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Jirish Mae C.


Grade 12- Alenio B


Module 5. Activity 1

1. What is Globalization?

- As I’ve interpreted from the YouTube video, Globalization is the worldwide

movement of people, business, food, drugs, viruses, and other industrial
products. It is the global exchange, the import and/or export of resources,
may it be people, materials, or food. It helps countries fulfill its lacking aspects
to fully provide the necessities of its people.

2. What is the video clip about?

-The video tackled the existence of Globalization in our lives; how it evolved
to the point where it can spread information faster than other periods; how it is
an advantage to some but also a disadvantage to others; how hugely it can
affect different industries, job employment, and societal statuses. It talked
about how countries cannot be fully self-sufficient, thus, the existence of

3. What insights about Globalization can you draw from the clip?
 The most impactful insight about Globalization that I learned from the video
was that no country is self-sufficient. That one point was the sole purpose of
the existence of Globalization. Its history can be drawn so long before, even
in the Philippines, globalization also existed since our ancestors have been
trading with neighboring countries. Globalization existed to fulfill the lacking
aspects of a country, and help it fully provide the needs of its people.

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