIP), and fewer adrenergic the gland. The acinar cells, therefore, have recep- lacrimal gland acinar
fibers. The rat extraorbital lacrimal gland, for tors for acetylcholine (muscarinic M3) (9), VIP cells.”
example, has a moderate density of large non- (types I and II), and norepinephrine (α1 and β)
varicose fibers, whereas the same gland in the and presumably, in some cases, have receptors
mouse has a very dense pattern of small, highly for peptides of the proenkephalin family as well
varicose fibers. Birds have large numbers of as other peptides such as neuropeptide Y,
adrenergic neurons and also substance P-con- adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and α-
taining neurons (14). In the rabbit and rat, fibers melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH).
that are positive for the enkephalins, specifically Immunocytochemical localization of M3 mus-
Leu and Met enkephalin, also exist. Other neu- carinic acetylcholine receptors and of both VIP
ropeptides have been reported in various receptors shows that not all acinar cells possess
lacrimal glands as well; for example, in the mon- these receptors. However, because the acinar
key, neuropeptide Y and calcitonin gene-related cells are extensively coupled by gap junctions,
peptide are present. The innervation therefore is second messengers produced by activation of
highly complex and is species specific in detail. those receptors, such as Ca2+ and inositol
The nerves that innervate the lacrimal glands trisphosphate (IP3), could easily diffuse from
come from autonomic ganglia. The parasympa- stimulated cells to adjacent nonstimulated ones,
thetic postganglionic neural cell bodies are causing them to become activated. As far as is
found in the pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) known, all the membrane receptors are coupled
ganglion as well as the ciliary ganglion. Sympa- to G proteins that in turn regulate the activity of
thetic fibers originate in the superior cervical the several second messenger systems found in
ganglion, and there is some innervation, proba- many cells (Fig.1).
bly sensory, from the trigeminal ganglion (13). The muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are
The pathways from these ganglia to the gland linked to G proteins (Gs and Gq/11), which are
vary significantly from species to species. coupled to phospholipase C, resulting, on activa-
News Physiol. Sci. • Volume 13 • April 1998 99
tion, in increased production of IP3 and diacyl- acinar cells have segregated secretory pathways
glycerol (DAG) (4). IP3 induces the release of for certain secreted proteins and neurotransmit-
intracellular stores of Ca2+ and also is believed to ters have different stimulatory effects on these
open membrane Ca2+ channels. These ion chan- secretory pathways. It is also possible that differ-
nels are few in number and are small so that their ent populations of cells in the same gland have
detection by patch-clamp methods is difficult. different secretory products whose secretion can
The effect of these actions is to increase the intra- be differentially controlled, resulting in a different
cellular Ca2+ levels transiently as shown by exper- secretory product. This latter possibility is less
iments using the Ca2+-sensitive dye fura 2. DAG likely because of the high degree of coupling of
activates several protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes, acinar cells by gap junctions and the ease with
specifically α, ε, and δ, which will further stimu- which second messenger molecules could diffuse
late secretion. VIP receptors are coupled to G pro- from one cell to another.
teins that activate adenylate cyclase. The activa- The secretion of proteins by the acinar cells
tion of the adenylate cyclase increases adenosine involves vesicle fusion with the apical membrane
39,59-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) levels, and depends on membrane movement from
which in turn activates protein kinase A, which intracellular structures such as the Golgi appara-
causes the phosphorylation of proteins that stim- tus. To conserve membrane, there is an endocy-
ulate protein secretion (5). In addition, VIP causes totic process of internalization and intracellular
an increase in intracellular Ca2+, presumably by processing of apical membrane, as seen in most
means of second message systems that open Ca2+ secretory cells. In addition in the lacrimal gland
channels in the plasma membrane. The increase acinar cells, there is endocytotic movement of
in intracellular Ca2+ from both acetylcholine and membrane from the basolateral surface into the
VIP stimulation will increase the open time and cell where it is processed. Whereas some of this
thus the total conductance of the Ca2+-dependent basolateral membrane is used for apical secre-
K+ and Cl– channels, which are important in the tion, particularly of the sIgA complex, a signifi-
secretion of water. cant amount is cycled back to the basolateral sur-
α-Adrenergic agonists stimulate protein secre- face after intracellular processing. This basolater-
tion by activating PKC but not through the inter- al membrane traffic may have several important
mediary action of IP3, Ca2+, or cAMP. The functions. It can be an important route by which
enkephalins have an inhibitory effect on protein certain molecules such as prolactin enter the aci-
secretion induced by either VIP or acetylcholine. nar cells and exert their regulatory effect. In addi-
These receptors are coupled to Gi proteins that tion, stimulated acinar cells can express major
inhibit the stimulatory activity of other G pro- histocompatability complex II molecules, a char-
teins on the adenylate cyclase and phospholi- acteristic of antigen-presenting cells of the
pase C systems. immune system. The basolateral membrane recy-
Most of the preceding data are from studies that cling, therefore, could be involved in antigen
determined the secretion of either total protein or presentation as well as secretion of autoantigens
“. . .to move dimeric a specific protein such as peroxidase from gland (11). Understanding this process is important for
IgA from the interstitial fragments from a variety of different animals. Sjögren’s syndrome, for example, a dry eye dis-
fluid. . . onto the Given the species variation in the nature of the ease in which an autoimmune response occurs
ocular surface.” innervation, perhaps not all of the mechanisms involving lymphocytic infiltration of the lacrimal
described occur in all animals. However, it is gland that results in destruction of some acinar
clear that all species seem to have both acetyl- tissue with loss of function.
choline and VIP present and have receptors for
both. An additional generalization is that in the
Transport of IgA
lacrimal glands, for example, in rabbits, where
there are adrenergic nerve fibers, activation of Another major function of the lacrimal gland
both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons acinar cells is to move dimeric IgA from the inter-
induces an increase in protein secretion. An issue stitial fluid into the tear ducts and thus onto the
then is the reason for such a complex innervation ocular surface. IgA is produced by plasma cells
pattern with so many neurotransmitters and resident in the lacrimal gland. There is a constant
receptors if their sole function is to increase total traffic of these plasma cells into the gland, as
protein secretion. A possible clue is seen in the rat antibodies can be evoked by antigens either
secretion data, in which the ratio of a specific pro- placed on the ocular surface or introduced into
tein (peroxidase) to the total protein is different if the animal through other means such as the gut.
stimulation is with carbachol (a muscarinic It is thought that most plasma cells arise in the
cholinergic agonist) or propranolol (a β-adrener- GALT and then migrate to peripheral lymphoid
gic agonist) (3). The possibility exists, then, that organs such as the lacrimal glands. Most circu-
100 News Physiol. Sci. • Volume 13 • April 1998
the levels of the SC and thus the rate of transport
(6). Understanding the role that androgens have in
the normal functioning of the secretory acinar
cells is important because over 90% of patients
with Sjögren’s syndrome, a dry eye disease, are
female. In addition to androgens, VIP induces a
dose-dependent increase in SC production as do
various lymphokines such as interleukin-1α and
tumor necrosis factor-α. Isoproterenol (a β-adren-
ergic agonist) stimulates SC production but only in
the presence of the hormone dihydrotestosterone.
However, carbachol, an acetylcholine agonist,
actually decreases SC synthesis, possibly by inter- “Androgens, such as
fering with the production of cAMP. This reduction testosterone, increase
in SC due to carbachol is odd because acetyl- the levels of the SC
choline is known to stimulate both protein and and thus the rate of
water secretion by these cells. Such an observa- transport. . . .”
tion, however, does raise the interesting issue of
different secretory pathways and their control and
FIGURE 2. Secretion of water by the acinar cells is by osmo- suggests that the complex innervation and second
sis and is driven by the outward movement of ions, particu- messenger pathways that exist in this gland could
larly Cl–. Neurotransmitter receptors are linked via second
differentially regulate protein synthesis/secretion,
messenger systems to ion channels and regulate their perme-
ability and thus the movement of water. water transport, and sIgA transport.
Whereas sIgA is the dominant immunoglobu-
lating B cells that are destined to become plasma lin in mammalian tears, smaller amounts of IgG
cells are specific for IgG with a minority being and IgM are also produced by plasma cells in the
IgA. Therefore, there must be selective retention gland. In birds, the major lacrimal gland, the
of the IgA cells within the lacrimal gland, harderian gland, has a very large population of
although the precise mechanism is not known. plasma cells that secrete IgG and few that secrete
The IgA produced by the resident plasma cells IgA. IgG is not actively transported across the
is secreted as a dimer, with the pair of antibody epithelium as is sIgA in mammals but rather dif-
molecules linked by a protein called “J chain” fuses between the epithelial cells. It seems likely
that is also synthesized by the plasma cell. The that, in birds, large numbers of plasma cells are
complex is referred to as sIgA. For the sIgA to required to produce a significant concentration
reach the glandular lumen, it must be transported gradient across the epithelium so that diffusion of
through the acinar cells. To do this, the acinar significant amounts of IgG can occur. In this
cells produce a glycoprotein known as secretory gland, the plasma cells have cholinergic neurons
component (SC) that functions as a “sacrificial among them and have muscarinic acetylcholine
receptor.” SC is found on the basolateral mem- receptors on their surface (2). Activation of these
branes of the acinar cells as well as in the mem- receptors with carbachol increases intracellular
branes of the Golgi apparatus, secretory vesicles, Ca2+, which increases the rate of secretion of IgG
and the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The sIgA above the basal level. Thus, in birds, there is
complex has a high affinity for the SC and binds neural modulation of the production of
to it on the basolateral surface of the acinar cells. immunoglobulins, whereas, in mammals, there
By the process of endocytosis, the SC-sIgA com- is modulation of the transport across the epithe-
plex is internalized in vesicles and transported lium, but both systems serve to regulate the con-
across the acinar cell to the apical surface. There, centration of immunoglobulins in the tear fluid.
the vesicles fuse with the apical membranes of
the acinar cells and the SC is cleaved into two
Secretion of water
parts, one of which is retained in the membrane
and the other that remains attached to the now One of the major secretory “products” of the
free sIgA complex. lacrimal gland is water. This water is moved from
The majority of the IgA found in tears, therefore, the interstitial spaces of the gland into the lumen
consists of a dimer linked by J chain that has of the gland where it is mixed with the other
attached to it the soluble portion of the SC. This secretory products. This water movement is
transport of sIgA is regulated by a variety of factors accomplished by osmosis, which depends on the
that affect the levels of SC synthesis in the acinar movement of particles (ions) from the acinar cells
cells. Androgens, such as testosterone, increase into the lumen (Fig. 2). Therefore, most studies
News Physiol. Sci. • Volume 13 • April 1998 101
FIGURE 3. Diagram showing the major ion channels, coupled transporters (CT), and active transport systems (AT) responsible
for the aqueous and ionic nature of the secretory product. Note that large numbers of Na+-K+ pumps (AT) in the basolateral
membrane exist that create the ion gradients that allow the coupled transport systems to work. There are many types of K+ and
Cl– channels, distinguished by their conductance, but most are regulated by Ca2+, and it is this process that regulates the move-
ment of water across the epithelium.

have examined the process of water movement movement of Na+ coupled to the outward flux of
indirectly by characterizing the membrane chan- H+, and a second system affects the outward
nels through which ions move in and out of the movement of bicarbonate ion (HCO 3–) as Cl–
acinar cells. Similar to the salivary gland, the moves in (10). HCO 3– are produced by carbonic
lacrimal gland has a distinction between the aci- anhydrase in the cells and serve to buffer the
nar cells that produce the bulk of the fluid and lacrimal gland cells and fluid.
protein and the duct cells that modify the ionic The basolateral membranes also have ion
composition of the fluid by retaining Na+. How- channels, specifically for K+, Cl–, and Ca2+ as
ever, most physiological studies are not able to well as more general cation and anion channels.
differentiate between these two cell types and The Ca2+ channels are involved generally in the
most consider that these mechanisms take place process of excitation/secretion coupling and, by
in all the cells (Fig. 2). affecting the permeability of other ion channels,
The acinar cell surface membrane is differenti- indirectly regulate the movement of water.
ated into basolateral and apical domain, which Because the number of Ca2+ ions that move is
are separated by the junctional complex (Fig. 3). small and there are few channels, they have little
The apical domain is thought to contain water direct effect on water movement themselves. The
channels (aquaporin 5), which facilitate the apical membrane of the cell, however, is
movement of water across the epithelium. In believed to be rich in Cl– channels, which are
addition, Cl– and K+ channels are present to Ca2+ sensitive. On activation of the cell, the
“The apical domain allow the movement of solute across the epithe- raised intracellular Ca2+ will open the Cl– chan-
is thought to contain lium. The basolateral membranes contain large nels and that will allow an outward movement of
water channels numbers of Na+ pumps, the Na+-K+-ATPase, Cl– into the lumen. Na+ will follow across the
(aquaporin 5). . . .” which actively move K+ into the cell and Na+ out epithelium through the junctional complexes as
of the cell, maintaining the usual gradients that well as through the cation channels in the acinar
are seen in all cells. It is this gradient (more Na+ cells. This movement of ions into the lumen will
outside and K+ inside) that provides the motive osmotically drive the movement of water through
force for the movement of ions and water across the aquaporin channels into the lumen to main-
the epithelium. In addition, there are several tain the osmotic balance.
coupled transport systems (porters) driven by the The movement of Cl– out of the apical mem-
concentration gradients created by the Na+ brane is dependent on the ion gradient of the Cl–
pump and by the activity of carbonic anhydrase. across the cell membrane and on the relation of
One cotransport system mediates the inward the membrane potential of the cell to the Cl– equi-
102 News Physiol. Sci. • Volume 13 • April 1998
librium potential. As long as the membrane poten- lins and water, which also are essential elements
tial is below the Cl– equilibrium potential, Cl– will of the tear film. There are at least four neuro-
move out of the cell into the lumen and so will transmitter/neuropeptide receptors associated
water. As the cell becomes depolarized, less Cl– with the acinar cells that affect a number of dif-
will move and thus less water. If the membrane ferent second message systems that, in turn, reg-
potential becomes equal to or depolarized above ulate the various secretory/transport processes.
the Cl– equilibrium potential, then there will be no
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