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CLASS: IB 1505

Võ Trung Kiên
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Ngọc
Nguyễn Liên Quỳnh Như
Trần Thị Cẩm Lệ
Đặng Tuấn Anh
I. About the Company
II. External
III. Internal
IV. Identify Firm Market
V. Assessing the
efficiency of the current
VI. Conclusion
VII. References
Mr. Nguyen Trung Dung founded DH Foods Co., Ltd in 2012, specializing in the
production of traditional Vietnamese spice goods.
DH Foods is known for its salt dipping sauce, dipping sauce, natural spices,
marinated and cooked spices, and other product lines that reflect the qualities of
each location.
Bringing the interests of consumers to the forefront of research activities on product
quality and business development orientation.
Dh Foods has expanded at a rate of 50% per year over the previous five years, with
recent revenues of 100 billion dong and a net profit margin of 10% in 2020.
Dh foods ambition is to provide traditional Vietnamese spice products with regional
characteristics that are healthier for family meals.


According to Wikipedia, an
annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding


DH food uses strategic modeling tools to look at their external environments. DH food's
external analysis will help them review the situation and apply strategic models and
tools to review their company's business environment. PESTEL Analysis is a popular and
effective method for understanding the external environment.
a. Political is a factor affecting the determination of aspects that may affect the viability
and development of DH food companies in a certain country or market. DH food
operates in the field of supplying essential spices for domestic and foreign markets, so
it also bears some risks about politics and the political system in the market.
Political stability and the importance of the spice sector to the economy.
Rates of taxation and incentives.
Government policies will affect DH food. Must comply with government policies such
as trade policy, industry development policy, economic development, tax, consumer
protection, environmental protection policy…
Policy on import and export tax, consumption tax, income tax, etc. will affect the
revenue and profit of DH food
Product: Product labeling and other requirements.
Strictly comply with the laws: Investment Law, Enterprise Law, Labor Law, Antitrust
Law, Anti-Dumping Law...
b. Economic is also a factor to pay attention to because it affects the activities of DH
food company. DH food needs to pay attention to macroeconomic factors such as
inflation rate, savings rate, interest rate, exchange rate and business cycle because it
determines aggregate demand and total investment in a given period. economy.
Microenvironmental factors such as competitive standards have an impact on the
competitive advantage of enterprises. DH food can use national economic factors such
as growth rate, inflation and industry economic indicators such as spice industry growth
rate to predict future industry growth.
Government intervention in the spice industry market
Exchange rates and currency stability
Skill level of the workforce in the spice industry
The rate of economic expansion, inflation
International Business Strategy
Labor costs and productivity in the economy
Future economic outlook

c. The culture and way of life of each society will have different cultural values and social
factors. those factors that influence the culture of an organization in a given
environment. DH food marketers will analyze the customers of the market and build
marketing messages for consumers based on people's shared opinions and attitudes.
As knowledge levels rise, more people will be aware that some chemicals are
harmful to their health.
Individuals' standard of living: Vietnamese people still have low living conditions,
and the distinction between urban and rural areas is obvious.
Health and environmental awareness is increasing day by day
The demand for healthy and delicious food is increasing day by day
d. Technology in Vietnam is increasingly improved markedly. Technological limitations
in the spice industry lie in the preservation of raw materials because the weather in
Vietnam is very erratic and there are ingredients that need to be stored at a certain
Impact of technology on product supply: thanks to high technology, the supply of DH
food has exceeded the demand, so DH food has expanded its market to the world.
Impact on cost structure: the higher the technology, the more products the product
costs will be reduced
e. Environmental: Vietnam is an agricultural country, with a large cultivation area, it is
possible to grow many different types of raw materials, but sometimes some materials
have to be imported from abroad because of crop failure. However, the Vietnamese
market has its own environmental standards and rules, so DH food also needs to
carefully analyze environmental standards in order to operate in the market more
Regulations on air and water pollution in business and production
Waste management and waste treatment
f. Legal: With competitive pressure on the spice industry in the market today, DH food
or other businesses in the same industry need to comply with the provisions of the law
on anti-dumping and intellectual property laws.
Copyright, and intellectual property law.
E-commerce and consumer protection. FIGURE 1.
Health and safety regulations.
According to Wikipedia, an
annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

Porter's five forces model of DH food:

a. Competition in the Industry

The level of competition determines how DH Food builds trust and maintains its share in
the spice market. This element of the Five Forces Analysis shows how competition
affects the spice industry environment and the performance of individual companies.
High market growth rate
High aggressiveness of firms
Moderate number of firms
Because of the great attraction, the food seasoning and instant products industry has
the presence of big-name enterprises such as Ajonomoto, Nestle, Vedan, Unilever,
Massan, Vifon, Vina Acecook... And countless other brands other small businesses
compete in this area but on a small scale. This is a huge challenge and impact for a new
entrant in the market like Dh Foods.
b. Power of Suppliers
Suppliers influence DH food's business through the availability of raw materials. This
element of the Five Forces Analysis addresses the influence suppliers have on
High overall supply
Moderate size of individual suppliers
There are many suppliers
The company's raw materials are mainly cooperated with large and typical agricultural
products such as pepper imported from Pleiku, chili from the central region, salt from
the central region... so they all depend on the season. of the farmers here. The company
has cooperated with farmers to establish a granary of raw materials that benefits both
farmers and Dh Foods to ensure the quality of the ingredients and the price.
c. Power of Consumers
Consumers of DH foods have a direct influence on the company's operations. This
component of the Five Forces Analysis demonstrates how customers influence the
competitiveness of the business and others in the industry.
Low switching costs FIGURE 1.
Moderate substitute availability According to Wikipedia, an
Large scale of individual buyers annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

Customers can easily buy spices from brands other than DH food because the switching
costs are cheap. However, due to the availability of DH food products, which are spread
from large supermarkets to small shops, and with the variety of quality products from
DH food, the substitutes of outside products can be difficult to find. it's in moderation.
Customers can still easily buy quality products from DH food to serve their needs. With
a large scale of individual customers, they mainly use ready-made seasoning products
to save time. Not only individuals, but some restaurants also use DH food's spices to
prepare dishes.
d. Threat of Substitute Products
Substitute products pose a challenge to the success of DH Food. This component of the
Five Forces Analysis identifies the substitution force on the company. The following are
the external elements that sustain DH food mild danger of substitution:
Moderate availability of substitutes
Low switching costs
Moderate performance per price of substitutes
With the development of the economy, the consumer market for processed spices has
also been developed. So there are many competitors in the spice industry such as
Ajonomoto, Vedan, Acecook…. Because customers are very important in terms of health.
The current trend of customers is to eat clean and live healthy. They like to use fresh,
clean and preservative-free products. The taste is too strong (too sweet or too salty) for
clean eaters. Therefore, DH food has launched many products to meet the needs of
customers. Customers will have a large number of substitutes for DH food products.
Customers tend to look for substitute products due to changing customer needs. Low
switching costs increase the likelihood of suitable substitutes being used.
e. Potential of New Entrants into Industry
New companies entering the spice market are also a challenge for DH food. The
composition of this Five Forces Analysis determines the extent to which new entrants
impact businesses in the spice industry. The following external variables contribute to
DH food vulnerability to new entrants:
High cost of brand development
Moderate economic scale
Moderate cost of doing business FIGURE 1.
With high branding costs and moderate business costs, it will be difficult
According for new
to Wikipedia, an
entrants to compete successfully with DH food. However, in April 2020,
annual Acecook
report is a Joint
Stock Company officially announced the launch of Hao Hao saltcomprehensive
product - the report"divine
on a
soup powder" associated with the childhood of many generations. So itactivities
company's is still widely
used by customers. This shows that this is a big challenge for DH throughout
food. the preceding
1. Determining the important resources and capacities:
a. Tangible Resources
Tangible resources of DH foods include its storage houses, distribution centers,
employees, and offices. Since it is a business these tangible assets are significant. These
tangible resources do help in functioning, they are a source of distinctive core
competency for DH foods.
Physical Resources
Dh foods's Physical capabilities include their products, warehouses, and distribution
centers. All of these physical capabilities contribute to the company's operational
foundations in order to ensure continued long-term success. storage houses,
Organizational resources:
The core competency of Dh foods is "provide spices, sauces with Vietnamese flavor and
good for consumers' health" Dh food is able to do so because of its organizational
capabilities which include the following.
+No Artificail Colors
DH foods is deeply aware of the harmful effects of artificial on community health.
Therefore, Dh Foods makes effort to bring products that retain the natural color and
flavor of all ingredients
+No Preseratives
Preservatives are called under the name "silently killers". Therefore, in addition to
providing safe products that do not contain this substance, Dh foods also make effort to
propaganda to consumers the importance of carefully reviewing the ingredients before
purchasing any product in order to select that safe product
+No Foreign Matter
Unlike pepper or chili powder which contains some foreign matter to gain more profit
on the market, all Dh Foods products are absolutely pure 100%. Peppercorns are
carefully selected, cleaned, dried then packaged to ensure that the product you are
holding is the most natural
Vietnam is a country with a long history of agriculture, especially in the spice industry,
Dh Foods's bargaining power over suppliers is high. Suppliers are very important in the
case of Dh foods because the quality of the ingredients directly affects the consumer.
Therefore, the relationship with them should be properly managed. FIGUREDh1. food's staff is

well equipped to do so, thus contributing to the organization's capabilities.

According to Wikipedia, an
Moreover, Dh foods has a cost-effective external logistics system which
annual reportisis a
part of its
organizational capabilities. They outsource the shipping service comprehensive
to avoid storage costs,
report on a
make Dh food's overall cost very low and give the company acompany's cost advantage
activities over
traditional retailers, where Dh foods can sell its products at lowerthroughout
and more thecompetitive
prices" year.

Another organizational ability of Dh foods is that the company always focuses on

satisfying the needs of consumers. This is why employees must initially interact with
b. Intangible assets
Brand imagine

Brand value is one of the top strengths of any food brand. To keep the leading position,
big brands need to win the trust of customers and that is the important point. Brand
value is always formed and built over many years, Dh foods has succeeded in building
strong brand equity throughout its existence through a focus on customer service and
product quality. Higher brand equity means higher trust, higher sales, and higher
Human asset

Dh foods has a team of leaders and good employees. Human resources at Dh foods
have been with them since the beginning, so all departments and individual employees
have a close connection with each other. That is one of the conditions leading to the
success of Dh foods.
Intellectual capital

Constantly creating and improving is the motto of Dh foods. The most obvious proof is
that they add new and more attractive products over time. Dh foods recruiters always
like to hire people who are smart and know how to unleash their abilities. They also
have a mechanism to reward employees by giving company shares to employees to
encourage employees to do good work.

Dh foods not only operates in the Vietnam market but also expands its influence to
other countries such as Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Australia, USA, UK, Germany and
When entering the international market, Dh foods has built strategic partnerships with
supermarkets and retail stores to distribute its products widely with1. low operating

costs. For example, when expanding its business to the US market, Dh foods
According cooperated
to Wikipedia, an
with Heritage Beverage a business can bring Dh foods products to major
annual US isdistribution
report a
channels such as Whole Foods, Costco, Cost Plus, Safeway, Albertson's, Kroger,
comprehensive reportTrader
on a
Joe's and 99 Ranch along with many Vietnamese restaurants. in America.
company's activities
throughout the preceding

2. Identify Distinctive competence:

Dhfood’s value chain analysis

value chain analysis could be a methodology for distinctive the business activities in a
very company's value chain and identifying improvement opportunities. Through this
analysis, the framework helps confirm how an organization creates value for its
customers. It additionally helps in examining every activity in a company's value chain
so as to visualize wherever enhancements could be made. this can be so vital that the
look and implementation of Dh foods value chain analysis are attributable to an
outsized part of the company's success.
Dh foods Primary Activities

Inbound logistics

The company's raw material sources are mainly cooperated with large and typical
agricultural products such as pepper imported from Pleiku, chili from the central region,
and salt from the central region... so they all depend on the season. of the farmers here.
But with the goal of not allowing product prices to fluctuate greatly and precariously
according to raw material prices, the company cooperates with farmers to establish a
raw material granary that benefits both farmers and Dh Foods. to ensure the quality of
the raw materials and the price.
The actions involved in procuring raw materials are referred to as inbound logistics,
Most of the ingredients to make products for Dh foods must be provided by large
businesses. Dh foods will find small-scale partners for long-term cooperation and
ensure their quality. In addition to complying with the strict standards of the company,
the source of production materials must also undergo a strict quality inspection process
and periodic testing in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law. Most recently,
the inspection conclusion of the Ministry of Health also showed the full compliance of
SPVB's products in terms of input materials. Specifically, “Food ingredients and additives
used for food production are announced according to regulations, have clear origins,
have full invoices and documents, are periodically tested, and areFIGURE 1.
inspected by the state
on food safety. according to regulations, the test results are satisfactory.”
According to Wikipedia, an
annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding


In a short period of time when launching into the market, Dh foods has become a
favorite and familiar condiment to Vietnamese consumers because of the "Quality
Commitment" that Dh Foods has built. build and maintain throughout the journey of
sustainable development of business.
Outbound Logistics

After packing finished products, Dh foods products are brought to distribution channels
and agents, Dh foods' main distribution channel is indirect distribution.
Marketing and Sales

Dh foods' marketing strategies mainly focus on developing healthy Vietnamese spices

for consumers, bringing Vietnamese spices to the world, bringing meals from each
region to your menu. ..


- Besides, the display at the point of sale is also a form of advertising that the company
uses. At the supermarket systems with Dh Foods products such as Lotte
FIGURE 1. mart, Coop
mart, Big C, Citi mart, Metro ... partly due to the arrangement of the supermarket, but
According to Wikipedia, an
the direct display at the counter is always staffed. The company's sales staff come to
annual report is a
arrange it beautifully, so that consumers can easily find it.
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding


Dh Foods products are placed in highly visible locations. As at Big C supermarket, Dh

Foods products are placed in a separate area. Or at some other supermarket systems,
Dh Foods spices are also placed on the 2nd or 3rd shelf, which is easily accessible to the
eyes and reach of the buyer.
Purpose of Marketing:
+ Increase brand awareness, want customers to know that Dh Foods products are
quality and reliable products for customers to choose.
+ Create a supportive online environment for the sales team to approach new industrial
customers FIGURE 1.
+ Attract more customers to the Company's products


Dh Foods aim that keep every relationship with customers and taking care of customers
is very important, so they train their staff thoroughly - employees must be
knowledgeable about spices and understand all production processes. of each product
to introduce to customers more carefully. Dh foods' customer care system was created
not only to take care of customers but also to receive feedback from customers, from
which to improve products day by day. Customers can contact to give suggestions in
many ways such as directly calling the hotline number or providing comments via social
networking sites, and customer feedback.


Support activities

Dh food does not produce directly, they buy from large agricultural products, so they do
not have to invest in farms, they invest in modern spice production machines,
warehouses, processing plants and factories. truck,...

Human resource management

Human resources refer to the operations that a company engages in to manage its
human capital. Employees at Dh foods enjoy a pleasant working atmosphere. It offers
the greatest training to its staff. Similarly, it recognizes and rewards its people
resources via promotions and reports. One of the most important aspects of DH Foods's
success has been its recruiting and staff management procedures.FIGURE
Dh1. foods also rotates
its staff periodically by using independent contractors and According
temporary workers.
to Wikipedia, an The
organization also has rules in place for promoting and rewarding workers'
annual report is a efforts. In
general, the corporation views employee relations to be critical.comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

Technology Development

The use of technology in a company's operations is referred to as technology

development. There is no doubt that Dh Foods has benefited from technological
advancements. One of the defining characteristics between the firm and its competitors
has been its technical advances.
Le Minh Xuan is a factory invested by Dh Foods with new machinery lines, methodical
processes and strict food safety and hygiene standards. This will be the factory
specialized in manufacturing products of the new NATURAL line from Dh Foods.

With the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic, "smart consumerism" once again took the
throne with stricter requirements than before. According to Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoang,
Commercial Director of Kantar Worldpanel Vietnam, consumer spending trends in the
coming time will focus on organic products, nutritious products, fruits and other items.
fast consumption. "Consumers' first choice will be healthy products, so clean
agricultural products and organic food will be the first choice." It is no longer a matter
of need and value, but customers now put health benefits as the top priority when
choosing any product. Next, it will be to choose more products that are environmentally
friendly or have value for society.

Responding to market demand, Dh Foods launched 4 new product lines including 36

SKUs to strengthen the Dh Foods NATURAL brand. This is a typical product line that
honors typical spices and dips from North to South with the standard of All Natural, No
MSG - No Synthetic Color - No Artificial Preservatives.
With the advantage of knowledge and continuous improvement, NATURAL products
from Dh Foods receive positive feedback from consumers, confirming Dh Foods' efforts
to bring clean spices closer to consumers.


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annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding
1. Determining the position of the industry rivals

One may say that spices are a part of Vietnamese households' everyday lives. Seasoning
is a key component in creating more delectable and ideal dishes. Despite not being a
staple, stores claim that the increase of spices is rather positive. The spice sector has
grown to be a tasty and lucrative niche because of rising consumer demand, drawing
more companies to do business there. Not just domestic companies, but also overseas
companies find this market to be appealing. Foreign brands dominate the market in
terms of share. In particular, 33 percent of all spices are currently accounted for by
Knorr (Unilever), Maggi (Nestlé), Aji-ngon (Ajinomoto), and Miwon, and these brands are
also sharing the "kingdom" in each segment. In addition to a number of huge brand
enterprises, there are also small business brands. For example, shops like Coop mart
and Big C as well as product lines that own spices like Nam Duong and Big C fight for
clients. Small enterprises or "new" firms in Vietnam confront several challenges due to
the alien psychology of consumers. If you want to survive and advance in this intensely
competitive climate, choosing the direction and method of approaching customers is

Operating in the food seasoning sector as well, DH Foods has picked the less crowded
Spices category to begin, which is Salted Pickles (the company's primary product is
Shrimp Salt), and has strategically chosen the export market. The Vietnamese
community living abroad is the target market for "Delicious Vietnamese Spices "No
Synthetic Colors, No Artificial Preservatives, No Impurities." At the time, the company's
major rivals were unnamed private businesses and artisan communities that lacked the
necessary prerequisites to create distribution channels and engage in contemporary
marketing initiatives.

After establishing a name for itself and achieving a respectable size, DH Foods expands
into more competitive domestic markets while continuing to promote its export
business, which is a strength. These product lines include more mainstream spice lines
like fish sauce or "trend-catching" product lines that are suitable for modern consumer
tastes and use, like dipping sauce and marinated seasoning. FIGURE 1.

According to Wikipedia, an
annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

Knorr (Unilever)

The Knorr name has been around since 1838. With a long history and a variety of goods
that include soups, soup tablets, extracts that generate stews, and a number of sauces
and seasonings, Knorr has established itself as a household name in the food industry.
Today, Knorr is among Unilever's most well-known and popular products.
Since entering the Vietnamese market in 2000, Knorr has consistently released a variety
of helpful items, including soup tablets, seasoning seeds, and full seasonings. After
merging with Bestfoods and Unilever for a year, Knorr seasoning was born in April 2001,
marking a significant turning point for the Vietnamese spice sector. For many
Vietnamese people who are accustomed to using sugar, salt, and monosodium
glutamate as seasonings, Knorr seasoning has altered their conventional seasoning

With 1.7 billion customers opting to purchase, Knorr is among the top 50 most popular
fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brands according to Kantar Worldpanel's annual
Brand Footprint survey (May 2017). Knorr came in at number four among the top 10
most popular food brands worldwide.

Knorr has a 179-year history as a prominent spice brand and has regularly been in the
top 50 of the Brand Footprint study for the preceding four years in a row.
Knorr has been a global favorite for more than 179 years and is now sold in more than
87 nations. It is aware of the different flavors of each location. The globe was
introduced to numerous original dishes by this company during the 20th century,
including the Knorr soup noodles in India and the Knorr soups in the rest of the world.
Knorr products not only enhance the flavor of food and make cooking more convenient,
but they also guarantee safety and are appropriate for a variety of meals to stay current
with culinary trends.

The nutritional value of Knorr, which is consumed by more than 320 million people
every day, has helped win over customers' palates all around the world. Over the course
of its 179-year existence, Knorr has helped to increase the nutritional 1.
worth of food and
elevate meals in terms of aesthetics, flavor, and healthfulness. Knorr products
According not only
to Wikipedia, an
enhance the flavor of food and make cooking more convenient, but they
annual also
report guarantee
is a
safety and are appropriate for a variety of meals to stay current with culinary report
comprehensive trends.
on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

Maggi (Nestlé)

The largest nutrition, health, and wellness company in the world, Nestlé, is the owner of
the MAGGI brand. 300 different kinds of food products are offered by MAGGI. Every
year, 800 million MAGGI products are consumed internationally. This company has a
history dating back more than a century, when Mr. Julius Maggi, the owner of MAGGI,
was a pioneer in the food industry and offered the market goods like seasoning powder
and protein-rich sauces made from legumes, which helped millions of families at the
time add protein to their meals. Vietnamese people have been familiar with MAGGI soy
sauce products since 1935.

One of Nestle's top-selling products is Maggi. A vast variety of goods are included in
Maggi's marketing plan for various nations. Instant noodles, soups, sauces, and
condiments make up the majority of the brand's offerings.

Maggi has a clever price strategy that has won over customers all around the world.
Although there is a lot of competition, it consistently sells the most copies.
Regarding Maggi's pricing strategy, it may be claimed that it is highly aggressive. The
main low- and middle-class customers are the cause. They have always made a fair
profit while keeping the price as low as possible.

Maggi has decreased the number of goods offered but not the prices in order to stay up
with global economic trends. Another benefit is that they offer different pack sizes of
Maggi so that people from many social groups can try it. Maggi is consumed in
enormous amounts, but the containers are often quite little. It dominates the market in
many markets due to its widespread use and reasonable pricing.


Vietnamese consumers, especially housewives, are very familiar with the Ajinomoto
brand. Ajinomoto has a history of more than 100 years of establishment and growth,
and it continues to be one of the top companies in the world forFIGURE
the1.manufacture of
food, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Ajinomoto's marketing strategies, which have
According to Wikipedia, an
also made a significant contribution to the company's transformation
annualinto a isfast-moving
report a
consumer goods (FMCG) industry empire, must also be mentioned in order
comprehensive toonfully
report a
understand how the company achieved such great success. These
company's strategies
complement the company's sound business strategy and the throughout
superior thequality of its
products. year.

Ajinomoto currently conducts business in 35 nations and generated enormous revenues

of almost US$10.5 billion in 2017. Products made by Ajinomoto have a market share of
up to 40% in the same sector and are one of the most well-known MSG brands. It is
believed that Ajinomoto has grown steadily throughout time, developing to become one
of the largest food sector businesses in the world. Ajinomoto Vietnam has introduced a
wide range of seasoning products suitable for Vietnamese taste to the market with the
aim of becoming a leading company in the food industry in Vietnam. These products
help to produce many delectable meals, bring a cozy atmosphere, and happy reunions
under each family home.

Since its creation in Japan in 1909, Ajinomoto MSG has grown to become a dominant
brand that accounts for roughly 90% of all MSG consumption in the Japanese market
and has strong sales in more than 100 nations and territories.
Aji seasoning, or "wonderful seasoning," is a Vietnamese concoction of bone broth and
a proportionate amount of spices that gives food a rich flavor. Vietnam's culinary
tradition has been greatly enhanced by mayonaise Aji-mayo sauce.
Ajinomoto Vietnamese food products' innovative flavors have improved consumers'
meals while also making them more practical and suitable for modern living.


Since entering the Vietnamese market in 1994, Korean Deasang Group member Miwon
Co., Ltd. has quickly taken control of the domestic spice distribution sector. Every
kitchen has Miwon with the MSG brand, and it has become every housewife's necessary

Miwon has created a closed system from the primary noodle and food factory in Viet Tri
to the packaging factory in Ho Chi Minh and the starch facility in Tay Ninh after nearly
25 years. With product lines like seasoning seeds, fried flour, breadcrumbs, crispy
chicken fried powder, and tapioca flour, Miwon doesn't just stop at producing high-
quality goods; it also continues to extend the market and its consumer outreach. Fish
sauce, soy sauce, or the product lines imported from the Daesang FIGURE 1.Group in Korea

(mayonnaise sauce, mustard, seaweed, marinating sauce for According

ribs) areto examples
Wikipedia, an of
versatile, ideal seasonings. annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
The statewide distribution network of Miwon Vietnam, whichcompany's has more than 200
distribution agents in 63 provinces, more than 300 sales people, throughout
and tensthe
of preceding
of retail outlets, is another indication of the company's success. year.

But as large profits became apparent in recent years, more and more companies
entered this sector. Miwon Vietnam is under pressure from the market as well as
changes in how families consume and prepare food, necessitating innovation across the
board, from products and customer service strategies to channel management and
business operations distribution.

In short, DH Foods will have to compete with many competitors in the industry. In
addition to traditional sales methods, these companies also have marketing and
promotion strategies through social and digital media as well as launching product
promotion campaigns. The companies all have a large scale and a large market share,
so this will be a great difficulty as well as a great challenge for domestic enterprises like
DH Foods to squeeze in. Therefore, in order to gain a position in this fierce market, DH
Foods needs to break through and always be flexible to change and develop so as not to
be engulfed or lose its position.

+ Strategic Group Map

The strategic group map is charted to access the market positions of selected retailers
in the industry. The map is built using two variables, price & product quality, and model


According to Wikipedia, an
annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

The accompanying strategic group diagram makes it clear that the top four competitors,
who dominate the Vietnamese market, have a significant market share and are DH
Foods' key rivals. DH Foods' strategy is as follows:

Plan to expand domestic market

The expansion of the plains is underway to meet the growing market demand and the
company is well positioned due to its size, price, quality and available resources. By
consolidating sales, marketing and distribution systems to increase output, dominate
the market and strengthen its position in terms of market share, this approach focuses
on developing the domestic market to maintain its position. position and capture the
market share of competitors in the current market. The company must first maintain a
stable market share before implementing a market expansion strategy. Businesses need
to establish a reliable distribution network. Some sales promotion strategies such as
advertising and marketing activities. DH Foods at this time should promote image
promotion, issues that have not been considered before such as using images of KOLs,
celebrities, food bloggers. Besides offering promotions, trials, expanding public
relations for us to reach customers more easily.

International Strategy

Although DH Foods is developing strongly in the domestic market, it has a weak position
in the foreign market. Successful exports to demanding markets such as Europe and
Japan paved the way for trust from other foreign partners. Within the next 2 years, Dh
Foods in turn appeared in 6 new countries: Germany, Korea, UK, USA, Australia, Russia.
In addition, Dh Foods continues to participate in international exhibitions, notably
THAIFEX Exhibition held in Thailand. Although reaching out to the world market, DH
Foods still needs to make more efforts to maintain its market share and be able to
export to more countries and export in larger quantities. Some suggested strategies
are: Participate more in international exhibitions, improve spices to create flavors that
suit each country's taste but still bring Vietnamese flavor identity, thereby increasing
volume, thereby strengthening the brand position. Cooperate FIGURE 1.
with food bloggers to
promote the brand. Regularly conduct surveys to understand customer
According toreviews
which to constantly improve to be able to develop further. Expand cooperation
annual report is a with
foreign partners to improve reliability and thereby products reachcomprehensive
users morereport easily.
on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

2. Comparing the competitive strengths of the company with key rivals:

2.1. Identify industry’s key success factors and assign weight to each measure:

2.1.1. Taste:

Taste is a crucial and determining aspect in any condiment's success. In addition to

adding flavor and variety to food, spices can have some positive health impacts. In food
preparation, spices are essential components that help to paint a vibrant "food picture".
Spices give food a distinctive flavor, enliven its appearance, make it more palatable, and
help the eater's digestive system function more efficiently by stimulating it. Spices with
unique flavors are what enable businesses to differentiate themselves from the
competition. Currently, businesses are concentrating on utilizing cutting-edge and
modern technology to guarantee and raise the likelihood that spices will remain fresh
for a longer period of time.

2.1.2. Quality:

It is clear that quality is a crucial element influencing an enterprise's ability to compete

in the market. This is a crucial element for the business to set your goods apart from the
competitors. Stronger consumer interactions are facilitated by higher product quality
for brands. It is clear that poor product quality has an impact on customers' health as
well as businesses. As a result, in order to draw in and keep clients, any company in the
spice market must always strive to produce high-quality goods. The brand's market
share and brand worth will ultimately increase thanks to the quality aspect.

2.1.3. Brand:

Today's market for food seasonings is incredibly lucrative. As a result, in addition to the
well-known brands, new brands enter the spice market, helping to increase market
competitiveness and enthusiasm. Companies are able to demandFIGURE higher1. prices and sell

their goods on the international market when they have a strong Accordingbrand. A more
to Wikipedia, an
advantageous first step in the process of more readily delivering theis company's
annual report a
products to every meal of every family is building the brand's reputation.
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

2.1.4. Price:

To make a decision to buy any product, besides quality or brand, price is also an equally
important factor. Price is very important in this industry because companies with
established brands or new entrants are competing on price and capturing a significant
portion of the market.

2.1.5. Global Expansion:

The effects of globalization on this sector are profound. Businesses have been
extending their influence globally. They are better able to comprehend consumers when
trends change.

Table X: Key success factors and importance weight


According to Wikipedia, an
annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

2.2. Compare DH Foods with competitors:

2.2.1: Taste:

With the advantage of being a domestic enterprise, DH Foods easily captures the tastes
of domestic consumers. About the specialty spice products of each region of Vietnam.
And so when using DH FOODS spices, users can feel more about the spices of each
region. Since DH Foods has a wide variety of spices, you can taste them to see if their
products are as good as advertised. For other competitors they have different segments
and products and their products also have their own identities because this makes it
difficult to judge which product will taste better in the market. Each meal because each
family they will not cook 1 seasoning but they combine many different types, many
segments and many different types of food products of many different companies to
have a complete meal.

2.2.2: Quality:

This can be mentioned as another important factor for DH Foods to differentiate its
products from competitors. With a modern, closed production process on a large scale
to increase productivity, and importantly - the product must be completely natural,
without using synthetic colors or artificial preservatives to be safer for health healthy
family meals. DH Foods has succeeded in turning the modern seasoning industry filled
with products using artificial colors, preservatives and flavorings into high quality,
healthy natural seasoning products. for customers. This is also an important factor to
help DH Foods compete with other competitors in the industry because the current
competitor of DH Foods has not yet been able to meet these criteria. This further
affirms the role and product quality of DH Foods, which is currently superior to
competitors in the industry.

2.2.3: Brand:

With the hope that one day not far, Dh Foods spices will be presentFIGURE 1. meals of every
in the
family in Vietnam and around the world. DH Foods has made continuous
Accordingefforts for 10
to Wikipedia, an
years to be able to bring its brand across the country and is currently
report is a its
brand through export trade. You can easily find DH Foods products in large report on a
supermarkets, retail supermarkets or even grocery stores. company's activities
throughout the preceding

DH Foods is becoming more and more known, it can be seen that the business has
succeeded in affirming its position and great success in branding. Besides, the
enterprise has proved that the Vietnamese brand is growing stronger to be able to
compete with foreign enterprises in this fierce spice market. Because of the element of
DH Foods with Vietnamese identity, in the domestic market, people know and support
DH Foods more than competitors. But these are only domestic problems, and to
compare with other DH Foods competitors in foreign countries or well-known domestic
competitors, DH Foods needs to make more efforts because they have penetrated. and
assert their name before people know DH Foods.

2.2.4. Price:

Regarding the price, it can be seen that DH Foods listed a completely reasonable price,
which is very suitable for a quality product. The price of DH food can be considered as
mid-range, suitable for all customer segments from affordable to high-end. That makes
it easy for people to choose and buy products. It can be seen that the price offered by
DH Foods has partly added to the success of helping the business get closer to the
original goal of being able to reach every Vietnamese family in each meal. It cannot be
compared with other competitors that DH Foods has a cheaper price because DH Foods
is an emerging company, so the price cannot be higher than or equal to the famous
brands and have been present in the country for many years. it's a long time.

2.2.5. Global expansion:

It can be said that DH Foods' journey to bring Vietnamese spices to the big sea is an
arduous journey full of difficulties. After three years since the launch of the first product
line, DH Foods decided to go to the big sea when participating in the International Food
Exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City in 2016. Right from the first time participating in the
international exhibition, the company has found a partner as one of the largest
importers and distributors of food in Europe, headquartered in the Netherlands. Great
opportunities come with challenges when Europe is famous for being a strict market,
FIGURE 1.from products,
DH Foods products have to go through a series of tests and inspections,
factories, production processes .. . with costs outpacing revenue, According
which can frustratean
to Wikipedia,
many businesses. annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding

However, with the determination to bring Vietnamese spices to all 5 continents, DH

Foods still holds strong belief in a good future in the new market. After a year, the first
export order of 12,000 USD was signed. The following years continued to be DH Foods'
journey to overcome storms when going to the "big sea", when the Japanese partner
also set strict criteria for spice products. Up to now, DH Foods products have been
present in 4 continents, on shelves of famous fastidious countries, especially in the field
of food. Including the US, Europe, Japan, Australia... After nearly a decade, up to now,
DH Foods is still making constant efforts to approach and conquer the market.

3. Competitive Life Cycle Analysis:

The first and main product line of Dh Foods so far is Tay Ninh dip salt, launched in May
2013 with the criterion of no synthetic colors and no artificial preservatives.
When Tay Ninh dipping salt was launched in the Vietnamese market, FIGURE 1. it segmented its
audience based on age and urban families targeting young adults and office guests,
According to Wikipedia, an
positioning itself as the right dip salt for consumers. All kinds of fruits or spices to taste
annual report is a
in each meal, with just 1 small jar of salt, users can bring everywhere to enjoy with all
comprehensive report on a
kinds of fruits, with the motto "All for consumers". However, positioning is not an issue,
company's activities
as no other dipping sauce has been launched in the Vietnamese market.
throughout the preceding

In the early stages, Tay Ninh Salted Sauce had a high failure rate, frequently revised the
taste and ingredients because it was not suitable for customers' taste as well as their
demand for salt, marketing and spending. Product costs are high because they are
trying to build product awareness. With a lot of ups and downs and a high failure rate,
Dh foods survived the initiation phase.

In 2014, as the company was a newcomer to the market not long ago, the Company
suffered losses in the first few years. Specifically, in 2014, the company lost 103,046,820
VND. However, in the following years, when the business situation has stabilized, the
company's brand has gradually become familiar to consumers, along with the
prosperity of the economy, the company has gradually achieved the profit amount. The
company's expenses are in the range of 80-90% of revenue.
During this time, DH Foods is gradually becoming more known and accounts for about
30% of the domestic salt market, and in order to increase sales in October 2013, Dh
Foods launched the line "Natural natural seasoning" natural" is a regional specialty
carefully selected throughout the country. From the original product of ground pepper,
chili powder, up to now, Dh Foods has 35 diverse condiment products from familiar
types in the kitchen such as garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric... to mountain spices such as
cinnamon. , star anise, cardamom, mac khen...

The company has problems such as supply, workers, ... but actually the company is still
heading to the mature stage. Without the pandemic the company would have grown
even more. Last year alone, the company recorded 61% growth.
Dh Foods prepared the scenarios. In addition, distributors also switched from offline to
online, so this year's sales of Dh Foods are higher than last year. In addition,
participating in Shark Tank successfully called for more capital than expected, the Shark
Tank program also helped this business spread its brand nationwide. After 7 days of
broadcasting, the results of Dh Foods are as follows: an average increase of 9 times of
traffic per day, an increase of 684% of YouTube channel views, an increase of 146% of
store visits on e-commerce sites, an increase of 15 The number of partners interested in
business cooperation, over 100,000 interactions - discussions at community forum
pages... FIGURE 1.

According to Wikipedia, an
annual report is a
comprehensive report on a
company's activities
throughout the preceding
SWOT Matrix
Diversity of spices of DH Food. At present, Dh Foods has 150 SKUs of Vietnamese
spices. Tay Ninh salt, dipping sauce, natural Phu Quoc fish sauce, natural Phu Quoc
specialty fish sauce, natural seasoning, natural sour shrimp, naturally sweet and
sour vegetables and pickled vegetables, and natural salt dipping.
Present in most places, big supermarkets Bach Hoa Xanh, Winmart, Big C,...
Criteria No Synthetic Colors, No Artificial Preservatives.
Sampling programs, activities, trials at Supermarkets, listening to customer reviews
Dh Food's seasonings are delicious, easy to eat, easy to season, and taste
Up to now, Tay Ninh Dh Foods' Salted Salt line has 12 different types of products,
serving the diverse needs and tastes of consumers.
Convenient, suitable for those of you who are busy but love to cook.
Dh Food has passed the European market's product quality test
Present in major markets: Germany, Korea, Japan, UK, USA, Australia, Russia,
High cost
No major supplier yet.
Natural seasonings must be seasonal
Most Vietnamese consumers still have the habit of using "industrial" spices.
Currently, the Vietnamese market has few fully-produced brands and many kinds of
spices like DH food
Vietnam is a country with a favorable climate for growing agricultural products, so
production materials mainly come from within the country.
The number of potential customers is high and there is great demand: The demand
for ready-to-eat condiment products is increasing day by day. Widely used by
customers, not only individuals, but some restaurants still use DH food's processed
*Threats :
The market participation of some strong competitors: The first challenge to mention
is the strong competition of long-standing brands such as Acecook, Ajinomoto, etc.
The source of raw materials mainly depends on the farmer's crop. If the crop has a
high yield, the price of raw materials will be at a stable level. But if the crop has a
low yield, it will lead to unstable input materials.

Stakeholder analysis
1. Identify stakeholders
There are many stakeholders of Dh Foods. Stakeholders can be individuals working on
a project, groups of people or organizations, or even segments of the population.
Key stakeholders are those who have formal or contractual relationships with human
beings that have a direct impact on those relationships, including customers and
employees. the investor, who has a direct interest in the organization and its success, is
subject to some degree of risk as a result of putting the money or other valuable
resources (human or financial) into the firm.
* Customer
Due to the direct relationship between customers' purchases of goods and services and
the performance of the company, Dh Food views consumers as major stakeholders.
Customers frequently seek out the best deals on high-quality products and services.
They anticipate Dh Food to create products that meet their demands. Dh Foods might
still see customer backlash and a decline in sales if they don't accede to this demand,
which could harm the business's bottom line. Therefore, consumers always receive an
emphasis on quality and fair pricing from DH Food goods.
Employees are crucial to Dh Food's ability to compete since they uphold the firm's
corporate culture. The company's human resources can help to come up with new ideas
for improving processes. By investing money in leadership development and a pay plan
that reflects the company's strong growth potential, DH Food supports the interests of
these stakeholders. For example, the entire office tower switched to working online
during the COVID 19 pandemic in terms of human resources. In order to maintain the
production chain, employees, officials, and workers at factories, in particular, continue
to do "3 on the spot." Dh Foods also has a policy that provides additional cash every day
for all employees at the facility in order to drive production progress, in addition to
assuring food, wage, and bonus. Dh Foods also provides salaries in accordance with the
Labor Law for employees who are unable to remain at the factory for whatever reason.
The business arranged more hiring in order to prevent a labor shortage, but it
nonetheless followed safety protocols throughout the epidemic season.
Community-based corporate social responsibility is a focus of Dh Food. Because they
affect how customers see the company's products, these stakeholders are crucial.
Development assistance is among the community's benefits. For example, Dh Food
moves with people in Saigon during an epidemic. 700 boxes of spices still are required
to energize Saigon, regardless of the fact that the Dh Foods factory regularly works
overtime and cannot complete orders on time. 500 million VND position through charity
here. Dh Foods believes that Saigon will be strong in the face of the pandemic, strong,
and united. Other efforts include:

- The Noble Foundation's "Hungry or Full, Take Care of One Package" campaign, is run
by Mr. Danny, Mr. Nutree, and their friends.
- The Green Charity Kitchen, run by Gen Xanh.
- The Department of Industry and Trade, the HVNCLC Enterprise Association, and the
City Women's Business Association all are partners in the Vietnamese Bracelet Volunteer
Program, which includes the "Mini Supermarket 0 Dong" action. Ho Chi Minh City
(Hawee) with the help of the Department of Health, the Ho Chi Minh City Youth Worker
Support Center, the Ho Chi Minh City Young Enterprise Association, and other
organizations, as well as with the support of the local business community.
Suppliers prefer working with companies that have strict requirements for product
quality and quantity. It is important that suppliers feel secure when help ease firms. For
example, suppliers might reject bids and look at different opportunities if DH Foods
receives a big number of returns due to faulty products. Since they are not the
consumers, the parties involved are less likely to extend credit to the company, and
creditors want to be convinced that they are or have trust in the payment of their
obligations. Credit customers must be notified of the value of credit and the
consequences of not paying it, according to internal stakeholders.
Its top officials are the President, CEO, Chairman of the Board, Senior Vice President,
and CEOs of DH Foods, and consumers worldwide. Nguyen Trung Dung - CEO of Dh
Foods, graduated in IT in Poland in 1989 and has had 03 start-ups in Poland.
2. Secondary stakeholders
while not having direct ownership in the company, can have an influence on the
relationship between the company and primary stakeholders. Typically, stakeholders
are not directly involved in an organization's own transactions. They can directly affect
an organization's reputation and can even become key stakeholders depending on the
current situation.
they compete for customers with DH Foods in the market. Therefore, it is imperative to
maintain the business as well as keep the trust of the customers in the business.
When entering a foreign market for the first time, exporting is always a "tough case" in
business. Many questions arise, such as: What are the market's requirements regarding
product quality? Is the product suitable for the taste of the people in your country?
Would the sales policy help its partners well? And DH Foods decides to respond to such
queries by Engage. The ability to successfully sell to competitive markets like Europe
and Japan opened the path for confidence from other international

2.Analyze stakeholder interests

5 = Essential importance to stakeholders

3 = Slightly important to stakeholders
1 = Not very important to stakeholders.
DH Food is known for its specialty spices with the typical culture of regions of Vietnam.
Consistent with the criterion of "No Synthetic Color, No Artificial Preservatives, No
Impurities" from the very beginning, DH Foods has become the first choice in terms of
safety and quality for consumers. Customers frequently choose items not only on the
basis of price or design but also on the basis of product safety, as this may affect their
own health. Employees and governments appreciate this because they want to ensure the
safety of their customers.
High employee turnover is also a major concern of employees. There are immutable
principles in recruitment. CEO of DH Foods – Nguyen Trung Dung always prioritizes
candidates with ethics, energy, high discipline, and especially an attitude suitable for
corporate culture. Dh Foods' boss also said that, between attitude and level, attitude will
definitely be prioritized. Of course, employees need to be qualified to absorb knowledge
and have the ability to do the job well. However, if an employee has a bad attitude, that
person is not suitable for the company culture. Therefore, Boss Dung will only choose
candidates who fit the culture he created himself.
Shareholders are the ones who take this matter seriously when it comes to financial
rewards. They are investors and if the company's brand is threatened or the income is
negligible, shareholders may decide not to continue working with DH Foods.
Finally, DH Foods' business and manufacturing have an impact on the community;
Because D Foods' products are 100% natural, there will be many damaged products, and
many damaged products will be released into the environment. DH Foods and the
government created alternative measures to help make the climate cleaner by reducing
pollution in the air.

-High power, low interest:

Consumers and the government are the two Dh Foods stakeholders with the most
power and the least interest. To limit e-commerce, the government may enact various
laws and regulations. Consumers, on the other hand, are Dh Foods' lifeblood. On the
other side, interest isn't too high. For instance, the abundance of e-commerce
companies on the market allows customers to swiftly swap brands.
-High Power, High Interest:
The Board of Directors or shareholders have a lot of rights and are very interested in Dh
Foods. The success of the company is inextricably linked to
the performance of the board of directors. As a result, they are quite amusing. Board of
Directors. On the other hand, the director has considerable power because it is the
board of directors that makes all the decisions of the company.
-Low interest, low power:
The community has a low level of interest and power. The community has no direct
influence on a company's choice or success. Community is not essential in the e-
commerce industry.
-High Interest, Low Power:
Suppliers and staff have a lot of interest but little authority among Dh Foods
stakeholders. The success and future growth of suppliers and employees are entirely
contingent on the company's decisions, strategy, and performance. As a result, they are
quite interested.
3. Assess impacts of strategic actions.

In order to solve the above problems for stakeholders, Dh foods need to take specific
actions to transform. One, focus on tight input and output processes to control and
synchronize the quality of each batch. goods to consumers. Second, optimize
production efficiency to meet the market's increasing demand for clean food. Third,
create better conditions for product development and improvement. To win customers'
trust, products are always evaluated, perfected, and can change the entire formula
drawn from customer feedback. All to better serve consumers every day. Dh Foods
wants to become the largest spice company in Vietnam and reach out to the world. DH
Foods always finds and discovers the safest and most authentic items possible, and DH
Foods works hard to earn and keep the trust of its customers. Not only affects the
financial aspect, but the high employee turnover rate also affects the morale of the
employees and stakeholders. Dh Foods recently made the decision to increase the
minimum wage for employees by 12 million / month (about 400,000 VND / day), higher
than the minimum salary of the old staff was 6 million / month. (200 thousand / day). DH
Foods' move will have a positive impact on the company's employees and the public.
Future employees will likely receive decent healthcare and pay increases as financial
returns continue to rise. It's remarkable because shareholders are pleased with their
returns as well. Therefore, increasing sales will enable Dh Foods to address the issue's
significance for both shareholders and employees. Financial returns will continue to
increase, employees will be treated better, and their wages will likely increase in the
future. Shareholders are also satisfied with their returns, which is remarkable.
Therefore, selling more items will help Dh Foods address the importance of the issue to
both employees and shareholders. The customer survey program hit the customer's
pain point (convenience) and eased them.

According to the research above, DH Food's operations can continue to grow in light of
market prospects and its own capabilities. DH Food should be proud of its heritage and
sustainable business practices as it works to achieve its vision of dominating the spice
market. Dh Food should broaden its business to new nations in order to grow more
rapidly. To address external and internal factors, Dh food should continue to diversify
its business to further strengthen against industry risks. In addition, DH food should
develop new partnerships so that it can expand its market reach as well as strengthen
its multinational operations, countering the competition and related strategic

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Công thương. ( 06/04/2012). Ajinomoto với chiến lược đa dạng hóa sản phẩm.
Công ty TNHH thương mại dịch vụ gia vị. (n.d.). Đại gia việt chia lại thị trường: Kiểm
soát thị trường gia vị.
Dh foods. (n.d.). Our promise.

Đỗ, P. (2017). Miwon xóa bỏ tư duy truyền thống trong quản lý kênh phân phối với
công nghệ DMS.
Hạnh, L. ( 17/02/2022). Chiến lược Marketing của Ajinomoto: Từ công ty gia đình
thành một đế chế lớn.
Hưng, Q. (23/05/2021). Dh Foods và hành trình đưa Gia vị Việt vươn ra biển lớn.
LÊ, M. (29/06/2022). Gia vị tại Việt Nam: Thị trường hấp dẫn cả doanh nghiệp nội và
Nestle. (n.d.). MAGGI.
Người lao động. (18/04/2022). Khai phá thị trường gia vị.
Studocu. (n.d.). Công Ty AjinomotoI.
Unilever. (n.d.). Knorr là một trong những thương hiệu thực phẩm lớn nhất Thế giới
và có mặt tại hơn 87 quốc gia khắp các châu lục.

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