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T tense/aspect * Every year I am going to Denver * She come yesterday

agr agreement (subject-verb, singular vs plural, etc)

* They is working hard
* She walk_ to work every day
* He cames yesterday
* We’ve got two cat_
* I like that reds cars
* They enjoyed theirselves very much

wo word order * The red big house is for sale

* I asked why was she going there.

 word missing * I asked him  he had an extra pencil

/ extra word * I gave to her three books

ww wrong word * He’s a long person

* It had a bad affect on the children

wf wrong form (of the right word) * The book was bored * He’s a well-known political

sp spelling * He works in a goverment department

G miscellaneous “grammar” error not covered by the above symbols

dep dependent clause/sentence fragment standing alone * I didn’t go. Because I was busy.

p punctuation Apart from the usual errors, this includes the following:
* The boys book (apostrophe missing or misplaced)
* Put it here, I said. (no quotation/speech marks)
* I like it here, the people are so nice. (comma splice instead of period, etc)
* london is in england (upper/lower case confusion)

wd word division (at end of line) * ... so, for several years, I wor-
ked hard every day at the shop. (One syllable, therefore indivisible)

con connector/transition required (or needs to be changed or deleted)

* San Francisco is a beautiful city. On the contrary, Los Angeles is quite
ugly. (Should be On the other hand)

rep repetitive

awk awkward (Rephrase this part)

? unclear (I don’t understand. What exactly do you mean?)

Pr preposition (wrong or needed)

Roger A. Dunne, Academic Reading & Writing, Section 502, 19-Aug-2014

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