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Burning Characteristics and Thermochemical Behavior of AP/

HTPB Composite Propellant Using Coarse and Fine AP Particles
Makoto Kohga*

Department of Applied Chemistry, National Defense Academy, Hashirimizu 1-10-20, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-8686

Received: October 15, 2009; revised version: January 14, 2010

DOI: 10.1002/prep.200900088

Abstract The addition of a burning catalyst greatly affects the

burning rate characteristics of the propellant, and Fe2O3
The burning rate of AP/HTPB composite propellant increases
is a good catalyst for an AP-based propellant. The fmin is
with increasing AP content and with decreasing AP size. In addi-
tion, the burning rate can be enhanced with the addition of decreased by the addition of Fe2O3 to the propellant [2].
Fe2O3. The burning characteristics and thermal decomposition The main thermal decomposition temperature range of
behavior of AP/HTPB composite propellant using coarse and the propellant is shifted to lower temperatures by the ad-
fine AP particles with and without Fe2O3 at various AP contents dition of Fe2O3 [2–6], indicating that Fe2O3 improves the
were investigated to obtain an exhaustive set of data. As the AP chemical reaction in the solid and/or gas phases of the
content decreased, the burning rate decreased and the propel- propellant [3, 7].
lants containing less than a certain AP content self-quenched or
did not ignite. The self-quenched combustion began at both
The burning process of the AP/HTPB composite pro-
lower and higher pressures. The lower limit of AP content to pellant begins with the decomposition gases of AP and
burn the propellant with coarse AP was lower than that with fine HTPB being produced at the burning surface by the heat
AP. The lower limit of AP content to burn was decreased by the feedback from a flame. These gases diffuse and mix in
addition of Fe2O3. The thermal decomposition behavior of pro- the gas phase and finally burn. The combustion mecha-
pellants prepared with 20–80 % AP was investigated. The de- nism of AP-based composite propellants has been investi-
crease in the peak temperature of the exothermic decomposition
gated for many years and is almost established [8]. How-
suggested an increased burning rate. However, a quantitative re-
lationship between the thermochemical behavior and the burning ever, sufficient experimental data have not yet been col-
characteristics, such as the burning rate and the lower limit of lected in order to describe the combustion mechanism.
AP content to burn, could not be determined. The possibility of self-quenched combustion for the
AP/HTPB composite propellant is dependent on complex
Keywords: Ammonium Perchlorate, Burning Rate, Burning factors such as the AP content, pressure, particle proper-
Catalyst, Composite Propellant, Thermal Decomposition
ties, thermal conductivity, and thermal decomposition be-
havior. However, the experimental data to support a
mechanism and cause of the self-quenched burning have
not yet been obtained.
1 Introduction As mentioned above, the decomposition gases of AP
and HTPB are produced at the burning surface and the
The burning rate of the AP/HTPB composite propellant burning of the propellant is maintained by combustion re-
depends on the AP content. The burning rate decreases actions of those decomposition gases. Therefore, the ther-
as the AP content decreases, and propellants containing mal decomposition behavior of the propellant influences
less than a certain AP content self-quench or do not the burning characteristics and is some of the causes of
ignite. Therefore, the propellants do not have self-sus- the self-quenched burning.
tained burning. A lower limit of AP content to burn, fmin, TG–DTA is a popular method to investigate the ther-
exists, and the fmin of the propellant with coarse AP is mal decomposition behavior of materials and has been
lower than that with fine AP [1]. used to investigate several kinds of propellants [1–6, 9–

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13]. In previous reports, the AP content of the propellant sure. Six different heating rates (b) were used: 1, 2, 5, 10,
was constant and the relationship between the decompo- 15, and 20 K min1.
sition behavior and the burning characteristics for the Generally, TG–DTA is carried out with a small quanti-
AP/HTPB-based composite propellants at various AP ty of a homogeneous sample. Reproducible TG–DTA
contents has not been systematically investigated. curves of the composite propellant were not obtained
In this study, the burning characteristics and thermal with a small amount of sample because the propellant
decomposition behavior of the AP/HTPB composite pro- was heterogeneous. The scattering in TG–DTA curves
pellant using coarse and fine AP particles with and with- was reduced by increasing the sample mass. The heat re-
out Fe2O3 at various AP contents were measured in order leased in the exothermic decomposition increased with a
to obtain an exhaustive experimental data set. Based on higher sample mass. When the sample mass was more
this data, the relationship between the decomposition be- than 2 mg, the heating rate increased at the stage of the
havior and the burning rate characteristics of AP/HTPB exothermic decomposition, indicating that the rate was
propellant was investigated. This paper is one of a series not constant in the temperature range at the exothermic
revealing the cause of self-quenched burning of AP-based decomposition. The sample masses were approximately
composite propellant. 1.5 mg in this study. The TG–DTA measurements were
conducted more than four times for each sample. The
averages of the TG–DTA curves from the data were used
2 Experiment in this experiment.
2.1 Materials and Propellant Samples
2.4 Kinetic Analysis
Coarse AP (CAP) and fine AP (FAP) were used as oxi-
dizers in this study. CAP was prepared by grinding a com- The activation energy is an important thermal decomposi-
mercial AP for 5 min in a vibration ball mill. FAP was tion property, and can be estimated by TG with the
prepared by the freeze-drying method [14]. The mean Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method [15–17] or determined by
particle diameters of CAP and FAP were about 110 and DTA with Kissinger method [18]. As these methods do
4 mm, respectively. not need to know the reaction order or the reaction
The propellant samples were prepared with less than models, they are widely applicable. They quickly and
80 % AP. HTPB was used as binder and was cured with simply determine the activation energies directly from
isophorone diisocyanate. 8 % of isophorone diisocyanate TG–DTA data at several heating rates if the thermal de-
was added to HTPB, and Fe2O3 was used as a burning composition behavior of the material is within the appli-
rate catalyst. First 1 % of Fe2O3 was added to the propel- cation of these methods. Because the activation energy
lant, and the propellant mixtures were then cured for 7 determined by these methods is the sum of the activation
days at 333 K. The size of each strand was 10 mm in di- energies of the chemical reactions and physical processes
ameter and 40 mm in length. The side of each strand was of thermal decomposition, it is called the apparent activa-
inhibited by silicon resin. tion energy.
The thermal decomposition of a solid is a heterogene-
ous reaction that is generated locally within the reactive
2.2 Measurement of Burning Rates
nucleus of a solid and then propagates to unreacted mate-
The burning rates were measured in a chimney-type strand rial. The thermal decomposition of the composite propel-
burner, which was pressurized with nitrogen. The strand lants involve multiple steps that are likely to have differ-
burner was set in a temperature conditioner operating at a ent activation energies, but the reaction models have not
temperature of around 290 K. The ignition of each strand yet been determined. Some researchers have investigated
was conducted by an electrically heated nichrome wire at- the activation energies of solid high-energy materials and
tached to the top of each strand. The propellant strand composite propellants with the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall and
was combusted in a pressure range of 0.5–7 MPa. The Kissinger methods [6, 10–13]. Though the thermal decom-
burning phenomenon of the propellant was recorded with position behavior of energetic materials and composite
a high-speed video recorder. The collected pictures were propellants is very complex, these are useful methods for
used to measure the burning rates. Three lots of propel- determining the activation energy of the composite pro-
lants were prepared at the same AP content. It was judged pellants.
that the propellant could not combust when one of the In this study, the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall and Kissinger
three lots of the propellants was self-quenched. methods were applied to determine the activation energy
of the decomposition process. Although differential scan-
ning calorimetry is preferred over DTA for activation
2.3 TG–DTA
energy determination, DTA was used in our experiments,
The thermal decomposition behavior of the propellant because a differential scanning calorimeter was not avail-
was investigated using TG–DTA over a temperature able. The activation energies determined by the Ozawa-
range from 473–723 K. The equipment was operated with Flynn-Wall and Kissinger methods are represented by Eo
a nitrogen flow (50 mL min1) and at atmospheric pres- and Ek, respectively.

58  2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2011, 36, 57 – 64
Burning Characteristics and Thermochemical Behavior of AP/HTPB Composite Propellant Using Coarse

According to the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method [15–17], burned only between 2 and 3 MPa, but the propellant
Eo is determined by the following equation: containing 62 % AP did not burn in the pressure range of
this study. These results indicated that the fmin values of
Eo d log b CAP and FAP were 55 % and 63 %, respectively. The fmin
¼ 2:19 ð1Þ
R dTo1 of coarse AP was lower than that of fine AP, suggesting
that the combustion of the AP/HTPB composite propel-
where To is the temperature at a constant degree of con- lant was dependent on the AP content, pressure and par-
version and R is the gas constant. Eo can be calculated ticle size of AP.
from the slope of a plot of logb against To1 . The burning rate characteristics of the propellants with
According to the Kissinger method [18], Ek is deter- Fe2O3 are shown in Fig. 2. The burning rate decreased as
mined from the maximum rate condition which will occur the AP content decreased. The propellants prepared with
at the exothermic peak temperature, Tp, of the DTA CAP containing more than 52 % AP burned, whereas
curves. Ek is represented by the following equation: those containing 51 % AP burned only between 1 and
 2  3 MPa. The propellants containing less than 50 % AP did
d ln bTp not burn in the pressure range adopted in this study (0.5–
Ek ð2Þ 7 MPa). The propellants prepared with FAP containing
R dTp1 more than 35 % AP burned between 0.5 and 7 MPa,
whereas the propellant containing 30 % AP burned only
and the value of Ek can be calculated from the slope of a between 2 and 5 MPa. The propellants containing less
plot of ln(bTp2 ) against Tp1. than 29 % AP did not burn in the pressure range used in
this study.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Burning rate Characteristics

The burning rate characteristics of the propellants are
shown in Fig. 1. The burning rate was reduced with de-
creasing AP content. The propellants prepared with CAP
and containing more than 64 % AP burned in the pres-
sure range adopted in this study. The propellant contain-
ing 63 % AP self-quenched at 0.5 MPa, and the propellant
containing 62 % AP self-quenched between 5 and 7 MPa.
The burnable pressure range decreased with decreasing
AP content. The propellant containing 55 % AP burned
only between 1.5 and 2 MPa, whereas the propellant con- Figure 2. Burning rate characteristics of propellants with Fe2O3 :
taining 54 % AP did not burn in the pressure range a) propellants with CAP; b) propellants with FAP.
adopted in this study.
The propellants prepared with FAP and containing
The fmin of the propellant with Fe2O3 is represented by
more than 69 % AP burned between 0.5 and 7 MPa. The
cfmin. The cfmin values of CAP and FAP were 51 % and
propellant containing 68 % AP self-quenched at 0.5 and
30 %, respectively. The lower limit of the AP content nec-
7 MPa. The burnable pressure range was reduced with de-
essary to burn was decreased by the addition of Fe2O3.
creasing AP content. The propellant containing 63 % AP
The difference between the cfmin and fmin values of the
propellant prepared with FAP was larger than that of the
propellant prepared with CAP, indicating that the dimin-
ishing effect of Fe2O3 on the lower limit of AP content to
burn became more significant as the size of AP particles
was decreased.
The relationship between the burning rate and the AP
content is illustrated graphically in Fig. 3. The burning
rate was reduced with decreasing AP content. The burn-
ing rates of the propellants with Fe2O3 were larger than
those of the propellants without Fe2O3 at all pressures.
For the propellant with CAP, the variation in burning
rate against AP content slightly increased with increasing
pressure and the variation of the propellant with Fe2O3
Figure 1. Burning rate characteristics of: a) propellants with was slightly larger than that of the propellant without
CAP; b) propellants with FAP. Fe2O3.

Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2011, 36, 57 – 64  2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 59
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peak of the propellant. Therefore, the Tp value could not

be determined. For the propellant with FAP without
Fe2O3, the values of Tp at 1, 10, and 20 K min1 were 576,
643, and 656 K, respectively, and those for the propellant
with Fe2O3 at 10 and 20 K min1 were 540 and 555 K, re-
Based on the TG curves, most of the consumption oc-
curred between the beginning and end temperatures of
the exothermic decomposition. The mass loss at the end
temperature of the exothermic decomposition decreased
with decreasing AP content. As mentioned above, the Tp
Figure 3. Relationship between burning rate and AP content: and the end temperature of the exothermic decomposi-
a) propellants with CAP; b) propellants with FAP. tion were shifted to lower values with the addition of
Fe2O3 and decreased with decreasing b. Therefore, the
TG curve was also affected by the value of b and the
On the other hand, the variation of the propellant pre- presence of Fe2O3, even when the AP content was con-
pared with FAP increased with increasing pressure, espe- stant.
cially with higher AP contents. The variations in the Figure 5 illustrates the relationship between Tp and the
burning rate of the propellants with Fe2O3 were smaller AP content. Tp decreased with decreasing b. At constant
than those of the propellant without Fe2O3 and almost b, the values of Tp were almost constant, except for the
constant with less than 45 % AP. propellant with FAP and without Fe2O3, for which the
The AP content greatly affected the burning character- values of Tp below 28 % FAP were lower than those
istics of the propellant. The variation in the burning rate above 29 % FAP.
against the AP content of the propellant prepared with The value of Tp of the propellant with FAP was lower
FAP was larger than that of the propellant prepared with than that of the propellant with CAP, and Tp was de-
CAP. From the results described above, we concluded creased by the addition of Fe2O3. For the propellant with
that the burning characteristics of the AP/HTPB propel- FAP, the maximum decrease in Tp by the addition of
lants were affected by the AP size and content, combus- Fe2O3 was 105 K (at 40 % FAP), whereas it was 33 K (at
tion pressure, and addition of Fe2O3. 73 % CAP) for the propellant with CAP. The difference
in Tp of the propellant with FAP was greater than that of
the propellant with CAP. The increase in the burning rate
3.2 Thermal Decomposition Behavior
of the propellant containing FAP by the addition of
For all AP samples, the cfmin value was smaller than fmin. Fe2O3 was larger than that of the propellant containing
The cfmin values of the propellant prepared with CAP CAP, as shown in Fig. 3. The decrease in Tp suggested an
and FAP were 51 % and 30 %, respectively. The TG– increased burning rate when Fe2O3 was added to the pro-
DTA thermograms of some of the propellants containing pellant. However, a quantitative estimation of the in-
40–80 % CAP and 20–80 % FAP were obtained to investi- crease in the burning rate could not be established with
gate the influence of the AP content and of the catalyst the change in Tp in this experiment.
on the decomposition behavior of the propellant. As mentioned in Section 3.1, the burning rate de-
The fmin values of the propellant with CAP and FAP creased with decreasing AP content. The fmin values of
were 55 % and 63 %, respectively. Figure 4 shows the propellant with CAP and FAP were 55 % and 63 %, and
TG–DTA curves of the propellants with 55 % CAP and the cfmin values of the propellant with CAP and FAP
63 % FAP with and without Fe2O3. The endothermic peak were 51 % and 30 %, respectively. At constant b, the
was observed at 514 K in the DTA curve due to the crys- value of Tp was independent of the AP content and did
tal transformation of AP and followed by exothermic de- not change at fmin and cfmin, indicating that Tp was not di-
composition. For the propellant containing CAP without rectly dependent on the burning characteristics.
Fe2O3, the values of Tp at 1, 10, and 20 K min1 were 611,
643, and 665 K, respectively, and those for the propellant
3.3 Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition
containing CAP with Fe2O3 were 592, 634, and 651 K, re-
spectively. The Tp and the end temperature of the exo- Sell et al. [10] measured the Eo values of the AP/HTPB
thermic decomposition decreased with decreasing b. At propellant with 70.25 % AP by the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall
constant b, the peak temperatures of the propellant with method and reported that Eo was about 100 kJ mol1
Fe2O3 were lower than those of the propellant without below a degree of conversion of 0.08 and was between
Fe2O3. 175 and 200 kJ mol1 at degrees of 0.2–0.6. Therefore, the
For the propellant with 63 % FAP and Fe2O3, the exo- variation in Eo was small for a degree of conversion of
thermic peak was not observed on the DTA curve at b of 0.2–0.8. The consumption at the main thermal decomposi-
1 K min1 because the endothermic peak of the crystal tion decreased with decreasing AP content, and the mass
transition point of AP overlapped with the exothermic loss of the propellant with 20 % FAP was approximately

60  2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2011, 36, 57 – 64
Burning Characteristics and Thermochemical Behavior of AP/HTPB Composite Propellant Using Coarse

Figure 4. TG–DTA curves of propellant: a) with 55 %CAP; b) with 55 %CAP and Fe2O3 ; c) with 63 % FAP; d) with 63 % FAP and

30 %. In this experiment, the Eo values were determined Figure 7 shows the influence of the AP content on Eo.
at degrees of conversion of 0.25–0.5. The value of Eo increased with increasing AP content,
To calculate Eo, logb was plotted as a function of the and the relationship was not affected by the addition of
To1 values obtained from the TG curves. Representative Fe2O3. The variation in Eo against the AP content of the
Ozawa-Flynn-Wall plots are shown in Fig. 6. For each AP propellant with CAP was larger than that of the propel-
content, the plots roughly followed the form of Eq. (1), lant with FAP. The Eo value slightly depended on the size
and displayed an approximately linear relationship. The of AP, whereas the presence of Fe2O3 hardly influenced
slope of the line was calculated from these plots, and Eo Eo.
was calculated by substituting the slope into Eq. (1).

Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2011, 36, 57 – 64  2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 61
Full Paper M. Kohga

Figure 5. Relationship between Tp and AP content: a) propellant using CAP; b) propellant using CAP with Fe2O3 ; c) propellant
using FAP; d) propellant using FAP with Fe2O3.

Figure 6. Ozawa-Flynn-Wall plots: a) propellant with CAP; b) Figure 7. Dependence of AP content on Eo : a) propellant with
propellant with CAP and Fe2O3 ; c) propellant with FAP; d) pro- CAP; b) propellant with CAP and Fe2O3 ; c) propellant with
pellant with FAP and Fe2O3. FAP; d) propellant with FAP and Fe2O3.

To calculate Ek, lnðbTp2 Þ was plotted as a function of straight lines for each AP content. The slopes of the lines
Tp1 values obtained from the DTA curves. Several Kis- were determined and Ek was calculated by substituting
singer plots are shown in Fig. 8, and exhibited almost the slopes into Eq. (2). Figure 9 shows the influence of

62  2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2011, 36, 57 – 64
Burning Characteristics and Thermochemical Behavior of AP/HTPB Composite Propellant Using Coarse

Once Ek was determined, the values of pre-exponential

factor, A, were calculated with the equation:

bEk expðEk R1 Tp1 Þ

A¼ ð3Þ

The values of A of the propellant containing CAP with-

out and with Fe2O3 were 1.0  109–7.2  1014 min1 and
9.6  1010–1.6  1014 min1, respectively. The A values of
the propellant containing FAP without and with Fe2O3
were 7.9  107–6.3  1013 min1 and 1.1  109–1.1  1013
min1, respectively. The value of A did not depend on the
AP particle size, AP content, or Fe2O3 in this study.
As described in Section 3.1, the burning rate increased
with increasing AP content, and at a constant AP con-
tent, the burning rate of the propellant with FAP was
higher than that with CAP. Furthermore, the burning rate
of the propellant with Fe2O3 was about twice that without
Fe2O3. The self-quenched combustion began at both
Figure 8. Kissinger plots: a) propellant with CAP; b) propellant lower and higher pressures. The lower limit of AP content
with CAP and Fe2O3 ; c) propellant with FAP; d) propellant with to burn was dependent of the AP size and presence of
FAP and Fe2O3.
Fe2O3. In conclusion, the burning characteristics of the
AP/HTPB composite propellant greatly depended on the
AP content, AP size, pressure, and presence of Fe2O3.
For the AP/HTPB composite propellant, the decompo-
sition gases of AP and HTPB are produced at the burning
surface and the combustion of the propellant is sustained
by the burning of the decomposition gases. Therefore, the
decomposition behavior of the propellant should influ-
ence the burning characteristics.
Herein, an exhaustive experimental data set on the
thermal decomposition behavior of the AP/HTPB com-
posite propellant was obtained. However, the thermal de-
composition properties, such as Tp, Ek, and Eo, did not in-
fluence the burning characteristics, such as the burning
rate, fmin, or cfmin, within the limit of this study.
The burning rate was measured in the range of 0.5–
7 MPa, and the thermal decomposition behavior was in-
vestigated at atmospheric pressure. The heating rate of
TG–DTA was studied over the range of 1–20 K min1.
The thermal decomposition at the burning surface of a
propellant was more than 10000 times higher than that of
the TG–DTA heating rates. The thermal decomposition
Figure 9. Influence of AP content on Ek : a) propellant with behavior under rapid heating and high pressure should be
CAP; b) propellant with CAP and Fe2O3 ; c) propellant with investigated further to explore the relationship between
FAP; d) propellant with FAP and Fe2O3. the burning characteristics and thermal decomposition.

4 Conclusions
the AP content on Ek. The values of Ek for the propellant
with CAP and FAP were determined to be approximately The burning characteristics and thermal decomposition
150 and 130 kJ mol1, respectively. The Ek of the propel- behavior of the AP/HTPB composite propellant using
lant with CAP was larger than that of the propellant with coarse and fine AP particles with and without Fe2O3 at
FAP. These values depended on neither the AP content various AP contents were investigated. As the AP con-
nor the presence of Fe2O3. The Ek decreased with de- tent decreased, the burning rate decreased and the pro-
creasing AP size, but was influenced by the AP content pellants containing less than a certain AP content self-
and Fe2O3. quenched or did not ignite. The self-quenched combus-

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