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Predicted septuple-atomic-layer Janus MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers with

Rashba spin splitting and high electron carrier mobilities

San-Dong Guo1,2 , Wen-Qi Mu1 , Yu-Tong Zhu1 , Ru-Yue Han1 and Wen-Cai Ren3,4
School of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi’an 710121, China
Key Laboratary of Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Materials,
Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi’an 710121, China
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research,
Chinese Academy of Science, 110016 Shenyang, Liaoning, P. R. China and
arXiv:2011.13523v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 27 Nov 2020

School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China

Janus two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted much attention due to possessing unique
properties caused by their out-of-plane asymmetry, which have been achieved in many 2D families.
In this work, the Janus monolayers are predicted in new 2D MA2 Z4 family by means of first-
principles calculations, MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 of which have been synthesized in experiment(Science
369, 670-674 (2020)). The predicted MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers exhibit dynamic, ther-
modynamical and mechanical stability, and they are indirect band-gap semiconductors. The inclu-
sion of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) gives rise to the Rashba-type spin splitting, which is observed in
the valence bands, being different from common conduction bands. Calculated results show valley
polarization at the edge of the conduction bands due to SOC together with inversion symmetry
breaking. It is found that MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers have high electron mobilities.
Both in-plane and much weak out-of-plane piezoelectric polarizations can be observed, when a uni-
axial strain in the basal plane is applied. The values of piezoelectric strain coefficient d11 of the
Janus MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers fall between those of the MSi2 N4 (M=Mo and W) and
MGe2 N4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers, as expected. It is proved that strain can tune the positions
of valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM), and enhance the the
strength of conduction bands convergence caused by compressive strain. It is also found that tensile
biaxial strain can enhance d11 of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers, and the compressive strain
can improve the d31 (absolute values). Our predicted MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers as
derivatives of 2D MA2 Z4 family enrich Janus 2D materials, and can motivate related experimental

PACS numbers: 71.20.-b, 77.65.-j, 72.15.Jf, 78.67.-n

Keywords: Janus monolayers, Carrier mobility, Piezoelectronics

I. INTRODUCTION functionalizing silicene monolayer, Janus TMDs, Janus

transition-metal oxides, PtSSe, TiXY (X/Y=S, Se and
Te), VSSe, SnSSe and Janus group-III monochalcogenide
The exploration of graphene1 enormously promotes M2 XY (M=Ga, In; X/Y=S, Se, Te)18–26 . Recently,
the search for new 2D materials both in experiment Janus monolayer MoSSe has been successfully achieved
and in theory, which have potential applications in the by different experimental strategies5,27 with additional
field of optoelectronics, spintronics, valleytronics and out-of-plane piezoelectric coefficient28,29 .
energy conversion and storage. Numerous 2D materi-
als have been found, including transition metal chalco- Recently, by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), the
genides (TMDs), group-VA, group IV-VI, group-IV, septuple-atomic-layer 2D MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 have
transition metal carbides/nitrides (Mxenes), Cr2 Ge2 Te6 , been synthesized30 , which opens up a new 2D material
Mn2 C6 Se12 and Mn2 C6 S6 Se6 monolayers2–13 . The family. The density functional theory (DFT) calculations
unique crystal structure together with strong SOC predict many similar 2D materials with a general for-
in monolayer TMDs demonstrates coupled spin-valley mula of MA2 Z4 , where M represents an early transition
physics14 , and the buckled honeycomb structure plus metal (W, V, Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, Hf, or Cr), A is Si or Ge,
strong SOC can give rise to quantum spin Hall (QSH) and Z stands for N, P, or As30 . In quick succession, by
and quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effects in a partic- intercalating MoS2 -type MZ2 monolayer into InSe-type
ular type of 2D Xene15,16 . An emerging class of 2D ma- A2 Z2 monolayer, twelve kinds of 2D family MA2 Z4 are
terials (Janus 2D materials) have currently attracted in- proposed with αi and βi (i=1 to 6) phases with diverse
creasing attention due to unique crystal structures, which properties from semiconductor to topological insulator
lack the reflection symmetry with respect to the cen- to Ising superconductor31 . Intrinsic piezoelectricity in
tral atomic layer17 . In these 2D Janus materials, the monolayer MSi2 N4 (M=Mo, W, Cr, Ti, Zr and Hf) has
strong Rashba spin splitting, second harmonic gener- been predicted by the first-principle calculations32 . It
ation response and out-of-plane piezoelectric polariza- is also predicted that the strain can effectively tune the
tions can be achieved17 . Many Janus 2D materials have electronic properties of VSi2 P4 monolayer, and it under-
been proposed, such as Janus graphene, asymmetrically goes ferromagnetic metal (FMM) to spin-gapless semi-

FIG. 1. (Color online) The top view (a) and side view (b) crystal structure of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayer. The
rhombus primitive cell and the rectangle supercell are marked by black and green lines.

Mo W TABLE I. For MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers, the
  lattice constants a0 (Å), the gaps with GGA and GGA+SOC
Frequency H9

Frequency H9

(eV), and Rashba energy (meV).

Name a0 Gap Gap-SOC ER
MoSiGeN4 2.963 1.116 1.126 0.8
WSiGeN4 2.964 1.428 1.408 4.2

monolayers, along with strain effects on their electronic

. ī 0 .

. ī 0 .
structures and piezoelectric properties. Finally, we shall
give our discussion and conclusions.
FIG. 2. (Color online) The phonon band dispersions of
MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W).

conductor (SGS) to ferromagnetic semiconductor (FMS) We perform DFT36 calculations for structural relax-
to SGS to ferromagnetic half-metal (FMHM) with in- ation and electronic structures by using the Perdew-
creasing strain33 . The valley-dependent properties of Burke-Ernzerhof generalized gradient approximation
monolayer MoSi2 N4 , WSi2 N4 and MoSi2 As4 have been (PBE-GGA) for the exchange and correlation function,
studied by the DFT calculations34,35 . as implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation pack-
It’s a natural idea to achieve Janus 2D materials in age (VASP)37–40 . To describe the electron-ion inter-
the new septuple-atomic-layer 2D MA2 Z4 family. In action, we use the projector augmented wave (PAW)
this work, inspiring from the already synthesized MSi2 N4 method. For energy band calculations of MSiGeN4
(M=Mo and W) by introducing Si during CVD growth (M=Mo and W) monolayers, the SOC is also taken into
of M2 N (M=Mo and W)30 , we construct the MSiGeN4 account. A cutoff energy of 500 eV for the plane wave
(M=Mo and W) monolayers, which may be achieved basis set is used to ensure an accurate DFT calculations.
by introducing Si and Ge during CVD growth of M2 N For the convergence of electronic self-consistent calcula-
(M=Mo and W). Their electronic structures, carrier mo- tions, the total energy convergence criterion is set to 10−8
bilities and piezoelectric properties have been investi- eV, and the Hellmann-Feynman forces on each atom are
gated, and show distinct Rashba spin splitting and out- less than 0.0001 eV.Å . A vacuum spacing of more than
of-plane piezoelectric polarizations compared to MSi2 N4 32 Å is adopted to decouple the spurious interaction be-
(M=Mo and W) monolayers32. It is found that the strain tween the layers.
can effectively tune the electronic structures and piezo- The coefficients of the elastic stiffness tensor Cij and
electric properties of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) mono- piezoelectric stress coefficients eij are calculated by us-
layers. ing strain-stress relationship (SSR) and density func-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the tional perturbation theory (DFPT) method41 , respec-
next section, we shall give our computational details and tively. The Brillouin zone sampling is done using a
methods. In the next few sections, we shall present struc- Monkhorst-Pack mesh of 16×16×1 for Cij , and 9×16×1
tural stabilities, electronic structures, carrier mobilities for eij . The 2D elastic coefficients Cij and piezoelec-
and piezoelectric properties of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) tric stress coefficients eij have been renormalized by the


The top view and side view of crystal structure of
Energy H9

Energy H9
MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers are shown in Fig-
  ure 1, and the rhombus primitive cell and the rectan-
GGA GGA+SOC gle supercell are shown. The structure of monolayer
 Mo  Mo MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) could be regarded as a MN2
layer sandwiched by Si-N and Ge-N bilayers, which can
í í be constructed by replacing the Si/Ge atoms of top
SiN/GeN bilayer in MSi2 N4 / MGe2 N4 monolayer with
í í Ge/N atoms. If the Si-N or Ge-N bilayers is considered
. ī 0 . . ī 0 .
as a whole, the MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers
can be viewed as Janus 2D materials. The symmetry of
MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers (No.156) is lower
Energy H9

Energy H9

than that of the MSi2 N4 / MGe2 N4 monolayer (No.187)

due to the lack of the reflection symmetry with respect
GGA GGA+SOC to the central M atomic layer. The reduced symmetry
 W  W can lead to many novel properties, such as Rashba spin
splitting and out-of-plane piezoelectric polarizations.
í í
The optimized lattice constants of
MoSiGeN4 /WSiGeN4 is a=b=2.963/2.964 Å with GGA,
í í being between the ones of MoSi2 N4 (2.91 Å)/WSi2 N4
. ī 0 . . ī 0 . (2.91 Å) and MoGe2 N4 (3.02 Å)/ WGe2 N4 (3.02 Å)30,31 .
The dynamical stability of the MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and
FIG. 3. (Color online) The energy band structures of W) monolayers are tested by analyzing the phonon
MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) using GGA and GGA+SOC.
spectra. Their phonon band dispersions calculated along
the high-symmetry directions of the Brillouin zone are
shown in Figure 2. The 18 optical and 3 acoustical
phonon branches as a total of 21 branches due to 7
-0.230 -0.230 atoms per cell are observed. It is clearly seen that the
ER outlines of phonon band dispersions between MoSiGeN4
-0.235 -0.235
and WSiGeN4 are very similar. It is noted that the
out-of-plane acoustic (ZA) branch corresponding to the
-0.240 -0.240

out-of-plane vibrations deviates from linearity, which
-0.245 W -0.245
agrees well with the conclusion that the ZA phonon
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)

-0.250 -0.250 branch should have quadratic dispersion, when the
sheet is free of stress44,45 . All phonon frequencies of
-0.255 -0.255
the MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers are positive,
-0.260 -0.260 which confirms their dynamical stability, and they can
exist as free-standing 2D materials.
-0.265 -0.265
It is important to check the mechanical stability of
-0.270 -0.270 the MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers by elas-
tic constants Cij . The hexagonal symmetry leads
to two independent elastic constants C11 and C12 for
FIG. 4. (Color online) The enlarged view of the valence bands
MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers. The calculated
near the Fermi level for MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers
using GGA (Left) and GGA+SOC (Right). C11 =C22 =486.71 Nm−1 /508.27 Nm−1 and C12 =144.14
Nm−1 /147.21 Nm−1 for MoSiGeN4 /WSiGeN4 mono-
layer. For hexagonal symmetry, the mechanical stability
of a material should satisfy the Born criteria of mechan-
ical stability46 :
2D 3D C11 > 0, C66 > 0 (1)
length of unit cell along z direction (Lz): Cij =LzCij
2D 3D
and eij =Lzeij . The phonon dispersion spectrums are where the C66 =(C11 -C12 )/2. The calculated Cij confirm
calculated by Phonopy code42 with a supercell of 5×5×1 the mechanical stability of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W)
using the finite displacement method, and a 3×3×1 k- monolayers. The Young’s modulus C2D (θ) can be calcu-
mesh is employed. The kinetic energy cutoff is set to 500 lated on the basis of the elastic constants47 :
eV. The constant energy contour plots of the spin texture 2
C11 C22 − C12
are calculated by the PYPROCAR code43 . C2D (θ) = (2)
C11 sin4 θ + Asin2 θcos2 θ + C22 cos4 θ

FIG. 5. (Color online) Spin texture calculated in a kx − ky plane centered at the Γ point and at an energy surface of -0.25
(-0.24) eV below the Fermi level for MoSiGeN4 [Top] (WSiGeN4 [Bottom]) monolayer. The red and blue colours show spin-up
and spin-down states, respectively.

where A = (C11 C22 − C12 )/C66 − 2C12 . It is worth thesized in experiment30 . If the Si and Ge are simulta-
noting that MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers neously introduced during CVD growth of M2 N (M=Mo
are mechanically isotropic. The calculated C2D is and W) to passivate its surface, it is possible to achieve
444.02 Nm−1 /465.63 Nm−1 for MoSiGeN4 /WSiGeN4 MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers.
monolayer, which are larger than ones of most 2D
materials48–51 , indicating that these monolayers are rigid.
The Poisson’s ratio ν(θ) is also isotropic, and can be at- IV. ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE
tained by:
C12 Due to containing transition metal in MSiGeN4
ν 2D = (3) (M=Mo and W) monolayers, the SOC is also taken into
account. In fact, it has been proved that the SOC
The calculated ν is 0.296/0.290 for MoSiGeN4 /WSiGeN4 has important effects on electronic structures of mono-
monolayer. layer MSi2 N4 (M=Mo and W), which exhibit rich spin-
To verify the stability of the MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and valley physics31,34,35 . Therefore, the SOC is considered
W) monolayers at room temperature, ab initio molecular for electronic structure calculations of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo
dynamics (AIMD) simulations are carried out with a su- and W) monolayers, and their energy band structures
percell of size 4×4×1 for more than 3000 fs with a time with both GGA and GGA+SOC are plotted in Figure 3.
step of 1 fs. The total energy fluctuations of MSiGeN4 Both GGA and GGA+SOC results show that MSiGeN4
(M=Mo and W) monolayers as a function of simulation (M=Mo and W) monolayers are indirect gap semiconduc-
time together with crystal structures at 300 K after the tors with the CBM at K point. To accurately determine
simulation for 3 ps are shown in FIG.1 of ESI. Calcu- VBM, the enlarged views of the valence bands near the
lated results show no obvious structural disruption with Fermi level for MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers us-
the total energy fluctuates being small after 3 ps at 300 ing GGA and GGA+SOC are plotted in Figure 4. For
K, which proves that MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) mono- GGA results, the valence bands of MoSiGeN4 around the
layers are thermodynamically stable. Γ point near the Fermi level are flat with the error less
The dynamical, thermal and mechanical stability of than 1 meV, and the VBM of WSiGeN4 deviates slightly
the MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers are proved by the Γ point. Due to the intrinsic out-of-plane electric field
phonon calculations, AIMD and elastic constants, sug- induced by the mirror asymmetry, the Rashba-type spin
gesting the possible synthesis of these monolayers. By splitting around the Γ point is observed, when the SOC
introducing Si during CVD growth of M2 N (M=Mo and is included. This gives rise to the deviation of VBM of
W), monolayer MSi2 N4 (M=Mo and W) have been syn- MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers with GGA+SOC.



-3.82 Slope=-4.064


-5.48 Slope=4.168


-0.010 -0.005 0.000 0.005 0.010 -0.010 -0.005 0.000 0.005 0.010

x/x x/x
0 0


-3.82 Slope=-3.746



-5.48 Slope=3.83


-3.88 -5.50

-0.010 -0.005 0.000 0.005 0.010 -0.010 -0.005 0.000 0.005 0.010
y/y y/y
0 0

FIG. 6. (Color online) The band energies of the VBM and CBM of WSiGeN4 monolayer with respect to the vacuum energy as
a function of lattice dilation along both x and y directions using GGA+SOC. The red solid lines are linear fitting curves with
fitted slopes as the DP constant.


Energy H9

Energy H9

Energy H9

Energy H9

Energy H9

 0.90  0.92  0.94  0.96  0.98

í í í í í

í í í í í

. ī 0 . . ī 0 . . ī 0 . . ī 0 . . ī 0 .

Energy H9

Energy H9

Energy H9

Energy H9

Energy H9


 1.02  1.04  1.06  1.08  1.10

í í í í í

í í í í í

. ī 0 . . ī 0 . . ī 0 . . ī 0 . . ī 0 .

FIG. 7. (Color online) The energy band structures of WSiGeN4 monolayer using GGA+SOC with a/a0 changing from 0.90 to

It is found that the gap values of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and fully spin-polarized in the out-of-plane direction (only SZ
W) monolayers between GGA and GGA+SOC are very component), which is confirmed by our calculated results
close, and the related data are summarized in Table I. with FIG.2 of ESI being only SZ component. MSiGeN4
(M=Mo and W) monolayers have conduction band val-
From FIG.2 of ESI, the Zeeman-type spin splitting leys at K and K1. Although the VBM is not at the
around K/K1 point (the degenerate K and K1 valleys K/K1, the valleys are still well defined and not far in en-
) in the valence bands near the Fermi level is observed ergy. The similar results can be observed in monolayer
due to SOC together with inversion symmetry breaking. MoSi2 N4 , WSi2 N4 and MoSi2 As4 34,35 .
The respective time-reversal symmetry requires that the
spin splitting must be opposite at the two distinct val- The constant energy 2D contour plots of spin texture
leys, which can be observed from FIG.2 of ESI. Moreover, calculated in a kx − ky plane centered at the Γ point are
due to the existence of the horizontal mirror, they are shown in Figure 5. The Rashba-type spin splitting of

3.0 calculated effective masses for electrons and holes of

MoSiGeN4 MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers with GGA+SOC
2.5 WSiGeN4 are shown in Table II. It is worth noting that the SOC
2.0 has very important effects on the effective masses for

holes due to different energy structures between GGA

1.5 and GGA+SOC in Figure 4. The band energies of the

VBM and CBM with respect to the vacuum energy as a

1.0 function of ∆x/x and ∆y/y are plotted in Figure 6 for
WSiGeN4 monolayer, and FIG.3 of ESI for MoSiGeN4
monolayer. By linearly fitting these energy values, the
0.0 DP constant El can be attained. The carrier mobilities
0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10 of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers for the elec-
trons and holes along x and y directions are attained on
FIG. 8. (Color online) The energy band gaps of MSiGeN4 the basis of the calculated m∗ , C2D and El . The re-
(M=Mo and W) monolayers as a function of a/a0 (0.90-1.10) lated data are summarized in Table II. The very strong
by using GGA+SOC. anisotropy of predicted carrier mobilities between elec-
trons and holes is observed, and the electron carrier mo-
bilities of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayer are very
spin-up (red) and spin-down (blue) electronic bands can higher than those of holes. The electron carrier mobil-
be distinctly observed. The 2D Rashba spin splitting of ities of MoSiGeN4 (WSiGeN4 ) along x and y directions
valence bands gives rise to the concentric spin-texture are up to 5205 cm2 V−1 s−1 (7047 cm2 V−1 s−1 ) and 6573
circles with clockwise and counterclockwise rotating spin cm2 V−1 s−1 (8768 cm2 V−1 s−1 ).
directions, respectively. The concentric spin-texture cir- Next, we investigate the piezoelectric properties of
cles are due to the pure 2D Rashba spin splitting in the MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers. Performing sym-
valence bands. It is found that only in-plane SX and metry analysis, due to a 3m point-group symmetry, the
SY spin components are present in the Rashba spin split piezoelectric stress and strain tensors, and elastic tensor
bands, without the presence of any out-of-plane SZ com- can be reduced into48 :
ponent, which is also proved from FIG.2 of ESI. The  
strength of the Rashba effect can be measured by three e11 −e11 0
key parameters: the Rashba energy (ER ), the Rashba e= 0

0 −e11 

momentum (k0 ), and the Rashba constant (αR ), and
e31 e31 0
they can be connected by αR =2ER /k0 . The ER and
k0 are shown in Figure 4. We find that ER , k0 and
αR of MoSiGeN4 /WSiGeN4 monolayer are 0.8/4.2 meV,
 
−1 d11 −d11 0
0.048/0.076 Å , and 0.033/0.111 eVÅ. d= 0

0 −2d11 

d31 d31 0
C11 C12 0
C =  C12 C11 0 (7)
 
The carrier mobilities (µ2D ) of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and 
W) monolayers are calculated by the deformation poten- 0 0 (C11 − C12 )/2
tial (DP) theory proposed by Bardeen and Shockley52 ,
Here, the independent d11 and d31 are derived by eik =
which is defined as:
dij Cjk :
eh̄3 C2D e11 e31
µ2D = (4) d11 = and d31 = (8)
KB T m∗ md El2 C11 − C12 C11 + C12
where T , m∗ is temperature and the effective mass in the For eij , the orthorhombic supercell of MSiGeN4

transport direction, and md = mx my is the average (M=Mo and W) monolayers (in Figure 1) is adopted, and
effective mass. The elastic modulus C2D can be attained the calculated eij and dij are summarized in Table III,
from Cij . In addition, El is the DP constant defined by along with ones of MA2 N4 (M=Mo and W; A=Si and
El = ∆E/δ , where ∆E is the energy shift of the band Ge) monolayer. With respect to the central M atomic
edge of CBM or VBM with respect to the vacuum level, plane, the MA2 N4 (M=Mo and W; A=Si and Ge) mono-
and δ = ∆l/l0 with applying uniaxial strain. layer possess a reflection symmetry due to D3h symmetry,
According to DP theory, we calculate the carrier mo- which leads to that they have only in-plane piezoelectric-
bilities of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers in both ity. For MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers, the dif-
zigzag and armchair directions with armchair and zigzag ference in atomic sizes and electronegativities of the sec-
being defined as x and y directions in Figure 1. The ond and sixth layer atoms breaks the reflection symmetry

TABLE II. For MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers, elastic modulus (C2D ) using GGA, effective mass (m∗ ) and deformation
potential (El ) using GGA+SOC, carrier mobility (µ2D ) at 300 K.
Carrier type C2D (Nm−1 ) m∗ El (eV) µ2D (cm2 V−1 s−1 )
Electrons x 444.02 0.41 -3.37 5205.14
MoSiGeN4 y 444.02 0.38 -3.13 6573.25
Holes x 444.02 -10.66 3.56 6.56
y 444.02 -10.67 3.39 7.22
Electrons x 465.63 0.30 -4.06 7046.80
WSiGeN4 y 465.63 0.28 -3.75 8767.94
Holes x 465.63 -8.73 4.17 19.45
y 465.63 -1.29 3.83 155.43

TABLE III. Piezoelectric coefficients e11 (d11 ) and e31 (d31 ) of C 11

MSiGeN4 , MSi2 N4 and MGe2 N4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers, 800 C 12

and the unit is 10−10 C/m (pm/V).

Name e11 d11 e31 d31
MoSi2 N4 4.395 1.144 - -

MoSiGeN4 5.116 1.494 -0.087 -0.014
MoGe2 N4 5.621 1.846 - - 200

WSi2 N4 3.138 0.778 - -

WSiGeN4 3.790 1.050 0.073 0.011
0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10
WGe2 N4 4.218 1.306 - - 1200
C11 − C12
1000 C11 + C12
along the vertical direction, giving rise to a low degree 800

of 3m symmetry. Therefore, both in-plane and vertical

piezoelectricity are allowed in MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) 600

monolayers, when they are subject to a uniaxial in-plane 400

strain. It is clearly seen that both e11 and d11 increase
with increasing atomic mass from MSi2 N4 (M=Mo and 200
W) to MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) to MGe2 N4 (M=Mo
and W). It is found that the MoSiGeN4 and MoA2 N4 0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10
(A=Si and Ge) monolayers have higher e11 /d11 values
than WSiGeN4 and WA2 N4 (A=Si and Ge) monolayers. FIG. 9. (Color online) For monolayer WSiGeN4 , the elastic
For a given metal element M, the monolayers containing constants Cij with the application of biaxial strain (0.90 to
heavier column IV element have larger e11 /d11 values. 1.10).
More significantly, the MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) mono-
layers possess the vertical piezoelectric effect, which can
be described by e31 /d31 . However, they are smaller by
two orders of magnitude compared to e11 /d11 . Similar unstrained lattice constant with a/a0 <1 (a/a0 >1) be-
phenomenon can be observed in Janus MXY (M = Mo ing compressive (tensile) strain, The energy band struc-
or W, X/Y = S, Se, or Te) monolayer48. tures of WSiGeN4 with a/a0 from 0.90 to 1.10 are plotted
in Figure 7, and the related energy band structures are
shown in FIG.4 of ESI for MoSiGeN4 . The energy band
gaps of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers as a func-
VI. STRAIN EFFECTS tion of a/a0 are shown in Figure 8. It is found that the en-
ergy band gap of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers
It has been proved that the electronic structures, topo- firstly increases with increasing a/a0 , and then decreases.
logical properties, transport and piezoelectric properties The up-and down trend of gap can also be observed in
of 2D materials can be effectively tuned by strain53–59 . many 2D materials, like Janus TMD monolayers60 and
Here, we use a/a0 to examine the effects of biaxial strain GeS61 . The compressive strain can make conduction
on the electronic structures of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and band extrema (CBE) of WSiGeN4 monolayer converge,
W) monolayers, where a and a0 are the strained and especially for 0.96 and 0.98 strains. The conduction

16 10

e 11 8

11  SP9
12 e 31 6

8 2


0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10


31  SP9

0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10 0.00
e −0.05



10 −0.10
0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10


6 FIG. 11. (Color online) For monolayer WSiGeN4 , the piezo-

electric strain coefficients d11 and d31 with the application of
eij − e

biaxial strain (0.90 to 1.10).


−2 and C11 +C12 ), piezoelectric stress coefficients (e11 and

0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10 e31 along the ionic and electronic contributions), and
4 e piezoelectric strain coefficients (d11 and d31 ) of mono-

e layer WSiGeN4 as a function of biaxial strain are plotted


2 31
in Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11, respectively. For
0 MoSiGeN4 , these are shown in FIG.5, FIG.6 and FIG.7

−2 of ESI, respectively. With strain from 0.90 to 1.10, the


d11 increases due to decreased C11 -C12 and enhanced e11

based on Equation 8. At 10% strain, the d11 of WSiGeN4
eij − i

−6 (MoSiGeN4 ) is 7.282 pm/V (8.081 pm/V), which is about

seven times (five times) as large as unstrained one of
1.050 pm/V (1.494 pm/V). It is found that both ionic and
0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10
electronic parts have positive contribution to e11 with in-
creasing tensile strain. Similar biaxial strain-enhanced
FIG. 10. (Color online) For monolayer WSiGeN4 , the piezo- d11 can be observed in monolayer MoSi2 N4 , g-C3 N4 and
electric stress coefficients e11 and e31 along with the ionic MoS2 32,62 . It is observed that the compressive strain can
contribution and electronic contribution to e11 and e31 with improve the d31 (absolute value) of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo
the application of biaxial strain (0.90 to 1.10). and W) monolayers due to enhanced e31 (absolute value),
and the d31 can be improved to 0.082 pm/V (-0.086
pm/V) for WSiGeN4 (MoSiGeN4 ) at 0.90 strain. Finally,
it is found that theMSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolay-
bands convergence is in favour of n-type Seebeck coeffi-
ers are mechanically stable in the considered strain range,
cient. The compressive strain can make K point become
based on calculated elastic constants satisfying the me-
VBM, which is very useful for manipulating valley pseu-
chanical stability criteria.
dospin. The compressive strain produces another effect
that the CBM changes from K point to one point along
K-Γ line. Similar strain effects on electronic structures
of MoSiGeN4 can be found. It is noted that MSiGeN4 VII. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION
(M=Mo and W) monolayers in considered strain range
are all semiconductors, which is useful for their piezoelec- The MSi2 N4 (M = Mo, W) monolayers have been re-
tric application with strain. cently synthesized, which are grown by passivating the
The piezoelectric strain coefficients of MSiGeN4 surface dangling bonds of MN2 (M = Mo, W) layer with
(M=Mo and W) monolayers are very small, and strain Si-N tetrahedra when introducing elemental Si30 . Thus,
engineering may be an effective way to enhance their it is possible to achieve Janus MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W)
piezoelectric properties. Next, we consider the strain ef- monolayers by simultaneously introducing Si and Ge ele-
fects on piezoelectric properties of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and ments during CVD growth of nonlayered MN2 (M = Mo,
W) monolayers. The elastic constants (C11 , C12 , C11 -C12 W) to passivate its surface. Compared to MSi2 N4 (M

= Mo, W) monolayers, the most important difference is Calculated results show that compressive strain can
that Janus MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers have change the positions of CBM and VBM of MSiGeN4
out-of-plane piezoelectric polarization and Rashba effect (M=Mo and W) monolayers, and tune the strength of
due to their out-of-plane asymmetry. Although their out- conduction bands convergence. It is also found that
of-plane piezoelectric polarization and Rashba effect are biaxial strain can enhance d11 [d31 (absolute values)]
very weak, our works open a new avenue to achieve Janus of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers by tensile
materials in the new 2D MA2 Z4 family. [compressive] strain. Our works will stimulate further
In summary, we investigate the electronic structures, experimental studies to achieve MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and
carrier mobilities, piezoelectric properties of MSiGeN4 W) monolayers, and will motivate farther exploration
(M=Mo and W) monolayers by the reliable first-principle on Janus monolayers in new 2D MA2 Z4 family.
calculations. They are found to exhibit mechanical,
thermodynamical and dynamic stability, and high ex- Conflicts of interest
perimental feasibility. It is found that MSiGeN4 (M=Mo There are no conflicts to declare.
and W) monolayers are indirect gap semiconductors.
When the SOC is considered, the Rashba effect can be
observed in the valence bands of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and
W) monolayers. Their electron mobilities are very high ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
due to very light electron effective masses. The e11 /d11
of MSiGeN4 (M=Mo and W) monolayers can be induced This work is supported by the Natural Science Foun-
by a uniaxial strain in the basal plane, similar to MSi2 N4 dation of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education
(M = Mo, W) monolayers. In addition to this, a vertical (19JK0809). We are grateful to the Advanced Analysis
piezoelectric polarization e31 /d31 can be produced upon and Computation Center of China University of Mining
application of uniaxial or biaxial strains due to the lack and Technology (CUMT) for the award of CPU hours
of reflection symmetry with respect to M atomic layer. and WIEN2k/VASP software to accomplish this work.

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