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BSSURREAWGALRA, RASA AIE: Some people bella Belicd like hex public tra portation Should 68 privatized. Do you agree or disagree? WMV? While there are’certs fly Valid viewpoints that advocate the privatization of public services, such as healthcare and publlé transport, on the contrary, ngyobeliova that-they, souls not.be erivately owned. Firgt bf without"privatizati@ns public servicesan ge made cheArer afd bellerrd ue to the constantly fierce competition: Privatization means that the control of sa ice delivery will shift to the private sector, In theory, privatization approaches are based on the premise that the private sector can deliver th pods and services more jan the publi move will give the private offe ively and effici or. However, the power of monopoly. The public sector has other values besides efficiency that a private sector organization mey not hav including effectiveness, responsiveness, end trust, which may not be the core value of the private sector, and hence quality delivery of services cannot be assured. What's ay facilitate financial |, the service owner would jon. if privatize inevitably lose the commitment in pursuing better quality, whilst it could inc which customé # their © the prices would hav pay for, as there would not be any other options. Therefore, ‘the public would bs put at a disadvantage, which violates the original intention of serving the publi good. In conclusion, | am convinced that services like healthcare and public transport should not be privatized. (224 $F) Discuss the tyoes of jebs that are in high demand in your country, ‘There are jobs in high demand in a wide range of industries, meaning jobseekers can tind one of them thet suits their interests and skills. The four fields that heve experienced repid growth in the past few years in my country are health care, information technology (\T) and education. Firstly, hoalthoara and education sectors aro tho fundamental parts of our society. Healthcare and educational workers spend thair time making difference in others’ lives, which can increase their motivation and overall job satisfaction. There are a wide variety of é ‘options within the ealtheare anced p and many ai positions ‘this betore er, as these jobs are forking on these posit ti traded ior tay aes their daily sae e cc the boalth workors, ThelJobs may requ them to work night shifts which are more tiring. Secondly, when it comes to transformation and innovation, 1no other career pushes the boundaries more than information technology, otherwise krown as iT. Almost all IT jobs depend on strong technical knowiedge. But each has a different emphasis, whether the job centres on coding, menaging hardware, appiying software, data science or managing systems or people. Technology is constantly shifting, changing and improving. Because it's a fast-paced Industry, IT workers wil never stop cresting, des'gning, leaning and growing. Nowadays, nearly every company needs computers — which means IT workers are highty employable, no matter where in the workd you go. As soon as you graduate, you're highly kely to fi an employment, (275 #) BSS UBRMEAWEALRAM, IRAGHASG: Jescribe a situation whgn you have given or received praise. IF | was askStts réeat'g'tine Wheb-vvasiprais would tell You alBtory BACK 1/2000 wheat Wak about 10. 1¢ wasiMother's!Day a sufptised ty mom by giving hor 4 Bubtett dr hdweré’ ae a Gift! PBlannod it 1d asked the delivery man to send it on that day's 1 moment wiher mom opened the door and saw the flowers, she was £0 surprised that she couldn't even believe what she is seeing, end she asked the delivery man twice to make sure that the flower was rightly t then saw the card in It, on delight hed that almost coming out from her € hugged me tightly for a long time, and sald to me "I love you, too.” Both of my parents praised mo on that day and made my favourite dishes. They said to me that | am the most precious treasure in their entire livas. Since then, we were even closer and get tc undorstand tt each other. (187 #) BSS URRMESASAVAM, iSRASASIG: Do you ferent? AlhighiSchool studéntssshould be Ridisgreeiwith thesfollowing st required to coniflete ene year of Community service. Explain yout post community vice fs 2 necessity. T inly benefitsto'mahgatory conimunit tito Bive"Ackto the commurti¢s.2rSund you. Stidants, who"tiake a Wark, I's §ollmport commitment ta)volbateérin thet EdAirtunity gain exposure to people from different cultures, backgrounds and ages. For example, a student who chooses to work with th iderly can gain invalu 0 that can be learned trom sharing time with the older generations. So many people are less fortunate or not as able-bodied as we are. Providing helps to those individuals really makes a difference in their lives and makes nts more grateful for what they have, or they are able 10 do. Depending on what community the students take part in, they learn what ife is like for the less fortunate and how they can play a role in providing for their ne: Thera i also a sense of social responsibility that is gained rom community service projects. Community service also helps students build character and prompt future community involu ment. It can provide networking opco unitios for future employment and st. lents may fesl compelled to continue their actions even after exceeding the required amount of hours. Finally, community service helps to boost academic achievement. (206 ) BSS UBRMEAWEALRAM, IRAGHASG: Eee 4ow are changes in| climateind weather threatening parts oP your country? Although climate change IS an inherently global Vill Act Be telmec JBINy 3 ho planet, Impacts ar6 Tkolf 70 wiffer|in boty magnitude and rate of hange if dittdFen untrias, and regions. 2 Nations more adverse effects thar climate frequent or int From v. know, certain groups of people in my © parti sitive to impacts of the such as the olderty, thi issues. (104 BSS UBRMEAWEALRAM, IRAGHASG: reat tumphuinithe hist that changed the wold, When it comes to a great triumah in the history of medicide that changed the waHet aused by t and effec of 1d in many o: better in a m: antibiotics can save people's lives. Antibiotics can slow the growth of and kill many types of infection In some cases, such as before surgery, antibiotics can prevent Infection from occurring. Antibiotics are fast-acting: some will begin working within a 0 take: most antibiotics few hours. are oral medications. Your doctor may decide give you an inje f It Is Imperative that the gets m quick'y. Antibiotics tly changed the can help fight di ses and infections, and with strong effects and quick ‘What role should schools play in teaching children about good nutrition? ‘School communities are increasingly becoming places where healthy habits can flourish, The responsibility for teaching children about good nutrition does not fall only on teachers though. Children who attend a healthy school can make informed, healthy decisions that affect their own lives and the lives of their families. Personally, won't take a lot to create 2 healthier school. Firstly, schools can Incorporate healthy eating and lessons about good nutrition across the curriculum in a fun and creative ways. mascots can create partnerships withth@ibrdsden@ortfmunity, for example, local (308, \SAlifig clubs, libraries, otc. TAs, n provide professional devel tunities for teachers and other to teach and promote healthy eati ing active. (18) WIGS ‘What aro sbirithinles tht fright ‘triggeF dh allergic reaction in a person? Some people sneeze like crazy. Others get itchy hives or watery eyes. But whatever the resotion Is, it bolls down to one thing; allergies. Allergies are abnormal immune system reactions to things that are typically harmless to most people. When you're allergic to something, your immune system mistakenly believes that this substance Is harmful to your body. Substances that cause allergic reactions — such as certain foods, dust, plant pollen, or medicines — are known as allergens. | have seen poopie being allergic to foods like seafood, pepper, nuts, gluten, etc. In an attemet to protect the body, the immune system procuces antibosies to that allergen. This means that every time you come inte contact with that allergen, you'll have some form of allergy symptoms. The antibodies release chemicals which act on the ‘eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal ‘tract and cause the symptoms of the allergic reaction. Allergens include 2 wide rang of things. Future exposure to those same allergens will trigger this antibody response again. (168 ) BSS UBRMEAWEALRAM, IRAGHASG: What are some notiedalble(éhengo: occurred in your homflatown ofico few years’ My homietdivf) has tatally changediin thee years. Figids Lused'to go éarly Housing ano other over the countryside w playod. 1 center [s totally differer ne old mat disappeared, there are now nly multinational companies and a big shopping cent : ding where | Talk about an occupation that helps make the world a better place, Do you know anyone with this job? Why does it help so much? Teeching in different educational institutions is @ job that helps make the world a better place. Many different jobs put great contributions to making the world better, but in my opinion, the contribution teachers make to edugat Pgople is very noble and has a really gh lOpytbwards society and civilization. My lI teacher in high school. | askeditn Betions about the jobs that todch swiny they did it, and | js an inevitable fact and backbone of later on, wei gouto different educational institutes to laarn and aequire knowledge. Teachars not only teach us academic lessons but aiso teach us the importance of education. On top of that, teachers inspire us, motivate us, teach us morality, honesty, and many other aspects of life. The things we learn trom our schools and teachers shape what we become, Without their hard work and contributions, we vrould have been savage, uneducated, and uncivilized. The teachers are the human engineers who ara continuously working on creating the noxt leader, scientist, writer, architect, doctor, researcher, pilot, artist, musician, composer, etc. who would navigate the nation. Without their unmatched efforts and contributions, the world would have been a different place with a lot more problems. Possibly no other profession contributes to making the world a better place as much as the teaching protession does, (266 ) BSS UBRMEAWEALRAM, IRAGHASG: Discuss the beneft8 and drawoacks of disposable ‘consumer goods, like Fazors aNd psper cups There areots af plages.v/here fisposabole.cups have batofnd tho|notmeN€ae-tie Water-cooler at work, aids birthday ales loredulebirtiday parties), of even while vacationingsAny.time people ant to avoid re microwave safe. They are environmentally riendly and come at @ reasonable cost. Mos: paper cups and other accessories are made of natural substances, moaning that they aro recyclable, and therefore ere a great way to reduce your carbon footprints. Even if the cups are made eee recycled after this; both pager and plastic cups are dithoult to recycle. ined, so por cups aro plasti they don't soak in the liquid you put in them. That ans that very few recycling facilities can handie which requit this type of recycling procs wn the paper and plastic ok) BSS UERMESHSALAM, iSKASHASIG: What are some Bf thie causesi@ the Increase In obesity wor vide? wnat Bre sorte tions’? Obesity is not just @ Cosmetic consideration. It is a chronic medical digeassiiat can lead to diet high blood prossurefheart dis@eso, otc. Tho balance between lorie Thtaxe and er oy expencifure detSitiges a PemSdn’s weighfafa person eai$ mora caloibshan be ofshesbuins, the pergon'gdins weight as'the-bodty Will stOre the onorgy as fat. Therafore, the mast cor 9 of obesity are overeating and physical inactivity. Obesity does not just happen avernigh it develops gradually from poor diet and lifestyle choices. Unhealthy food choices may include eating processed or fast food that is high in fat, rot eatin fruit and vegetables, as well as drinking too much alcohol because alcohol contains a lot of calories, and heavy drinkers are often obese. Lack of exercise and phy activity is an important factor related to obesity. Many paople have jobs that involve sitting at a desk most of the day. They also rely on their cers rather than walking, or cycling. Wf browse the intern 1en they relax, people tend to wate TV, t or play con uier games, and ‘ta not regularly exercise. Even thoug nodication lots can help, the tra: ity cannot be e short-term "nx" but he iment o' ob tobe a lifelong commitment to proper diet habits, ncreased physical activity, and regular exerais The goal of treatment should be to achieve and maintain a “healthior weight,” not necessarily an deal weignt. (227 4) Describe a quality of your personal character that you find important. Is this a common characteristic? How does it helo you? ‘One of the bost qualitios | seo in mysalf is my Kingness to other people around me. | am friendly, generous, and considerate. While some would argue that kindness has a connotation of meaning ‘someone is naive or weak, that is not the case, Being kind often requires courage and strength. Kindness is an interpersonal skill. Kindness is not @ relatively common characteristic in today's society, because it usually involves devoting resources to others, rathor than, pede ioe. which mysel means havir Hf. Nonetheless. at@BFings lasting well botng for ri \g'when | see people in need. After: 1, people will appreciate: your kindness, ct, and probably re a of ity, a ind to ( = In what ways can society assist the unemployed In finding work? What are scme of the challenges in doing this? The job crisis is undoubtedly one of the most Critical problems tor almost all countries. | believe there are many prudent steps that government can take to reduce the level of unemployment. First and foremost, | think the government should build more learning centers to improve human capital to make the workforce more employable. Entrepreneurship and innovation should also be encouraged to create new products and market demand, which will generate new employment ‘opportunities. Lastly, lower employment taxes. should also be offered to increase labor demand. The challenges faced by implementing these measures are meny. | think the main issue here is that It usually takes a long time and a lot of debates among policymakers in some countries to make 2 sound decision. It will be too slow to make social changes. (135 words)

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