MSIS Exam3SampleQuestions

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Chapter9: BusinessIntelligenceSystems

51. A petabyte of data is equal to ____________ gigabytes of data. a. b. c. d. .001 100 1000 1,000,000

Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Page Reference: 331 52. The purpose of a business intelligence system is to provide the right information to the right people at the right: a. b. c. d. price. place. time. situation. Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 331

Answer: c

AACSB: Use of IT 53. Tools for searching business data in an attempt to find patterns are called ____________________ tools. a. b. c. d. e. KM BI DSS CRM EDI

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Page Reference: 331 54. All the words ever spoken by human beings could be stored on five ________________ of storage capacity. a. b. c. d. e. gigabytes. terabytes. petabytes. exabytes. megabytes.

Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 332 55. Two __________________ of storage would be equivalent to the amount of information in an entire research library. a. b. c. d. gigabytes terabytes petabytes exabytes Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 332

Answer: b

AACSB: Use of IT 56. In most cases, data-mining tools are used to make: a. b. c. d. decisions. solutions. assessments. predictions. Difficulty: Easy Page Reference: 333

Answer: d

57. It is not a good idea to ________________ the model developed for a data-mining application just because the results were not what was expected. a. b. c. d. change cancel publish overfit

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 362 58. ________________ tools are programs that read data from a variety of sources, process that data, and produce and deliver formatted reports to users. a. b. c. d. e. Data-mining RFP Reporting XML Web service

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 333 59. A reporting system supports the reporting process by helping to ____________, manage, and deliver reports. a. b. c. d. e. browse retrieve update author publish Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 333

Answer: d

AACSB: Use of IT 60. Reports may process data into information by ________________ the source data. a. b. c. d. downloading filtering displaying updating Difficulty: Easy Page Reference: 334

Answer: b

Chapter10: SystemsDevelopment

51. As opposed to program development, system development is: a. b. c. d. synonymous. more comprehensive. less complex. more specialized. Page Reference: 383

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy 52. Information systems are never off-the-shelf because they involve: a. b. c. d. e. people. programs. procedures. both a and c. data. Difficulty: Medium

Answer: d

Page Reference: 383

AACSB: Use of IT 53. System development is a process for creating and ______________________ information systems. a. b. c. d. brainstorming programming maintaining upgrading

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 384 54. The risk associated with developing large, new information systems can be usually characterized as: a. b. c. d. low. non-existent. medium. high.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Page Reference: 385 55. ___________________ is a major challenge for developing information systems. a. b. c. d. e. Determining requirements Determining a project schedule Managing changes in technology Determining a project budget All of the above Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 385

Answer: e AACSB: Use of IT

56. As a system development team becomes larger, the average contribution per worker: a. b. c. d. decreases. stays the same. increases. becomes more complex. Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 386

Answer: a

57. According to Brooks Law, adding more people to a system development project will: a. b. c. d. e. lower the total project cost. speed up the project. delay the projects completion. require less coordination. have no effect on the project. Difficulty: Hard Page Reference: 386

Answer: c

AACSB: Reflective Thinking 58. Adding more people to a system development project will make the project late because: a. b. c. d. it is more difficult to schedule tasks. training new people slows down team members. it is more difficult to analyze the system requirements. it is more difficult to budget project costs.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 386 59. If a company installs and tests only a portion of the new system, then repeatedly installs and tests portions of the new system until it is complete, this known as a ________________ conversion. a. b. c. d. e. pilot big-bang phased parallel plunge

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 397 60. Large complex information systems such as for order entry or inventory management were most likely to be developed using the ____________________ approach. a. b. c. d. systems development life cycle (SDLC) rapid application development (RAD) object-oriented systems development (OOD) extreme programming (XP) Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 387

Answer: a AACSB: Use of IT

Chapter12: InformationSecurityManagement

48. Which of the following is a threat to security? a. b. c. d. e. Employees accidentally deleting records. Terrorism. Earthquakes. Hackers. All of the above. Page Reference: 457

Answer: e Difficulty: Easy 49. Which of the following is NOT a human error or mistake? a. b. c. d. Driving a forklift through the wall of a server room. Installing an old application on top of new one. Entering a zero for an eight in a database. Hacking.

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 457 50. Which of the following is not considered malicious human activity? a. b. c. d. Hacking. Robbing a safe. Terrorism. Poorly written application programs. Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 457

Answer: d

AACSB: Analytical Skills 51. A ________________ is someone who pretends to be a legitimate company and sends email requesting confidential data. a. b. c. d. e. hawker phisher employee hacker spoofer Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 458

Answer: b

AACSB: Reflective Thinking 52. ___________________ is a technique for intercepting computer communications. a. b. c. d. e. Hacking Spoofing Phishing Sniffing Pretexting Difficulty: Hard Page Reference: 458

Answer: d

53. ________________ is when someone deceives by pretending to be someone else. a. b. c. d. e. Hacking Spoofing Phishing Sniffing Pretexting

Answer: e Difficulty: Medium Page Reference: 458 54. Some unauthorized programs are able to ________________ the legitimate system and substitute their own processing. a. b. c. d. e. usurp complement hack overwhelm deny Difficulty: Hard Page Reference: 460

Answer: a

AACSB: Use of IT 55. Loss of infrastructure can be caused by: a. b. c. d. e. hacking. terrorism. viruses. worms. Trojan horses.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium 56. Loss of infrastructure can be caused by: f. g. h. i. j. hacking. terrorism. viruses. worms. Trojan horses.

Page Reference: 461

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium 57. Security programs have _____________ components. a. b. c. d. e. two three twelve five eight

Page Reference: 461

Answer: b AACSB: Use of IT

Difficulty: Medium

Page Reference: 461

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