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4, NOVEMBER 2018

How Data-Driven Entrepreneur Analyzes Imperfect

Information for Business Opportunity Evaluation
Ethem Çanakoğlu, S. Sinan Erzurumlu , and Yaman Omer Erzurumlu

Abstract—High market uncertainty impedes an entrepreneur’s opportunity-related uncertainties in healthcare [5]. A growing
ability to evaluate the state of the market for a business opportunity. number of venture capitalists have employed automated data
For many entrepreneurial ventures, data collection and analysis analysis techniques to evaluate business investments (e.g., [6],
techniques and technologies are becoming an important source
to manage uncertainty. This trend is often referred to as “data- [7]). We refer to the trend of data-driven techniques and tech-
driven entrepreneurship.” We consider a dynamic approach using nologies in shaping activities of the entrepreneurial process (i.e.,
data to overcome market uncertainty for business opportunity- opportunity recognition, development, and evaluation) as “data-
related evaluations. In particular, we examine the entrepreneur’s driven entrepreneurship.”
investment portfolio in which each investment generates expected Nevertheless, business opportunity evaluation with a data-
returns and some information about a specific aspect of the market
for a single business opportunity. We develop a model that analyzes driven technique may not be an easy or direct process. The
imperfect market data (e.g., financial, social, regulatory), while success of the business opportunity is subject to external market
factoring in the entrepreneur’s risk preference and operational factors, including market conditions for entrepreneurs in gen-
shortages of resources, routines, reputation, and regulations. Our eral [8] and regulatory frameworks affecting access to consumer
numerical findings show that, rather than pursuing the highest and labor markets and finance [9], [10]. The entrepreneur may
expected returns, an entrepreneur may choose perfect information,
risk hedging, or market-controlling investments based on his/her have a very limited or no control over such external conditions
cash level and risk preference. Hence, the entrepreneur, fueled by [11]. Therefore, the information flow necessary to conclude the
the availability of data analysis, could overcome uncertainties and economic outlook of the market—positive or negative—for the
obtain better insights for business opportunity decisions. business opportunity may not be available (i.e., the market infor-
Index Terms—Business opportunity evaluation, decision making mation may be imperfect). Furthermore, the “true market” may
under uncertainty, data-driven entrepreneurship, entrepreneur- be hidden when that information is not observable [12]. For
ship, operational entrepreneurship, operations management (OM), example, in the developing clean energy market of Turkey, the
partially observed Markov decision process (POMDP). government’s mixed signals on a feed-in-tariff (a government
I. INTRODUCTION policy mechanism aimed to accelerate investment in clean en-
ergy) made it difficult for entrepreneurs faced with the shortage
NDERSTANDING the nature and sources of uncertainty
U that underlie entrepreneurial decision making have been
a primary focus of entrepreneurship research [1], [2]. The infu-
of resources to evaluate the prospects of the opportunity [13].
In this paper, we study the business opportunity evaluation
from the data-driven perspective of entrepreneurship, and
sion of data analysis techniques (i.e., inspecting, transforming, ask: How could the entrepreneur analyze imperfect market
and modeling data with the goal of supporting decision-making) information in order to evaluate the business opportunity?
and technologies (e.g., data analytics) in entrepreneurship has Furthermore, when the entrepreneur’s resources are lacking,
generated new ways of dealing with uncertainty [3], [4]. For routines are nonexistent, reputation has not been established,
example, the constant flow of “big data” acquired through so- or operating regulations are inadequate [14], [15], these short-
cial media apps (e.g., Twitter) has been analyzed to overcome ages of resources, routines, reputation, and regulations pose
operational constraints—we refer to as operational shortages
Manuscript received September 1, 2016; revised April 11, 2017, September of the 4Rs—on overcoming market uncertainty. In addition,
29, 2017, January 24, 2018, and March 2, 2018; accepted April 2, 2018. Date of the entrepreneur, in general, evaluates an opportunity based on
publication June 3, 2018; date of current version October 27, 2018. The work
of S. S. Erzurumlu was supported in part by the Babson Faculty Research Fund. his/her individual risk preferences (e.g., high, medium, or low
Review of this manuscript was arranged by Department Editor N. Jolkelar. risk aversion) [2], [16].
(Corresponding author: S. Sinan Erzurumlu.) From the data-driven perspective of entrepreneurship,
E. Çanakoğlu is with the Department of Industrial Engineering, Bahçeşehir
University, İstanbul 34353, Turkey (e-mail:, entrepreneurs with different risk preferences and operational
S. S. Erzurumlu is with the Technology, Operations, and Information Man- shortages could better deal with imperfect market informa-
agement Division, Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457 USA (e-mail:, tion, so long as they could continuously monitor sources of
Y. O. Erzurumlu is with the Department of Engineering Manage- uncertainty [4] and analyze accumulated data to obtain insights
ment, Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul 34353, Turkey (e-mail:, yamanomer. for decision making [17] (e.g., [18]). Importantly, data-driven entrepreneurship demands dynamic and algorithmic data
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at analysis techniques to evaluate the business opportunity. In
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEM.2018.2826983 this paper, we explore how to analyze real-time and imperfect

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data (e.g., data or statistics from external factors forming an II. LITERATURE REVIEW
observable process) in order to make an optimal portfolio of
Opportunity evaluation is the core of entrepreneurial decision
investments. making. Entrepreneurship scholars have extensively investi-
In particular, information from each external factor, as deter-
gated how entrepreneurs make opportunity evaluation decisions
mined by the investment portfolio, recognizes a different degree
based on individual factors (e.g., cognition and aspirations)
of impact on the entrepreneur’s evaluation of the state of the mar- combined with external factors (e.g., valuation of the market)
ket for the business opportunity (i.e., to what degree the market
(see [8], [22] for reviews). McKelvie et al. [2] found that an
supports the business opportunity). Hence, the entrepreneur’s
increase in uncertainty decreases the entrepreneur’s willingness
investment portfolio in our study has a dual role: it not only to act on an opportunity in the face of uncertain environmental
generates economic returns, but also provides information about
conditions. Entrepreneurs must manage entrepreneurial risk,
market observability and control over time. To understand the rationality, and high levels of uncertainty about markets when
impact of entrepreneur’s risk preference and operational short- evaluating opportunities [23]–[25]. Entrepreneurs are also
ages on the investment portfolio, we examine the tradeoff be-
advised to develop strategies to hedge adverse outcomes
tween expected returns and the level of market information according to their risk preferences [26], [27].
(e.g., by choosing investments with high returns, but a lower- While research on operations management (OM) has studied
level of information): How would the entrepreneur’s risk pref-
the exploitation process of opportunities, subject to operational
erence and operational shortages affect the investment portfolio shortages of 4Rs (see [15] for a review), OM scholars have not
that balances the tradeoff between expected returns and market yet explored “a deeper strategic understanding of evaluations
of a recognized opportunity to determine if it represents an op-
We analyze external factors in complex environments of “true portunity for the specific entrepreneur” [28, p. 1416]. In the
uncertainty” where no basis exists for classifying the states of
evaluation stage, entrepreneurs operate under significant uncer-
the market [1]. That is, the market will not reveal its state di-
tainty about the true value of an opportunity, and information is
rectly, but may provide related information via another pro- needed to assess that value [29]. Shepherd and Patzelt [30] note
cess observable by the entrepreneur. Models of this type, where
this issue in emerging operational entrepreneurship research,
the random market environment is represented by a Markov
and call for processes to effectively capture and utilize informa-
chain but the state of this Markov chain cannot be observed di- tion and improve entrepreneurs’ ability to refine the potential
rectly (another process can provide partial information about the
opportunities and to act upon subsequent potential opportunities.
state), are called “partially observed Markov decision process”
Prior studies on innovation and entrepreneurship have
(POMDP) [19]–[21]. Our POMDP model sets up a probabilis- mainly recognized a stable and fixed entrepreneurial process for
tic relationship between an observable and the hidden market
evaluating a new product/service idea that underlies a market
process via the entrepreneur’s investment portfolio. We then opportunity (e.g., [31], [32]). With the infusion of data-driven
develop a probabilistic information measure to quantify the technologies, the entrepreneurial process has become less
connection between the observable and hidden process in or-
bounded (predefined) by structural boundaries of product scope
der to better understand the state of the market for the business and market search and temporal boundaries of entrepreneurial
opportunity. With the probabilistic information measure, the en- activities [3], [33]. The data-driven framework of Miller and
trepreneur could construct and test novel investment portfolios
Mork [17] constitutes a process for data collection, transfor-
that are best suited for the market with respect to her/his risk mation, and application of analysis techniques that underlie
preference and operational shortages. insights required for decision making.
Our contributions in this paper are as follows. Under the
Two notable research streams in entrepreneurship, opportu-
data-driven perspective of entrepreneurship, we develop an al- nity creation [34] and effectuation [35], [36] perspective of en-
gorithmic data analysis technique for entrepreneurs to analyze
trepreneurship, have studied the continuous re-evaluation and
imperfect data from external market factors for an investment
evolution of opportunity in less bounded entrepreneurial pro-
portfolio. The optimal investment portfolio balances the trade- cesses, as well as the accompanying uncertainty. However, ow-
off between expected returns and market information, and is
ing to the complex and interrelated nature of less bounded pro-
further moderated by the entrepreneur’s risk preference and
cesses, conventional research methods have been of limited use
operational shortages. Our numerical analysis shows how a in capturing the dynamics of this phenomenon [37]. Hence, there
data-driven investment portfolio can be used to manage the
is a gap in the literature on operational and data-driven perspec-
key tradeoff. We observe that a portfolio of POMDP-infused tives of entrepreneurship for novel data-driven techniques and
investments (e.g., to hedge risk or control market) might bal- technologies that shape the entrepreneurial process, including
ance the tradeoff better than with one of the investments pre-
opportunity evaluation.
dominantly involving full information (FI) or high expected Studies on decision making under uncertainty have identi-
returns. In practice, a data-driven analysis could enable en- fied methods to address situations when the outcome proba-
trepreneurs and managers to customize investment portfolios
bilities are not, or cannot, be known precisely [1], [24], [38].
based on risk preferences and operational shortages so as to over- Specifying mathematically tractable risky choice problems de-
come market uncertainty and make better opportunity-related velop precise rules for rational decision making [24], [39]. Ex-
pected utility theory provides the backdrop for the normative

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status of rational decision making involving risky situations III. MODEL

and risk preferences, as in investment decision making when
Consider an entrepreneur who is evaluating a business op-
outcomes are probabilistic. In contrast, the entrepreneurial portunity for a market in a multiperiod setting. The state of
decision maker may not know all possible outcomes of
the market—whether the market has a positive or negative out-
his/her actions, and does not know the probability distribu-
look for the entrepreneur’s opportunity—depends on a variety
tion of those outcomes [40]. In such cases, decision mak- of external market factors such as economic, governmental, so-
ers may be better off pursuing favorable outcomes utiliz-
cial, and regulatory [46] that may not be directly observable
ing decision technologies that allow for enhanced information
and may change over time. Furthermore, the entrepreneur’s risk
flow [41]. preference and operational shortages of one or more of 4Rs
Our study contributes to the operational and data-driven per-
(i.e., internal constraints) influence the entrepreneur’s ability to
spectives of entrepreneurship by refining decision making using observe the state of the market and take control over market
a data-driven technique for the opportunity evaluation in a dy- changes.
namic entrepreneurial process. Furthermore, we contribute to
To exemplify the impact of an external factor on opportunity
entrepreneurial decision making under uncertainty by identi- assessment, we offer a simulated example of an entrepreneurial
fying the tradeoff between expected returns and market infor- venture in a developing industry (e.g., clean energy). The
mation, and providing insights into how data-driven investment
entrepreneur may not have established know-how of external
portfolio can be used to manage this tradeoff, while accounting market regulations and lobbying practices for the technology
for the entrepreneur’s risk preference and operational shortages (i.e., shortage of external regulations). Although the new
of the 4Rs. In particular, we consider a Markovian model to
venture’s investors may provide some policy and regulatory
address the changes in business opportunity-related evaluations assistance, the regulations for an emerging technology may
in uncertain and complex environments, such as in a hidden
be transient, which is likely to result in a hidden market.
market, where the decision maker cannot directly estimate the
Therefore, he or she might not be able to fully evaluate
outcome probabilities. the true economic outlook—positive or negative—without
Modeling the highly uncertain nature of the market using
understanding the regulatory conditions, particularly among the
a Markovian model has long been recognized as a reasonable
rapidly changing laws surrounding energy. Information about
approach [42], and Markov models have been used primarily the state of regulations and policy is needed to evaluate the
to describe the dynamic behavior of financial markets (e.g.,
valuation of the market for the clean energy innovation through
[43]). Although POMDPs are used in various fields, includ-
hiring legal services, lobbying practices and active participation
ing financial analysis and engineering (e.g., [44], [45]), they in discussions about pending regulations [47].
have not been used extensively in entrepreneurial decision mak-
The entrepreneur in our model gathers information about the
ing [39], with the notable exception of Lévesque and Maillart market by allocating her/his total funds X across a portfolio of
[18]. Lévesque and Maillart [18] analyze a POMDP in an opti- m investments in f independent external market factors over T -
mal stopping problem, which requires “the consideration of not
periods. To maximize potential returns of a business opportunity,
only the decision maker’s uncertainty about the viability of the a resource-constrained entrepreneur could invest small amounts
opportunity, but also the environmental conditions that influ- of his/her resources, while minimizing risk exposure [23], [48],
ence the context in which the opportunity assessment is made”
[49]. For example, prior to Turkey’s passage of a renewable
[18, p. 279]. They obtain probability thresholds based on the energy law in 2005, most clean energy entrepreneurs made rel-
information cost, the payoff structure, and information quality. atively marginal investments to reflect the market’s appetite
Their results indicate the ideal time for the decision maker to
for solar. The level of information, as denoted by νkj ∈ [0, 1],
stop accumulating information and to either accept or reject an about the market factor j ∈ {1, . . . , f } depends on investment
k ∈ {1, . . . , m}, whose return provides information about fac-
In a similar vein, we analyze a POMDP model in a portfolio
tor j. Subsequently, the investment returns form the state values
optimization problem that considers the probabilistic relation of an observable process as characterized by the observed mar-
between the hidden and observable processes. Our study differs
ket factors.
from that of Lévesque and Maillart [18] in two ways. First,
In our example above, a specific investment that is associ-
the entrepreneur decision maker in our study evaluates external ated with the external factor of energy regulations might help
factors of uncertainty(e.g., consumer market and regulation),
the entrepreneur to gain information about how regulations and
while factoring in operational shortages, and then determines possible future policies might influence the technological op-
an investment portfolio for market observability. Second, we portunity’s economic value. In this way, the investment reveals
examine whether the entrepreneur can exert partial control over
partial information about the state of the market. Furthermore,
the market state changes in a Markov chain. Hence, our data- the entrepreneur gains no information (NI) related to a factor
driven technique, a PODMP model, manages “true uncertainty” unless she/he specifically invests in a source associated with
cases of high complexity and uncertainty [1], which contributes
that factor, but may obtain similar information about the market
to a better understanding of entrepreneurial decision making from other factors. Hence, the objective of the entrepreneur is
under uncertainty. to choose an investment portfolio U that provides information

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about the state of the market and maximizes returns gained from is independent of all previous states of Z and Y. The emission
the investment at a terminal time T . matrix at period t, Et , is
Regarding our formal model, we make the following three
assumptions. First, the change in the valuation of investments Et (i, a, u) = P (Yt = i | Zt = a, Ut ) . (3)
is exogenous and independent of funds invested at the previous Note that E is characterized by the investments in the
periods. Thus, the investment return is a random variable that portfolio Ut .
depends solely on the given state of the market. Second, we Each investment provides information about specific exter-
do not allow for risk free borrowing to avoid unbounded solu- nal factors. Specifically, an identity matrix (or any other matrix
tions. The omission of risk-free borrowing also underlines the that consists of a single 1 in each column) as the emission
entrepreneurial decision making amidst shortages of resources, matrix, Et = It , represents FI where every observation corre-
routines, and reputation with no immediate resource infusion. sponds to a single state in a one-to-one relationship. On the
Finally, the entrepreneur does not experience any decrease in other hand, an emission matrix with identical rows for every
efficiency by investing in multiple investments. state gives NI about the states of the market since the observa-
In the remainder of this section, we develop a POMDP tion is independent of the underlying Markov model. Any matrix
model with sufficient statistics to examine imperfect informa- in between provides partial information. A legitimate emission
tion flow. We then formulate a data analysis algorithm for the matrix should have positive elements where the summation of
entrepreneur’s opportunity evaluation problem with dynamic elements at each row is equal to 1.
programming (DP). In our example, this emission matrix corresponds to the
probability of acceptance of regulations favorable to the en-
A. POMDP Model trepreneur’s business. Suppose that the observable process con-
We let Zt denote the state of the market at period t. The sists of two states of the market for the business opportunity
Markov chain Z = {Zt ; t = 0, 1, . . . , } is a hidden process with (i.e., positive and negative outlook) as classified by the regula-
the transition matrix tions. A high probability is more likely (i.e., a positive outlook)
to be observed if favorable legislation is adopted, and less likely
Qt (a, b, Ut ) = P (Zt+1 = b |Zt = a, Ut ) (1)
(i.e., a negative outlook) if it is rejected. In practice, experienced
over a state space F = {a, b, c, . . . , s}.1 Ut = (u1t , u2t , . . . , um
t ) energy and clean tech attorneys can serve as trusted legal advis-
denotes the portfolio for m investments at period t, where ukt (≥ ers to best estimate these probabilities for specific sectors and
0) represents the allocated investment amount for investment k.2 regions. By investing in regulatory and policy making efforts,
Ut influences the transition states because Qt depends on the the entrepreneur gains information regarding the state of the
investments of the portfolio. The states of the market are not market from the energy regulatory perspective. Recall that the
observable; thus, the entrepreneur’s portfolio of m investments entrepreneur gains NI without any investment.
generate random net returns In another study closely relevant to ours, Canakoglu and
  Ozekici [19] examine a multiperiod portfolio-selection problem
Rt (s) = Rt1 (s), Rt2 (s), . . . , Rtm (s) (2)
and examine a hidden market model (HMM) with imperfect
when the hidden state of the market is s at period t. The en- information flow. Our model differs from their formulation in
trepreneur has a total cash of Xt at the beginning of period two important ways. First, in our POMDP-based model, the
t. We follow the stochastic evolution of the capital process entrepreneur observes not only the Markov market but also
X = {Xt ; t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , } with a cash dynamics equation: controls it. Second, their formulation focuses on an investor
Xt+1 (Ut ) = Rt (s)Ut , denotes the transpose operator. with no cash reserves constraint who invested in a fixed num-
While Z is a hidden process, the entrepreneur can obtain ber of investments (i.e., the firm’s entire portfolio). Hence, the
imperfect information about the state of the market with an ob- modeling structure is predetermined. Our model hinges on the
servable process Y = {Yt ; t = 0, 1, 2, . . .} over a state space entrepreneur’s investments, which can be less than available
E = {i, j, . . . , z}, where Yt is the information available at pe- investment options. In this way, we extend their work on port-
riod t. The observable process Y is not necessarily a Markov folio optimization in HMMs to a case with a dynamic transition
chain and the states of the market Z are dependent on previous matrix in a POMDP.
observations of Y. We develop a probabilistic information mea-
sure, referred to as the emission matrix E, that represents the B. Sufficient Statistics
probabilistic relationship between the true market state and the
observation of external market factors. In particular, the proba- The entrepreneur relies on information from past periods in
bilistic evolution of Y depends on the state of Z at period t and our multiperiod model. In particular, since energy regulations
are shaping over time, the entrepreneur may need to invest in
1 It is possible to have a countably infinite number of states in theory. We use a multiple periods. A new observation at period t will increase
limited number of states for the observed and hidden market processes because the dimension of the information vector with a new observation
of the estimation required by the model. In practice, some of these states would Yt , therefore, the probabilistic structure of the information flow
be less likely to occur. Thus, we do not lose any insights from our analysis and increases the dimension of the problem with each period. To
can easily include further states in our modeling framework.
2 Throughout this paper, unless otherwise stated, subscript denotes time and monitor the increasing dimension, we utilize sufficient statis-
superscript denotes the index of investment. tics, a common approach used under these circumstances, that

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represents the probabilistic structure of the information flow period t from choosing the investment portfolio u as
[19], [50].
vt (π, x) = max gt (π, x, u). (6)
Let Y¯t = [Y0 , Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Yt ] and Z̄t = [Z0 , Z1 , Z2 , . . . , Zt ] u
denote the cumulative observed information and past his- According to the DP principle
tory about the states of the market until period t, respec-
tively. The size of Y¯t further increases with each period t; gt (π, x, u) = E [vt+1 (π  (ut ), xt+1 (ut ))] (7)
Ȳt+1 = (Y¯t , Yt+1 ). Furthermore, let Πst = P (Zt = s | Y¯t , Ut ) where π  (ut ) is the updated sufficient statistics for the next pe-
be the probability that the market states at period t is s, given riod. The entrepreneur’s optimal expected returns maximization
previous observations Y¯t , and investment portfolio at this period problem in (6) becomes a DP problem with the following value
Ut . We specify the conditional  distribution of Zt given Y¯t by function:
1 2
Πt = [Πt , Πt , . . . , Πt ], where s∈F Πst = 1 and Πst ≥ 0 for

all s ∈ F. vt (π, x) = max E [vt+1 (π  (ut ), xt+1 (ut ))] . (8)

Let the state of the market at time t + 1 be s . Using the
conditional distribution of the state of the market at period t, This can further be extended using (5) as
Πt , a new observation on the state of the market at period t + 1, vt (π, x) = max E [vt+1 (Gt (π, u, Yt+1 ) , R(Zt )u)] (9)
Yt+1 , and the investment portfolio at period t, Ut , we formulate u

the conditional distribution of the state of the market at the for t = 0, 1, . . . , T − 1. The solution for DP in (9) can be found
consecutive period t + 1 as follows: with a recursive solution procedure and a complete emission
Πst+1 = P Zt+1 = s | Ȳt+1 , Ut = Gts (Πt , Ut , Yt+1 ) (4)
which we can further formulate with Bayesian updating. Given
that the probability distribution about the state of the market is π A. Optimal Investment Portfolio
 We now analyze the entrepreneur’s expected returns maxi-
s π s Qt (s, s , u)Et+1 (s , u, j)
Gt (π, u, j) =  s∈F s  
(5) mization problem in consideration of the evaluation of a busi-
s,s  ∈F π Qt (s, s , u)Et+1 (s , u, j)
ness opportunity with the DP solution procedure outlined in the
for t ≥ 0. The initial condition Π0 can be determined with an previous section. To obtain explicit characterizations of the op-
initial observation Y0 . In practice, the initial conditions can be timal investment portfolio, we define an emission matrix and
estimated via a preliminary analysis of the unobserved market. power utility function. For the emission matrix, we consider the
Then, the entrepreneur can update initial conditions with the following matrix for a portfolio of m investments and external
emission matrix at period t = 0, E0 . In our example, updating factor f , E f :
the distribution over the core states of the market in this manner

can be viewed as gathering information about the positive or Ef = dk (1 − ν f ,k )E0f + ν f ,k I (10)
negative outlook of the market for the business opportunity. k =1
Πt in (4) summarizes the past history of the state of the market where d = u /x is the proportion of the total funds x allocated
k k
and provides sufficient statistics for the history of all observa- to investment k. Recall that ν f ,k ∈ [0, 1] is the level of infor-
tions on the state of the market until period t, Ȳt , depending on
mation provided by investment k about market factor f . E0f
the portfolio of investments at period t, Ut . Π = {Πt ; t ≥ 0} is
represents the emission matrix with base level of information
deemed to be a Markov chain defined on a continuous space with
about market factor f , and I is the identity matrix. Investment
a set of probability distributions on F [20]. Consequently, we
k characterizes the emission matrix with the added information
model our problem as an observable Markov chain Π, where Πt
(1 − ν f ,k )E0f + ν f ,k I.
is a state of the Markov chain at period t. Equation (5) represents
Furthermore, we define the entrepreneur’s individual risk
 from Πt to Πt+1 inthis Markov chain, where
the transformation
preference with the power utility function.3 The power utility
Gt (π, u, j) = Gts (π, u, j) ; s ∈ F is a probability distribu-
   function expresses the entrepreneur’s returns in terms of avail-
tion with s∈F Gts (π, u, j) = 1 and Gts (π, u, j) ≥ 0 for all able cash investment X based on her/his risk preference with a

s ∈ F. relative risk aversion of 1 − γ, formally U (X) = X γ /γ. Note
that the entrepreneur’s returns are endogenous and independent
C. DP Model of the market factors. The power utility function with total cash
In our model, the entrepreneur maximizes the expected re- investment XT at a terminal time T sets the boundary condi-
turns at a terminal time T by selecting the investment portfolio. tion at vT (π, XT ) = (XT )γ /γ for all possibilities of π and the
To develop the entrepreneur’s dynamic problem formally, we let firm’s expected returns at E [(XT )γ /γ].
gt (π, x, u) denote the returns gained from an investment port-
folio u constrained by available cash funds x in period t and 3 The power utility function has the same characteristics with a class of utility

optimal portfolios u∗ from t + 1 to T . Also, the probability of functions, e.g., exponential and logarithmic. This family of utility functions
possess a constant relative risk aversion type under imperfect market conditions.
the information flow in the market (i.e., sufficient statistics) is Thus, the explicit characterizations of the optimal solution inherits similar linear
denoted by π. Then we define the optimal expected returns at structure with different utility functions [19].

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Proposition 1 characterizes the optimal investment portfolio market, as they may gain similar information from legal counsel-
for the emission matrix in (10) and power utility function. ing on understanding of energy trends. Indeed, if the availability
Proposition 1: Let the entrepreneur’s return function be the of information is not excessively dependent on the amount of
power function (xγ /γ) and the emission matrix be (10). Then, investment, then the entrepreneur can decide whether or not to
the optimal solution to the DP in (9) is invest in a particular factor with its portfolio configuration.
xγ This may not be the case because the entrepreneur can get
vt (π, x) = Ct (π) (11) better or more information by increasing his/her investment
amount. For instance, the entrepreneur could invest in partici-
and the optimal return-maximizing investment portfolio is de- pating in policy making conversations on state, national, or inter-
termined by national levels (e.g., [47]). We thus consider the entrepreneur’s
u∗t (π, x) = dt (π)x (12) optimal portfolio in (12) to be dependent on the amount of
cash allocated to each investment rather than the proportion of
where her portfolio. We replacedk with uk in (10); that is, the new

Ct (π) = πa Qt (a, b, dt (π)) E(j, b, dt (π))Ct+1 emission matrix is E f = m k =1 u ((1 − ν
k f ,k
)E0f + ν f ,k I). Al-
a∈F b∈F j ∈E
though this problem does not lead to a closed-form solution, it

  γ  is possible to analyze the backward dynamic equation where the
× Gts (π, dt (π) , j) · E Rt (b) dn (π) value function is reflected by the state variable π and the total
(13) cash x numerically.
In addition, a numerical analysis may be appropriate due to
and dt (π) satisfies for all t = 0, 1, . . . , T − 2 the “three curses of dimensionality” in the above DP problem.
First, a continuous-state space consists of all possible distribu-
πa Qt (a, b, dt (π)) E (j, b, dt (π))Ct+1
tions of π. Second, the actions including all possible investment
a∈F b∈F j ∈E

strategies may consist of continuous weight distribution of cur-
 γ −1
× Gts (π, dt (π) , j) · E Rtk (b) Rt (b) dt (π)

=0 rent funds. Accordingly, the third curse, the size of the state
space and the action space inflate the size of the transition func-
(14) tion. Therefore, we develop an approximation algorithm that
and for t = T − 1 and all k = 1, 2, . . . , m mimics the DP solution procedure in Proposition 1 with the new
emission matrix in discrete states. This algorithm is outlined in
πa QT −1 (a, b, dT −1 (π)) E (j, b, dT −1 (π)) Algorithm 1 in Appendix A. We utilize Algorithm 1 to inves-
a∈F b∈F j ∈E tigate the optimal investment portfolio with a comprehensive
 γ −1 numerical analysis in the next section.
× E RTk −1 (b) RT −1 (b) dT −1 (π) =0 (15)
where k =1 dkt (π) = 1, with boundary condition B. Numerical Analysis

CT −1 (π) = πa QT −1 (a, b, dT −1 (π)) Our numerical analysis characterizes the optimal investment
a∈F b∈F j ∈E portfolio for a return-maximizing entrepreneur after T = 5 peri-
 γ  ods based on expected returns and information about market ob-
× E (j, b, dT −1 (π))E RT −1 (b) dT −1 (π) .
servability and control. We particularly focus on an entrepreneur
faced with operational shortages of financial resources (“funds”
The proof of Proposition 1 is in Appendix A. Proposition 1 hereafter) and external regulatory knowledge (“regulations”
shows that the optimal proportion of the portfolio dt (π) is hereafter). The shortage of funds is the first and foremost re-
independent of the current cash level but dependent on the source limitation in creating a business [52]. For the shortage of
entrepreneur’s risk aversion level in (12). Hence, the optimal regulations, the entrepreneur is likely to have insufficient knowl-
portfolio configuration depends more on the entrepreneur’s risk edge of the external regulations and lobbying practices due to
preference than the level of remaining cash. Our result holds his/her potential lack of understanding of the regulatory frame-
when the emission matrix in (10) is determined by the propor- works (e.g., [47]), or the regulations for an emerging technology
tion of the funds (i.e., regardless of the amount) allocated to may be transient [9], which may in turn result in a hidden mar-
investments. ket. For instance, for clean energy startups in Turkey, financial
The closed form in Proposition 1 may be applicable in settings resources and regulations have been two most leading factors in
where the entrepreneur and her/his competitors have a similar developing the renewable energy market [13].
configuration of financial resources or routines to access to in- Besides that, the entrepreneur is faced with the shortages of
formation. For example, in innovation contests, all participants funds and regulations, according to Ernst and Young’s 2013 G20
are considered equally capable when the performance of a so- Entrepreneurship Barometer, the fiscal and regulatory system is
lution is uncertain for the solver (i.e., what constitutes a good one of the five main categories of potential external barriers to
solution has not yet been established) [51]. In our example, all pursuing a business opportunity. In addition, an entrepreneur
participants in the clean energy market may obtain similar emis- would be reluctant to invest in an opportunity if the returns,
sion matrices on the probability of the positive outlook of the which depend on the final demand patterns, are unknown or

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unclear [53]. In line with Smith et al. [53], we add the pre- In our numerical study, we define investment k ∈ [1, 6] in
dictability of consumer market. We therefore examine the re- the portfolio with expected returns of E[Rk ]. Given the steady-
turns of the investment portfolio with respect to two external fac- state probabilities, Table I summarizes returns based on state s,
tors (regulations and consumer market) in evaluating the market E[Rk | s], and the level of the information νkf gained from in-
state. vestment kabout market factor f . Each investment has different
We define an observable process Y associated with two inde- characteristics regarding information about market observabil-
pendent external factors: 1) regulatory environment; (i.e., factor ity and control. Investment 1 (E[R1 ] = 12%) represents a NI
1; f = 1); and 2) consumer market (i.e., factor 2; f = 2). model, and is a risk-free investment where no extra informa-
The observable process Y depends on the state of the mar- tion is obtained; basically, the entrepreneur observes nothing
ket s = {P, N }–positive outlook (P) or negative outlook (N)– about the market. Investment 2 (E[R2 ] = 7%) represents the
with respect to each external factor. Y then forms four pos- FI model where the entrepreneur gains FI through the emission
sible states of the hidden market process Z, {P P, P N, N P, matrix and observes the state of the market. A relatively lower
N N }. The first (second) letter represents the state of the mar- expected return on Investment 2 with FI is more likely to occur
ket with respect to information about the regulations (consumer due to the amassed, costly, imperfect market information [18].
market). In our example, the positive outlook with the regu- The next two investments (k = 3, 4) represent a POMDP,
latory environment (consumer market) may represent the en- where partial information is obtained about one of the two exter-
trepreneur’s relative acceptance of pending regulations (high nal market factors. Investment 3 in the portfolio (E[R3 ] = 10%)
adoption rate) with the entrepreneur’s technology. We set the provides the partial information about the state of the regula-
transition matrices of two independent state variables for regu- tory environment and is independent of the consumer market.
latory environment and consumer market, respectively, as Similarly, Investment 4 (E[R4 ] = 11%) presents information
    only about the consumer market. We further define two specific
0.7 0.3 0.8 0.2 POMDP-infused investments, Investment 5 (E[R5 ] = 8%) and
Q1 = , Q2 = .
0.4 0.6 0.3 0.7 Investment 6 (E[R6 ] = 9%). Investments 5 and 6 serve spe-
cific purposes, risk hedging and market growing, respectively.
This results in a combined transition matrix
⎡ ⎤ Investment 5 presents a hedging characteristic in the presence
0.56 0.14 0.24 0.06 of increasing risk because it provides an option, that has higher
⎢ 0.21 0.49 0.09 0.21 ⎥ returns if both factors are negative; E[R5 | s = N N ] = 1.4. In-
⎢ ⎥
Q= ⎢ ⎥. vestment 6, on the other hand, increases the probability that
⎣ 0.32 0.08 0.48 0.12 ⎦
the consumer market will have a positive outlook: E[R6 | s =
0.12 0.28 0.18 0.42
P P ] = 1.4 and E[R6 | s = N P ] = 1.2.
Accordingly, we compute the steady-state probabilities for  the We consider two types of investments for Investment 6: with
hidden market process Z, as 0.34 0.23 0.26 0.17 . We and without the power to control and grow the market. In
tested and confirmed similar results with a wider range of pa- other words, Investment 6 without market control is designed
rameter values. Herein, we present a representative set of our with the transition matrix Q2 . To examine the entrepreneur’s
results. control over the market, we allow market-shaping Investment
Throughout our numerical analysis, we consider three lev- 6 to alter the transition matrix Q2 . The transition matrix is
els of the entrepreneur’s initial cash, X0 = {0.1, 0.5, 1}— 6
updated as Q(u) = min(1, u6 )Q2 + max(1, 1 − u6 )Q2 , where
low, medium, and high—and identify cash levels with a cash- 0.84 0.16
Q62 = . Technically, if u6 = 1, then the limiting
strapped (i.e., low cash level), limited-funded (i.e., medium 0.44 0.56
cash level) and well-funded (i.e., high cash level) entrepreneur, probability of factor 2 is positive, increasing the positive outlook
respectively. We set the investment portfolio size to m = of the market from 60% to 73%. Otherwise, this investment does
{2, 4, 6}. In addition to the shortages of funds and regula- not influence Q2 . We later utilize these investments to overcome
tions, we consider the entrepreneur’s relative risk aversion of risks associated with the shortages of funds and regulations.
1 − γ. The entrepreneur can be classified as risk neutral when Next, we compute the optimal portfolio configuration with
γ = 1, and risk averse when γ < 1. We examine a range of val- Algorithm 1. We derived the numerical solutions of equations
ues for risk aversion (γ ∈ [−1.5, 1.5]), which covers a sufficient using MATLAB. Fig. 1 explores the optimal investment portfo-
experimental range of risk preferences [54]. lio under three levels of initial cash; high, medium, and low for
The range of values for X0 , m and γ allows us to conduct a different available investments (m = 2, 4, 6).
comprehensive examination of the entrepreneur’s optimal port- 1) Base Scenario: We start our numerical analysis with a
folio with a sensitivity analysis. We represent the state variable base scenario [see Fig. 1(a)] that focuses on the portfolio with
as π = {π1 , π2 , x}, where πf is the probability of a positive two investments (m = 2): Investment 1 with NI and Invest-
outlook on external factor f and x is the level of cash on hand. ment 2 with FI. Fig. 1(a) represents higher expected returns
To control the problem’s dimensionality, we limit the size of the with Investment 1 in the portfolio and shows that expected re-
market state space by computing and storing the values of π in turns is a greater concern when the entrepreneur has low risk
multiples of 0.1, and we set 10 possible values for x. Therefore, aversion. Furthermore, when X0 is high, the well-funded en-
our numerical computation has a state space with 1210 separate trepreneur with low risk aversion considers Investment 2 in
market states. The initial probability distribution is equal to the his/her portfolio to obtain FI. However, this is not the case
steady-state distribution for the two market factors. as the shortage of funds becomes significant (i.e., X0 is re-

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duced). The limited-funded or cash-strapped entrepreneur with ferent level of cash choose information generating investment
low risk aversion could generate higher returns with Investment (e.g., Investment 2) rather than expected returns with higher risk
1, reducing the proportion of Investment 2 in the portfolio, be- aversion, shown in Fig. 1(b).
cause the information gain is dependent on the investment dollar These numerical examples in Fig. 1(a) and (b) send an in-
amount. teresting message to the entrepreneur: rather than pursuing
Hence, the shortage of funds could be a significant driver of highest expected returns, an entrepreneur can choose an in-
the investment portfolio in a hidden market, but its impact on vestment portfolio based on his/her cash level and risk pref-
the portfolio is reduced with increased risk exposure. Fig. 1(a) erence to gain information about the hidden market. Fig. 1(c)
illustrates that when the entrepreneur becomes more risk averse, shows further support for these findings with a portfolio of
the proportion of FI Investment 2 increases for all three types of six investments (m = 6), including risk hedging Investment
entrepreneurs because the lack of market information becomes a 5. In particular, while the well-funded entrepreneur with rel-
greater concern than returns for that entrepreneur. Furthermore, atively low risk aversion continues pursuing FI (e.g., Invest-
that increase is greater for well-funded entrepreneurs with low ment 2), the limited-funded or cash-strapped entrepreneur with
shortage of funds.4 Hence, the base scenario represents the trade- similar risk aversion chooses investments that balance the ex-
off between expected returns and market information: while the pected returns and information (e.g., Investments 3 and 4), as
shortage of funds motivates the entrepreneur to pursue high ex- shown in Fig. 1(c). Although the cash-strapped entrepreneur
pected returns, and the shortage of external regulations (i.e., does not include Investment 2 in his/her portfolio, she/he al-
increased risk exposure due to lack of information) motivates locates some funds to generating some information via other
the entrepreneur with high risk aversion to choose an investment investments.
portfolio with high level of market information. Hence, our numerical analysis shows how the entrepreneur’s
2) Market Observability: In the base scenario, we found risk aversion and shortages may impact the investment portfo-
numerical evidence demonstrating the tradeoff between ex- lio. Hence, the entrepreneur may benefit from constructing and
pected returns and market information, while considering the testing portfolios customized to his/her internal contraints. As
entrepreneur’s cash level and risk preference. This insight is Fig. 1(c) illustrates, the entrepreneur considers the impact of an
also valid with a larger portfolio of four investments (m = 4) in- investment (i.e., Investment 5) specifically designed to handle
cluding POMDP-infused Investments 3 and 4. Each investment risk hedging on the entrepreneur’s portfolio. Entrepreneurs with
facilitates the flow of relatively high level of information about relatively high risk aversion and different cash levels, all hedge,
a single and different market factor, while generating returns. via Investment 5, up to 50% of their total investment. In this
Fig. 1(b) (left figure) shows that the well-funded entrepreneur vein, our findings suggest that the POMDP-infused investments
would consider information over return. As the shortage of funds in a portfolio might help the entrepreneur faced with the oper-
becomes significant, the limited-funded entrepreneur with low ational shortages to evaluate a business opportunity better than
risk aversion considers POMDP-infused Investments 3 and 4, with a portfolio of investments predominantly involving FI or
which generate some returns as well as information, as dis- high expected returns.
played in the center of Fig. 1(b). Interestingly, the cash-strapped It is important to note that our numerical results are based
entrepreneur who focuses on generating financial returns more on how we define expected returns of each investment in our
than information invests a portion of his/her very little cash in numerical analysis. For instance, the proportion of an FI Invest-
Investment 3, as illustrated by the portfolio for low-initial cash ment 2 will not decrease if this investment generates higher re-
in Fig. 1(b) (right). Furthermore, each entrepreneur with dif- turns. In effect, we tested the portfolio with six investments with
E[R2 ] = 11% and ostensibly observed a significant increase in
4 For a practical validation that better-funded entrepreneurs would spend more the amount of funds allocated to Investment 2. However, this ob-
when faced with the shortage of regulations, consider the report by the Center servation did not change our findings about the tradeoff between
for Responsive Politics, which compiled lobbying expenditures from the Sen- expected returns and level of gathered information because such
ate Office of Public Records up until October 2016. Facebook, Alphabet, and
Amazon are top three spenders on lobbying significantly more than any close
a portfolio ensures higher expected returns and maximizes the
competitors. entrepreneur’s returns.

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Fig. 1. Optimal investment portfolio with respect to risk aversion 1 − γ for three levels of initial cash: high (Left, X 0 = 1), medium (Center, X 0 = 0.5), and
low (Right, X 0 = 0.1). (a) m = 2. (b) m = 4. (c) m = 6. (d) m = 6, market control.

3) Market Control: Thus far, we have assumed no con- tract new consumers and grow the consumer market. Techni-
trol over the market state changes. However, it is very likely cally, we let Investment 6 improve the likelihood of a pos-
that the entrepreneur could shape some external factors, e.g., itive outlook in transition matrix Q2 with investment. As
with reputation, lobbying, and marketing policies. As such, shown in Fig. 1(c), Investment 6 was significantly absent
the entrepreneur might be able to control the marketplace from the portfolios when market control was not consid-
through direct investments in the consumer market. To en- ered. We now note an important difference between Fig. 1(c)
able such control, we include an investment that can at- and (d).

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shortage of funds is mitigated (e.g., with a high level of cash),

the low risk-averse entrepreneur invests in ways to control the
market. Unless that type of investment exists, that entrepreneur
chooses investments with a high level of information gain over
high expected returns. Hence, a more effective way of dealing
with operational shortages and market uncertainty could be to
develop algorithmic models, such as the POMDP that analyze
imperfect data generated through investments and based on dif-
ferent outcomes of the Markovian model.

The entrepreneurial environment is characterized by high lev-
els of uncertainty about the markets that entrepreneurs wish to
enter [25]. We develop a dynamic data analysis technique based
Fig. 2. Entrepreneur’s portfolio at different risk aversion and cash levels. on a POMDP model to answer our research question about how
to analyze imperfect market data for business opportunity eval-
uation, while accounting for the entrepreneur’s individual risk
The low risk-averse, well-funded, and limited-funded en- preference and operational shortages. Specifically, we obtain a
trepreneurs move from choosing the FI Investment 2 to market- probabilistic information measure in the form of an emission
controlling Investment 6. Thus, the availability of market control matrix. That measure enables insights from an observable pro-
could benefit the entrepreneur with relatively minimal opera- cess related to external factors, which, in turn, helps assess the
tional shortages more so than gaining FI or high expected re- state of the hidden market. Owing to Markovian modulation of
turns. Nevertheless, when concern over operational, shortages the POMDP model, the findings of our dynamic model are more
becomes significant due to reduced funds and increased risk realistic than standard static models.
aversion, the entrepreneur, regardless of cash level, will be less Whereas one can derive a closed-form solution for certain
interested in controlling the market. In particular, with increased probabilistic measures using a POMDP, closed-form analytical
risk aversion, the proportion of Investment 6 first diminishes and expressions cannot be obtained for certain cases, such as situa-
then disappears from the entrepreneur’s portfolio, as shown in tions where the investment dollar amount determines the level of
Fig. 1(d). The cash-strapped entrepreneur who operates with information gain. Therefore, our algorithm numerically mimics
significant shortages excludes market controlling Investment 6 the POMDP-based model. We offer insights from our numerical
from his/her portfolio completely, as shown in Fig. 1(d) (right). analysis in response to our research question on the impact of
4) Summary of Findings: Fig. 2 summarizes our findings the entrepreneur’s risk preference and operational shortages on
and shows how the individual risk preference and operational the data-driven investment portfolio. Rather than pursuing the
shortages of funds and regulations affect the entrepreneur’s in- highest expected returns, an entrepreneur may choose perfect
vestment portfolio, which in turn, affects his/her ability to eval- information, risk hedging, or market controlling investments,
uate an opportunity. Overall, our numerical results suggest that based on his/her cash level and risk preference, in order to max-
the value of high expected returns or FI may be secondary to the imize the venture’s prospects.
availability of investments aimed to hedge risk and control the Thus, the value of high expected returns or perfect informa-
market. That is, the entrepreneur can reduce his/her exposure to tion may be secondary to the availability of investments aimed
uncertainty by changing his/her investment portfolio. at hedging risk and/or controlling the markets. For instance, in
Relevant to our results, Tanrisever et al. [55] show that debt- our numerical analysis, we show that when the shortage of reg-
financed startups can also behave conservatively and respond to ulations or the entrepreneur’s risk aversion creates a higher risk
the business risks by creating an operational hedge with process exposure, he/she may be more successful making a risk-hedging
investments rather than investing in production quantity. Our investment decision to mitigate that exposure. This outcome of
numerical analysis finds, as shown in the “risk hedging” region risk hedging may be somewhat counter-intuitive to previous
in Fig. 2, that the risk-averse entrepreneur with an operational findings, which argue that an entrepreneur is more likely to in-
shortage (e.g., of external regulations) may choose risk-hedging vest in activities that generate an FI and a path for opportunity
investments for his/her portfolio to balance the business risk change [30]. Akin to the data-driven perspective of entrepreneur-
while growing a business opportunity. ship, the data analysis tied to an investment strategy can lead to
Fig. 2 also shows with the “expected returns” region that the new or revised activities that further reduce uncertainty.
low risk-averse entrepreneur, in particular, one with a shortage In particular, our research shows that the data-driven decision
of funds (i.e., low cash level), considers investments with high maker might be more successful by managing an investment
expected returns because the accumulated information is de- portfolio specifically tailored to an observable Markovian mar-
pendent on the amount of investment. The shortage of funds ket, and then analyzing real-time and imperfect data before
limits that entrepreneur’s gain from picking investments with making a decision. As such, the entrepreneur’s creativity, fueled
information return. More interestingly, when the impact of the by the availability of data and analytical models, can play a

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crucial role in mitigating market uncertainty. We next describe finding in [41] that, in environments with high uncertainty, de-
the theoretical and managerial implications of our study, as well cision makers may fare better by utilizing decision technologies
as future research directions related to our modeling assump- that enable better information flow. Recent infusion of data anal-
tions and limitations. ysis techniques and technologies have provided entrepreneurs
with information for decision making in the entrepreneurial pro-
A. Theoretical Implications cess [3], [30]. In this vein, our POMDP-based model presents
an algorithmic data analysis technique for entrepreneurs and
Our research contributes to studies on the interface of the
managers to utilize real-time data and make better business
OM and entrepreneurship involving decision making under
opportunity-related evaluations and decisions.
uncertainty for business opportunity evaluation for operational
Second, using the proposed data analysis technique, en-
and data-driven entrepreneurship. In cases of statistical prob-
trepreneurs can factor in their risk preferences and operational
ability, we can rely on the fact that the observed probabilities
shortages, and construct and evaluate business opportunities
approach the true probabilities (i.e., the probabilities inherent
with a diversified investment portfolio. Such a diversified port-
in the case) with the sample size. Accordingly, the expected
folio could better position the entrepreneur against potential
utility theory can provide an evaluation of risky options relative
outcomes of the uncertain market. For example, Solazyme, a
to financial resources. However, this is not possible for true
clean energy startup that was operating under a shortage of es-
uncertainty faced by entrepreneurs [1] (e.g., within hidden
tablished public policy, diversified its investments to explore
markets), because the perceived states preclude estimating
the various possible outcomes of the evolving regulatory mar-
the basis of empirical data. In the absence of such statistical
ket, and thus, was able to change successfully [11]. This result is
input, the entrepreneur may gather any information iteratively
also consistent with the findings of Erzurumlu et al. [56] in the
[34], [35], and the entrepreneurial process may become less
context of clean-tech startups constrained by operational short-
bounded in terms of structural and temporal boundaries of the
ages. Their study of government-funded high-risk/high-reward
entrepreneurial activities [3].
projects shows that startups, which evaluated a wide range of
With the data-driven perspective of entrepreneurship, we ex-
diverse markets, mitigated investment uncertainty and received
plore data collection and analysis within a less bounded en-
higher valuations from the U.S. Department of Energy.
trepreneurial process in an environment of true uncertainty. In
Finally, the data-infused portfolio selection with our POMDP
consequence, new methods need to follow new theory [37].
model could inform the entrepreneur on how to best use his/her
We contribute to the entrepreneurial decision-making litera-
resources and reduce the adverse effect of shortages. Janney
ture [8] by developing a data analysis model that examines
and Folta [57] point out that “a portfolio approach can dissipate
real-time and imperfect data in a high-uncertainty environment,
limited financial resources much more quickly than a single
where the business opportunity-market fit is hidden. In particu-
investment, [and, in turn, impair] an entrepreneur’s ability to
lar, a DP formulation incorporates changes in the entrepreneur’s
survive... A better assessment of risk is not dependent on the
business opportunity-related evaluations and investment port-
amount of different projects a firm has underway, but the amount
folio decisions over time. Hence, our study contributes to the
of resources available to see those products through to a state of
entrepreneurial decision making and data-driven entrepreneur-
self-financing.” [57, p. 394]. In particular, a dynamic POMDP
ship by incorporating a dynamic entrepreneurial process into
model could enable the entrepreneur to utilize his/her financial
opportunity-related evaluations under uncertainty.
resources with an investment portfolio by analyzing data itera-
OM scholars have extensively studied efficient exploitation
tively, and therefore, better evaluate the business opportunity in
of opportunities in terms of operational shortages [15], but have
the market.
not sufficiently addressed the evaluation of a recognized oppor-
tunity in entrepreneurial settings [28]. Our research contributes
to the operational entrepreneurship by examining a dynamic en- C. Study Limitations and Future Work
trepreneurial process for the business opportunity evaluation and
Although our model has enabled us to examine a new method
characterizing not only external factors (e.g., regulations), but
of evaluating a hidden market process, several assumptions,
also factoring in internal constraints (e.g., risk preferences and
limitations, and related extensions to this research need to be
operational shortages). The presence of operational shortages
acknowledged. First, our key assumptions pose inherent lim-
extends the research study regarding the entrepreneur’s operat-
itations on our model. For example, although our assumption
ing framework of the 4Rs (e.g., see [14], [15] for reviews) by
about an exogenous and independent change in the valuation
showing how the entrepreneur’s risk preference and operational
of investments does not necessarily change our insights, the
shortages influence the tradeoff between expected returns and
relaxation of this assumption could lead to more profound in-
the level of market information. Our study of the key tradeoff
sights into the market. Second, a DP allows for nonlinearity,
has led us to better understand the impact of the operational
path-dependence, and unpredictability. These properties are im-
shortages of the 4Rs in entrepreneurial settings.
portant, assuming that a Markov model is a close representation
of decision-making in real-world entrepreneurial contexts.
B. Managerial Implications
Third, we did not account for dependence between market
From a managerial perspective, our research offers three factors (i.e., spill-over effects within the entrepreneur’s accumu-
key implications. First, our results relate to March’s previous lated information) and selection bias for market factors. Nor did

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we check the validity of the received information, which raises = πa Qt (a, b) E (j, b, dt (π))Ct+1
the question of how an entrepreneur can ensure that he/she is in- a∈F b∈F j ∈E
putting the right information. It would be fruitful for researchers
to examine both the selection and validation of market factors × Gts (π, dt (π) , j) E (Rt (b) u)γ /γ .
(e.g., financial) that we investigated, as well as factors that we
overlooked (e.g., political and regulatory). Finally, it would be Let u∗t (π, x) be the optimal policy, such that
helpful to examine how entrepreneurs adapt to market realities vt (π, x) = max gt (π, x, u) = gt (π, x, u∗ ) .
while their internal processes and technologies evolve. These ar- u

eas, if explored, could provide important insights for the fields Taking the gradient of gt (π, x, u) with respect to u, the opti-
of strategy, OM, and entrepreneurship. mality condition is
= πa Qt (a, b) E (j, b, dt (π))Ct+1
a∈F b∈F j ∈E
A. Proof of Proposition 1
Proof: To show that the recursion is true by induction, con- × Gts (π, dt (π) , j) E Rtk (b) (Rt (b) ut (π, x))γ −1 = 0
sider the boundary condition U (xT ) = (xT )γ /γ. Note that the m k∗
return function at time T − 1 is
subject to k =1 ut = x for all k = 1, 2, . . . , m. Since

  dt (π, x) = ut (π, x) /x, the optimality condition becomes

gT −1 (π, x, u) = E π a
Qt (a, b)U (RT −1 (b) u) πa Qt (a, b) E (j, b, dt (π))Ct+1 Gts (π, dt (π) , j)
a∈F b∈F   a∈F b∈F j ∈E
= πa Qt (a, b)E (RT −1 (b) u)γ /γ .  
a∈F b∈F
× E Rtk (b) (Rt (b) dt (π, x))γ −1 = 0

For the optimal investments u∗ = (u∗1 , u∗2 , . . . , u∗m ), vT −1 (π, x) subject to m k =1 dt (π, x) = 1, for all k = 1, 2, . . . , m. Since

= maxu gT −1 (π, x, u) = gT −1 (π, x, u∗ ) . The convexity of there is no dependence on x in the optimality condition, dt (π, x)
this function is shown in [19]. does not depend on x and dt (π, x) = dt (π) satisfies (14). When
To find the optimal portfolio, we set the gradient of the return the value function at time t − 1 is rewritten for the optimal
function to zero policy, we obtain
∂gT −1 (x)γ
= πa Qt (a, b)E vt (π, i, x) = Ct−1 (π) .
∂uk γ
a∈F b∈F
 γ −1
× RT −1,k (b) RT −1 (b) u∗ (π, x) =0 This completes the proof. 
for all k = 1, 2, . . . , m, where m k =1 ut = x. When we sub- B. Algorithm for DP
stitute dT −1 (π, x) = uT −1 (π, x) /x, we obtain u∗T −1 (π, x) =

dT −1 (π, x) x. The optimality condition can be rewritten as

Algorithm 1: Dynamic Programming.
∂gT −1
= πa Qt (a, b)E Initialization
∂uk Initialize the set of aggregate states Π, and wealth

a∈F b∈F
 γ −1
× RT −1,k (b) RT −1 (b) dT −1 (π, x) =0 levels X
Set t = T − 1
 while t ≥ 0 do
for all k = 1, 2, . . . , m, where mk =1 dT −1 = 1. Since there is

no dependence on x in the gradient function, and the summation for x ∈ X do

constraint over dT −1 (π, x) does not depend on x, we conclude for π ∈ Π find optimal policy u∗T −1 (π, x) using
that dT −1 (π, x) = dT −1 (π) satisfies (15). Writing the value (9) do
function at time T − 1 for the optimal policy, we obtain calculate vt (π, x) for optimal policy u∗T −1 (π, x)
using (9)
vT −1 (π, x) = xγ πa Qt (a, b) Set t ← t − 1
 a∈F b∈F   end for
RT −1 (b) dT −1 (π)
×E /γ = CT −1 (π)xγ /γ. end for
end while
To prove by induction, suppose first that the hypothesis holds
for periods t + 1, . . . , T − 2, T − 1, T. Then, at time t

gt (π, x, u) = E πa Qt (a, b) E (j, b, dt (π))vn
a∈F b∈F j ∈E The authors would like to thank special issue editors and two

anonymous reviewers for their comments. The second author
× (Gt (π, dt (π) , j) , Rt (b) u) wishes to thank S. Fixson, V. Seidel, and Z. Zacharakis for their
comments on the earlier version of this paper.

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[55] F. Tanrisever, S. S. Erzurumlu, and N. Joglekar, “Production, process S. Sinan Erzurumlu received the B.S. degree in elec-
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is currently a Faculty Member with the Technology,
Operations, and Information Management Division,
Babson College, Babson Park, MA, USA. His research interests include the
confluence of technology and operations management, entrepreneurship, and
innovation strategy.
Dr. Erzurumlu is also with the Production and Operations Management
Society (POMS), the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sci-
ence (INFORMS) Technology Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Section (TIMES), and the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Society (M&SOM), and the Academy of Management (AoM) Entrepreneurship
Division (ENT) and Technology and Innovation Management Division (TIM).

Ethem Çanakoğlu received the B.S. degree in elec- Yaman Omer Erzurumlu received the B.S. degree
trical and electronics engineering, and the M.S. de- in engineering management from Istanbul Techni-
gree in industrial engineering from Bogaziçi Univer- cal University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1998, and the
sity, Istanbul, Turkey, in 2000 and 2004, respectively, Ph.D. degree in finance from the University of Cen-
and the Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering and tral Florida, Orlando, FL, USA, in 2006.
operations management from Koç University, Istan- His work experience includes financial consulting
bul, under the supervision of Prof. Özekici. with different small and medium enterprises. He is
He is currently an Assistant Professor with currently with the faculty of the Engineering Manage-
Bahçesehir University, Istanbul. After completing the ment Department, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul.
Ph.D. degree, he was at Warwick Business School His research interests include mutual/pension fund
for three years as a Research Fellow. He utilized his management and governance, risk management, en-
expertise in stochastic modeling and optimization to different areas such as trepreneurial finance, and innovation strategy.
portfolio optimization, risk management in energy markets, or asset liabil- Dr. Erzurumlu is also with the Financial Management Association (FMA),
ity management. He has published several international papers in high-quality the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES), and the Society for Fi-
journals and supervised numerous theses. nancial Analysts (SFA).

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