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Written Test Name:______________________

V.I Form:_____________________
Nr. Item Score
I. Answer the questions: A
1. Who are your family members? _____________________________________________ 0
2. Who do you look like? ____________________________________________________
3. Why is it important to have a family tradition? _________________________________ 3
II. Write when these children were born: A
Mike,14 May,1989 Nick,23 June,2009 Ben,19 March,2012 Alina,5 July,2021 0
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 1
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 2
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 3
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 4
III. Choose the right variant: A
Alice is walking …………(in/along/by) the street having in her hand 0
…………(much/few/many) flowers. A lot of cars are passing by. Suddenly she sees a cat 1
in the tree and a small boy near …………..(a/the/an) tree trying to get down the cat. He 2
looks so ……….(help/helpful/helpless) and the girl decides to help him. Quickly she goes
to the shop and buys …………..(few/many/little) milk, …………(much/few/many) bread 5
and ………………..(much/few/little) sausages. The cat sees all these and came down very 6
quickly. So the boy is very …………(thankful/ thanks/thankless) for her help. 7 8
IV. Read the text and answer the questions: A
If you want to have a really quiet and healthy life, you must go and stay in the country. 0
Amanda’s grandparents live in Islip, a beautiful village on the River Bay. They are farmers. 1
A farmer’s life, though healthy, is not an easy one. There is always a lot of work to do there. 2
So I always help them in the garden and with their animals. Helping them makes the time to 3
fly very quickly and I am getting all the attention from them.
1. Where should you go for a peaceful time? _____________________________
2. How is a farmer’s life? __________________________________________
3. Why does Amanda like to help her grandparents ?________________________

V. Write the antonyms of the words from the text: A

agitate absence 0
ill slowly 1 2
3 4
VI. Write the Past form of the verbs: A
Tim Glynn is a student in Boston. He…………….. (come) home for Thanksgiving last 01
Wednesday. When he ………….(arrive) at the station, his brother Alex was waiting for 2
him. They …………….. (take) a taxi and in forty minutes …………….. (get) home. At 3
home mother was making a pumpkin pie. His father was preparing the turkey. Diana, his
sister ……………….. (make) cranberry sauce. Tim………………… (feel) very happy to 6
join his family.
VII. Write a description of one of your family members in 10 sentences: A
________________________________________________________________________ 0
________________________________________________________________________ 2
________________________________________________________________________ 3
________________________________________________________________________ 4
________________________________________________________________________ 6
________________________________________________________________________ 7
________________________________________________________________________ 8
Written Test Name:______________________
V.II Date:_______________________
N Item Sc Form:_____________________
r. or
I. Answer the questions: A
1. How many grandparents have you got? 0
2. Who do you look like? 3
3. Why is it important to have a family tradition?
II Write when these children were born: A
. Alina,16 May,1999 Mary,25 June,2010 0
Sam,9 March,2022
________________ ________________ ________________ 1
________________ ________________ ________________ 2
________________ ________________ ________________ 3
________________ ________________ ________________ 4
II Choose the right variant: A
I. Fred likes very …………..(much/many/few) to travel. 0
Last year he was in …………..(little/many/much) 1
countries but unfortunately he saw few places in these 2
countries. One interesting moment he is remembering
about his visit in the USA. He met ……………. 5
(much/many/little) people who were very ………… 6
(careless/care/careful) about the pandemic and he 7
didn’t understand why. While he was travelling he tried 8
to be very …………..(help/helpless/helpful) for
doctors. So with ………(much/few/little) equipment he
started to motivate people to be more ……………
(care/careful/careless) about their health. He spend
much time ………..(on/in/at) doing different spots that
promote the hygiene and healthy lifestyle.
I Read the text and answer the questions: A
V I love my grandparents for many reasons. One of them 0
. is that my grandpa has to look after his horses and the 1
stables. He milks the cows and cleans the cowsheds. He 2
has to take great care of the young animals, the kids, the 3
lambs and the calves. Granny has to feed the goats and
sheep and fatten the pigs. Amanda likes to watch the
piglets in their pigsty and the lambs and kids playing in
the sheep-pen. She likes to go round the hen-houses and
collect the eggs. She feeds the hens, the ducks, the
turkeys and the geese three times a day.
1. What does grandpa do at the farm?
2. Why is granny very busy at the farm?
3. What does Amanda like to do at her grandparents’ farm ?______________________

V. Write the antonyms of the words from the text: A

flat ignore 0
dirty hate 1 2
3 4
VI. Write the Past form of the verbs: A
Little John ………………(go) to a musical contest. He…………. (play) very well and 01
………………..(win) the contest. The sheriff ……………(give) him gold and a silver arrow. 2
“This is the best bowman I ever saw,” the sheriff ……………..(think). “Young man,” 3
he………..(say) to Little John. “What is your name?”
5 6
VII. Write a description of one of your family members in 10 sentences: A
________________________________________________________________________ 0
________________________________________________________________________ 2
________________________________________________________________________ 3
________________________________________________________________________ 4
________________________________________________________________________ 6 7
________________________________________________________________________ 8 9 10

Scopul: Scopul evaluării este de verificarea cunoștințelor a materiei studiate de la a doua unitate.


 Competenţa comunicativă: Receptarea mesajelor scrise

 Competenţa comunicativă şi pragmatică: Producerea mesajelor scrise şi interacţiunea
Unitați de competențe

 Distingerea/identificarea tipului de text şi scopul acestuia.

 Deducerea ideii principale şi exprimarea ei într-un enunţ.
 Compararea şi contrastarea vocabularului specific, a structurilor
gramaticale, expresiilor idiomatice din punctul de vedere al corespunderii lor în ambele limbi.
 Decodarea semnificaţiei unor elemente de vocabular nefamiliale, din context, prin asocieri sau folosind materiale de referinţă.
 Desprinderea sensului global/a ideilor esenţiale din text pe baza unor întrebări de sprijin.
 Scrierea unei compuneri informative pentru a prezenta opinii şi puncte de vedere în baza unei teme date cu introducere, conţinut şi

Unit II ore Cunoaștere Aplicare Autocunoaștere și sinteză Total

Lesson I 1 3% 5% 3% 11%
(1 item) (1 item)
Lesson II 1 3% 4% 3% 10%
(1 item)
Lesson III 1 4% 5% 4% 13%
(1 item)
Lesson IV 1 4% 4% 4% 12%
(1 item) (1 item)
Lesson V 1 3% 4% 3% 10%
(1 item)
Lesson VI 1 3% 5% 3% 11%

Lesson VII 1 3% 4% 3% 10%

Lesson VIII 1 4% 5% 4% 13%
Lesson IX 1 3% 4% 3% 10%
9 30% 40% 30% 100%


1. To answer the questions using the vocabulary of the unit two.

2. To write the date using the right form.
3. To choose the right form of the words from the brakets.
4. To understand the text in order to give the right answers for the given questions.
5. To write the right antonym of the given word.
6. To write a coherent text about the environment in 10 sentences.
Baremul de corectare

1. Pupils write answers on the given questions according to their opinion.

2. Mike/Nick/Alina/Ben was born on the Alina/Mary/Sam/Arina was born on the………of……
3. Along/many/the/helpless/little/much/few/thankful Much/many/many/careless/helpful/little/careful/in
4. The children answer the questions according to the text.
5. Agitate-quiet, ill-healthy, absence-attention, slowly- Flat-house, dirty-clean, ignore-take care, hate-love/like
6. Came, arrived, took, got, made, felt Went, played, won, gave, thought, said

7. Introduction -1p
8 sentences-4p
9 sentences-5p
10 sentences-6p
No mistakes-1p
Convertirea punctelor în note:

nota 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
puncte 38-37 36-34 33-28 27-22 21-16 15-9 8-5 4-3 2-1 0

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