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A Lake Within An Island

By: Sophia Carmela R. Barrun

Have you heard about a body of water within a body of land? Have you heard about a lake on an
Taal Volcano Main Crater Lake or historically known as Yellow Lake is a lake located in the crater
of the Taal Volcano situated in Talisay and San Nicolas, Batangas. According to an article by Ken
Jennings last January 21, 2013, a lake caldera was formed in the peak of the volcano after several
major eruptions as the magma chamber is emptied in every eruption. This led to the creation of
the name “Volcano Island” for Taal Volcano. This caldera is now filled with rainwater which began
the formation of the Yellow Lake or Main Crater Lake. But did you know that Yellow Lake also has
an island? It is called Vulcan Point; the island-like formation in the Main Crater Lake of the Taal
Taal Volcano Main Crater Lake is one of the tourist attractions before the eruption of the Taal
Volcano last 2020. According to a blogger, night_hawk07, he traveled to Batangas City from
Makati City through bus transportation and then rode a tricycle to the ferry station where he rode
a “bangka” that took him to Volcano Island. When he arrived, he paid a tourist entrance fee and
decided to trek from the bottom of the volcano to its peak until he reached the top view of Yellow
Lake. However, based on an interviewee, there is another way to reach the peak of Volcano
Island. He journeyed from Pasay City to Batangas City through private transportation and reached
the station of special “bangka” owners that offered rides to Volcano Island. He also paid a tourist
entrance fee and availed of a horseback ride to the peak. He stated that this is on the other side
of the volcano where tourists can go down the lake. When he reached the Yellow Lake, he
described the water temperature as hot and smelled like “boiled eggs”. Additionally, the
surroundings looked surreal as it mirrored a foreign lake.
As the eruption of Taal Volcano led to the destruction of this beautiful tourist attraction, it will
remain one of the most historical and notable attractions offered in Batangas City. It will remain
in the hearts of the natives and tourists who saw the beauty that the Main Crater Lake beheld.

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