Hồ sơ môn học Circuit Analysis 1 -401058-12-0-2021-2

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Email giảng viên (Email):

Họ tên giảng viên (Full name): Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Liên

Môn học (Subject name): Circuit Analysis 1  Mã môn học (Subject code): 401058

Chuyên ngành (Major): Khoa/Lớp (Faculty/ Class): Điện - Điện tử

Số lượng sinh viên (Number of students): 40 Cơ sở (Campus):

Hệ : Đại học chính quy - Chương trình Chất

Nhóm: 12 Tổ thực hành: 0
lượng cao (VN)

Thời gian bắt đầu (Date start): 11/02/2022 Thời gian kết thúc (Date end): 27/05/2022


Buổi Nội dung Mục tiêu bài học Chiến lược giảng dạy Các hoạt động sinh viên
(Day) (Content) (Learning objectives) (Teaching Strategies) (Student Activities)

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Scope of applications
- Teaching the lessons - Actively participate in
1.2. Basic terms, units and
- Teaching the class activities
examples - In class discussion
1 1.3. Basic circuit elements [1], [2], [3]
- Provide exercises - Solve the assigned
1.4. Classification of
- Discuss homework
electric circuits

1.5. Independent sources

- Actively participate in
vs. independent sources. - Teaching the lessons
class activities
1.6. Basic circuit theorems: - Teaching the
- In class discussion
2 Ohm, Kirchhoff laws [1], [2], [3] examples
- Solve the assigned
1.7. Power in electric - Provide exercises
circuits - Discuss

Chapter 2: Direct Circuit (DC) Analysis

2.1. Equivalent circuit

2.1.1. Series and parallel
- Actively participate in
circuits - Teaching the lessons
class activities
2.1.2. Delta – Wye - Teaching the
- In class discussion
3 transformation [1], [2], [3] examples
- Solve the assigned
2.1.3. Source - Provide exercises
transformation - Discuss
2.2. Method of Branch

4 2.3. Method of Nodal [1], [2], [3] - Teaching the lessons - Actively participate in
2.3.1. Introduction class activities
- Teaching the
2.3.2. Conductance matrix - In class discussion
for nodal voltages - Solve the assigned
- Provide exercises
2.3.3. Special cases of homework
- Discuss
Nodal-voltage method

2.4. Method of Mesh

currents - Actively participate in
- Teaching the lessons
2.4.1. Introduction class activities
- Teaching the
2.4.2. Impedance matrix - In class discussion
5 [1], [2], [3] examples
for mesh currents - Solve the assigned
- Provide exercises
2.4.3. Special cases of homework
- Discuss
Mesh-current method

2.5. Basic circuit theorems - Actively participate in

- Teaching the lessons
2.5.1. Superposition class activities
- Teaching the
2.5.2. Scaled-currents - In class discussion
6 [1], [2], [3] examples
2.5.3. Thevenin equivalent - Solve the assigned
- Provide exercises
2.5.4. Norton equivalent homework
- Discuss
2.6. Power and energy
2.6.1. Definitions - Actively participate in
- Teaching the lessons
2.6.2. Power calculation class activities
- Teaching the
2.6.3. Power and Energy - In class discussion
7 [1], [2], [3] examples
measurement - Solve the assigned
- Provide exercises
2.7. Mutual inductive homework
- Discuss

Chapter 3: Alternative Current (AC) Single Phase

- Actively participate in
3.1. Sinusoidal sources - Teaching the lessons
class activities
3.2. Complex number - Teaching the
- In class discussion
08 3.3. Passive circuit [1], [2], [3] examples
- Solve the assigned
elements in complex - Provide exercises
- Discuss
3.6. Phasor vectors - Actively participate in
- Teaching the lessons
3.7. AC circuit analysis class activities
- Teaching the
methods in complex - In class discussion
10 [1], [2], [3] examples
3.7.1. Nodal voltages - Solve the assigned
- Provide exercises
3.7.2. Mesh currents homework
- Discuss
3.8. Basic circuit theorems - Actively participate in
- Teaching the lessons
in complex class activities
- Teaching the
3.8.1. Superposition - In class discussion
11 [1], [2], [3] examples
3.8.2. Thevenin equivalent - Solve the assigned
- Provide exercises
3.8.3. Norton equivalent homework
- Discuss
- Actively participate in
3.9. Power in AC circuits - Teaching the lessons
class activities
3.10. Maximum power - Teaching the
- In class discussion
12 transfer [1], [2], [3] examples
- Solve the assigned
3.11. Resonant circuits - Provide exercises
- Discuss
9 3.4. Basic circuit theorems [1], [2], [3] - Teaching the lessons - Actively participate in
in complex
class activities
(Ohm, Kirchhoff 1 and 2) - Teaching the
- In class discussion
3.5. Equivalent examples
- Solve the assigned
transformations in complex - Provide exercises
(Series, Parallel, Star-Delta) - Discuss

Chapter 4: Alternative Current (AC) Three Phase

4.1. Definitions
4.2. Balanced three phase - Actively participate in
- Teaching the lessons
systems class activities
- Teaching the
4.2.1. Analysis of Wye-Wye - In class discussion
13 [1], [2], [3] examples
circuits - Solve the assigned
- Provide exercises
4.2.2. Analysis of Wye- homework
- Discuss
Delta circuits

4.3. Power calculations &

measurement of three
phase systems - Actively participate in
- Teaching the lessons
4.4. Voltage drop and class activities
- Teaching the
power loss of three phase - In class discussion
14 [1], [2], [3] examples
systems - Solve the assigned
- Provide exercises
4.5. Unbalanced three homework
- Discuss
phase systems

- Teaching the - Actively participate in

examples class activities
15 Review [1], [2], [3]
- Provide exercises - In class discussion
- Discuss


Chương Nội dung đánh giá Phương pháp đánh giá
(Chapter) (Assessments based on Learning Objectives) (Methods of assessment)
Đánh giá quá trình 1 - (30%) - Bài tập quá trình

Equivalent circuit transformation, Method of

2 Mini Test
Branch Currents
Thevenin and Norton equivalent theory, Power in
3 Mini Test
AC 1 phase circuit
Balanced three phase systems : Y-Y circuit and Y-
4 Mini Test
Delta circuit

Kiểm tra giữa kỳ - (20%) - Tự luận

Method of Nodal voltages and Method of Meshed

2 Mini Test

2 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuit Mini Test

Kiểm tra cuối kỳ - (50%) - Tự luận

Duyệt của Trưởng bộ môn Giảng viên phụ trách lớp (Lecturer)

Đinh Hoàng Bách Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Liên

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