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Name:____________________________, date:__________________, form:_____________

Written Test
Nr. Item Score
I. Answer the questions: A
1. What is your favorite season?____________________________________ 0
2. What is your favorite animal? ________________________________________ 2
3. Where can people relax? __________________________________
II. Match the words to their definitions: A
1. nature a) A piece of furniture where people can relax 0
2. ribbon b) a place where people can relax 1
3. bench c)a beautiful bird that usually is white or black
4. swan d)a colourful thing that is used to decorate rooms 4
III. Write the right Question word: Who or What A
1.______________________ have you got in your bag? 0
2._______________________ swims in the lake? 1
3._______________________ gathers food before winter comes? 2
4. _______________________buys T-shirts and sunglasses in summer?
5._______________________ enjoys to swim in the sea in summer? 5
IV. Read the text and answer the questions: A
We all need water. The problem is there is often too much or too little. And there are 0
other problems when it rains a lot the level of the rivers rises. The water runs over the banks. 1
People drown. Their cars and houses were ruined. Animals drown, too. Many big cities in 2
Asia, Latin America, and Europe often have floods(inundații).
Sometimes it doesn’t rain for a long time. Plants die. Animals die, too. People have no
food. Many countries in Africa have problems with droughts(secetă). Every year these
droughts get worse and worse.
1.What do we all need? ___________________________________________________
2.What is the problem when it rains a lot?_____________________________________
3.Why do animals/plants die?__________________________________________________
4.With what do many countries from Africa have problems?__________________________
V. Write the right form of the verbs: A
1. Meg …………………….(to be) older than Ben. 0
2. He …………… …………….. (go/must/learn) recycle the rubbish. 1
3. She …………. ……………. (spend) much of time with her parents every day. 2
4. They …………………. ………………. (shouldn’t/must) throw a book.
VI. Fill in the right words: kill, always, control, water, many, are A
Industry …………pollutes water with chemicals. Some farmers use too ………chemicals. 012
These enter the rivers and lakes. They………. the plants and fish. The world is getting 34
warmer, so ……….levels are rising. Climates ……….changing. Some countries are 56
becoming hotter and drier. This affects agriculture. People want to ……….global warming,
but they can’t agree about the best solutions
VII. Write a letter to your friend and tell them about your favorite animal: 8-10 sentences A
01 2
3 4
5 6
7 89
Name:____________________________, date:__________________, form:_____________
Written Test
Nr. Item Score
I. Answer the questions: A
1. What is your favorite month?____________________________________ 0
2. What is your favorite animal? ________________________________________ 2
3. Where can people relax? __________________________________
II. Match the words to their definitions: A
1. dry a) it is a period of time when animals sleep a lot 0
2. hibernation b) a place with a lot of water 1
3. bison c) a period without water
4. pond d) an animal that is the symbol of Moldova 4
III. Write the right Question word: Who or What A
1.______________________ is it? Is it a game? 0
2._______________________ wears this coat? 1
3._______________________ is her name? 2
4. _______________________speaks English in your family?
5._______________________ flies in the air? 5
IV. Read the text and answer the questions: A
We all need water. The problem is there is often too much or too little. And there are 0
other problems when it rains a lot the level of the rivers rises. The water runs over the banks. 1
People drown(îneca). Their cars and houses were ruined. Animals drown, too. Many big 2
cities in Asia, Latin America, and Europe often have floods(inundații).
Sometimes it doesn’t rain for a long time. Plants die. Animals die, too. People have no
food. Many countries in Africa have problems with droughts(secetă). Every year these
droughts get worse and worse.
1.What is it too much or too little? _____________________________________________
2.What do people do?_____________________________________
3.What do plants do when it does not rain?_______________________________________
4.With what do big cities have problems?__________________________
V. Write the right form of the verbs: A
1. Meg …………………….(like) to have long walks with her friends. 0
2. They ………………………….. (go/must/learn) to recycle the litter. 1
3. I ………….……………. (work) on my project 20 minutes every day. 2
4. We ………………….………………. (shouldn’t/must) feed animal
VI. Fill in the right words: half-brother, from, scientist, explorer, similar, normal A
The Leakey family is …………… many ways. They live in East Africa, but the family is 012
…………. England. Louise Leakey is an explorer, but for her family that’s……………! 34
Louise’s mother is Maeve and she’s an………….. Her father is Richard Leakey. Richard is 56
also in East Africa, but he’s a farmer. Richard’s …………….is Colin Leakey. Colin isn’t in
Africa, but he’s an explorer and a………………… at Cambridge University in England.
VII. Write a letter to your friend and tell them about your favorite animal: 8-10 sentences A
01 2
3 4
5 6
7 89
Scopul: Scopul evaluării este de verificarea cunoștințelor a materiei studiate de la a patra unitate. Clasa a 5-a
CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4

Unități de competențe

 Distingerea/identificarea tipului de text şi scopul acestuia.

 Deducerea ideii principale şi exprimarea ei într-un enunţ.
 Compararea şi contrastarea vocabularului specific, a structurilor
gramaticale, expresiilor idiomatice din punctul de vedere al corespunderii lor în ambele limbi.
 Decodarea semnificaţiei unor elemente de vocabular nefamiliale, din context, prin asocieri sau folosind materiale de referinţă.
 Desprinderea sensului global/a ideilor esenţiale din text pe baza unor întrebări de sprijin.
 Scrierea unei compuneri informative pentru a prezenta opinii şi puncte de vedere în baza unei teme date cu introducere, conţinut şi

Unit IV ore Cunoaștere Aplicare Autocunoaștere și sinteză Total

Lesson I 2 4% 4% 4% 12%
(1 item) (1 item)
Lesson II 1 3% 5% 3% 11%
(1 item)
Lesson III 1 3% 4% 3% 10%
(1 item)
Lesson IV 1 4% 5% 4% 13%
(1 item)
Lesson V 1 4% 4% 4% 12%
(1 item)
Lesson VI 1 3% 5% 3% 11%
(1 item)
Lesson VII 1 3% 4% 3% 10%
Lesson VIII 1 3% 5% 3% 11%
Lesson IX 1 3% 4% 3% 10%
10 30% 40% 30% 100%

1. To answer the questions using the vocabulary of the unit four.

2. To match the words with their definitions.
3. To insert the correct question word.
4. To understand the text in order to give the right answers for the given questions.
5. To fill in the right word.
6. To write a coherent text about his/her classmate in 6-10 lines.
Baremul de corectare


1. Pupils write answers on the given questions according to their opinion.

2. 1-b/ 2-d/ 3-a/ 4-c 1-c/ 2-a/ 3- d/ 4-b

3. 1.What, 2. What, 3. Who, 4. Who, 5. Who 1.What, 2. Who, 3. What, 4. Who, 5. What

4. The children answer the questions according to the text.

5. Is, must, spends, should not Likes, learn, work, must

6. Always, many, kill, water, are, control Similiar, from, normal, explore, half-brother, scientist

7. Introduction -1p
6 sentences-1p
7 sentences-2p
8-10 sentences-3p
No mistakes-2p, 1-3 mistakes -1p, more than 3 mistakes -0p
Well arranged ideas-2p
Convertirea punctelor în note:

nota 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
puncte 36-35 34-32 31-27 26-20 19-14 13-9 8-5 4-3 2-1 0

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