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In my documentary I will voice-over the video introducing my

specialist subject being colour and how it is used in film and give a
basic premise to understand what my documentary is going to be
about. I will have calm and atmospheric music fade into the video at
the beginning and play throughout the whole video till the end
except during my interview for Paul. I will have titles for each chapter
throughout the documentary in a specific font in the middle of the
screen to split up the interview easier. I will also talk about the
specific purpose of colour in films like how they are used and why
they are used in specific ways to benefit the audience and I will have
multiple clips and shots of colour graphs, colour used in specifically in
films and key and historic people from 1902 to present day both
directors, people who created the colour technology, etc to give a
scale of how long it has been a part of film. I will move through each
of the eight stages of the documentary which will be at different
lengths of time depending on how much information and detail I
need to say for each chapter. After I introduce my specialist subject
briefly talking about the meaning of colour in film and why it’s so
important and ending it on the title of the documentary, I will then
segue into talking about the century long history of colour in film
with me talking about the first coloured film and how it was made
and all the other films throughout the last 120 years that have had a
huge role in colour progression. I will talk about how technology has
advanced through the century what were the significant points in
history in which it completely evolved. I will then move into key
people which I will talk about the two men responsible for colour in
film as well as several other people that used colour in a unique and
specific way in their films. Moving on to key techniques used in film I
will about different examples of colour being used as well as colour
schemes and their importance of use. During the own attempt
chapter, I will have examples of shots I will take myself showing
colour being used for different meanings and go into detail about
how simple it came be using colour for many emotions with the
same colour. For this part I will record myself asking my three
questions and then have Paul interview answering them going back
and forth with having him on screen to shots of the things he is
taking about. Finally for the conclusion I will give my own opinion
and perspective on colours importance and meaning in film and why
its value to movies and shows we watch wouldn’t be what they are
or give us the emotion they make us feel while watching them. For
the visuals I will be playing or placing short clips or just screenshots
regarding the subject of colour in films and tv for each of the
chapters that I have taken from google and other sites whether it will
be specific people, movies, colour tables, etc. I will have text for both
the names of people and films and the dates as well as technical
terms like for example Edward Raymond Turner (1873-1903) who
made the first full natural colour on a motion picture A Trip to the
Moon (1902). The text will appear at the Top Left side of the screen
like where your eyes start with reading a book, the font will be
CHALKDUSTER which I chose because of the old school chalk on
board effect it had to it. It will be on the larger size to be a visible as
possible without being in the way. I intended to interview Paul due
to his teaching and knowledge of film which would give extremely
useful feedback and interesting answers and see from his
perspective what the meaning of colour has in film. For audio I will
record my Voice-Over with the colleges recorders and read off my
script as early as I can when working on the doc. I will cut and chop
up the audio to both shorten the overall time to 10 minutes and get
rid of any mistakes I made or sounds in the background. For the
music I will use a song from BenSound called Better Days which is a
very ambient calm peaceful sound that is played over the whole
video except Paul’s interview.

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