HUMSS 307 - Module 3 Reflection Activity

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Jirish Mae C.

Grade 12- Alenio B

Module 3. Reflection Activity

Instructions: Write a reflective essay. Use the following as guide questions.

1. What practice in the Philippines can I consider undemocratic?

- There are a lot of practices in the Philippines that I can consider as democratic.
One practice is the Red-Tagging or blacklisting of specific citizens that did
activities that were seen as “terrorist behavior” by the government. It was
originally used for their campaigns against the National People’s Army or the
NPA. The issue about this practice is that, nowadays, they use it against activists
that only stand up for their advocacy. It is can be considered as undemocratic
because it threatens the freedom of speech of the citizens of the Philippines. I
believe that people should be able to protest and stand up for their advocacy
without having to worry about the government blacklisting or red-tagging them.

2. As a citizen, what can you do to participate in the Philippine democracy?

- As a Filipino citizen, what I can do to participate in the Philippine democracy is;

first, to stand up for advocacies and protests in which I think is righteous. This act
will practice my freedom of speech, and I only stand up for what I, and others,
think as righteous for us Filipinos. Second, is to exercise my rights as a voter, and
fairly choose those candidates that are credible, well-educated, and sincerely cares
and will willingly be a servant for the Filipinos, for my vote can contribute to the
revolution and well-being of the Philippines. I will live to be a good Filipino that
makes the most out of its democracy and someone who serves for their fellow

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