Answer The Following Questions

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Answer the following questions:

1. Which of the basic concepts described in the preceding theories do you think
applies to you the most?
Carl Rogers' Self Theory is the most applicable notion to me. I can state that,
like Roger's philosophy, I manage to remain flexible and continually improve as I
engage with my significant others. I also value self-awareness; I make it a point to
assess my behaviors and decisions every time so that I know I have no regrets and
am continuously striving for growth and happiness. Like the other two ideas in
this theory, I acknowledge my reality as well as my ideal self, as well as my
aspirations and ambitions for the future. When I am self-reflecting, I constantly try
to balance what I can do now (actual self-concept) with what I want to be (ideal
self-concept). I am a goal-oriented individual who understands what my reality
and ideal self are in regards to obtaining the fulfillment and happiness I deserve.

2. Did your study of the different theories of the self lead you to change any of
your perception about yourself?

Yes, the various self-theories have caused me to reconsider my perception

of myself. I gained a deeper understanding and knowledge of myself. It has helped me
to better respect myself for who I am. It also helped me understand my attitudes and
behaviors. And I should change my habits that aren't helping me grow and improve.

3. Did the theories of the self lead you to recognize your strengths and

Yes, self-concept theories help me realize my own strengths and weaknesses.

The distinct way of understanding oneself causes me to question and self-reflect.
They made me realize what my strengths should be and what weaknesses I should
concentrate on. They made me respect who I am and who others are, even though
they had no idea they were my inspirations. That while I have varied approaches to
my dreams, desires, and emotions, they all work together to form my whole self.

4. How does the lesson foster self-understanding and development?

I recognize that I have a false and genuine self within me. The true self is my
transparency, and the false self is the one who guards it. People are also active agents
of their own experiences. That efficacy is critical to our ability to self-regulate. And as
we become older, we develop new behaviors and qualities that define us. Self-
awareness and self-knowledge are essential for fully understanding ourselves and
being the best versions of ourselves.

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