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College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Maintenance and Installation of Machinery Course Syllabus

1. Instructor Information
Name Wondimu D. Target Group
Office Location SE-13, F1,02 Section-B
Phone Number +251-938-81-03-05
Office Hours Monday and Wednesday (2:30-5:30 and 7:30-11:00 L.T.)
2. Course Information
Course Name Maintenance and Installation of Machinery Pre-requests None
Course Code MEng 5251 Semester/ Year Semester I/ Year V
Degree Program BSC in Mechanical Engineering Status of Course: Core
Module Maintenance Engineering ECTS Credits 4
Lectures Tutorial & Laboratory & Home Study Total
Contact Hours Per Seminars Workshop
Semester Practice
16 16 32 28 108
3. Course Objectives & Description
Course Objectives & Competences to be Acquired
The course is intended to enable the student to:
▪ Understand theoretical and practical aspects of maintenance practice in industrial setup;
▪ Understand basics of damages of typical components of machinery and thereby help the student realize the state of damage
of machinery;
▪ Realize the use of the concepts of reliability, maintainability and availability in maintenance technology which are helpful
in the prediction of plant performance;
▪ Understand the organization of a maintenance department, maintenance planning and decision-making processes;
▪ Develop practical skill by providing some practical work of maintenance;
Course Description
▪ Damages and their causes; Damages of typical machine components; Determination of the state of damage of equipment;
Elements of maintenance technology; Maintenance Planning and Organization; Reliability, Maintainability and
Availability; Spares Provisioning; Networking; Reconditioning Processes
4. Course Outline
Chapters Week Topics to be covered (Lecture Hours) Learning Outcomes
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Definition of Maintenance Students to
Chapter 1: 1.3. Trends in Evolution of Maintenance solve the
Introduction 1.4. The Challenges of Maintenance tutorial
Basic concepts of
Maintenance and 1st 1.5. Maintenance Management problems/to
Installation of 1.6. Function of Maintenance Work do
Machinery 1.7. Classification of Maintenance assignments
1.8. Maintenance Objectives, Planning and and projects
Chapter 2: 2nd 2.1. Classification of Damages Knowledge in theories of
Fundamental 2.2. Reasons for Damages damages
Theories of 2.3. Behavior of Damages
Damages 2.4. Typical Damages of Equipment

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College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

3rd 3.1. Bearings

Chapter 3: Understanding typical
3.2. Gear Damages
Typical Damages damages of selected >>
3.3. Damages of Friction Surfaces
of Machine Parts machine parts
3.4. Shaft Failures
4th 4.1. Measuring Values of State of Damage
Chapter 4: 4.2. Methods of Condition Monitoring
Knowledge in
Determination of 4.3. Condition Monitoring Techniques
state of >>
the State of 4.4. Potential Failures and On Condition Moni
Damage 4.5. Categories of Condition Monitoring Tech
4.6. General Purpose Monitoring Techniques
Chapter 5: 5th
Elements of
5.1. Elements of Maintenance Technology elements >>
Chapter 6: 6th Knowledge in
6.1. Decision Making decision >>
Decision Making
7th Mid Examination Period
8th 7.1. Mutual Exclusive Events
Chapter 7: 7.2. Not Mutually Exclusive Events Knowledge in
Basic Probability 7.3. Independent Events probability >>
Concepts 7.4. Conditional Probability concepts
7.5. Probability Distributions
Chapter 8: 9th
8.1. Failure Basic concepts
8.2. Reliability of >>
Maintainability and
8.3. Maintainability maintainability
Chapter 9: 10th 9.1. Maintenance Policies Knowledge of
Maintenance 9.2. Determination of Maintenance Plan maintenance >>
Planning 9.3. Assessment planning
Chapter 10: 11th 10.1. Maintenance and Knowledge of
Organization of Administrative Structure maintenance
organization >>
Chapter 11: 12th Understanding
11.1. Spares Inventory >>
Spares Provisioning inventory
Chapter 12: 13th
12.1. Network Analysis for Planning Understanding
Network Analysis for
and Control of Maintenance basic network >>
Planning and Control
Work planning
of Maintenance Work
Chapter 13: 14th Understand
Reconditioning 13.1 Reconditioning Processes Reconditioning >>
Processes Processes
15th Final Examination Period

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College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

5. Literatures
Text Book Teaching Material on “Maintenance of Machinery” prepared by Dr. Alem Bazezew
References 1. Gopalakkrishinan, P., Banerji, A.K., Maintenance and Spare Parts Management, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, New Delhi - 110001, 2002.
2. Ececioglu, Dimitri, Maintainability, Availability, and Operational Readiness, Vol. I, Prentice - Hall
PJR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1995.
3. Kelly, A., Harris, M.J., Management of Industrial Maintenance, Butterworths & C. (Publishers) Ltd.,
London, 1978.
4. Moubray, John, Reliability - Centered Maintenance, 2nd ed.,Industrial Press Inc., NY, 1997.
5. Neale, M. J., The Tribology Handbook, 2nd ed., Butterworths - Heinmann Publishing Ltd., 1995.

Teaching and Lectures, Laboratory exercises, discussions & assignments

Learning Methods
6. Assessments
Type Weight Behavior and Criteria
Assignments, 35% To address and assess the learning outcomes of the selected
Laboratory topic.
Exercises & projects
Examination will be set to address learning objectives up to
Mid semester Exam 15% mid of the semester chapters and the criteria is to get all
questions answered correctly
Examination will be set to address learning objectives of the
Final semester Exam 50% course and the criteria is to get all questions answered correctly
7. Attendance Requirements
90% attendance during lectures & discussions, 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented
mishaps; and Presence during industrial visit/visits; except for some unprecedented mishaps
8. Approval (Affidavit)
Name Signature Date
Instructor: Wondimu D.
Department Head: Worku S.

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