Amul Project Report

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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement of qualifying

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A)
Session: 2019-20


Ms. Shilpa Goel Manan Jain
B.B.A (6th Sem.)
Registration No. - 17S7460299
University Roll No. - 5529629

I, Manan Jain student of B.B.A 6th semester hereby declare that the project report entitles of
done by me and the information provided in the study is authentic to the best of my
knowledge and I also declare that the content of this project report has not been submitted to
any other university or institution either in part or full for the award of any other degree or

Manan Jain
B.B.A 6th Semester
Reg. No. 17S7460299
Univ. Roll No. 5529629

This project would not have been possible without guidance, help and co-operation of a
number of people. We extend our gratitude to all these people who helped us some or the
other way to complete our project.

I would like to thank my teacher Miss Shilpa Goel whose valuable guidance has helped me
patch to the project report and to make it full proof success and suggestions and her
instructions has served as the major contribution towards the completion of the project.
Finally, my sincere gratitude goes to my family and friends for supporting me, sharing their
thoughts and giving me the moral support during the preparation of this report.

Manan Jain
B.B.A 6th Semester
Reg. No. 17S7460299
Univ. Roll No. 5529629

Consumer buying behavior is the sum total of a consumer's attitudes, preferences, intentions,
and decisions regarding the consumer's behavior in the market place when purchasing a
product or service. The study of consumer behavior draws upon social science disciplines of
anthropology, psychology, sociology, and economics.
Consumer makes buying decision every day and many people don’t even know the factors
which derive them to this decision. Usually the factors affecting consumer buying behavior
include psychological, social, cultural and Buying the new home cleaning service involves
consumers’ research for the best option available and it might take various factors in account
in its decision-making process. This thesis is about studying which factors of social, cultural,
personal or psychological characteristics has the most effect on consumer decision making
process when selecting home cleaning service company. The primary objective of this report
is “to study the people satisfaction regarding Amul products and the secondary objectives of this
report are “To identify the brand awareness, problem and level of satisfaction of the respondents in
purchasing of Amul products.”
In this project report, I have uses ‘Exploratory Research Design’ as a tool to fulfill its research
objectives. The collected data has been presented in the form of Tables & Pie charts. I selected
50 peoples as the sample size in this study.
For prepare this project report, I have used both primary and secondary methods for data
collection. I tried to minimize to bias and produce an unbiased report.
As per the analysis of the questionnaire done, the mostly peoples are satisfied with the Amul
The research work is carried out to highlight the important elements for customers in the
household and let the service provider understand overall picture of customer behavior
towards the Amul company with the help of understanding the factors affecting consumer
behavior for choosing a certain service provider. Better understanding of consumer behavior
would let the marketers make the service structure as desired and attractive for the household
customer and maintain business activities according to customer demands.
Table of contents

Sr. No. Title Page No.

1. Declaration 2

2. Acknowledgement 3

3. Executive Summary 4

4. Introduction to the project 8-39

5. About the study 41-42

6. Research Methodology 44-50

7. Data analysis and interpretation 52-68

8. Findings 69-70

9. Suggestion and Recommendation 71

10. Conclusion 72

11. Bibliography 73

12. Annexure 74-76

The word “Amul” is derived from Sanskrit word ‘Amulya’ which means ‘priceless’ or
precious’. Variants, all meaning priceless are found in several Indian language. Amul products
have been in use in millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder, amul
Ghee, Amul Spray, Amul Cheese, Amul chocolates, Amul Shrikhand, Amul Ice cream,
Nutramul, Amul Milk and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India. Turnover
Rs. 25 billion in 2002. Today Amul is a symbol of many things of high quality products sold
at reasonable prices of the genesis of a vast co-operative network of the triumph of indigenous
technology of the marketing savvy of a farmer's organization, and of a proven model for dairy
Over seven decades ago the life of a farmer in Kaira was very much like that of farmers
anywhere else in India. His income was derived almost entirely from seasonal crops. Many
poor farmers faced starvation during off-seasons. Their income from milch buffaloes was
undependable. The milk marketing system was controlled by contractors and middlemen. As
milk is perishable, farmers were compelled to sell their milk for whatever they were offered.
Often they had to sell cream and ghee at a throwaway price.
They were in general illiterate. But they could see that the system under which contractors
could buy their produce at a low price and arrange to sell it at huge profits was just not fair.
This became more noticeable when the Government of Bombay started the Bombay Milk
Scheme in 1945. Milk had to be transported 427 kilometers, from Anand to Bombay. This
could be done only if milk was pasteurized in Anand.
After preliminary trials, the Government of Bombay entered into an agreement with Polsons
Limited to supply milk from Anand to Bombay on a regular basis. The arrangement was
highly satisfactory to all concerned – except the farmers. The Government found it profitable;
Polsons kept a good margin. Milk contractors took the biggest cut. No one had taken the
trouble to fix the price of milk to be paid to the producers. Thus under the Bombay Milk
Scheme the farmers of Kaira District were no better off ever before. They were still at the
mercy of milk contractors. They had to sell their milk at a price the contractors fixed. The
discontent of the farmers grew. They went in deputation to Sardar Patel, who had advocated
farmers’ co-operatives as early as 1942 Sardar Patel reiterated his advice that they should
market their milk through a co-operative society of their own. This co-operative should have
its own pasteurization plant. His advice was that the farmers should demand permission to set
up such a co-operative. If their demand was rejected, they should refuse to sell their milk to
Sardar Patel pointed out that in undertaking such a strike there should be some losses to the
farmers as they would not be able to sell their milk for some time. If they were prepared to put
up with the loss, he was prepared to lead them. The farmers’ deputation readily accepted his
Sardar then sent his trusted deputy, Mr. Morarjibhai Desai, to Kaira District to organize milk
co-operative – and a milk strike if necessary. Mr. Desai held a meeting in Samarkha village on
January 4, 1946. It was resolved that milk producers’ co-operative societies should be
organized in each village of Kaira District to collect milk from their member-farmers. All the
milk societies would federate into a Union which would own milk processing facilities.

The Government should undertake to buy milk from the Union. If this wasn’t done, the
farmers would refuse to sell milk to any milk contractor in Kaira District.
The Government turned down the demand. The farmers called a ‘milk strike’. It lasted 15
days. Not a drop of milk was sold to the milk merchants. No milk reached Bombay from
Anand, and the Bombay Milk Scheme almost collapsed. After 15 days the milk commissioner
of Bombay, an Englishman, and his deputy visited Anand, assessed the situation and accepted
the farmers’ demand. This marked the beginning of the Kaira District Co-operative Milk
Producers’ Union Limited, Anand. It was formally registered on December 14, 1946.

Since its inception in 1946, the movement called Amul has represented and championed the
interests and aspirations of millions of voiceless farmers. It has brought stability to their
household incomes with something to fall back upon when income from cultivation and other
sources fail to meet expectations. It has given economic independence to rural women – thus
empowering them to feed and educate her children, including the girl child. Further, all these
have been done at a minimal level of investment. The difference that two milk buffaloes or
cows can bring to the livelihoods of an impoverished rural household – given an assured market
and fair returns for the produce – is probably more significant than any other rural employment
programme. Amul has been able to achieve this. Amul also provides wholesome nutrition at
value for money prices to urban consumers who would otherwise only know either
unscrupulous purveyors of cheap products of suspect quality or avaricious multinationals hell
bent upon extracting every possible rupee of rent from the food economy of the country.
We must realize that today, we are the flag bearers of a uniquely successful experiment of a
movement that not only provides stability to marginal farm incomes, but also nurtures and lends
security to the socio-economic future of the nation. In this light, it becomes our sacred duty to
nurture and take forward this movement. This can be achieved only when we display unbroken
solidarity and cooperate among ourselves to further this noble cause. We must never forget that
we have actively taken this onerous responsibility upon our shoulders. It is not something that
has been thrust upon us. This makes it all the more important for us to show that together, we
can do justice to this great movement inspired by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and shaped by Sri.
Tribhuvandas Patel and Dr. Verghese Kurien. However, we must be on constant guard against
parochial interests that may try to pull us down. Our efforts in this regard will be surely
rewarded if we remember that the cause we are serving is much loftier than any short- term
interest that a feeble mind may conjure up. Cooperation is our domain, and we must take it – as
poet Rabindranath Tagore would have put it, ‘Where the world has not been broken up into
fragments. By narrow domestic walls Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection Where the clear stream of reason
has not lost its way Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit Where the mind is led forward by
thee Into ever-widening thought and action’ I feel confident that the movement that was built
upon untold dedication, sacrifices, vision and perseverance cannot but continue upon its
brilliant path of success. Today, Amul has become a by-word for a successful cooperative
movement the world over. Our member farmers have reposed their faith in us. We owe it to
them to justify their faith.
Its objective was to provide proper marketing facilities for the milk producers of the district.
The Union began pasteurizing milk in June 1948, for the Bombay Milk Scheme – just a
handful of farmers in two village co-operative societies producing about 250 liters a day.
An assured market proved a great incentive to the milk producers in the district. By the end of
1948, 432 farmers had joined village societies, and the quantity of milk handled by the Union
had increased to 5000 liters a day. In the early stages, rapid growth brought in its wake serious
problems. Their solution provided the stimulus for further growth. For example, as the co-
operative movement spread in the district, it was found that the Bombay Milk Scheme could
not absorb the extra milk collected by the Union in winter, when buffaloes yielded an average
of 2.5 times their summer yield. Thus by 1953, the farmer-members had no regular market for
the extra milk produced in winter. They were again forced to sell a large surplus at low rate to
middlemen. The only remedy was to set up a plant to process the extra milk into products like
butter and milk powder. The logic of this step was readily accepted by the Government of
Bombay and the Government of India, except for a few doubting Thomases. The government
of India helped the Union to get financial help from UNICEF and assistance from the
Government of New Zealand under the Colombo Plan. Technical aid was provided by F.A.O.
A Rs.50 – lakh factory to process milk powder and butter was blueprinted. Its foundation
stone was laid by the then President of India the late Dr. Rajendra Prasad on November 15,
1954. The project was completed by October 31, 1955, on which day the late Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India, declared it open. The new dairy provided
a further fillip to the co-operative movement among milk producers. The union was thus
enabled to organize more village co-operative societies and to handle more and more milk
each year. This event also brought a breakthrough in dairy technology as the products were
made processing buffalo milk for the first time in the world. Kaira Union introduced the brand
“Amul” for marketing its product range. In the subsequent years Amul made cheese and baby
food on a large commercial scale again processing buffalo milk creating a history in the
1964 was the turning point in the history of dairy development programme in India. Late Shri
Lal Bahadur Shastri, the then Prime Minister of India who visited Anand on 31s October for
inauguration of Amul’s Cattle Feed Plant, having spent a night with farmers of Kaira and
experiencing the success wished and expressed to Mr Kurien, then the General Manager of
Amul that replicating Amul model throughout our country will bring a great change in the
socio-economic conditions of the people. In order to bring this dream into reality, 1965 The
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was established at Anand and by 1969-70
NDDB came out with the dairy development programme for India popularly known as
“Operation Flood” or “White Revolution”. The Operation Flood programme, even today,
stands to be the largest dairy development programme ever drawn in the world. This saw
Amul as model and this model is often referred in the history of White Revolution as “Anand
Pattern”. Replication of “Anand Pattern” has helped India to emerge as the largest milk
producing nation in the world.
Amul meant different things to different people:
To a Milk Producer … A life enriching experience
To a Consumer … Assurance of having wholesome milk
To a Mother … A reliable source of nourishment for her child
To the Country … Rural Development and Self Reliance
Tagline / Slogan of Amul:
“The taste of India”

We are happy to inform you that your Federation has successfully completed eight years of
operations on SAP ERP. Besides AmulFed Dairy, Vidya Dairy and your Federation, a total of
17 member unions are deriving benefits of using SAP for business transactions. Your
Federation has also made commendable progress on the implementation of the Amul
Automatic Milk Collection System (AMCS) application at Village Dairy Cooperative
Societies. A total of 11,000 village societies are covered in the project thus far. The
application has helped integrate the Cow-to-Consumer (C2C) IT Value Chain. On a daily
basis, more than 11 lakh messages (SMS) are being sent to milk producers sharing
information on the quality and quantity of milk poured. The mobile applications are deployed
for milk producer members, society management and the supervisory team to access AMCS
data at their convenience.
GCMMF has further advanced its Information Technology solutions by enhancing its
customised ERP System (EIAS & Web EIAS) to smoothen its supply chain management and
to improve operational efficiencies.
It has also successfully deployed process driven Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software
system at its own unit, Mother Dairy, Gandhinagar in order to bring efficiency in manufacturing

Our Federation has also launched a new website for streaming its feature films,
television shows, advertisements, etc to the Internet community. At present this page contains
feature films like Manthan – The Churning and MAmuli Ram, Information clips like Amul
India Story and Amul Product TV Commercials, and entertainment series like Amul Surabhi
episodes. The idea of this site is to have a continuous play of the above as per the programme
schedule, which will be online within a short period of time.


The co-operative giant hopes to clock revenues of Rs 450 crore from exports of dairy products
mainly skimmed milk powder (SMP). In fact, Amul has already exported dairy products worth
Rs 140-150 crore so far this year. Amul's milk products exports stood at Rs 140 crore last
"We are eying an export turnover of Rs 400-450 crore this fiscal. Of this, around Rs 100 crore
would come from other products, and the remaining would be from SMP. So far, we have
exported dairy products worth Rs 140-150 crore," RS Sodhi, managing director, GCMMF.
The major export market includes Bangladesh, Pakistan, some South East Asian and African

Amul's exports have been steadily rising in the last few years. In 2011-12, it had exported
milk products worth Rs 90 crore, which rose to Rs 140 crore in 2012-13. On top of it, this year
the depreciation of the Indian currency vis-a-vis the dollar has also helped on the export front.
The rupee has touched 64.4 levels vis-a-vis the dollar in August 2013. Sodhi admitted that
"The rupee depreciation has definitely been an advantage on the export front." He, however,
did not share further details as to by how much the export margins have improved due
currency fluctuations.

The union not only takes the responsibility of collecting and marketing the surplus milk but
also provides member with every provisions that is required to enhance production. Thus Kaira
union has full fledge machinery geared to provide animal health care and breeding facilities.
The union has 16 mobile veterinary dispensaries are managed by fully qualified staff. All the
visages are visited by monthly on predetermined day, to provide animal health care. A 24 hours
emergency service is available at a fee Rs. 35 for members and Rs. 100 for non-members. All
the mobile vans are equipped with radio set.

After discussing the origin and the actives of the federation now let's have a look on the current
position of the federation at various ends.


Its daily milk procurement is approx. 23 million liters per day from 18700 village milk
cooperative societies, 18 member unions covering 33 districts, and 3.6 million milk producer
members. The total milk procurement by our member unions during the year FY 2018-19
averaged 230.08 lakh kilograms (23 million kg) per day, representing a growth of 9.3% over
210.42 lakh kilograms (21.04 million kg) per day achieved during 2017-18. The highest
procurement was recorded during February 2018 at 268 lakh kilograms (26.8 million kg) per
day. Over the last nine years our milk procurement has witnessed a phenomenal increase of
153%. This enormous growth was a result of the high milk procurement price paid to our
farmer-members which has increased by 105% in this period. The highly remunerative price
has helped us retain the farmers’ interest in milk production; and better returns from dairying
have motivated them to enhance their investments in increasing milk production. Our
initiative in promoting the concept of commercial, scientific, cooperative dairy farming is also
helping to attract the next generation of dairy farmers to remain in the business.


Total sales for the year 2018-19 were 33,150 crores including consignment sales of Rs. 404.53
crores. During last year Amul Ice cream achieved second sales, with volume growth by 29
percent. UHT milk was a bonanza product whose growth was 56 percent in volume terms.

Despite of intense competition and a market recession, sales of Amul Butter grew by 7 percent
and milk powder remains steady. This growth is particularly pleasing as it demonstrates its
ability to resist MNC competition. New products like panner, mithai mate, softy mix
demonstrated their potential to become dominant brands.

Amul's long life UHT milk, has received a good response in UAE currently 50 tons per month
of UHT is imported and sold. Amul is exploring the possibility of launching Amul Ice cream
in gulf, the market demand for pizzas is also being surveyed. Amul butter is also in high
demand in foreign market currently around 250 tons of butter is imported per annum. Amul
ghee being in foreign market from years, records close to 500 tons per annum. With a view to
increase the volume and facilitate trade Amul is planning to set warehouse this year, either at
JAFZA or in Dubai city.

Gulf and West Asia is the largest overseas market for Amul products with UAE being the
biggest buyer in the region.


Amul has opened utterly Delicious retail outlets across the country to enhance visibility and
brand equity while making all Amul products available less than one roof in pleasant

Parlors have been opened in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi and Mumbai. Amul’s
commitment is to get close to the consumer with good quality, nutrient us ready to the food at
value for money prices will continue, with the opening of more numbers of parlors across the

Sales Turnover Rs(million) US $ (in millon)

2004-05 6000 138

2005-06 7090 160

2006-07 8220 202

2007-08 10770 272

2008-09 13780 310

2009-10 16950 360

2010-11 21110 469

2011-12 24660 528

2012-13 28500 528

2013-14 34410 574

2014-15 41420 681

2015-16 48250 736

2016-17 57000 900

2017-18 62560 963

2018-19 69660 1009

Note: There are, in all, 18 District Co-operatives Milk Producers’ Union federated to Gujrat co-
operative milk marketing federation milk, Anand which markets milk and milk under the brands
of Amul & Sagar.


During last three years Amul’s members unions have implemented an Internal Consultant
Development (ICD) intervention, addressing the needs to strengthen the business of dairy
farmer's members and dairy co- operative societies.

Recognizing that leaders are essential to face growing Challenges, federation has initiated a
chairman and secretaries orientation program, held at Gandhi Nagar Mother dairy, which is
focused on strengthening the leadership skills and values.
During the year, Member Unions continued to implement the module on Vision Mission
Strategy (VMS) for primary milk producer members & Village Dairy Cooperatives.
Facilitated by specially trained consultants, 736 Village Dairy Cooperative Societies (VDCS)
have conducted their Vision Mission Strategy Workshops, prepared their Mis ion Statements
& Business Plans for next five years. Till today total 6012 VDCS have prepared their mis ion
statement and Business plan. Member unions are reviewing this business plan every year
under VMS annual revisit programme and facilitate VDCS to prepare action plan for next year
to propel the momentum gained through VMS.

In order to strengthen knowledge and skill base of young girls and women of the villages
about milk production management; Federation, with technical collaboration and resources of
Anand Agriculture University, has initiated “Mahila Pashupalan Talim Karyakram” for
women resource persons of the member unions and during the year, 486 women resource
person have been trained under this programme.


In 1994, federation had embarked on the TQM (Total Quality Management). In 1999 it
received Rajiv Gandhi Quality Award for the year.

More than 25000 Kaizen's (small improvement in work areas) were made by the employees of
the federation indifferent areas. Workshops on SQC (Statistical Quality Control) have been
conducted across the member dairies to achieved total quality in the production process.

During the last six years, our Member Unions have been implementing Internal Consultant
Development (ICD) intervention for developing self-leadership among member producers –
thereby enabling them to manage their dairy business efficiently leading to their overall
During the year, Member Unions continued to implement the module on Vision Mission
Strategy (VMS) for primary milk producer members & Village Dairy Cooperatives. Facilitated
by specially trained consultants, 1081 Village Dairy Cooperative Societies (VDCS) have already
conducted their Vision Mission Strategy Workshops, prepared their Mission Statements &
Business Plans for next five years. Member unions review this business plan every year under
VMS annual revisit programme and facilitate VDCS to prepare action plan for next year to
propel the momentum gained through VMS.
The VMS module has prompted milk producers to initiate activities at villages such as Water
management, Planned Animal Breeding, Animal Feed management, Improved member services
management, Information Technology Integration and Networking, which have very far-
reaching and long-term effects on the milk business. This planned management of milk
production at milk producers’ level and planned VDCS management will not only help producer
members to increase economic returns from their milk business but also help VDCS
management to face competition.
Continuing the Cleanliness drive at village level, Member Unions have identified & imparted
training to 8505 Core groups comprised of milk producers and Management of the VDCS till
March 2006. To enhance the level of Cleanliness this year 5803 VDCS celebrated Red Tag Day
on the 2nd of October and the Unions also awarded the best performing VDCS.
As a part of the Breeding Services Improvement Programme, Member Unions have continued
implementation of the module of Improvement in Artificial Insemination (AI) Services and
imparted training to 198 Core groups at village level and have decided to cover all the VDCS
under Breeding Services with this module over the next year. To boost this movement, Member
Unions are also conducting Mass De-worming campaign. Further, Member Unions implemented
the AI Audit Competition during the year and in the process, identified & awarded the best
performing VDCS and AI Workers. In order to increase awareness about dairy industry
scenario and impart leadership skills to the Chairmen & Secretaries of the Village Dairy
Cooperatives, Member Unions are conducting Chairmen & Secretaries’ Orientation Programme
at Mother Dairy, Gandhinagar in collaboration with our Federation. During the year 826 Village
Dairy Cooperative Societies have been covered involving 1596 Chairmen & Secretaries of the
Village Dairy Cooperatives.
During the year, our Member Unions continued to encourage increased participation of women
milk producers in the Dairy Cooperative Societies. To develop their skills and leadership
qualities, Member Unions organized two Self Managing Leadership (SML) Programme at
Prajapita Brahmakumaris, Mount Abu. 2071 women resource persons along with Chairmen and
Secretaries of 524 VDCS were involved.
In order to strengthen knowledge and skill base of young girls and women of the villages about
milk production management and to motivate them to implement scientific milch animal
breeding, feeding and management methods for their animals, our Federation, with technical
collaboration and resources of Anand Agriculture University, has initiated “Mahila Pashupalan
Talim Karyakram” for women resource persons of the member unions.
Amul pouch milk continued to be the largest contributor to our turnover with annual sales of
about Rs. 900.00 crores (Rs. 9.00 billion) during 2005-06 as against Rs. 626.00 crores (6.26
billion) during previous year implying a growth of about 31 percent.
During the year 2005-06, we have introduced pouch milk in Kanpur, Lucknow and Bhopal
markets and the response received from consumers is overwhelming. We are also planning to
focus on distribution expansion and consumer awareness in the existing metro markets of
Kolkata, Delhi and Mumbai. Our objective in launching milk in pouches in these and other
markets across the country is two-fold. Firstly, Amul as a brand has a very strong association
with liquid milk in the consumers’ mind. Thus, launch of liquid milk always prepares the
ground for penetration of other dairy products in these markets. This leads to market expansion.
Secondly, it has been empirically proved that all cooperative milk brands gain from this market
expansion. No cooperative has lost sales consequent to launch of Amul Milk in its market.
Thus, our objective in launching milk across India is also to strengthen the cooperative
movement while precluding market takeovers by Multinational Corporations. It is also of
significance that we have been following the practice of local procurement of milk in all
markets. Needless to say, it leads to higher demand and better returns for the
produce of local dairy farmers – leading to overall development of regional economies.


The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest sector in the economy with a total market size in
excess of US$ 13.1 billion. It has a strong MNC presence and is characterized by a well-
established distribution network, intense competition between the organized and unorganized
segments and low operational cost. Availability of key raw materials, cheaper labor costs and
presence across the entire value chain gives India a competitive advantage.
The FMCG market is set to treble from US$ 11.6 billion in 2003 to US$ 33.4 billion in 2015.
Penetration level as well as per capita consumption in most product categories like jams,
toothpaste, skin care, hair wash etc in India is low indicating the untapped market potential.
Burgeoning Indian population, particularly the middle class and the rural segments, presents
an opportunity to makers of branded products to convert consumers to branded products.
Growth is also likely to come from consumer 'upgrading' in the matured product categories.
With 200 million people expected to shift to processed and packaged food by 2010, India
needs around US$ 28 billion of investment in the food-processing industry.
India is one of the largest emerging markets, with a population of over one billion. India is
one of the largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power and has a strong
middle class base of 300 million. Around 70 per cent of the total households in India (188
million) resides in the rural areas. The total number of rural households is expected to rise
from 135 million in 2001-02 to 153 million in 2009-10. This presents the largest potential
market in the world. The annual size of the rural FMCG market was estimated at around US$
10.5 billion in 2006-07. With growing incomes at both the rural and the urban level, the
market potential is expected to expand further.
An average Indian spends around 40 per cent of his income on grocery and 8 per cent on
personal care products. The large share of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) in total
individual spending along with the large population base is another factor that makes India
one of the largest FMCG markets.

Rapid urbanization, increased literacy and rising per capita income, have all caused rapid
growth and change in demand patterns, leading to an explosion of new opportunities. Around
45 per cent of the population in India is below 20 years of age and the young population is set
to rise further. Aspiration levels in this age group have been fueled by greater media exposure,
unleashing a latent demand with more money and a new mindset.
Contests and Awards: -
While it is important to excel in our processes of milk collection, processing and distribution,
a long-term relationship with the channel partners and end consumers is indispensable for our
long-term success. In order to generate excitement among consumers and retailers while
reminding them of the significance of Amul culture, we have instituted a number of
innovative events.
Amul Shakti Vidyashree Award was instituted during the year to honor toppers of selected
schools in SSC Board examinations. We expect this award to initiate a long- term association of
the involved children with the Amul brand and culture. The Amul Maharani Contest entered a
successful 2nd year with the objectives of making women aware of entire range of our
products. Amul Chef of the Year Contest was instituted with the objective of making hotel
chefs our brand ambassadors for institutions. With the objective of increasing the visibility of
our products at retail outlets, our successfully continued the Taste of India Display Contest
scheme during the year. This event generated lot of excitement among retailers across India.

Value Equity
It is the customer's objective assessment of the utility of an offering based on perceptions of its
benefits relative to its costs. The sub drivers of value equity are quality price and convenience
of product. I had used these three terms when we Marketed MUNNA and first day I take 4
crate order of supply where as a found to take order only 3 create.

Brand Equity
When we take about Amul, there is no doubt to the Brand, Brand image of the product very
good is our customer mind because I found all sub drivers of Brand equity is customer brand
awareness customer attitude toward the brand and customer perception.
Customer Relationship management (CRM)
When I accomplished my market survey I had the gated the market where most of customer
belongs and revisit the market for strengthening our relationship with customer and clarifying
customer's doubts and making then more and more loyal of our brand. In this whole process
and applied customer relationship management. Which is made by value equity brand equity
and relationship equity.

Relationship Equity
Today is age of competition every customer wants that better. That mean If we talk about
FMCG products the stickiness of customer to a special product is very less I want to share this
incase of Amul, when I started my summer training our supply was not quick good because
some political distortion is Rajasthan. Because of supply problem we had lost our lovely
During my summer training Amul Milk recently increased its product line with a products
Amul gold 200 ml Amul packet.
It is the Amul 200 ml packet. A small packet of Amul Gold.

Now Amul gold milk is sold in market in three packing s 1 liter, 500 ml and 200 ml.
Product launching strategy: -
As we all know 4 P's of marketing. Every company use these P's but different manner. 4 P's are:
 Product:
Amul launched Munna, 200 ml milk pouch.
 Price
The price of Munna Packet is Rs. 5.50 for customers Rs. 5.30 for retailers and Rs. 4.90 for
distributor. As we know that the wickets part of a Chain is called strength of chain.

Supply Chain
The main thing of supply chain is distribution.

The most important part of supply chain is retailers because they are direct related to the
customer. A retailer can push customer to purchase a particular product by different way.

When we talk about our known product munna a retailer get less margin than any other
product of Amul milk so a retailer chiefly not push customer to purchase product. It may be
possible that any other reason why our product not succeed as expectation.


A very basic thing of promotion of product is to aware customer to our product for which a
retailer would be pushed by customer to sell our product not a customer would be pushed.

For awarding customer with our product we must do a company of advertisement. It should be
done before launching our product, not after launching or just on the day we launch because it
is main reason why our consumer would be pushed in place of a retailer.

We all now our quality, our brand our market share is better than our competitor then what
was reason that our product could not get such success as expected.

For chief advertisement, we may advertise on milk van or vehicle all milk pack or especially a
packet which I want to launch in milk carriage or vehicle.

We can make direct contact with the customer. In my area Gwaltoli and Khalashiline is such a
place where many outlets available but few customer are not aware about all schemes of
company. We can attract more to people by putting kanopy or through sample distribution. We
may use school walls to advertise and target small boys to say or to picturize such type of figure
which may attract these people.


Being student of BBA it is very essential for me to have a practical knowledge in an
organization. Only to study business administration course knowledge is not the solution of the
problems, which arise in practical field. There is a certain formula for any particular problem,
but the aim of this study is to develop the ability of decision making. A right decision at right
time and right place itself helps an organization to run smoothly.

This study gives an idea of all marketing activities. So the way a problem is solved right
decision making and knowledge of different types of making activities give much importance
to the study. Only in two month training it was not possible to understand it so deeply, but an
overall idea could be developed.
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is India's largest food products
marketing organization. It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which
aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers
by providing quality products which are good value for money.


The main stakeholder of GCMMF is the farmer member for whose welfare GCMMF exists.
GCMMF states that its main objective is the carrying out of activities for the economic
development of agriculturists by efficiently organizing marketing of milk and dairy produce,
veterinary medicines, vaccines and other animal health products, agricultural produce in raw
and/or processed form and other allied produce.

GCMMF aims to market the dairy and agricultural products of co-operatives through:

 Common branding

 Centralized marketing

 Centralized quality control

 Centralized purchases

 Efficient pooling of milk

GCMMF has declared that its business philosophy is as follows:
 To serve the interest of milk
 To provide quality products that offer the best value to consumer for money spent.
First plant is at ANAND, which engaged in the manufacturing of milk, butter, ghee, milk
powder, flavored milk and buttermilk.
Second plant is at MOGAR, which engaged in manufacturing chocolate, nutramul, Amul
Ganthia and Amul lite.

26 | P a g e

Today, twelve dairies are producing different products under the brand name Amul. Today
Amul dairy is no. 1 dairy in Asia and no. 2 in the world, which is matter of proud for Gujarat
and whole India.


The concept of Amul parlors initiated in 2002 has come a long way and has today, evolved
into the most visible face of brand Amul. The network of more than 4000 parlors in almost all
major towns of the country bears testimony to the fact that the model is hugely scalable and
inherently sustainable. This retailing initiative has not only enabled us to interface directly
with consumer, it has also helped us in our endeavor to reduce middle-men from the supply
The addition of more than 2000 parlors during the current year is largely attributed to our
channel partners i.e. our wholesale distributors who have embraced the concept by starting
their own parlors and also motivated franchises to create parlors for meaningful employment.

The relentless focus on expansion of Amul parlors is now paying us rich dividends. The
retailing business alone fetched us a sales turnover of more than Rs.200 Crores during the
current year. Moreover, these parlors also provide us with an effective platform to introduce
all the innovative products that we launch, every year.

We have also made giant strides forward in reaching out to millions of railway commuters by
setting up more than 50 Amul stalls acros major railway stations of the country. The Indian
Railways have also recognized our efforts and with active support from IRCTC, we plan to set
up another 300 railway parlors during the coming year.

Ice-cream scooping parlors, the latest addition to the retailing revolution are yet another
blockbuster from the house of Amul. We expect to add 200 more parlors in the coming year.

Taking cue from the succes of our parlors, commitment from our sales team and all our
channel partners dealing in milk, ice-cream and dairy products; we plan to take the total tally
of Amul parlors to 10000 by adding 6000 parlors during the coming financial year.


Over a period of time we have built unique capabilities of distributing Ambient, Chilled,
Frozen and Fresh products simultaneously through our versatile distribution highways. Today,
3500 Distributors for Value added milk products, 1800 Distributors for Fresh Milk, ensure
that Amul Products are available to all segments of consumers in India through more than 2
Million outlets.

To enhance further efficiency in distribution, two key initiatives have been taken during the
year. Firstly, we expanded competency based distribution by inducting about 300 Distributors
having expertise in servicing specific market segments and secondly, we are poised to divide
the value added product lines amongst three sets of Distributors to cater to the same market.
This is going to give us more and more competitive advantage.
In Federation, our distributor is considered to be the real Marketing Manager. To update them
with modern marketing concept a workshop on Marketing and Sales Management is being
conducted in collaboration with a premier business school. So far, 1100 Distributors have
been benefited from this workshop.
SLDP (Self Leadership Development Programme) for Distributor is another major initiative
taken during the year primarily with objective of training them to implement TQM at their and
at the retailer level. This will ultimately serve to bring all Stake holders under common
platform in Strategic Planning Process of the Organization and to develop Self Leadership
amongst each individual Distributor.
Our Amul Yatra Programmes ensure that our every new distributor and other business
partners visit Anand to get an exposure to our co- operative structure, our culture as well as
our operational systems and processes. The initiative continued this year as well and so far,
about 7400 Distributors and other business as ociates have visited Anand on Amul Yatra.

Clean Milk Production:

For strengthening infrastructure for quality and clean milk production and to install Bulk Milk
Coolers at VDCS, our member unions have submitted project proposals to Department of
Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, (DP Section), Ministry of Agriculture, Government
of India. Under the project, Government of India has already sanctioned financial as instance
of more than Rs. 28 crores and our member unions have already received financial as instance
of more than Rs. 11.36 crore.
Continuing the cleanliness drive at village level, till March 2009, our Member Unions have
identified & imparted training to 9479 crore groups formed of milk producers and
Management of the VDCS. To enhance the level of Cleanliness this year, 7956 VDCS
celebrated Red Tag Day on “Gandhi Jayanti” - 2nd October and the Unions also awarded best
performing VDCS.
Fertility Improvement Program:
The Board of Directors of Federation, considering a long term vision for reducing infertile
animal from their milk shed, decided to implement Fertility Improvement Programme (FIP)
from year 2007-08. The FIP concept has an integrated design to overcome animal nutritional,
gynecological, and animal health related problems.
To implement FIP, milk unions have deployed 44 FIP teams of veterinary consultants and
they are working in 1960 villages. In the first year they have registered 72904 and in second
year they have registered 70435 “Non Pregnant Not Calved Even Once” and “Non-pregnant
Dry” milk cattle’s and buffaloes under FIP, out of which 52272 milk animals has become
pregnant. FIP is being monitored through FIP has helped milk producers to
convert their unproductive milch animals to productive one and also by adopting scientific
husbandry practices they are earning more at less cost.


With a target of planting three trees per member, our member unions celebrated 61st year of
Independence, 15th August 2008 in a unique way and our members have planted 52.74 lakh
sapling across 21 districts of Gujarat. During last two years, our members have planted more
71.65 lakh trees and demonstrated their commitment towards preserving and contributing to
improvement of the environment. For this activity, we have received “Good Governance
award” from “Srishti” during year 2007 as well as 2008.
In 1994, federation had embarked on the TQM (Total Quality Management). In 1999 it
received Rajiv Gandhi Quality Award for the year.
More than 25000 Kaizen's (small improvement in work areas) were made by the employees of
the federation indifferent areas. Workshops on SQC (Statistical Quality Control) have been
conducted across the member dairies to achieved total quality in the production process .


GCMMF is a lean organization, a strategy that is believed to provide it with a cost advantage.
At its headquarters in Anand, four General Managers (GMs) and four Assistant General
Managers (AGMs) assist the Managing Director (MD). The four AGMs look after the
functions of marketing, systems, co-operative services and technical projects, respectively.
The four GMs are in charge of marketing (dairy products), Human Resources Development
and Marketing (Dhara and new businesss), finance and quality assurance, respectively.

The whole country is divided into five zones, each headed by a zonal manager responsible for
the sales of all products within his zone. These managers’ report to the MD but functionally
each also reports to the various AGMs/GMs at the headquarters. There are 50 sales offices
spread across the country (of which only two are in Gujarat); a sales manager heads each
office and is assisted by sales officers and field salespersons. The entire country has been
represented in this structure. GCMMF has one overseas office in Dubai.

Gujarat co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, Anand, India registered under
Gujarat co-operative societies Act-1961.

Name Designation

Shri Ramsinhbhai P. Chairman

Parmar Gujrat Co-operative Milk Marketing
Federation Ltd. Chairman

Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers

Union Ltd., Anand.

Shri Jethabhai G Vice Chairman

Gujrat Co-operative Milk Marketing
Federation Ltd. Chairman

Panchmahal District Co-operative Milk

Producers Union Ltd., Godhra

Dr. R S Sodhi Managing Director

Gujrat Co-operative Milk Marketing

Federation Ltd. Chairman

Representative Dr. Amrita Patel (National Dairy

Development Board, Anand)

Registrar Sri R. M. Joshi (Co-operative Society Gujrat State,

Gandhi Nagar)
Bankers Bank of Baroda, State Bank of India

Kaira District Central Co-operative Bank


Auditors S. R. Batliboi & Co. (Chartered


All Member Unions: -

 Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd., Anand.
 Mehsana District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd, Mehsana.
 Sabarkantha District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd., Himatnagar.
 Banaskantha District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd., Palanpur.
 Surat District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd., Surat
 Panchmahal District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Godhra
 Ahemdabad District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Ahemdabad
 Raikot District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Raikot
 Valsad District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd., Valsad
 Bharuch District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Bharuch
 Gandhi Nagar District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Gandhi Nagar
 Surendranagar District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Surendranagar
 Amreli District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Amreli
 Kutch District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Kutch
 Jumagadh District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Junagadh


Bread spreads:
 Amul Butter
 Amul Lite Low Fat Bread spread
 Amul Cooking Butter
Cheese Range:
 Amul Pasteurized Processed Cheddar Cheese
 Amul Processed Cheese Spread
 Amul Pizza (Mozarella) Cheese
 Amul Shredded Pizza Cheese
 Amul Emmental Cheese
 Amul Gouda Cheese
 Amul Malai Paneer (cottage cheese) Frozen and Tinned
 Utterly Delicious Pizza
Mithaee Range (Ethnic sweets):
 Amul Shrikhand (Mango, Saffron, Almond Pistachio, Cardamom)
 Amul Amrakhand
 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamuns
 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamun Mix
 Amul Mithaee Kulfi Mix

UHT Milk Range:

 Amul Taaza 3% fat Milk
 Amul Gold 4.5% fat Milk
 Amul Slim-n-Trim 0% fat milk
 Amul Chocolate Milk
 Amul Fresh Cream
 Amul Snowcap Softy Mix
 Amul Taaza Double Toned Milk

Pure Ghee:
 Amul Pure Ghee
 Sagar Pure Ghee
 Amul Cow Ghee

Infant Milk Range:

 Amul Infant Milk Formula 1 (0-6 months)
 Amul Infant Milk Formula 2 (6 months above)
 Amul ’spray Infant Milk Food

Milk Powders:
 Amul Full Cream Milk Powder
 Amulya Dairy Whitener
 Sagar Skimmed Milk Powder
 Sagar Tea and Coffee Whitener

Sweetened Condensed Milk:

 Amul Mithaimate Sweetened Condensed Milk

Fresh Milk:
 Amul Taaza Toned Milk 3% fat
 Amul Gold Full Cream Milk 6% fat
 Amul Shakti Standardised Milk 3% fat
 Amul Smart Double Toned Milk 1.5% fat

Curd Products:
 Amul Masti Dahi (fresh curd)
 Amul Butter Milk
 Amul Lassee

Amul Ice creams:

 Royal Treat Range (Rajbhog, Cappuchino, Chocochips, Butterscotch, Tutti Frutti)
 Nut-o-Mania Range (Kaju Drakshi, Kesar Pista, Roasted Almond, Kesar Carnival, Badshahi
Badam Kulfi, Shista Pista Kulfi)
 Utsav Range (Anjir, Roasted Almond)
 Simply Delicious Range (Vanilla, Strawberry, Pineapple, Rose, Chocolate)
 Nature's Treat (Alphanso Mango, Fresh Litchi, Anjir, Fresh Strawberry, Black Currant)
 Sundae Range (Mango, Black Currant, Chocolate, Strawberry)
 Millennium Ice cream (Cheese with Almonds, Dates with Honey)
 Milk Bars (Chocobar, Mango Dolly, Raspberry Dolly, Shahi Badam Kulfi, Shahi Pista Kulfi,
Mawa Malai Kulfi, Green Pista Kulfi)
 Cool Candies (Orange, Mango)
 Cassatta
 Tricone Cones (Butterscotch, Chocolate)
 Megabite Almond Cone
 Frostik - 3 layer chocolate Bar
 Fundoo Range - exclusively for kids
 SlimScoop Fat Free Frozen Dessert (Vanilla, Banana, Mango, Pineapple)
 Health : Isabcool
Chocolate & Confectionery:
 Amul Milk Chocolate
 Amul Fruit & Nut Chocolate
 Amul Éclairs

Brown Beverage:
 Nutramul Malted Milk Food

Milk Drink:
 Amul Shakti Flavoured Milk

Ready to Serve Soups:

 Masti Tomato Soup
 Masti Hot & Sour Soup
Current business scenario is passing through a marketing era. Consequently, there is faster
business development because of liberalization and improving economic environment. At
present companies are struggling to improve their market dominance and visibility. In order to
survive during present competitive environment companies are trying to grab a larger market
Growing liberalization and business favorable environmental changes have brought about
enormous business opportunities for the companies. In various sectors and commodities, share
the business is growing.
As a student of marketing management it is advisable to understand the various interactive
marketing forces. One of the significant indicator understanding the influence of marketing
forces on companies is the market share achieved by a company. Therefore, the project
undertaken has given me an opportunity to study the creation of market share of AMUL in
The largest selling brand of butter in India made from fresh cream. Marketed since last four
decades. It is made in the most modern, state – of – the – art plant and meets AGMARK
standards. Considered as a basic and essential requirement by housewives, it is used to enhance
the taste of various dishes like Dosas, Parathas, Omelettes, Pizzas, Pav Bhaji and on Bread.
It is available in different packs: - 100 gm, 500 gm, 110 x 9.1 gm, 200 gm


A delicious butter substitute, low in fat, low in cholesterol, it is the perfect way to a healthy
breakfast. Most suitable for health conscious people as it has low fat content and cholesterol.
It is available in: - 200 gm
Made from rich creamy milk, 100% vegetarian ingredients, it makes delicious sandwiches, pav
bhaji pizzas and can be used in your favorite recipes. Amul Processed Cheese is prepared using
fully ripened Cheddar Cheese, which gives a unique taste, texture and mellowness.
It is available in: - 8 x 25 gm Chiplet, 200 gm Slice, 200 gm Tin
Made from a special formulation, 100% vegetarian, it is delicious in sandwiches, chapattis and
parathas. It is also used to enhance the taste of a whole range of products like filling of
Burgers, Salads, Pakodas and host of other dishes. Available in 3 flavors
– plain, garlic and pepper. It is available in: - 200 gm Pepper, 200 gm Plain, 200 gm Garlic
The only genuine Mozzarella cheese made with state – of – the – art technology, for the first
time in India.
Due to its stretch ability, it’s ideal as a pizza topping.
When baked with pizzas, it melts uniformly and spreads evenly. It is available in: - 250gm
Not only is it the only brand of cheese available in India, it is also the only form of cheese
which doesn’t require refrigeration.
Being high in fat, protein and mineral content, it is very nutritious.
Thanks to a slip – on lid, the tin can be reused for storing other ingredients.
Cheese powder is the most convenient form of using cheese. It can impart the desired cheesy
flavor to any dish such as Soup, Salads, Baked dishes, Pastas, Dosas etc.
It is available in: - 200 gm
The first branded and frozen paneer. Made from rich Amul milk to make it extra malaidar.
It is available in: - 100 gm, 200 gm, 1 kg
It has the highest protein content among brown beverage powders in India. Makes hot and
cold milk beverages for children and adults. It confirms to BIS Quality standards.

It is available in: - 500 gm

Made from fresh khoa, Maida and sugar to give it a softer, smoother and richer texture. The
highest standards of hygiene are maintained at our state – of – the- art plant. Available in ‘Easy
Open’ tins, which are convenient and can be opened anytime, anyplace.

It is available in: - 500 gm, 1 kg


Richer, whiter, free flowing condensed milk. Available in a new easy to open can. The
product quality meets BIS standards.
It is available in: - 200 gm, 7.5 kg
Its low calorie, high protein content is ideal for diet preparations. Also used for making curd
and lassi. The product remains fresh since it is vacuum packed.
It is available in: - 200 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg
In a range of variety of flavors, they make an ideal gift or treat for someone you love. It is the
only chocolate, which comes in an attractive cardboard foil packaging. It is the first milk
chocolate similar to real Swiss chocolates and melts at mouth temperature.
It is available in: - Milk, fruit & Nut 20 gm Milk Slab 18 gm Badambar 35 gm
It reconstitutes into the most wholesome, nutritive milk for infants. Marketed in India since 30
years and is India’s single largest selling infant food brand.
It is available in: - 200 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg
Made from fresh cream, it is rich and ideal for Indian food preparations like Parathas, Dosas,
Idlis and for making sweets. Meets AGMARK special grade quality standard. Attractive multi
– color packing catches the attention of all segments of consumers.
It is available in: - 500 gm, 1kg, 1Ltr, 1kg, 5 kg
High in fat content it’s ideal for reconstituting milk, in tea and coffee and for making curd,
lassi and Indian desserts. It is vacuum packed so that it remains fresh for a long time.
It is available in: - 500 gm


Traditionally grainy in texture, it enhances the flavour of Indian cooking. Its excellent aroma
reminds of the home made Ghee.
Meets AGMARK special grade quality standard. Hygienically manufactured and hermetically
packed for longer shelf – life.

It is available in: - 500 gm, 1kg, 5 kg

India’s largest selling dairy whitener. It mixes instantly for making tea, coffee. Milk beverages,
breakfast cereals and sweets. It is made from best quality milk using state–of–the–art
technology. Amulya comes in pouch, refill and tin packaging and sizes ranging from 50 gm to
25 kg.
It is available in: - 50 gm, 200 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg


Preferred by cheese lovers across the world, Emmental is the authentic Swiss cheese; popularly
known as ‘The Cheese with Holes’. Enjoy it with crackers, crispies, croissants and wine. It’s
the exquisite cheese for exquisite occasions.
It is available in: - 200 gm
Quick and easy to make, Amul Gulab Jamun Mix promises you great quality at best price,
with gulab jamuns so delicious and so soft, they’ll melt in your mouth.

It is available in: - 200 gm

Marketing research implies the collection of data and implementing it for the purpose of making
marketing decision. In general sense making research consist in the use of logical methods for
scientific enquiry for the identification and solution of any marketing problem.

“Marketing research is a systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the
purpose of important decisions making and control in the marketing of goods and service”

“Marketing research is a search of knowledge”

The above definitions on marketing research indicate clearly that all research activities carried,
on the condition with management of marketing task, its purpose is to aid marketing control.

While conversation people were not showing interest in Amul because of low awareness and as
a new entrant in the market.

My project is directed to study the consumer perception regarding AMUL’s products in the
market. Basically it is a survey approach and I have tried my level best to collect data and
genuinely applied it to obtain my project goal, and proudly I present it before you.

Indian business scenario is improving. Different commodities are contributing to increasing

business volume. In this process companies are struggling hard to increase their commodity
market share and further down their company market share. In food industry also there is
intense competition they always try to innovate new food products to satisfy and make their
customer happy. AMUL is one of them, so I have selected the topic to study the consumer
preference towards AMUL by studying small samples of market in the city of Sonipat. I have
carried out surveys through questionnaires and interviews with the company retailers in the
working of my project.
AMUL has many competitors and in the cutthroat competitive scene of today’s market it has to
fight tough against them to maintain its no. 1 position especially in dairy products.
I selected 50 people (Random) as the sample size in this study.


 This research study is related with Amul only.

 In this study the data has been collected from survey, to study the people
satisfaction regarding Amul products.
 To increase the outlets by analyzing feedback given by interviewer.

 To find the distribution gap in the market.

 To identify the problem of the customer and the satisfaction level of consumer.

 This provide suggestion to grow for the business as there is always a room for
improvement in every business.
 The study will help company in providing information about current competitive
position of Amul products in markets.


 To study the people satisfaction regarding Amul products.


 To study the consumer buying behavior towards Amul products.

 To identify the brand awareness, problem and level of satisfaction of the
respondents in purchasing of Amul products.
 To ascertain the factors influencing the purchase of Amul products.
 To find out the socio-economic status of the consumers who is utilizing Amul products.
 Sample size is small, because period of time limited.
 Non-cooperative approach and rude behavior of the respondents.
 Sometime language barrier.
 The time constraint was a major limitation to the study.
 Most of the customers show hesitations to respond.
The most important function of management in a organization is to take correct decision,
minimizing the risk and uncertainty through rational and scientific decision making. Better and
fruitful decision result from the right information about consumer, retailers, competitors and
others. Thus, in this way management can be regards as the game of handling information. If
the manager fails to handle the information effectively, be is unable to make the required
decision correctly and result will be mismanagement.
Marketing Research is usually conducted to achieve the following objective.
1. To know about the person why buy the firms products
It tries to reveal the number of person and the frequency of their buying and the sources of
their buying, their social status and regional location of the customers.
2. To find out the impact of promotional effort
This facilitates appraising and improving the methods of sales promotion. It also leads to
measure the effectiveness of advertising. Pricing policy and channel of distribution.
3. To know about customer's response
Marketing research helps in sales forecasting and marketing planning. The researcher
makes forecast on the basis of response from customer and distribution media.

4. To forecast sales
Marketing research help in sales forecasting and marketing planning. The researcher makes
forecast on the basic of from customer and distribution media.
5. To study the goodwill of the firm in comparison to its competitor firms.
This helps in reveling the important information regarding the faith of customer and retailer
faith in the organization, that of competitor organization, new product and substitutes
entering the market and their impact the firm's product.
Effective marketing research involves the six steps, which is shown in the picture below.


A research design is a broad plan that states objectives of research project and provides the

guidelines what is to be done to realize those objectives. It is, in other words, a research
Research Design

design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analyzing measures of the
Operationalizing Concepts

variables specified in the problem research. The research design primarily addresses to the
Selecting a Research Site
following questions:

Selecting Respondents
a. why the study is being conducted

b. What is the study all about? Data Collection

c. Where will the study be conducted?Data

etc. Processing

Data Analysis
Research Design is classified into three types;

1. Exploratory Research Design Present the Findings

2. Make
Descriptive / Diagnostic Research Design the Decision
3. Experimental Research Design

I have uses ‘Exploratory Research Design’ as a tool to fulfill its research objectives.

A sample is defined as a smaller set of data that a researcher chooses or selects from a larger
population by using a pre-defined selection method. The methodology used to sample from a
larger population depends on the type of analysis being performed.

a. Probability Sampling

b. Non-Probability Sampling

Sample size
Sample size is a term used in research for defining the number of subjects included in a
sample. The size of the sample is dependent on both, the size of the budget and the degree of
confidence that we wanted to place in the findings. The large the sample the more likely that

response will reflect the total universe under study and a small sample can often provide highly
reliable findings depending on the sample procedure adopted.
I selected 50 peoples (who use Amul products) as the sample size in this study.


As we know that there are two types of data.

1. Primary Data.

2. Secondary Data.
Secondary data are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist somewhere.
Primary Data
Primary data is the kind of data that is collected directly from the data source without going
through any existing sources without mostly collected specially for a research project and may be
shared publicly to be used for others research. It is often reliable, authentic, and objective.
Sources of primary data are:
1. Questionnaire method

2. Observation method

3. Schedule method

4. Interview method
Secondary Data
Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily available from other
sources. When the data are collected by someone else for a purpose other than the researcher’s
current project and has already undergone the statistical analysis is called as Secondary Data.
Sources of secondary data are:
1. Books
2. Published Sources
3. Newspapers
4. Journal
5. Government Records
6. Official website of AMUL
“I have used both primary and secondary methods for data collection. Primary data came from
questionnaire filled by the people (who use AMUL products) and Secondary data in this
report have been collected from text books and the Internet.”
In this method a questionnaire is sent to the concerned respondents who are expected to read,
understand and reply their own and return the questionnaire. It consists of a number of
question printed or typed in a definite order on a form or set of forms.
It is advisable to conduct a ‘Pilot study’ which is the rehearsal of the main survey by experts
for testing the questionnaire for weaknesses of the questions and techniques used.
Types of Questionnaire
1. Close Ended: - Close ended questionnaire is one in which questionnaire are asked in
yes or no form. It is used in structured questionnaire.

2. Multiple Choice: - In multiple choice questions respondent is asked to select one out
of no. of alternatives responses. All possible answers to questions are listed and
responded choice one of these.
a. Good Services
b. Good testing quality
c. Price lower than the company
3. Open Ended: - In this type of questionnaire respondent is ask to questions in his or
her own words in easy form.
For ex- BBA student after the completion of course may be ask what do you feel about
the facilities offer by the institute.
Advantages: -
 Free from the bias of the interviewer.
 Respondents have adequate time to give answers.
 Respondents are easily approachable.
Limitation: -
 It is inflexible once sent.
 Time taking and slow process.
 Low rate of return of duly filled questionnaire.
Under this method observation becomes a scientific tool and the method and the method of
the data collection for the researcher, when it serves a formulated research purpose and
systematically planned and subjected to checks and control.
Types of Observation Method
1. Structured Observation: - When an observation is characterized by careful definition
of units to be observed, style of observer, condition for observation and selection of
pertinent data of observation.
2. Unstructured Observation: - when the observer observes things or human behaviors
without considering the above characteristics in advance.
3. Participation Observation: - When the observer observes by making himself more or
less, the member of the group he is observing is participant observation.
4. Non-participation Observation: - If the observer observes by detaching himself
from the group under observation it is non-participation observation.
5. Disguised Observation: - If the observer observes in such a manner that his presence
is unknown to the people he is observing it is disguised observation.
6. Controlled Observation: - When the observation takes place according to definite pre-
arrange plans involving experimental procedure is known as controlled observation
7. Non-controlled Observation: - If the observation takes place in the natural setting it is
an uncontrolled observation
Advantages: -
 It is a flexible method of data collection.
 It allows for in-depth study of the phenomenon.
 This method that allow for data in natural settings.
Limitations: -
 Information provided by this method is limited.
 Analysis of data collected through observation is cumbersome.
 This method cannot be applied in situation where the size of the sample is large.
This method of data collection is very much like the collection of data through questionnaires,
with little difference that lies in the fact that schedules (proforma containing a set of
questions) are being filled in by the enumerators who are specially appointed for this purpose.
Enumerators explain the aims and objects of the investigation and also remove the difficulties.
This method is very useful in extensive enquiries and can lead to fairly reliable results. It is,
however, very expensive and is usually adopted in investigations conducted by governmental
agencies or by some organizations.
This method of collecting data involves presentation of oral verbal stimuli and reply in terms
of oral – verbal responses.
Types of Interview Method
1. Personal Interview: - It requires a person known as interviewer to ask question generally
in a face to face contact to the other person. It can be –
a. Direct Personal Investigation – The interviewer has to collect the information
personally from the services concerned.
b. Indirect Oral Examination – The interviewer has to cross examine other persons
who are supposed to have a knowledge about the problem.
c. Structured Interviews – Interviews involving the use of pre-determined questions
and of highly standard techniques of recording.
d. Unstructured Interviews – It does not follow a system of pre-determined questions
and is characterized by flexibility of approach to questioning.
e. Clinical Interviews – It is concerned with broad underlying feeling and motives
which are used as method as elicit information under this method at the interviewer
2. Telephonic Interview: - It requires the interviewer to collect information by contacting
respondents on telephone and asking questions or options orally.
3. Focus Group Interview: - A kind of un structure interview, it involves a moderator
leading a discussion between a small group of respondents on a specific topic. A focus
group interview involves 8 to 12 respondents having homogeneous characteristics, seated
in a comfortable relaxed informal atmosphere. The interview generally contains for 1 to 3
hours during which the respondents develop a rapport and share their views.
Advantages: -
 More information can be obtained.
 Clarification of doubts.
 It is flexible as changes can be made according to the circumstances.
 Personal information can be obtained easily.
Limitations: -
 Time consuming.
 Expensive.
 Chances of biasness
“I have used all these Methodology in this Report.”

Research Design Exploratory Research Design

Sample Size 50

Sampling Techniques Probability Sampling

Data source Primary and Secondary Data

 Primary Data Collection  Questionnaire
 Secondary Data Collection  Internet and Text Books

Data Collection Tools Questionnaire

Types of Questionnaire Close-ended

After the data collection, various parameters have been used for the purpose of data analysis
& the information collected has been presented in different tables & on the basis of these
tables analysis & interpretation has been made & the same has been presented in the form of
Tables & Pie charts.


Percentage will be calculated by calculating the total number of respondent responses in favor
of any option divided by total no of respondent and into hundred.
Steps of Analysis a data:
 First of all, see how many the total numbers of respondents are, then see how many of
the respondents have chosen any option.
 After that divide the total number of respondent response by the total number of
respondent and multiply by 100.
 Response results will come down in percentage with this method.
“I have used this process of data analysis in this project report.”
Number of People responded x 100
Total number of respondent
For example:
If 24 people choose option ‘YES’ out of 50 which is the sample size, percentage will be
24/50*100 = 48%.
This means that 48% are those people who have chosen a particular option.
1. Do you use Amul products?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 25 50%

No 10 20%

Sometimes 15 30%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title



Yes No Sometimes

50% of the respondents answered ‘Yes’, they use AMUL products, while 20% of the
respondents answered ‘No’, they do not use AMUL products and 30% of the respondents
responded that they ‘Sometimes’ use AMUL products.
2. Which company product do you use most?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Amul 15 30%

Mother Dairy 12 24%

Nestle 10 20%

Britannia 8 16%

Any other 5 10%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title


16% 30%


Amul Mother Dairy Nestle Britannia Any other

30% of the people used Amul products, 24% used Mother Dairy, 20% of respondents
responded Nestle, 16% Britannia and only 10% are those people they used other products.
3. Which milk do you consume?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Pouch Milk 20 40%
Loose Milk 20 40%
Both 10 20%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title



Pouch Milk Loose Milk Both

In the organization, 40% of the respondents said that they consume pouch milk, 40% of the
respondents agreed on loose milk and rest 20% agreed on both pouch and loose milk.
4. What do you like most in Amul products?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Taste 20 40%
Quality 15 30%
Price 10 20%
Availability 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title

20% 40%


Taste Quality Price Availability

In the organization, 40% of the respondents said that they like Amul products because of
taste, 30% of the respondents answered that they preferred Amul products because of
quality, 20% respondents that they buy Amul products because of price and rest 10% said
that because of availability of Amul products everywhere they prefer Amul products.
5. How is the packaging of Amul products?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 35 70%
Good 10 20%
Poor 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title



Excellent Good Poor

In the organization, no. of people who said that packaging of Amul products is excellent
are 70%, 20% responded that packaging is good where 10% said that packaging quality is
6. How many years have you been using Amul products?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

1 to 3 years 20 40%
4 to 6 years 15 30%
7 to 9 years 10 20%
More than 10 years 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title


20% 40%


1 to 3 years 4 to 6 years 7 to 9 years More than 10 years

According to the results of the survey, 40% of people responded that they had been using
Amul products for 1 to 3 year, 30% of the respondents replied that they have been using
Amul products for 4 to 6 years, 20% People replied that they have been using Amul
products for the last 7 to 9 years, and only 10% who are using Amul products for more than
10 years.
7. Are you satisfied with Amul products?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Satisfied 25 50%
Dissatisfied 10 20%
Neutral 15 30%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title



Satisfied Dissatisfied Neutral

50% people are satisfied with the Amul, 20% of the people are those who is not satisfied
with Amul and 30% of the people responded neutral means these are those people who are
neither very satisfied nor dissatisfied with the Amul products.
8. Have you faced any problem while using Amul products?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 5 10%

No 30 60%

Neutral 15 30%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title



Yes No Neutral

On asking, do you face any problem while using Amul products - 10% of people are those
who face problems while using Amul products, 60% of people responded that they do not
face problem but 30% people are those who sometimes face problems while using Amul
9. Which type of problem do you face while using Amul products?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Packaging related 5 10%

Availability related 10 20%

Price related 15 30%

Any other 20 40%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title


40% 20%


Packaging related Availability related Price related Any other

10% of people responded that they face Packaging related problems, 20% of people face
Availability related problem, 30% people face Price related problems, and 40% of the
people replied that they face any other problems while using Amul products.
10. Are you satisfied with the price of Amul products?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 30 60%

No 10 20%

Neutral 10 20%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title


20% 60%

Yes No Neutral

60% of the respondents responded that they are satisfied with price of the Amul products,
while 20% responded that they are not satisfied with the price and remaining 20%
responded neutral these are those people who are neither very satisfied nor dissatisfied with
the Amul products price.
11. Which Amul product you like the most?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Milk 20 40%
Ghee 15 30%
Butter 10 20%
Ice-cream 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title


20% 40%


Milk Ghee Butter Ice-cream

On asking, which Amul product you like the most- 40% people are those who like and use
Amul milk most, 30% people are those who like Amul ghee most, 20% are those who like
Amul butter most, 10% people are those who like Amul ice-cream most.
12. Have you ever recommended Amul products to others?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 30 60%

No 15 30%

Neutral 5 10%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title



Yes No Neutral

Around 60% of the people responded that they recommended Amul products to other like to
friends, relatives etc., 30% people responded that they never recommend Amul products to
someone, and around 10% people responded neutral.
13. How did you come to know about ‘AMUL’?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Family 20 40%

Friends 10 20%

Internet 15 30%

Newspaper Advertisement 5 10%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title


Family Friends
Internet Newspaper Advertisement

Around 40% of the people responded that they get to know about Amul products from their
family, 20% people responded that they get to know about Amul products from their
friends, around 30% people responded that they get to know about Amul products from the
internet, and 10% people responded that they get to know about Amul products from the
newspaper advertisement.
14. How is Amul’s customer care service?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 35 70%
Good 10 20%
Poor 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title



Excellent Good Poor

On asking, the customer care service of Amul to people 70% of the people responded that
Amul has excellent customer care service, 20% of the people responded that Amul has a
good customer care service, while 10% of the people responded that Amul has poor
customer care service.
15. How often do you buy the product of Amul?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Daily 25 50%
Weekly 10 20%
Monthly 5 10%
Rarely 10 20%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title


10% 50%


Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely

Around 50% of the people responded that they use Amul products like milk on daily basis,
around 20% people responded that they use Amul products like butter, ice-cream on weekly
basis, around 10% people responded use Amul products like ghee on Monthly basis, and
around 20% of the people responded that they rarely use Amul products because they use
other company products.
16. Give a rating to Amul products.

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 5 10%
Very good 20 40%
Good 7 14%
Average 10 20%
Poor 8 16%
Total 50 100%

Chart Title

16% 10%


Excellent Very good Good Average Poor

On asking, rate the Amul products to people 10% of the people responded that Amul has
excellent products, 40% of the people responded that Amul products are very good, 14% of
the people responded that Amul products are good, while 20% of the people responded that
Amul products are average, and 16% of the people responded that Amul products are really

 50% of the respondents answered ‘Yes’, while 20% of the respondents answered
‘No’, and 30% of the respondents responded that they ‘Sometimes’ use AMUL
 30% of the people used Amul products, 24% used Mother Dairy, 20% of respondents
responded Nestle, 16% Britannia and only 10% are those people they used other
 In the organization, 40% of the respondents said that they consume pouch milk, 40%
of the respondents agreed on loose milk and rest 20% agreed on both pouch and loose

 40% of the respondents said because of taste, 30% of the respondents said because of
quality, 20% respondents said because of price and rest 10% said that because of
availability of Amul products.
 70% said packaging of Amul products is excellent, 20% responded that packaging is
good where 10% said that packaging quality is poor.
 40% of people responded that they are using for 1 to 3 year, 30% of the respondents
replied that they are using for 4 to 6 years, 20% are using Amul products for 7 to 9
years, and only 10% are using for more than 10 years.
 50% people are satisfied with the Amul, 20% of the people are those who is not
satisfied with Amul and 30% of the people responded neutral means these are those
people who are neither very satisfied nor dissatisfied with the Amul products.
 10% of people are facing problems, 60% of people are not facing problem 30%
 10% of people face Packaging problems, 20% of people face Availability problem,
30% people face Price problems, and 40% of the people face other problems.
 60% of the people satisfied with price, 20% people are not satisfied with the price and
remaining 20% responded neutral these are those people who are neither very
satisfied nor dissatisfied with the Amul products price.
 40% people use Amul milk, 30% people use Amul ghee, 20% like Amul butter most,
10% people are those who like Amul ice-cream most.
 60% people recommended Amul products to others, 30% people responded that they
never recommend Amul products to someone, and around 10% people responded
 40% of the people get to know from their family, 20% people get to know from their
friends, 30% people get to know from internet, and 10% people get to know from the
newspaper advertisement.

 70% people said excellent customer care service, 20% people said good customer
care service, 10% of the people said poor customer care service.
 50% people said that they use products on daily basis, 20% people said that they use
weekly basis, 10% people said they use on Monthly basis, 20% people said they
rarely use Amul products.

 10% of the people responded excellent products, 40% of the people responded very
good, 14% people responded good, 20% people responded average, and 16% of the
people responded that Amul products are really poor.

 Amul products subjected to the degradation due to weather conditions. Because of this once
they reach the retailers they are in bad state.

 There is certain product like Amul Gulab Jamun, Rasmalai, Chocolate, Rabri etc. which are
not much popular as much as Amul milk, ice-cream Amul must try to understand the
cause of this through market research and work on improving these products.

 Focus on retail expansion in Indian cities, towns and villages – increase branded Amul
parlours to capture the consumer attention and keep the competition at bay.

 Replacement and profit margin are two biggest issues threatening the brand of Amul.

 Amul can venture out on new products like dairy based sweets, baby food products.

 It is also observed that some of the items are old stock.

 Amul can venture into offering low-fat versions of its products as it would help capture the
hearts of second and third generation Indians in US and global market.

 They have to co-operate those retailers who have less demand inn shop and try to pass the
various attractive schemes of the company.

 As quick as possible try to settle the various claims of the retailers.

 Economically priced quality dairy products- one of the key strengths of Amul.

 Amul has top of the mind recall when it comes to butter and milk which forms most of total

 There have been a lot of complaints about replacement policy of Amul. Amul should try to
improve its replacement policy and make it somewhat liberal.

 Through Amul’s hoarding are a huge success, it can penetrate in the rural areas by
advertising through the media via internet, cable channels, newspapers. Sponsoring
shows in TV, sports events can be of great help.

GCMMF which markets the extremely popular brand Amul products is certainly going
through a golden phase with simultaneously acceleration in demand and supply. The high
growth in turnover is reflected in the remarkable performance of its various mega-brands.

This is the vision of the future which the company sees for itself:
“AMUL will be an outstanding marketing organization, with specialization in marketing of
food and dairy products, both fresh and long life with customer focus and information
technology integration. The network would consist of over 100 offices, 7500 stockers
covering at least every taluka head quarter town, servicing nearly 10 lakh outlets with a
turnover of Rs. 69660 (in millions) and serving several cooperatives. Amul shall also create a
market for its products in the neighboring countries.”
A wide spread concern for quality and convenience, and the buy it, fill it and forget it, psyche
of young generation of their requirement of dairy foods with and unstoppable increase in
disposable incomes are laying the foundation for growth of this sector in the Indian dairy
Three key practices are there behind the success of AMUL:
 The first, that Amul has developed a strong brand and implemented its marketing strategy
towards strengthening it constantly.
 The second that AMUL presented traditionally accepted milk products with a brand value
as well as targeted sustained growth for the long term depending upon matching supply
and demand.
 Third, that Amul never compromised on professional grounds and separated decision
making and management into two folds. Member Farmers were always involved in
decision making and controlling the giant and on the other hand, professional managers
and technocrats were appointed to run the management.
Web Reference






Reference Books

 Marketing Management (12th edition) – Kotlar Philip, New Delhi: Pearson Prentice
Hall Pvt. Ltd.

 Marketing Management (2001) – Saxena Rajan, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd.

 Marketing Research (3rd edition) – Beri G.C, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd.

 Research Methodology – Kothari C.R, Garg Gaurav, New Delhi: New Age International
 Times of India
 Businesss Today
1. Do you use Amul products?

 Yes
 No
 Sometime

2. Which company product do you use most?

 Amul
 Mother Dairy
 Nestle
 Britannia
 Any other

3. Which milk do you consume?

 Pouch Milk
 Loose Milk
 Both

4. What do you like most in Amul products?

 Taste
 Price
 Quality
 Availability
5. How is the packaging of Amul products?
 Excellent
 Good
 Poor
6. How many years have you been using Amul products?
 1 to 3 years
 4 to 6 years
 7 to 9 years
 More than 10 years
7. Are you satisfied with Amul products?
 Satisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Neutral
8. Have you faced any problem while using Amul products?
 Yes
 No
 Neutral
9. Which type of problem do you face while using Amul products?
 Packaging related
 Availability related
 Price related
 Any other
10. Are you satisfied with the price of Amul products?
 Yes
 No
 Neutral
11. Which Amul product you like the most?
 Milk
 Ghee
 Butter
 Ice-cream
12. Have you ever recommended Amul products to others?
 Yes
 No
 Neutral
13. How did you come to know about ‘AMUL’?
 Family
 Friends
 Internet
 Newspaper

14. How is Amul’s customer care service?

 Excellent
 Good
 Poor
15. How often do you buy the product of Amul?
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Rarely
16. Give a rating to Amul products.
 Excellent
 Very good
 Good
 Average
 Poor

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