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Jirish Mae C.

Grade 12-Alenio B

Module 1. Reflection Activity

In modern times, when you ask someone what a Trend is, their answer might relate to
something that occurs in social media and is widely done by people around the world. While
they might not be wrong but they may often be referring to recently occurring Fads in the
society. They may not know that the true Trends are ideas or movements that are impacting
different communities around the world for a long time, changing people’s minds and futures.
But not all Trends are beneficial in every way so, it is important to still be mindful of
every trend. As for me, the trends that I support are usually movements. Social Movements
are one of the trends that help empower and provide rights to each people of the society,
especially the minorities. Movements are great examples of trends that are beneficial to
different communities. By supporting these kind of trends, I can help raise awareness,
empower, and let people under the movements represent their community for everyone to
hear them.
Some of the trends I support are the Women Rights Empowerment and Pride Parades.
These movements are trends that are beneficial to me and my fellows. Learning about these
trends have given me inspiration, motivation, and hope in life. It gives me an assurance that I
am not alone, and that I should not lose hope. These trends gave me a different kinds of
support that I didn’t know I needed. And now, I decided that I should help others share the
feeling of what I felt with these trends.
Being a 21st century learner that studied about trends, I was able to realize the deeper
meaning of what Trends are. I am reminded that everything is not as shallow as it seems.
Learning about the academic meaning of Trends have given me light and that it is not just
“something popular on social media”. It is still important to be mindful of existing and
emerging Trends, and always use it for the goodness sake of the society.

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