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Social media is toxic 

Do you use social media all the time? How many applications
do you utilize? Some people became  obsessed with social media
and I didn't blame them because I also use it but, carefully! Media
can often cause hindrances in people's personal lives causing a drift
in their relationships This essay will discuss some reasons why
people grew obsessed with social media. 

The first reason why it is impacts their minds It may impair

concentration, Addiction, or repeated use of electronic gadgets or
the internet can cause health problems People can take your
personal information According to apple company they published in
2010, an essay about the disadvantages of social media also some
people can bully you, in addition, Spreading some subversive ideas
for example terrorism and suicide also sometimes we got fake news
and no privacy 

Social media has many problems one of them is bullying and this
word became popular quickly, a lot of teenagers start to use it in
their life they are being to bully anyone 

If you want my advice try to delete social media and use something
that helps in your life or future 

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