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True Stewardship: Managing the Life God Has Given You

In recent years, carpe diem—“seize the day”—has become a motto for living each day to the fullest.
That’s actually a biblical concept. We only have a limited time on earth to fulfill God’s purpose for our
lives. We must seize every opportunity God gives us “as long as it is still called ‘Today’” (Hebrews

This concept is called “stewardship.” It refers to the way we manage the life God has given you and
me. We often think of God’s gifts in three areas: our time, our talent, and our treasure. Each is ours
to manage every day of our lives.

Time: Investing the Minutes of Life in the Priorities of God 

You’ve heard it said, “Life is like a coin. You can spend it however you want, but you only can spend
it once.”  Psalm 90 (the oldest psalm) tells us that we have a limited time on earth to accomplish
God’s plan for our lives. We know time has to be handled carefully, but search the Internet for “time
management,” and you’ll find 500 million sites full of tips and techniques to better manage your life.
With so many options, where do you start?. . . God’s Word. Scripture shows us how we should
wisely invest our most valuable asset, the minutes we spend on earth.

So teach us to number our days,

That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
—Psalm 90:12

Talent: Putting Your Skills to Work in the Family of God

When you received Christ, you gained the right to be called a child of God. And with that position
came the responsibility of pitching in to help meet the family’s needs. God has equipped you by His
Spirit to minister in a way as unique as your fingerprints. In God’s family, everyone is considered
“gifted.” Regardless of your personality, your IQ, or how high or low you rank on the social strata,
you have spiritual gifts. And the body of Christ needs you—just as God designed. 

Treasure: The Joy of Partnering with God

The whole subject of giving money can be confusing. We ask ourselves bottom-line questions. How
much should I give? To what cause should I contribute? What’s the proper attitude I should have
toward giving? The Bible explores our giving in great and varied detail, demonstrating how important
our acts of financial stewardship are to God. By giving back a portion of what we have received from
Him, we’re acknowledging His ownership of it. We’re acting as channels through which He supplies
others’ needs. We’re proving our faithfulness in large and small matters.

Most of all, God wants us to give to Him because this act of worship is like a sweet, fragrant aroma
to Him. When our generosity goes deep, the sacrifice delights Him (see Mark 12:41–44). When we
give enthusiastically to Him, we put our money where our hearts are.
Do you want your life to count? Do you want to fulfill the purpose for which you were born? Begin
here: seize the day . . . and entrust yourself to God. As the first and highest act of godly stewardship,
invite Him to direct your days and the ways you spend your time, your talent, and your treasure.


An important aspect of being a godly steward of your treasure is managing how your money is
spent, invested, and passed on to the next generation. No matter your age or income, be wise in
how you manage what God has given you. Many people are unaware that you can significantly
reduce tax obligations in your estate by designating a portion of your inheritance to a ministry you
believe in and care about. Insight for Living is able to help you with the details—for your good and for
God’s glory.

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