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Sambungan Baut

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Sambungan Baut (Bolted Connection)

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Sambungan Baut (Bolted Connection)

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Sambungan Baut (Bolted Connection)

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Sambungan Baut (Bolted Connection)

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Bolted Connection
 Most common application as field joints for erection of
 Forces acting on the joint are resisted by the fasteners
in either tension or shear
 Shear strength of high strength bolts is approximately
60% of the tensile strength
 Field-bolted connections are considered as alternative
for welded connections  qualify as partially
restrained (PR) connections under some conditions
 PR connections may be partial stiffness connections,
partial strength connections, or both

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Types of Steel Bolts
 Unfinished (or common or ordinary) bolts
 Made from carbon steel and generally have the same stress-
strain characteristics as A36 steel
 ASTM specifications: A307 bolts
 Use of A307 bolts has decreased significantly since the
introduction of high-strength bolts
 High-strength bolts
 ASTM specifications: A325 or A490.
 A325 bolts: made from heat-treated carbon steel, fy= 85 ksi
 A490 bolts: made from heat-treated steel alloy, fy= 120 ksi
 A325 bolts are more commonly used because they cost less

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Baut Mutu Normal

 Spesifikasi teknis
 Baja karbon rendah, fy = 250 MPa dan
fu = 410 MPa
 Diameter ¼ in - 4 in.
 Kepala baut umumnya segi empat
atau segi enam beraturan (hexagonal)
 Penggunaan
 Struktur ringan yang hanya
memikul beban statik
 Rangka atap bentang pendek
 Elemen sekunder (gording,
 Sebagai penghubung sementara
 akan digunakan baut mutu
tinggi atau las sebagai alat
penyambung permanen
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Baut Mutu Tinggi
 Spesifikasi teknis
 Baja karbon medium,
fu= 825 MPa
 Diameter ½ in - 1½ in
 Kepala baut segi enam
 Penggunaan
 Struktur utama yang memikul
beban dinamik
 Sambungan balok-kolom
pada bangunan bertingkat
 Sambungan balok-balok
 Rangka atap bentang panjang
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Spesifikasi Baut dan Paku Keling

Diameter Proof Stress Kuat Tarik

Baut Mutu
(db, mm) (70% fu, MPa) (fu, MPa)
A307 Normal 6.35-10.4 - 410
A325 Tinggi 12.7-25.4 585 825
28.6-38.1 510 725
A490 Tinggi 12.7-38.1 825 1035
Paku Keling Normal - 370

Catatan :
• Baut mutu normal : Baut putih
• Baut mutu tinggi : Baut hitam, BMT, HTB

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Ulir baut tampak
Fabrikasi – setelahUlir
baut tampak setelah
proses pengencangan


Kepala baut
Baut Mur

 Seluruh bagian sambungan harus ditahan dengan erat saat proses

 Goresan penanda lubang tidak boleh merusak baja atau
memperbesar ukuran lubang
 Sambungan dengan baut mutu tinggi  permukaan bersih dari
kerak, bebas dari cacat, dan bebas dari oli, cat, dan pencegah karat
 Mur yang digunakan pada suatu sambungan yang menerima
getaran harus diperkuat untuk mencegah pengenduran
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Bolts Tightening
 High-strength bolted joints are said to be:
 Snug-tight
 Pretensioned
 Slip-critical.

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Snug-Tight Connections
 For most structural steel connections, bolts are tightened
to a snug-tight condition (also called a bearing connection)
 Obtained when all the plies of a connection are in firm contact
with each other  the connected members have been bolted
together using a spud wrench with the full force of a person
 Load transfer between members occurs through shear in the
 Snug-tight bolts are permitted for all situations in which
pretensioned or slip-critical bolts are not required  plies of
steel being connected must be brought together so that they
are solidly seated against each other, but they do not have to
be in continuous contact
 The installed bolts do not have to be inspected to determine
their actual pretensioned stresses.
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Snug-Tight Connections
 A typical spud wrench for making snug-tight bolted

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Pretensioned Joints
 The bolts are brought to very high tensile stresses equal to
approximately 70 percent of their minimum tensile stresses.
 To properly tighten them, it is necessary to first bring them to a
snug-tight condition, then they are further tightened by one of
the four methods
 Required for connections subjected to appreciable load reversals
where nearly full or full design loads are applied to them in one
direction, after which the nearly full or full design loads are
applied in the other direction  typical of seismic loadings, but
not of wind loads
 Also required for joints subject to fatigue loads where there is no
reversal of the load direction. In addition, they are used where
the bolts are subjected to tensile fatigue stresses.
 Permitted when slip resistance is of no concern
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Methods for Tightening of Bolts

 Turn-of-nut method
 Bolt shank and nut are marked after joint has been snugged, then
rotation is induced in nut with respect to bolt (generally 1/3 to a full
turn beyond snug-tight condition), depends on the correct snugging of
joint and on ensuring that bolt head will not turn on further tightening
 Two persons are required, one person restrains the bolt from turning
and the other turns the nut with help of a wrench
 Cannot be used if members are painted with a compressible paint
 Twist-off bolt method
 Use special electric wrench to induce predetermined torque in bolt
 Torque induces the required tension, after which the splined bolt
extension twists off the bolt
 Can be made by only one person
 Easy to inspect
 Other methods for slip-critical connections: calibrated wrench and direct-
tension indicator (DTI) methods
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Bolt Installation
 Turn of the Nut  When a nut is advanced along the length of a bolt,
each turn corresponds to a certain amount of tensile force in the bolt.
Hence, there is a known relationship between the number of turns and
the amount of tension in the bolt. The starting point (i.e., a point where
the tensile force in the bolt is just above zero) is defined as the snug- tight
 Calibrated Wrench Tightening  Calibrated wrenches are used to obtain
a minimum torque, which corresponds to a specific tensile force in the
bolt. The calibration has to be done daily for each size and grade of bolt
 Twist-off-type Tension-control Bolts  Bolts are ASTM F1852
(equivalent to ASTM A325 for strength and design), and have a splined
end that breaks off when the bolt is tightened with a special wrench
 Direct Tension Indicator  Washers that conform to ASTM F959 have
ribbed protrusions on the bearing surface that compress in a controlled
manner such that it is proportional to the tension in the bolt. The
deformation in the ribs is measured to determine whether the proper
tension has been achieved.
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Bolt Installations

Twist-off type tension control bolts

Direct tension indicator washer.

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Slip-Critical Connections
 Bolts are tightened to a (high) tensile stress so that
shear resistance is provided through friction between
the connected surfaces (not through bearing as in a snug-tight
 Bolts are first brought to a snug-tight condition, and
subsequently are tightened further until the bolt shank is
under a predetermined level of tensile stress
 Required only for situations involving shear or combined shear
and tension, not required for situations involving only tension
 Generally required where the members are subjected to
excessive vibration and/or fatigue and where oversized holes
are used for easier fit
 More expensive than bearing-type connections
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Bolt Pretension

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Bolt Pretension

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Hole Types

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Hole Sizes

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Kekuatan Sambungan Baut

 Slip-resistant connections: shearing load
is less than the permissible frictional
resistance to slipping on the faying
 Bearing type connections: load exceeds
the frictional resistance, thus members
will slip on each other and will tend to
shear off the bolts; at the same time,
the connected parts will push or bear
against the bolts
 Baut mutu normal mengandalkan kuat
geser dan kuat tumpu
 Baut mutu tinggi mengandalkan kuat
geser, kuat tumpu, dan kuat friksi
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Penyaluran Gaya Geser pada
Sambungan Baut
 Lap Joint (Single Shear)
 Mempunyai 1 bidang geser
 Terdapat eksentrisitas gaya
yang menimbulkan
momen lentur (M = P.e)
 Terjadi lentur pada plat
dan geser pada baut Lap Joint
 Butt Joint (Double Shear)
 Mempunyai 2 bidang geser
 Menguntungkan karena
penyaluran gaya simetris
 Penampang baut memikul
gaya yang lebih kecil
Butt Joint
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Penyaluran Gaya Geser pada

Sambungan Baut
 Mekanisme penyaluran gaya  maksimum terdapat
2 bidang geser sepanjang baut pada perencanaan baut

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Bolt Stress
 Bolts stressed in (a) shear, (b) tension, and
(c) shear and tension

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Failure of Bolted Joints

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Tata Letak (Spasi) Baut
 Jarak antar pusat lubang baut ≥ 3d, jarak antara baut
tepi dengan ujung pelat ≥ 1.5d.
 Jarak antar pusat lubang baut ≤ 15 tp (tp adalah tebal pelat
tertipis pada sambungan) atau 200 mm, jarak antara baut
tepi dengan ujung pelat ≤ (4 tp + 100 mm) atau 200 mm.

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Tata Letak Baut

Potongan I → leleh → Ag=b*t

Potongan ABCDE → fraktur

→ An=t[b-3(d+1.5mm)]

Potongan ABFDE → fraktur

→ An=t[b-3(d+1.5mm+(s1^2/4g1)+(s1^2/4g2))]

Potongan ABFGH → fraktur

→ An=t[b3(d+1.5mm+(s1^2/4g1)+(s2^2/4g2))]

g = ga-ta/2+gb-tb/2
g = ga+gab-1/2(ta+tb)
Umumnya ta=tb, sehingga
g = ga+gb-t
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Minimum Edge Distances

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Edge Distances

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Maximum Spacing and Edge Distances
 Maximum edge distance is required to reduce the
chances of moisture getting between the parts
(may cause corrosion)
 AISC maximum permissible edge distance (J3.5) is
12 times the thickness of the connected part, but
not more than 6 in (150 mm).
 Holes cannot be punched very close to the web-
flange junction of a beam or the junction of the
legs of an angle

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Sambungan Baut

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Perencanaan Sambungan Baut
 Disain mencakup:
 Kuat tarik baut
 Kuat geser baut
 Kuat tumpu pelat
 Kuat kombinasi geser
dan tarik baut
 Kuat friksi

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Perencanaan Sambungan Baut

 Asumsi penyaluran gaya: setiap baut menerima
gaya yang sama besar
 Pengecualian berlaku untuk:
 Sambungan yang memikul geser eksentrik
 Sambungan yang memikul geser dan tarik
 Kekuatan sambungan  nilai minimum dari:
 Kuat rencana baut
 Kuat pelat sambungan
 Kuat komponen

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Kapasitas Sambungan Baut
 Kapasitas Nominal Baut (LRFD)

Ru  fRn
Ru : beban terfaktor
Rn : tahanan nominal baut
f : faktor reduksi, f = 0.75
 Nilai Rn bervariasi, ditentukan oleh tipe sambungan
 Penentuan kekuatan baut pada sambungan  nilai Rn
minimum dari berbagai perhitungan kapasitas
nominal baut

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Bearing-Type Connections—
Loads Passing Through Center of
Gravity of Connections

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Bearing Type Connection
 Loads to be transferred are larger than the frictional
resistance caused by tightening the bolts, with the result
that the members slip a little on each other, putting the
bolts in shear and bearing
 Design or LRFD strength of a bolt in single shear equals φ
times the nominal shearing strength of the bolt in ksi times
its cross-sectional area.
 Bearing strength is based upon the strength of the parts
being connected and the arrangement of the bolts.
 Terms:

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Bearing Type Connection

 Loads applied are equally
divided between the bolts if
edge distances and spacings are
satisfactory  plates must be
perfectly rigid and the bolts
perfectly elastic
 The greater the spacing is of
bolts in a connection, the
greater will be the variation in
bolt stresses due to plate
deformation  compact joints
tend to reduce variation in bolt

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Kapasitas Geser Baut

 Kapasitas geser per baut
Rn  m  Ab u   faktor reduksi 
m : jumlah bidang geser (max 2)
 Rn = m*Ab*(0.6fu)*0.8 → tanpa ulir pada bidang geser
 Rn = m*(0.75Ab)*(0.6fu)*0.8 → dengan ulir pada bidang geser

Rn  r1  m  Ab  fu
r1 = faktor reduksi
 r1 = 0.5 untuk baut tanpa ulir pada bidang geser
 r1 = 0.4 untuk baut dengan ulir pada bidang geser

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Kapasitas Geser Baut
 Kapasitas geser per baut
Rn  r1  m  Ab  fu
m : jumlah bidang geser (max 2)
r1 = faktor reduksi
 r1 = 0.5 untuk baut tanpa ulir pada
bidang geser
 r1 = 0.4 untuk baut dengan ulir
pada bidang geser

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Kapasitas Tumpu Baut

 Kapasitas tumpu per baut
 d
Rn  2t  L  u
 2
Ru  f R n
 L 1
Rn  1.2  fu  dt   
d 2

 L/d = 8/3  Rn = 2.6*fu*d*t

 Baut tepi  Rn = L*t*fu
 Semua jenis lubang (lingkaran)  Rn = 2.4*fu*db*tp
 Lubang sela panjang tegak lurus gaya (oval)  Rn = 2.0*fu*db*tp
fu = kuat tarik/putus terendah dari baut atau pelat
u = 0.6 fup (untuk material pelat)

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Slip-Critical Connections—
Loads Passing Through Center of
Gravity of Connections

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Slip Critical Connection

 High-strength bolted connections may be designed such
that slipping is prevented either at the service load limit
state or at the strength limit state.
 Should be used only when engineer feels that slipping will
adversely affect serviceability of a structure (i.e, may cause
excessive distortion of structure or a reduction in strength
or stability, even if the strength of connection is adequate)
 Although there is little or no bearing on the bolts used in
slip-critical connections, AISC Section J3.10 states that
bearing strength is to be checked for both bearing-type and
slip-critical connections because a possibility still exists that
slippage could occur; therefore, the connection must have
sufficient strength as a bearing-type connection.

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Slip Critical Connection
 AISC Specification J3.8: nominal slip resistance of a connection

 μ = mean slip coefficient = 0.30 for Class A faying surfaces and 0.5 for
Class B faying surfaces.
 Du = 1.13. (multiplier that gives the ratio of the mean installed
pretension to the specified minimum pretension)
 hf = factor for fillers,
 (1) bolts have been added to distribute loads in the filler, hf = 1.0

 (2) bolts have not been added to distribute the load in the filler,
 (i) For one filler between connected parts, hf = 1.0
 (ii) For two or more fillers between connected parts, hf = 0.85
 Tb = minimum fastener tension
 ns = number of slip planes
 φ depends on the type of holes and direction of load to slotted holes
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Sambungan Tipe Friksi (BMT)


Vu  fVn
 Kapasitas Nominal Sambungan Tipe Friksi

Vn = 1.13*μ*proof load*n per baut

n = jumlah bidang geser

μ = 0.3 atau 0.5
Ф = 1 untuk lubang standar
= 0.85 untuk lubang besar dan sela pendek
= 0.7 untuk lubang sela panjang tegak lurus gaya

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Kapasitas Sambungan Baut
 Proof load
proof load = proof stress * As
As = π /4*(db-0.9743/n)^2
db = diameter nominal baut
n = jumlah ulir per mm

Umumnya, As = 0.75 Ab s/d 0.79 Ab

Proof load = Proof stress * (0.75 Ab)

Ab = luas bruto satu baut

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