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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of term work of

VIIth semester Mechanical Engineering

Shri Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University



Dept.of Mechanical Engg.

B.D.C.O.E., Sevagram

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bapurao Deshmukh College of engineering,


This is to certify that project seminar on “ Design and Fabrication of Automatic
Drainage cleaning system” has been performed successfully for partial fulfillment
of term work of VIIth semester Mechanical Engineering of Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj
Nagpur University during academic session 2018-2019. This is the record of their work
under my guidance and to my immense satisfaction.

Prof. R. J. Dahake Prof. S. M. Fulmali

Project Guide Project In charge
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
B.D.C.O.E. Sevagram B.D.C.O.E. Sevagram
Prof. R.J.Dahake
Coordinator (shift-II)
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
B.D.C.O.E. Sevagram


We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude and whole hearted
thanks to our project Guide and Coordinator Prof. R.J.Dahake (shift-II) (Department of
Mechanical Engg.) for their invaluable guidance, encouragement and inspiration
throughout the project work. We would also like to sincerely thank him for his
tremendous support and indispensible guidance in our venture. Also, we have to express
our gratitude and give credit to all the other teaching and non-teaching staff and all fellow
students who extended their aid in one way or another.

Section :IInd SHIFT

5. DESIGN 10

10. PROCESS 15
12. DESIGN 17
13. SCOPE OF 18


Water is a basic necessity of humans and all living beings. There is a plenty of water on
earth but that is not suitable for human use. Clean water is more important and is used for
some purpose. The impurities present in water can cause hazardous diseases. Impurities in
drainage water can be like empty bottles, polythene bags, papers etc. Today when the
scheme like “Swatch Bharat Mission” is at peak of their age and everyone working
towards making their surrounding and country clean, our group has sort to work out on a
mechanism to make drains of our country free from solid waste and hence playing a
major role in cleaning our society. The most striking feature of Harappa civilization
(Indus Valley Civilization) is that the Indus Valley people had constructed their drainage
system on very scientific lines. The drainage system of Mohenjo-Daro is so elaborate that
“the like of which has not yet been found anywhere in the world in any other city of the
same antiquity. House drains emptied themselves into the main drains which ran under
the main streets and below many lanes. Solid matters that are created by human or animal
activities, and which are disposed because they are hazardous or useless are known as
solid waste. Most of the solid wastes, like paper, plastic containers, bottles, cans, and
even used cars and electronic goods are not biodegradable, which means they do not get
broken down through inorganic or organic processes. Thus, when they accumulate they
cause a health threat to people. Decaying wastes also attract household pests and result in
urban areas becoming unhealthy, dirty and unsightly places to reside in. Moreover, it also

causes damage to terrestrial organisms while also reducing the uses of the land for other
more useful purposes. Therefore, this problem needs immediate remedial measures.
These impurities present in drainage water can cause blockage or the drainage system.
The drainage system can be cleaned time to time manually or such a system can be
designed that will automatically throw out wastages and will keep the water clean.

In this report , the proposed concept is to replace the manual work in drainage cleaning by
automated system. Now-a-days even though automation plays a vital role in all industrial
applications in the proper disposal of sewages from industries and commercials are still a
challenging task. Automatic Drainage Water Cleaning overcomes all sorts of drainage
problems and promotes blockage free drains promoting continuous flow of drain water. In
the modern era there have been adequate sewage problems where sewage water needs to
be segregated to clean our surrounding environment. The waste and gases produced from
the industries are very harmful to human beings and to the environment. Our proposed
system is used to clean and control the drainage level using auto mechanism technique.
Drainage pipes are using for the disposal and unfortunately sometimes there may be loss
of human life while cleaning the blockages in the drainage pipes.

The device is place across drain so that only water flow through lower grids. Waste like
bottle, etc. Floating in drain are lifted by teeth which is connected to chain. This chain is
attached by gears driven by motor. When motor runs the chain starts to circulate making
teeth to lift up. The waste materials are lifted by teeth and are stored in waste storage
tank. DC motors with help of h-bridge designed ic. Dc motor control plays a major role in
many applications; dc motor is required to be rotated in clockwise and counter clockwise
directions. For this purpose h bridge is designed. In this project l293d ic is used to drive
two dc motors. Automatic Drainage Water Cleaning overcomes all sorts of drainage
problems and promotes blockage free drains promoting continuous flow of drain water.

In the modern era there have been adequate sewage problems where sewage water needs
to be segregated to clean our surrounding environment. The waste and gases produced
from the industries are very harmful to human beings and to the environment. Our
proposed system is used to clean and control the drainage level using auto mechanism

Water running through a water drainage system mostly carries along waste materials most
which are non-biodegradable which not only cause flooding but also climate change.
Overflow of water drainage system occurs when there is a blockage of an end of the
drainage system forcing the water to find its way elsewhere apart from the mapped out
drainage system, therefore the running water spills over the horizontal height of the
drainage systems spreading to regions alongside the drainage system, thereby causing
problems such as pushing down of structures such as fences, water logging of farm lands
and residential building, etc. The impurities present in water can cause hazardous and
disease. As long as the draining system is considered the function of the main drainage
system is to collect, transport and dispose of the water through an outfall or outlet.
Impurities in drainage water can be only like empty bottles, polythene bags, papers, etc.

The problem such as Environmental pollution and spreading of viral diseases are
avoidable. Automation of Drainage Cleaning System would reduce the risk of various
diseases spread due to accumulation of waste. This Drainage Cleaning system will clean
the waste at the surface of drainage which would allow the flow of water. The devices is
place across drain so that only water flow through lower grids, waste like bottle, etc.
Floating in drain are lifted by teeth which is connected to chain. This chain is attached by
gear driven by motor. When motor runs the chain starts to circulate making teeth to lift
up. The waste materials are lifted by teeth and are stored in waste storage tank.

This project is designed to keep clean the drainage system and helps the smooth working
of the system. This project helps to clean water in the drainage system each time any
wastage appears and this form an efficient and easy way of cleaning the drainage system
and preventing the blockage. It also reduces human power and improves the quality of
water that is cleaned. The drainage systems are cleaned when there is no water in them
i.e. when it is not raining, but when it is raining the drainage systems cannot be cleaned
because of the harsh conditions of the rain which no one would volunteer to ensure that
garbage does not enter into the drainage systems.


Ganesh U L, [1] showed the usage of mechanical drainage cleaner to replace the
manual work required for drainage cleaning system. Drainage pipes are very dirty.
Sometimes it is harmful for human life while it is need for cleaning drainage system. To
overcome this problem, they implemented a mechanical semi-automatic drainage water
cleaner and so the water flow is efficient because of regular filteration of wastages with
the help of that project. Different kinds of environment hazards reduced with the help of
Drainage system machine.

Elangovan K., [2] reviewed about drainage cleaning to replace manual work to
automated system because manually cleaning system it is harmful for human life and
cleaning time, is more so to overcome this problem they implemented a design
“Automatic drainage water pump monitoring and control system using PLC and
SCADA”. PLC and SCADA were designed. In this project to use efficient way to control
the disposal of wastage regularly, treatment of disposal in different way toxic and non-
toxic gases. PLC controller from Siemens was used in the treatment system of drainage
wastewater control by the stepper motor, compressor, gas exhauster, pressure valve and
the liquid level, flow and other analog variables to achieve automatic control of sewage
waste water treatment.

Dr .K.KUMARESAN [3] explained manual work converted to automated system.

Drainage pipe using for disposal and it may be loss for human life while cleaning the
blockage in the drainage pipes. To overcome this problem they implemented “Automatic

Sewage Cleaning System”. They designed their project different way clearance of
gaseous substance are treated separately so the flow of water efficiently.This project may
be developed with the full utilization of men , machines, and materials and money. They
made their project economical and efficient with the available resources. They used
automation technology concerned with his application of mechanical, electronics,
computer based systems to operate and control production.

R.Sathiyakala, [4] explained E bucket (electronic bucket) use for drainage cleaning
system because E-bucket lifted a sewage and used evaporation treatment for this sewage
wet sewage was converted into dry matters, with the of ARM board (ARDUINO) this
process was performed. After this process they were add this waste a government bank
without any kind of affection of the bacteria.

S D Rahul Bharadwaj, [5] proposed with the automatic cleaning of waste water in
order to prevent global warming and melting of glaciers. The results emphasize the need
of waste water treatment plants, through which the water is treated before suspending in
rivers. Firstly power is generated and that power is used for waste water cleaning process.

Nitin Sall, [6] explained flow of used water from homes, business industries,
commercial activities is called waste water. 200 and 500 liters wastage water are
generated each person every day. So using waste water technology that removes, rather
than destroys, a pollutant in a drainage system.

Mr. Nikhil S. Pisal1, [7] proposed safe load for the chain and the ability of the
same to withstand the use of Finite Element Modeling would be the core objective of the
work. An existing chain link was used for benchmarking the research work. Finite
Element Analysis tools like Hyper Mesh and ANSYS were suitable to find the
performance of the link under tensile loads. The design for the chain would be subjected
to F.E Analysis to find the effect of loads (tension) on the link. The proposed method
utilizes software in the FEA domain for analyzing the effects of the variation in the values
of the design parameters influencing the performance criterion. The FEM method is used
to analyze the stress state of an elastic body with a given geometry, such as chain link.

NDUBUISI C. Daniels, [8] showed the Drainage system cleaner machine used to
remove garbage and sewage automatically which helped to protect the environment from
different kinds of environmental hazards. The drainage system cleaner has three major
parts which are the Propeller, the Cleaner and the Pan all makes up for its effective

Prabhushankar N et al. [9] designed a machine which used reciprocating pump as the
main component instead of centrifugal pump for dewatering of drainages. As centrifugal
pump was costlier and less effective in complete removal of suspended and heavy solids.
They used pneumatic and spring system with reciprocating cylinder. There was use of
pneumatic cylinder which used power of compressed air to produce linear motion with
reciprocation. One component of pneumatic drainage system was spring return pneumatic
cylinder. One drawback with it was less efficiency, as part of force produced by cylinder
was lost as it tried to push against the spring.

T Duricic et al. [10] investigated on removal of phosphate from synthetic wastewater by
using electro coagulation method. Although phosphate was a precious nutrient but its
high quantity causes eutrophication. Result showed decrement in phosphate removal rate
with increase in its initial concentration and also by increasing electrolysis duration
removal of phosphate increased. Experiments showed that aluminium electrode had
higher removal efficiency (98.9%) compare to iron electrode (93.5%) for 40 minutes of

Nithyavathy N et al. [11] modified the “Drainage Cleaning Machine” with the help of
his group members. They kept their attention towards the health of municipal corporation
workers. They proposed, “Remote Control Sewage Cleaning Machine”. They used RF
transmitters and receivers, 9-volt battery and four channel relay board. In the previous
system when the municipal corporation member had to clean the sewage they had to land
into drainage, but in that modified version, they can control the machine speed and
direction with the help of remote. Less skilled worker could easily handle that machine.

Vetrivel S et al. [12] proposed a system to build a sewer robot which was capable of
cleaning the blocks in sewer pipe of diameter from 80-100mm without employing
humans. In that caterpillar type wheel system were engaged to increase the cleaning while
vertical movement. That whole system was developed in low cost & inspection of pipe
could be easily done with the help of “Sewer Robot using concept of Sensor
Locomotives”. That whole system worked on instruction. Four bar chain mechanism were
used so that it could expand and shrunk their wheel suspensions, together its own
movement. By using some sensors and processors together along with locomotive, they
could easily do inspection & cleaning action where the human hand could not reach


In today’s era automation plays a very important role in all industrial applications for the
proper disposal of sewage from industries and household is still a challenging task. Drain
pipes are used for the adequate disposal of waste and unfortunately sometimes there may
be a threat to human life during the cleaning of blockage in the drain pipes or it can cause
serious health issues because of the pertaining problems like malaria, dengue, etc. In
order to overcome this problem as well as to save human life we implement a design

“Automatic Drainage Cleaning System”.

We designed our project in order to use it in an efficient way to control the disposal of
waste along with regular filtration of drains, removal of solid waste in order to avoid
blockage in drains to promote continuous flow of drainage water which ultimately
reduces the threat to human life.


1. Wiper Motor:

The mechanism behind wipers is the windshield wiper motor, which provides the power
the wipers need. A worm gear controls the force that the windshield wiper motor delivers
to the drive arm by slowing down the speed of the electric motor by 50 times while
multiplying the torque by 50 times.
There are three major components to a wiper motor:
 Motor
 Rotary to linear motion converter mechanism
 Parking switch

The mechanism to convert rotary motion to linear motion is very straight forward and its
functionality is apparent from a visual inspection of a disassembled motor assembly.

2. Bucket Conveyor:

A bucket elevator, also called a grain leg, is a mechanism for hauling flowable bulk
materials (most often grain or fertilizer) vertically.

It consists of:
1. Buckets to contain the material;
2. A chain to carry the buckets and transmit the pull;
3. Means to drive the chain;
4. Accessories for loading the buckets or picking up the material, for receiving the
discharged material,
for maintaining the chain tension and for enclosing and protecting the elevator.

A bucket elevator can elevate a variety of bulk materials from light to heavy and from
fine to large lumps.

3. Collecting Tank:

A collecting tank is a water tank which is used to collect and store wastages, collects from
sewage. A collecting box is one that is used to collect wastes fom drainage (or) sewage.


A bicycle chain is a roller chain that transfers power from the upper shaft to lower shaft
by wiper motor runs. The conveyor which is connected to the chain through welding.
Most chains are made from plain carbon or alloy steel, but some are nickel-plated to
prevent rust, or for aesthetics.


A sprocket or sprocket-wheel is a profiled wheel with teeth, cogs, or even sprockets that
mesh with a chain (or) indented material.
The sprocket wheel engage a chain and run over it. It is distinguished from a gear are
never meshed directly, differs from shafts in this sprockets have teeth and pulleys are
smooth. Sprockets and chains are also used for power transmission from one shaft to
another where slippage is not admissible, sprocket chains being used instead of belts or
ropes and sprocket-wheels instead of pulleys.
They can be run at high speed and some forms of chain are so constructed as to be
noiseless even at high speed.


A bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired motion,
andreduces friction between moving parts.
The design of the bearing may, for example, provide for free linear movement of the
moving part or for free rotation around a fixed axis; or, it may prevent a motion by
controlling the vectors of normal forces that bear on the moving parts.
Most bearings facilitate the desiredmotion by minimizing friction. Bearings are classified
broadly according to the type of operation.


12-volt battery is used in this proposed system. It is help to run a wiper motor and stores a
Car battery (most batteries for vehicles are 12 volts) Lantern battery. A23 battery, a small
battery (roughly 2/3 of an AAA battery in length) made for RF transmitters


Configuration comprises of use of logical guideline, specialized data, and creative energy
for advancement of new component to perform particular capacity with most extreme
economy and effectiveness. Thus cautious outline approach must be embraced. The
aggregate plan work has been part into two sections.

1. System design

2. Mechanical design


Framework configuration is for the most part concerns the different physical limitations
and ergonomics, space prerequisites, game plan of different segments on casing at
framework, man-machine collaboration, no. of controls, position of controls, workplaces,
of upkeep, extent of change, weight if machine from ground level, add up to weight of
machine and significantly more.


In mechanical design the components are listed down and stored on the basis of their
procurement, design in two categories namely :-

1. Designed parts
2. Parts to be purchased

Mechanical outline stage is imperative from the perspective of originator as entire

achievement of venture relies on upon the right plan examination of the issue. Numerous
preparatory options are killed amid this stage. Creator ought to have sufficient learning
about physical properties of material, load stresses and disappointment. He ought to
recognize all inside and outer powers following up on machine parts.


Normally during fabrication of the model the basement part is prepared by welding the
metal bar by arc welding. Then the supporting metal rod are welded at an angle of 90
degrees from the basement, the bearing is welded to the supporting rod and the front part
of the basement. Cylindrical shafts are fixed to the bearings and also conveyor belt fixed
to the shafts. The tools lifters are fixed to the conveyor belt at an equal distance from
each. Then the collecting box is fixed at backside by welding

Fig . . Fabrication of Proposed Model



The drainage cleaning machine helps us to clean small or big sewage through its
mechanical design and working. This machine consists of parts such as motor, battery,
shaft, lifter, collecting box etc. When we give power to this machine then motor starts
working which rotates the shaft. Due to the rotation of shafts, the conveyor belt connected
to the shafts rotates.

As the conveyor belt rotates the two lifters which are connected to the conveyor at half
length of the conveyor starts rotating as well. When one lifter completes one round from
down to upward direction, it takes all the garbage material like waste bottles, plastics,
tins, etc. and the grid drops it on the collecting box attached at the back. The collection
rate of garbage will be continuing.

This device is placed across drainage so that only water flow through lower grid, waste
like bottles, plastics which are floating in drain are lifted by teeth of lifter which is
connected to conveyor. This conveyor is attached to shafts driven by motor. When motor
runs the conveyor starts to circulate making teeth to lift up. The waste materials are lifted
by teeth and are stored in waste.

FIG . working flow


FIG :- CATIA model for system

Fig 2:- CATIA model for bucket .


Methodology used for whole processing of Drainage cleaning Machine is given below;
this methodology gives way about how work is to be carried out in systematic way. It is
standard process of describing process, how it is done in simplest manner.







 Cleaning of drains/gutters has always been a problem. Labors cleaning gutters &
drain seems unethical and also leads to a high risk of them catching infections or
poisoning due to large amounts of waste/chemicals in them. Also throwing of
bottles/plastics and other such objects into the gutters lead to narrowing and
eventually blockage in gutter flow. This leads to overflow in many cases.

 So here we provide a fully automated drain gutter cleaning mechanism to tackle

these modern day gutter jamming issues.

 Our system uses an automated gutter/drain cleaning system that lets fluids flow
through it but catches large solid waste like bottles & plastic and accumulates it.
So gutter cleaners need to just clean these gutter cleaning systems installed at
points instead of cleaning entire gutter floors. Our system consists of metal teeth
based jaws that wait at the bottom of the mechanism. The vertical frame bed is
used to let liquid flow but catch all solid waste.

 The system consists of a filter basket on top of it. After particular time intervals
the jaw lifts up using a motorized shaft which is connected using a chain to the
jaws. It then reaches the top and turns upside down to dump the solid waste. Now
after dumping the waste, the motor rotates again to bring the jaw again to the
bottom position to collect more waste. The system is a very efficient way to
cleaning gutters & drains.


 If we turn on motor switch or if we supply current to the motor the motor starts to

 The rotary motion of the shaft is connected to the top shaft by chain and sprockets
which is placed on tapper bars.

 From top shaft that motion is transferred to the bottom shaft by using sprockets
and chains.

 The teeth which is used for lifting waste from drainage is placed or attached
between two chains which are on top and bottom shafts.

 The dust bin which is used for collecting all the waste is attached to vertical bars
behind the chains.

 There will be a mesh between the chains and dust bin which act as a barrier for
stopping the waste without floating.

 When we switch on the motor the two shafts starts to rotate. Thus the teeth also
starts rotate

 .The teeth enters into water while rotating when it is coming up it also lift the
waste present on the water along with it.

 It carries the wasted along with it and finally dumps that waste in dust bin during


Chain Drive mechanism

In automatic drain cleaner the lifting pans are lifted by the chains which are in-line with
the sprockets. This mechanism is known as chain drive mechanism .

A chain is a serial assembly of connected pieces, called links, typically made of metal,
with an overall character similar to that of a rope in that it is flexible and curved in
compression but linear, rigid, and load-bearing in tension. A chain may consist of two or
more links. Chains can be classified by their design, which is dictated by their use:

 Those designed for lifting, such as when used with a hoist; for pulling; or for
securing, such as with a bicycle lock, have links that are torus shaped, which make
the chain flexible in two dimensions (The fixed third dimension being a chain's
length.) Small chains serving as jewellery are a mostly decorative analogue of
such types.

 Those designed for transferring power in machines have links designed to mesh
with the teeth of the sprockets of the machine, and are flexible in only one
dimension. They are known as roller chains, though there are also non-roller
chains such as block chain.


Flow chart for design calculation in Automatic drain and gutter cleaner to design
of input









FIG . Flow chart for system design calculation


i. Shaft

Outer Diameter=24mm Material used=Mild steel. Inner Diameter=21mm

Length between to

ii. wheels Qty-six 102 mm

iii. Chain Drives Qtu-two Chain length = L=1524 mm

iv. Lifter
Gap between each Length=610mm Breadth =120mm
v.Collecting Bin Length =610mm Breadth =458mm
Height =305mm Area of the collecting bin = L*B
=279380 mm


As the project has been based on the baseline to make integration of the benefits for
human health, societal
concerns and national cleanliness policy. Therefore it covers many section of
proportionate benefits to the all sphere of our present life. Explaining all the present
benefits in respective category:


● Drainage Cleaning System is basically a agglomeration of the basic mechanical

components that we have gone through regressively during out past four year of

● All the basic components that majorly consist of the Chain drives, Bearings, Welding,
Turbine etc.,

● components are finely integrated to build to structurally simple project.

● Moreover the last add on the project to give and edge effect harnessing of the flow
energy of the drain gives the project the much needed future scope of exploitation of the
renewable resource


● In a modern society where luxury has become a necessity in the urban and rural hub,
there lies a section of the population who still lives on meager just enough to satisfy its
hand to mouth needs.

● Sanitations is one of the very basic amenities required for the basic living of a man and
providing with such a technological and economical instrument which can change the
pathetic sewerage condition of the town and cities of mediocre India.

● With such a potential instrument of employment generation in the society through

industry cooperation, this product land you in the win-situation for the people.


 Presently as a nation , india purposefully focus on two major things :-fistly as young
and fast growing nation we are concentrating to pull out the maximum from out
manufacturing sector with the touch of statups as things of sub topic focus .

 Our project as being new in the market sector will provide the entrepreneurs the m
uch needed ideas to blend the technology with societal benefits and harness the market .

 Secondly as a nation we are focusing on the public benefits in the policy making and
providing the young generation the employment and environment safety. While being
a high market potential project conserves the profit for the industrial section with the
advance of providing the corporate social benefits .


● The projects Drainage cleaning system definitely serves the many dimensionsthe
human needs and definitely presents a bright future aspect in this domain.

● With technological advancement this coremechanical project can be revolutionized to

include the technology like GSM etc., to make the working of the Municipal Boards of
the cites more viable.

● The project can be incorporate the automatic dustbin lifting system and hence the
project can be tech-abled.

 The proposed project can extend the project by adding wind power to charge the
battery from wind turbine energy. It can also extend the project by adding one
suppression motor to suppress the dust particles in the storage tank also increase the
storage tank size for more particles to store which are collected from the drain water.



 It is reliable and portable.

 It cleans continuously.
 It is time saving.
 Development materials are regularly locally applicable.
 Reducing time and human efforts.
 Working is simple.
 Construction of model is easy.
 Efficient in handling.
 Less Vibration.
 Maintenance cost is less.
 Mechanism is adjustable as per height and length of Drain
 The Drainage cleaning machine is more efficient In the technical field.
 Quick response is achieved.
 Easy to maintain and repair.
 Comparatively the operation cost is less.
 Continuous operation is possible without stopping.
 Minimal effort deplete off arrangement if depletes as of now exist.
 . Development materials are regularly locally accessible
 Makes work (development and support)
 Cost of production is low
 No need to purchase heavy machinery
 Reduces threat to human life
 Manual assistance is not required
 Working principle is quiet easy.
 Compact and Highly Efficient system .


 Rust.
 Small vibration occurred due to wire brush wheel attachment.
 It is able to clean solid waste only.
 Cannot withstand higher loads.
 Initial cost is high.

 Additional cost required to implement this system in water bodies.
 Keeping in mind the end goal to maintain a strategic distance from vibration the
machine ought to be legitimately establishment with the floor.
 Jerks in chain


 It can be used as part of plastic business.

 It can be used as part of Municipality Corporation.
 It can be installed for domestic sewage treatment.
 It can be used for proper treatment of sewage as well as to avoid blockages of drains.
 It is portable and compact in size which initiate easy handling.
 Manual assistance is not required.
 . In industries, streets, houses, etc., which can be practically implemented in real
 Applicable in river, etc,…
 It is used in all types if drainage (large, small& medium).
 This machine is mainly used in cleaning system.
 Project to use this in efficient way to control the disposal of wastages and with regular
filtration of wastages.
 This device is suitable to hold flat type(maximum length 5 feet)..
 It can be installed in village Gram Panchayat for drainage cleaning.
 It can be installed for sewage treatment in MIDC industries.


The proposed system is helpful in handling the blockage of drain in effective manner. As
whole systemis providing solution over the total cleaning of drain line not only floating
material but also waste accumulates atthe bottom of drain.
In India, cleanliness is major issue regarding health and society. So as to provide a step
inwe design such system which will help to have clean society. It will also helpful in
future for growing economy of Municipal Corporation.

This project work will provide us an excellent opportunity and experience, to use our
limited knowledge. We gain a lot of practical knowledge regarding, planning, purchasing,
assembling and machining while doing this project work.We feel that the project work is
a good solution to bridgethe gates between the institution and the industries. We
feel proud that we are working on this project i.e The “DESIGN AND


 [1] Ganesh U L, Vinod V Rampur Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department,

PESITM, Shimoga, Karnataka, ‘Semi-Automatic
 Drain For Sewage Water Treatment of Floating Materials’, India International
Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science
 (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821Volume 3, Issue 17(March
2013), PP.54-60.
 [2] Prof. Nitin Sall, Chougle Mohammed Zaid Sadique,Prathmesh Gawde,Shiraz
Qureshi and Sunil Singh Bhadauriya, ‘Drain Waste
 Water Cleaner’, International Journal of research in aeronautical and Mechanical
Engineering ISSN (Online): 2321-3051,Vol.4
 Issue 2, February 2016.
 [3] Harshal S Shinde Asst. Professor Shatabdi Institute of Engineering & Research
Nashik, ‘Automatic Drainage Cleaning System’,
 India International journal of innovative research in technology 2014 IJIRT,
Volume 1 1,2,3B.E/EEE/ Issue 3(March 2014).
 [4] S.S Rattan Department of Mechanical Engineering Regional Engineering
College Kurukshetra (2004), ‘Theory of Machines’
 Publication: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
 [5] K Mahadevan and K Balaveera Reddy, ‘Design and Data Hand book for
Mechanical Engineers’. Fourth edition 2013
 [6] K Raghavendra, ‘Design of Machine Elements’ (DME-II) first edition 2015.


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