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Business Pitch (8 minutes approx..

(1) What problem does the company's product or service solve? Where did the idea come
from? (Story-telling) Pathos
(2) Outline the features & benefits (Logos) of the product/service.
(3) Outline the company’s mission (values & philosophy) (Ethos) & vision statements
(where do you see the company in 3-5 years?)
(4) Who will manage the company and what experience have you got? (Ethos)
(5) What is the size of the market for this product/service in Euros/dollars? This needs to
be monetized. (Logos)
(6) Who is the typical consumer profile/target? (Promotion & Place)
(7) How will the company market and sell its products to B2B or B2C? (Promotion-media
(8) Who are the competitors (direct & indirect) and how will the company maintain a
competitive advantage (Logos)?
(9) Outline the pricing strategy the production costs, wholesale & retail price. What is
the breakeven point & mark-up as a percentage? What turnover has the company
made so far? What is the sales forecast for this year, next year & the following
year(Y1,2 & 3)? (Price) (Logos)

(10) What are the risks and threats confronting the business and what can be done to
mitigate them?

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