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IOT based mini herb garden for home use

In colder climate places many would enjoy easy access to fresh herbs, so the usual approach to
this problem is getting potted plants and keeping them indoors and taking care of them.
This works on paper if everyone has the capacity to have the responsibility of maintaining their
plants and remembering to water them even, not to mention fertilization.
My solution is to build an affordable product as an open-source project with detailed schematics
on how people can build it themselves.
The functionalities of the growing box include:
Control systems:
• Temperature control
• Automated watering
• CO2 Injection
• Fertigation.
• Watering
• Light cycles and manual control

Space sensing for:

• Temperature
• CO2
• Luminance
• CO

Soil sensing for:

• Humidity
• Temperature

An app will be developed using a platform such as Blynk for ease of deployment of the project.
The app will have control over the system and receive all the analytical data from sensors, also
able to send notifications for critical conditions such as leaks or burns, water reservoir levels.

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