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The Ticking Priorities of Life

By: Shiela Mae C. Rio

They say that a planned deed is better than unexpected actions. Time management has

been an issue in most- if not every- person's life when scheduling their tasks. But is time management a

must, or a cheesy piece of life one should not be bothered of? Can one really be more productive while

depending on their gut feelings rather than having a fixed schedule from the most important agenda down

to the less important ones? What could be the reason behind every failure and success this time

management has caused? Life and priority are different things that would not function without the

presence of one another. A cycle of changes that one cannot surpass without going through fixed

priorities. Welcome to the 21st century, inhabitants of the earth. The era where millennials have an

average of 12 seconds of attention span and Gen Z's lowering up to 8 seconds. The phase of time when

one could not finish a single task without being disturbed by internal and external factors surrounding him.

Time management is a tricky act of balancing what you need to do and what you have to do. If you were

to be questioned on how you would prioritize your schedule, would you answer 'by managing my time'

honestly? Isn't it the first answer that will come into our heads, but is it not the most honest response we

can give? Because not all people are comfortable doing one thing at a time.

Firstly, time management allows an individual to filter his priorities, starting from the most important one

down to the things he can still do in the proceeding hours. Clarity of mind is essential when finishing a

specific task, so one should not mix one thing with another. The clearer and smoother the process, the

sooner the task can be finished. Time management enables a person to work more productively by

having enough time to accommodate a task resulting in more time thinking about how you will proceed to

the next one. Procrastination will never be an option for a person who manages his time wisely.

Another thing is time management maximizes opportunities. A productive day means more opportunities

may come after finishing certain tasks. Opportunities to be better at something, to achieve something, and

to be able to make up for things you've missed because of the lack of time. Time and missed

opportunities may never be reversed, but you can always make something out of what you have to make

up for the loss they had. Time management, together with discipline, can maximize someone's full

potential to make a better quality of work. As Socrates expressed, to do is to be.

Lastly, having a smooth schedule and keeping on track with activities make one more motivated. Does

not it feel heavy to be loaded with heavy tasks without having a specific schedule for each one? Won't

you feel enthusiastic about taking an objective if you have a clear view of everything? Attaining these

tasks on time based on the schedule makes one feel more motivated and committed to a job. Time

management is certainly a hard thing to comprehend for those who do not want to put a greater effort into

something. But it is essential to everyone's life. Even animals have their own schedule of when they need

to prepare food before winter comes. Time management is a must and a key to one's success. One may

not be comfortable doing one thing at a time, but at a certain period, managing your time will create more

space for you to breathe while carrying out these agendas at once. If you ever feel that this method won't

work for you, always remember that practice makes perfect and that time may fly, but you are its pilot.


● Stears, A. (2019, October 2). Why Short Form Content Resonates with Younger



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