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1 having or tending to fulfill a conscious purpose or design

What is purposive communication in your own idea?

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Purposive communication is a form of communication used to write, speak, and present to different
audiences for various purposes.

What are the 5 purposive communication?

The five skills of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing)

4 Communication is Transactional

The type of communication that takes place when one person talks to another person or a group of
people in real time, and the sender of the message receives simultaneous feedback.

Examples of the transactional model include a face-to-face meeting, a telephone call, a Skype call, a chat
session, interactive training, or a meeting in which all attendees participate by sharing ideas and

Communication is Inevitable

or example, if you turn away from me to avoid direct communication, you are still sending a message.
You may be communicating avoidance, disapproval, or you might simply be ignoring me – but you are
sending a message! Communication is inevitable!

Communication is inevitable, irreversible, and unrepeatable

Messages are continually being sent, they cannot be uncommunicated, and they are always one-off
occurrences (because the second or subsequent times you may make an utterance, other things have

Communication is Goal Oriented

What is goal-oriented communication?

We put forward a general theory of goal-oriented communication, where communication is not an end
in itself, but rather a means to achieving some goals of the communicating parties.

Examples of communication goals for individuals might include engaging others more effectively,
keeping emotions under control, or becoming more persuasive when communicating. Business
communication is always goal-oriented.

Communication is Complex

What is communication complex?

People who have complex communication needs may not have the communication skills to meet all of
their needs. For some people this is temporary, while for others it is ongoing. Some people may not
have speech and will rely on other methods of communication, such as pointing or gestures.
What is communication complex?

People who have complex communication needs may not have the communication skills to meet all of
their needs. For some people this is temporary, while for others it is ongoing. Some people may not
have speech and will rely on other methods of communication, such as pointing or gestures.

Communication can be learned

Most people are born with the capacity and ability to communicate, but everyone communicates
differently. This is because communication is learned rather than innate. As you have already seen,
communication patterns are relative to context and culture.

Communication is a Learned Skill

Read articles and blog posts from knowledge-based experts. ...

Listen to skilled narrators. ...

Watch skilled presenters. ...

Be an active observer during your office meetings. ...

Complete a crossword puzzle or access a word app to test your vocabulary

Communication is Relational

What does it mean when we say communication is relational?

Relational communication encompasses communication processes in personal relationships such as

romantic relationships, family relationships, and friendships.

There are various examples which may illustrate the meaning of relational communication. For instance,
the frown of your beloved has different meaning and influence rather than a frown of some stranger.
Similarly, the relationship of parents with their children that evolve over the period of time is also an

Communication is guided by Culture

Communication Is Guided by Culture and Context

Context is a dynamic component of the communication process. Culture and context also influence how
we perceive and define communication. Western culture tends to put more value on senders than
receivers and on the content rather the context of a message.

What are some examples of ethical communication?

Image result for ethical communication examples

Ten Basics of Ethical Communication

Listen when others speak. Speak non-judgmentally. Speak from your own experience and perspective,
expressing your own thoughts, needs, and feelings. Seek to understand

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