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The creative entrepreneur.Basic.

Worksheet Competences.

Group- IT/APP (Kiara 1, Ishanvi 2, Niall 3, Ronak 4, Krish 5)

Learning by doing. What are the competences that have learnt most during this challenging journey?
The competences of the project ‘The creative entrepreneur’ (col.1) are divided into 7 categories. Knowledge, Social skills,
IT-skills, Communicative skills, 21 century skills, intercultural skills and Reflecting skills.
Select the top 10 competences (out of at least 3 categories) that are most important to you individually. Tick 10 boxes (col.3)
Select the top 5 competences that are most important to your team. Discuss and tick the boxes (col.4)
Competences Project scenario . Which activities can Individual 5 group
be connected to the competences? 10 competences compet.
Each group
member (1, 2, 3,
4, 5)
ticks 10 boxes

1 2 3 4 5


1. Economics Design a business plan Y Y Y Y Y

2. General Characteristics of the materials to create an artifact, Y Y

a product

3. Media literacy Knowledge about inquiry methods & types of digital Y Y Y


Social Skills

4. Social (at school) Working in a team of five students Y Y Y Y Y Y

5. Social (at school) Negotiating about roles and tasks of the

team members

6. Social (at school) Drawing up an action plan (tasks, who, what,when) Y

7. Social (at school) Monitoring the action plan / checking the rubric Y Y


8. Communicative Contacting experts Y Y

9. Communicative asking feed back on the prototype-promotion Y Y


10. ICT Organizing your own communication strategy Y Y

11. ICT Website design (Weebly) Y Y

12. ICT International communication with peers (social Y

media, video conf)

13. ICT Ways to promote your own business (social media) Y

21st century skills

14. 21st century skills Brainstorming techniques(Jac van Lieshout) Y Y Y Y Y

15. 21st century skills Ways of thinking: Creative, critical . Design thinking Y

16. 21st century skills Taking the initiative to develop a product Y Y Y

17. 21st century skills Problem solving (ongoing during the production Y Y Y
and promotion process)

18. 21st century skills Technical design skills: program of demands, a Y

proto type and tests

19. Why is our product sustainable? Y Y Y Y

Intercultural skills

20. Knowledge other Ongoing communication - peer review Y Y Y


21. Cultural Ongoing communication - peer review. Y


22. Attitude of Ongoing communication - peer review. Y

openess and curiosity

23. Close collaboration brainstorming and process of creating a Y Y Y Y Y

common product (for students option 3)


24. Reflecting individually Individual self-assessment of the Y

competences acquired

25. Reflecting individually Individual reflection on group work and activities Y

26. Reflecting group Group self-assessment of the project (step 7) Y

Which of the competences of young creative entrepreneurs has the group acquired the most during the past months?
Group competences
Please write down the top 5 group competences selected at the end of the project

1. Economics

2. Reflecting group

3. Working in a group of 5

4. Brainstorming

5. Close collaboration
Why are these 5 competences so important for young entrepreneurs? Please explain in about 150 words.

When collaborating to create a sustainable product and business, we found the 5 competences: Economics, reflecting group,
working in a group of 5, brainstorming and close collaboration to be an important aspect of developing a business and
product. We found communication to be a major aspect when collaborating and creating ideas, as to ensure everyone’s input
was consolidated into our product. Economics and business strategy helped us create an efficient system for our potential
business and we ensured to reflect on our decisions and make changes to make sure we had created the optimal business
functioning strategy, marketing and allocation strategy and product. Moreover, working in a group of 5, especially during the
brainstorming period helped us gain perspective on the various ways we could help our potential business thrive and make
sure our product reaches its audience. This is why, we as a group, believe these 5 competences were important to us.

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