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Do you think that schools should teach morality (right and wrong), or just stick to core subjects?
Provide reasons to support your opinion.

Do you think that students should be able to decide exactly what they want to learn, or do you
think they should follow a set course of study? Explain your reasoning.

Name something that you think young kids struggle with in school. What could teachers do to
make this easier for all children? How did you overcome similar struggles when you were

What is a practical skill that you believe all students should learn in school? Why would this skill
be helpful to learn? What would be a good way to learn this skill on your own?

What is one subject that most schools don’t require, but that you believe is important for all
students? Why do you think that subject is valuable for every student?

Describe the last time that you received tutoring. How did one-on-one assistance help you learn
the subject better? How can you use what you learned to help others who struggle with the same

Describe a difficult skill you have mastered. Explain how you overcame problems in order to
master the skill.

Name a skill that you think all little kids should know how to do. Why should this skill be taught
in elementary school? How would knowing this have helped you or made your childhood easier?

What is one thing that you do really well? How did you become good at this skill? How has this
skill helped you?

What do you think it means to be a generous person, and how important is it to be generous?
Explain your reasoning.

Do you think that people can ever be truly selfless? Explain your reasons for your opinion.

What is something that you think every person needs in order to be happy? Explain the reasons for
your choice.

What are the most important qualities to look for in a friend? Explain why these qualities are more
important than others.
Who is a well-known person you look up to, and what characteristics does the person have that
you admire?

Name a person who you think is very kind toward others. What do they say or do that models
kindness? What have you learned from him or her?

What do you think it means to be an adult? Describe the skills, knowledge and other qualities that
a person should have as an adult.

Who is the most successful adult you personally know? What makes him or her so successful?
What can you learn from this person's life?

What are some traits that are important for successful business owners? Why do you think these
traits would help them be successful? How do you think having these traits would improve your

Name a famous person you would like to have dinner with. What two questions would you ask
them? What would you hope to learn?

Who is a character from a movie or book that you would like to be like? Explain the reasons for
your choice.

What characteristics do you think makes a person worthy of your trust? Explain your reasoning.

What is the most important thing you have learned from your parents, both bad and good? Explain
your reasoning.

What do you think is the most important quality for a leader to have? Explain the reasons for your

What characteristics do you think makes a person worthy of your trust? Explain your reasoning.

Name three qualities that you think your friends would say you have. Why do you think they
would choose these? How do these qualities affect your friendships?

What are some things that you do to show other people that you care about them? What are some
things that other people do to show that they care about you?

Describe a character from a book who reminds you of yourself. How does the character’s actions
reveal their personality? What makes them similar to you?
Explain a quality about yourself that you are proud of. How does this quality make you a better
person? What can your friends learn from you because of this quality?

What is one thing that you like about one of your parents? How does this quality make him or her
a better person? What have you learned from this parent that helps you in life?

Name one trait you have that you got from one of your parents. How has this similarity impacted
your relationship? What do you think this similarity says about how your parents influence you?

Describe the biggest difference between you and your best friend. How has this difference
impacted your relationship with him or her? What can you learn from each other because of this

Name one interesting thing about you that not many people know. Why don't many people know
this about you? How do you think your friends would react if they knew this about you?

What is one thing about how you were raised that you do not agree with? Explain the reasons for
your opinion.

What is something you are able to do today that you were not able to do one year ago? Explain
how you have grown in this area.

What is important to you today that wasn't important to you 5 years ago? Explain why it's
important to you now.

Describe the last time you were scared to try something new but did anyway. How did you get the
courage to try it? What did you learn from this experience that will help you in life?

What is something you are motivated to achieve this year? How do you plan to meet this goal?
How will acheiving this goal benefit you?

Name a goal that you want to achieve in the next year. What are you doing to achieve this goal?
How will accomplishing this goal make you a better person?

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would you say? Explain why this
advice is so important.

Do you think people learn more from their successes or from their failures? Provide reasons to
support your opinion.

What is something you and your generation owe to the next generation? Describe an issue or
responsibility that will be important for your generation to address, and explain why it is

What are your plans for after you graduate? How have your plans changed over time? What are
you doing now to achieve your goals?

Describe a time when a friend was loyal to you. How did their loyalty make you feel about the
friendship? What can you learn from this experience?

Describe the last time you disagreed with your best friend. How did you solve the disagreement,
and how did it impact your friendship?

If you had to share an apartment or dorm room with someone very different from yourself, what
are some things you would do to get along with the other person? Why?

What is a common problem among your peers, and what do you think could be done about it?
Explain your reasoning.

What is something you would ask your parents for advice about? Why do you think that your
parents are experts on this topic? What do you think your parents would advise you to do?

Talk about a time when you faced a difficult challenge and overcame it. How did you do it and
what character qualities did you display?

What do you think is an effective way to cope with pressure? Explain the reasons for your answer.

Describe your favorite thing to do on rainy days. What makes this activity ideal for a rainy day?
Why do you enjoy this activity?

Describe a memorable place that you only visited once in your life. Why is that place so
memorable? Do you think it would be as memorable to other people?

Describe the last time you listened to live music. Where were you, and how was the experience?
Do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music? Why?

Describe a recent dream you had. What do you think this dream means? Would you hope this
dream comes true? Why or why not?

What was the last test that you had to study for, and how did you prepare? What resources did you
use that were helpful? How can you use what you learned in the future?
Describe your perfect vacation trip. Who would you take with you? What activities would you
want to do during the trip?

What is the most unusual food that you have ever eaten? Who were you with, and how was the
experience? What did you learn about yourself from eating this unusual food?

Describe the last time you had dinner together with your entire family. What is the one thing that
you remember most? How could the experience have been more enjoyable for you?

Describe the last time you volunteered to help a friend. How did your help affect your friendship?
How did helping someone else make you feel?

Describe the last story you heard that made you laugh. What made the story funny? Who did you
share the story with, and how did they respond?

Describe a time when you were part of a large crowd. How did you feel about being in that group
of people? What is one positive thing or one negative thing about being in large crowds?

What is something that is completely free but gives you as much joy as expensive things? Explain
the reasons for your choice.

What is the most memorable gift you ever received? Explain why the gift was so significant to

Name an animal that you think makes the world a better place? How do you think people would
react if it went extinct? What would be lost if the animal no longer existed?

Would you rather travel by yourself or with a group? Explain the reasons for your preference.

If you had to get rid of one holiday from your culture, what would you choose? Explain your

If your house or apartment caught on fire, what is the one possession you would try to rescue first?
Explain your choice.

Describe your favorite room in your house. What makes this room enjoyable? What do you like to
do in this room, and who you enjoy being there with?

Name one country you would like to visit. Who would you want to take with you and why? What
do you think you could learn on this trip?
What unusual animal do you think could make a great pet? Provide reasons for why you chose
that animal.

What is one thing about your home culture that you wish you could change? Explain your

Where in the world would you like to go to study? What is it about this city or country that you
think makes it a good place to study? What would you hope to accomplish while you are there?

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