Dezvoltare Urbana - Noja Elena - Noja Violeta

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Student: Noja Elena

Noja Violeta
Speciality: Sociologie

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is a document necessary for long-term
urban development, with beneficial effects on the economic and social development of the
municipality of Hunedoara and its functional area. This document is both a requirement in
order to attract non-reimbursable funds for urban development, but also a necessity and a first
solution for the integrated and strategic approach to the problems related to traffic, whether
we are talking about people or goods, such as and the problems of urban intra-urban mobility
and with adjacent areas. This document comes to meet the current and future mobility
requirements, thus agreeing with the European planning documents and represents a
necessary step for the implementation of flexible mobility management models and systems,
adapted to the real needs of the Hunedoara municipality.
Such an approach must be supported by the municipality, but also by the other local
actors, who must understand that a city like Hunedoara has no chance of success unless it
effectively manages traffic and mobility problems and implements traffic models adapted to
current and future requirements.
This document is also a means of integrating the other documents made at the
territorial and local scale and which, in the absence of an updated General Urban Plan,
remains the only tool for planning and urban development.
The present document took over the mobility elements present in the National
Territory Planning Plan, the County Territory Planning Plan. The General Transport Master
Plan and the national, regional and county planning documents are also taken into account.
The sustainable urban mobility plan also takes over the urban mobility elements
included in the strategic planning document at the level of Hunedoara Municipality, namely
the Sustainable Development Strategy of Hunedoara Municipality 2014 - 2020, approved by
the Local Council of Hunedoara Municipality in 2013.


The Transport White Paper proposes: the possibility of transforming Sustainable

Mobility Plans into a mandatory drafting process for cities of a certain size, in accordance
with national standards based on EU guidelines, the possibility of a European support
framework for a progressive implementation of the Mobility Plans Urban Mobility in
European cities.
Regarding the proposed objectives we mention:
O1 – Elimination of 'conventionally fueled' vehicles from urban transport.
O2 – A percentage of 50% of the road transport of goods over distances of more than 200km
to be transferred to other modes of transport, such as rail or inland waterways, with the help
of efficient and ecological freight corridors, these contributing to the achievement of the
objective of a 60% reduction in GHG emissions by the middle of the century.
O3 – Proposals focused on optimizing the local transport network for current and future
mobility needs;
O4 – Diversification of viable and attractive transport options for the citizen;
O5 – Investments in the regeneration of urban public space and its accessibility for
O6 – Investments in local public transport;
O7 – Indirect contribution by reducing CO2 emissions due to traffic, following the proposal
of alternative or more efficient means of travel


Data sources and collection methods were based on:

- data collection in the field through questionnaires, observation, measurements;
- data collection from the study of available documents, archives and databases;
- interviews were conducted regarding the mobility of people covering at least 4.3%
of the municipality's population;
- traffic data were collected in the main points of the municipality and entrances, data
on the origin and destination of the trips by two methods, the questionnaire addressed to the
drivers and the traffic data collected by video cameras.

Collection methods included:
Data collected through surveys, online questionnaires:
- Investigation based on interviews on a sample of 1394 people and online
questionnaire with 118 respondents;
- The investigation regarding motorized travel – 1094 completed questionnaires in the
main intersections of the municipality and the entrance;
- In total, 2,606 people were surveyed in a population of 60,525 inhabitants, the stable
population is 4.3% of the surveyed population.
From the analysis of the data obtained through the previously described process,
statistics were developed and matrix distribution probabilities of movements were
determined, as well as information related to the main parameters of the mobility of people
and goods, regarding:
- The structure of people's movements depending on the purpose of the trip
- Means of transport frequently used for making trips
- The main problem encountered during the trips made
- Average duration of trips made by the citizens of Hunedoara Municipality
- Average distances traveled by pedestrians and cyclists
- Main types of infrastructure and facilities that should be created/upgraded/developed
- Preferred mode of travel
- The main problems related to the movement of vehicles in the city
- The main issues related to mobility
- Evaluation of the public transport system by interview participants
- Are the citizens of Hunedoara able to give up the daily use of personal cars? If so, under
what conditions and in favor of which alternative mode of transport?
In the national legislation, according to Law 350/2001 on territorial planning and
urban planning, updated in July 2013, the Urban Mobility Plan (UPM) represents the
territorial strategic planning tool through which the territorial development of localities in the
peri-urban/metropolitan area is correlated with mobility needs and transport of people, goods
and merchandise.
The PMUD concept was introduced in practice in Romania in 2014 for large cities -
the eight poles of growth in Romania. The main big cities in Romania received technical
assistance for the development of the PMUD, thus having the chance to model their urban
and metropolitan transport systems in a truly integrated way, responding to the mobility
needs of economic units and communities. This opened the door to great challenges for local
authorities, the business environment and mobility planning professionals, called to work
together in a real dialogue with citizens, the various communities and organizations of public
In the case of Romania, the synchronization and harmonization of PMUD, PUG and
PAED actions and regulations at the regional and city level can represent the coherent
stimulation factors of the urban and territorial development policy. Only in this way the cities
and regions of Romania have a real chance for a sustainable development of mobility in the
future, if the PMUD concept will harmonize with the most intelligent European best practices
for the development of sustainable mobility.
In the period October 2015 - January 2016, according to the internal work schedule, in
conjunction with the availability of local actors for work meetings, consultation, interviews,
data collection, analysis, population consultation activities were carried out, as follows:
Diagnosing the existing mobility and transport system, infrastructures, facilities and
traffic flows – analysis of existing documents, specialized websites, work visits, google
Evaluation of the level of dysfunctionality – interviews, analysis of specialized
Analysis of the evolution/change in transport demand taking into account the
functional, socio-economic and urban development of urban areas – analysis of strategic
documents, field visits;
Analysis of existing infrastructure, urban zoning, transport networks and relations in
the territory - analysis of specialized documents, statistical data from local and county actors,
analysis of local, regional, county, national strategic documents;
Checking the relevant documents from the regional and national level and creating
an internal working database;
Establishing examples of good practice - the database;
Assessment of needs regarding mobility, accessibility – application of
questionnaires, interviews, work meetings, discussions with staff from the town hall, traffic
police, transport company;
The purpose of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the municipality of
Hunedoara is to allow the sustainable development of mobility in the study area, which will
function as a support for the preparation and implementation of projects and measures
financed by the Regional Operational Program 2014 - 2020 (and the operational programs

from the future programming periods) and other sources associated with the local budget, as
well as for supporting the implementation of projects of national interest that influence
mobility in the study area.

Expeted results

Once the parameters are entered and the model calibrated, its results are materialized
in a spreadsheet that presents values for the following variables, relevant and of interest for
urban mobility:
1. The total number of motorized trips;
2. Total mileage in the studied area (km);
3. Fuel consumption resulting from motorized travel (litres);
4. Resulting CO2 emissions (kg CO2e);
The main pollutants resulting from internal combustion engines: CO, CH and sulfuric
oxides (g).
For each alternative scenario developed (business as usual/ Hunedoara invests in
infrastructure/ 'soft' approach/ integrated approach) a transport model was developed
highlighting the characteristics resulting from each project package.
The modal ratio represents the percentage of trips allocated to each mode of transport,
calculated by averaging the calculated ideal solution, traffic camera measurements and the
online survey. For the alternative scenarios, the variation of the modal ratio resulting from the
project packages was estimated by qualitative and quantitative methods.

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