Cuoc Hoi Thoai

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A: Good morning Mrs. B and welcome to our interview, how are you feeling today?

B: Oh I’m feeling great!

A: Glad to hear that. So in this interview, we’re going to discuss on the topic ‘Should we take a gap
year?’. Ready for it?
B: Of course I am.
A: Nowadays, many young student taking a gap year after graduating secondary school. What do you
think about this phenomenon?
B: There’s a lot of factors behind this and the most popular one in my opinion is because most of them
want to decide on their majors or get better by improving their skills before going straight to colleges.

A: Why do you think so?

B: Well, while studying in secondary we’re still pretty young, haven’t think about our future in a serious
way yet, so between secondary and college is the right time.
A: Ah I see. Would you take a gap year after finishing secondary school?
B: Yes I would

A: Thank you for coming with us today, hope to see you next time!

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