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According to North Dakota State University Extension Service (2015), the concept of need is defined as

the difference or gap, between what is and what should be of what is reasonably possible. A need is
something that is necessary for a particular situation to exist. Asssesment, on the other hand, is defined
in the Cambrige University Press (2015) as the act of judging or deciding the amount. Value, quality, or
importance of something, or the judge or decision that is made.

Therefore, a community needs assesment identifies the strength and resources available in the
community to meet needs of children, youth and families. The assesment focuses on the capabilities of
the community, including its citizen, agency and organization. It provides a framework for developing
and identifying services and solutions and building communities that support and nurture children and

Need Assessmen is also a process used by organizations to determine priorities, make organizational
improvement, or allocate the resources. It involves determining the needs, or gaps, between where the
organization in visions itself in the future and the organizations current state. A plan of action is
developed to address or closing the gaps to bring the organizations closer to its desired future state
(Grimsley, 2015).

Needs. It is a motivatiing force that compels action for its satisfaction. It is also range from basic survival
needs common to all human beings satisfied by necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs
varying from place and age group to age group satisfied by nesessaries. Needs are finite but, in contrast,
wants (which spring from desires or wishes) are boundless. Motivation theory which suggest five
interdependent levels of basic human needs that must be satisfied in a strict sequence starting with the
lowest level. Physiological needs for survival to stay alive and reproduce and security to feel safe are the
most fundamental and most pressing needs. They are followed by social needs for love and belonging
and self-esteem needs to feel worthy, respected and have status. The final and highest level needs are
self-actualization needs self-fulfillment and achievement. Its underlying theme is that human beings are
wanting beings as they satisfy one need the next emerges on its own and demands satisfaction and so
on until the need for self-actualization that. By its very nature, cannot be fully satisfied and thus does
not generate more needs. This theory states that ones a need is satisfied, it stops being motivator of
human beings. In personnel management, it is used in design of incentive schemes. In marketing, it is
used in design of promotional campaigns based on the perceived needs of market segment a product
satisfies. Named after its originator, the US psychologist Abraham Harold Maslow who proposed it in
1954(krucik, 2015).

Need Assessment. Krucik (2015) defined needs as a motivating force that compels action for its
satisfaction. It ranges from basic survival needs which is common to all human beings satisfied by
necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social need varying from place to place and age group to age
group satisfied by necessaries. Needs are finite while wants which spring desires or wishes are
boundless. Motivation theory, named after its originator, US psychologist Abraham Harold Maslow
suggests that there are five interdependent levels of basic human needs as motivators that must be
satisfied in a strict sequence starting with the lowest level.

Kizlik (2014) reiterated that needs assessment is process that has been, and continues to be used
thoughout education, government, and the private sector as a way of generating information that can
be useful for solving some problem. The idea of needs assessment is hardly new. It has been, under
different names for millennia as part of the planing process, Certainly, in the past 50 years or so, needs
assesment has been, and continues to be, a cornerstone of planning at all levels.

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