04332-En-30 Supplier Feasibility Commitment

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ANPQP - Supplier Feasibility Commitment

Renault CSR S 1 Document Reference No / Version :

Renault Project : X333 R 2 SFC333/--C
Document Revision date : 30/03/2011

Supplier Name: LPCA Supplier Code: 11111 Document Origin Date : 26/03/11

Supplier Plant : FLPM Author : Mr Ducknee Tél. N° :33111223344

Part Name : Cargo Net

Part No & Issue level : 8200444333

Design Note / DEVO : C48484

With this Feasibility Commitment, the supplier undertakes with Renault to supply a product which can be manufactured, assembled, packed and sent by
answering the quality requirements, Cost and Delay of Renault. For that purpose, the supplier must be able to answer in a positive way the following questions
(which are not exhaustive). For any negative answer, the supplier has to argue all the anxieties or the changes proposed so as to allow answer the specified


Can the product be manufactured as it is specified in the engineering drawing and in the engineering product specification ?

Is the product correctly defined to enable feasibility evaluation ? Does it fulfill the REACH requirements ?

Can all specified characteristics be manufactured with the capability target that meet requirements ?

Is the manufacturing process known as mastered, or was it enough analyzed to anwer pertinently this evaluation of feasibility ?

Can the proposed manufacturing process answer the requirements of the levels of foreseen quantity ?

Does the study of Handling and Packaging Means demonstrate their efficiency ?

Can the product be manufactured without unusual risk of additional cost (tooling, alternate manufacturing methods…) ?

Name, position and signature of the person having to participate to the analysis of feasibility:

Name Position Signature Date

Mr Ducknee Quality Leader 26/03/2011

Mr Engin Engineering Leader 26/03/2011

Mr Log Logistic Leader 26/03/2011

Mr Manuf Manufacturing Plant Manager 26/03/2011

Mr Cost Cost Analysis Dept leader 26/03/2011

Conclusion - Feasibility level of the product :

Feasible The product can be manufactured as specified.

The product can be manufactured as specified, but some minor changes are needed to improve the
Feasible with proposed improvement
product, or to decrease its Cost.

Feasible with restriction The product as specified can be manufactured with difficulty. Minor changes are asked.

Major changes of the product are imperative so as to obtain a practicable industrial feasibility and a
Non feasible
production answering the Quality, Cost, Quantity and Delivery Dates Targets required by Renault.

Problem identified Change requested Initial Date Pilot Issue Date

Many lateral hooks diameter not large enough increase diameter by 2.5 mm to obtain maxi contact surface for 15/03/2011 MR Enging 23/03/2011
tolerances worst case situation (precaution on limit conditions)

definitive paint color not available on time for MA apply standard black for MA (covered by signed dispensation) 15/06/2011 Mr Manuf
apply serial black after 2 weeks for serial production

logistic flows not serial until 10/06/2011 apply agreeg final logistic flows 10/06/2011 Mr Log

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