Pack 197 Ana Maria Popescu Building A Sustainable Organisation

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BA Business Studies

Building a Sustainable Organisation

Individual case study analysis

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Word Count- 2081

Table of Contents


Task 1.........................................................................................................................................3

Task 2.........................................................................................................................................6




The general populace is increasingly engaged into whatever businesses are undertaking to
safeguard the ecosystem, in addition, they are growing supportive of businesses that are
honest about their carbon footprint and are employing methods to reduce the effect on the
ecosystem, which is why this instance on Amazon interests me. Mega retailer Amazon has
not been completely transparent about their carbon impact, and they have utilised the system
to keep them on the verge of their perches. The general population and even its workers to
provide details about their carbon impact and to operate more responsibly under pressure
Amazon (Whit, 2007).I feel conflicted about this since I certainly want Amazon to follow
more environmentally friendly policies, but I also believe that even if they do not, it will not
have an impact on the number of sales they get. I believe that this explains how Amazon has
indeed been capable of getting away with this for so long: there are more people who simply
do not bother than there are people who do. It is hoped that they will eventually be held
responsible and that the public will perceive their initiatives to conduct commerce in a way
that saves and protects the ecosystem favourably.


Task 1

It is evident from the facts regarding Amazon provided in this situation that their choices
affect a broad spectrum of individuals significantly. The stockholders of Amazon, their
clients, and anybody else who resides on this planet and is impacted by climatic changes are
the groups most impacted. Amazon has kept its knowledge of its carbon footprint highly
confidential, and they are only exploiting the mechanism to stay afloat without undertaking
any significant steps to lessen it. Additionally, since Amazon collaborates with many other
companies, a large portion of the carbon footprint operation that is ascribed to them is truly
their obligation. These choices might have detrimental effects on Amazon's stockholders as
well as the business overall. Additionally, customers might not be conscious of what Amazon
has been doing, which might encourage them to buy items from Amazon even if they
otherwise would not have wanted to if they were informed of the entire scope of Amazon's
environmental impact. Amazon is affecting a large number of individuals by failing to be

more open about its environmental policies in consideration of this entire situation (Larry et
al., 2004).

The problems with Amazon under this situation are such that the company do not currently
possess a strategy in line for becoming environmental in the years ahead so the company does
not disclose any detailed data about their carbon environmental impact to the general
population. They appear to only want to keep purchasing RECs in order to continue receiving
the greater incentive that their budget will allow. Amazon, the workers, the environmental
connections, and the stockholders are the participants in this dispute. Each one of these
people either was personally impacted by the efforts Amazon is now doing or was a
component of the remedy that Amazon offered. The attention to Amazon and environmental
issues stems from the idea that Amazon might do much better to make its business activities
sustainable instead of as opposed to disregarding it and dismissing it with these flimsy
financially viable measures. It is highly fascinating to consider the data and the resources in
light of this case study. The individuals who spoke with Amazon provided them with a
wealth of reliable details regarding their unsustainable behaviour (Whit, 2007). Amazon has a
significant amount of resources as a corporation, so I somehow doubt why the company
would not want to modify how their business is run given that they can finance it.I believe it
creates greater logic to allow them to just purchase RECs. In the future, they must dive
extensively into this subject because it is increasingly important to customer buying and
decision-making throughout the globe. In terms of its business and the matter of climate
change, it appears that Amazon has a significant amount of job to do.

Amazon appears to be sensitive to criticism from people and groups with ideological goals,
which occasionally results in their acting morally. Numerous organizations put stress on
Amazon to reduce its carbon impact, yet I am less sure if that effort was sufficient to cause
the business to alter its behaviour. Nevertheless, they continued to divert attention away from
the problem and make meaningless assurances that had no apparent effect. Despite being one
of the largest and perhaps most prosperous businesses in the globe, I am not convinced
that Amazon will be able to maintain its current rate of growth. You could be dubious if
anyone claimed that Amazon had a huge environmental impact and was harming the
environment, yet in the conclusion, it barely matters since most consumers receive their items
within two days (Yunkers, 2003).As the planet develops, I believe Amazon will gradually
start to provide more details of how business affects the ecology and seek to become more
responsible. Despite the fact that Amazon has engaged under certain unethical behaviour,

many people have positive comments to say well about corporation. However, those
drawbacks are outweighed by the advantages they gain from adopting Amazon.

Numerous groups attempted to persuade Amazon to modify its policy, but Amazon's internal
staff also actively participated. The two organizations were a little tense because of
the approach. The other groups tried to reach Amazon with their complaints, but Amazon
staff disregarded them. All those other groups planned demonstrations and criticised Amazon
in their published remarks as a reaction. Workers of Amazon have already transgressed
corporate regulations by using information flow. To pressure Amazon to amend its policies
on changing climatic condition and its carbon impact, the workers vowed to take part in
worldwide climate protests. These workers would have left their employment if Amazon had
not changed its behaviour. In an official statement, Amazon workers outlined a variety of
requests pertaining to climate variability and disruption and the environmental impact of their
employer. One of their demands was for Amazon to take steps to lessen its carbon footprint,
as well as for the firm to be more open about how its operations affect the ecosystem.
Amazon was urged to cut its environmental pollution and increase its use of sustainable
power supplies by Greenpeace campaigners. Additionally, they demanded that Amazon cease
funding anti-climate change individuals since such payments might have a negative impact
on the advancement of the cause. The organisation asked Amazon to utilize its wealth of
assets to serve as a pioneer in combating climate disruption by committing to completely
ceasing pollution from its activities by 2030. The other two organisations, both of which were
fighting against climatic changes, were attempting to expose Amazon's actions and persuade
them to alter their behaviour. They hoped that Amazon recognized how crucial it was their
responsibility to adapt and therefore would respond appropriately. The lobbying
organisations provided Amazon with a wealth of information and claimed that the business
should pay attention to its staff when it comes to this matter. Ultimately, rather more work
remains to be accomplished if real reform is to occur. Conversely, by arguing their argument,
these organisations were attempting to pressure Amazon into acting morally (Pailwar, 2020).

By offering cheaper costs than its rivals offer, Amazon has managed to maintain its
competitiveness. The business's habit of compensating its workers for their food has aided in
this. Rather than wasting cash on pricey television advertisements, Amazon has for decades
chosen to offer its customers incredibly low delivery costs. This was successful because
Amazon tends to provide substantially more monetary rewards than other corporations do.
Even though it requires effort for opponents to figure out Bezos's motivations, by the time

they do, it could be too late, his decisions are in fact predicated on precise thought and a
coherent strategy, much as the documents he has his executives produce (Sullivan 2013).

Task 2

At Amazon, Jeff Bezos has achieved great fortune, and his endeavours are benefiting the
business. He thinks that Amazon's performance is largely down to its customer-focused
strategy, which sets it apart from other businesses. Bezos asserts that these other firms'
executives are more inclined to employ marketing in a challenging manner.A previous senior
director at Amazon who was in charge of technologies for the company's worldwide logistics
management and delivery division claims that Jeff Bezos consistently skips conversation in
his numerous sessions in favour of reading customer messages, most of which are concerns.
This implies that by communicating customer’s complaints straight to the company, Amazon
has advanced its efforts to drive reform. Bezos is enabled to speak with people at the top
levels of the company directly by executing this (Rogers, 2003).

I believe Amazon needs to adopt a significant choice on the longevity of their business and
their approach to addressing climatic impact. They possess many options, and I believe they
must participate in more alternative materials since they will support the preservation of a
stable environment. They certainly have the means to alter their behaviour. I desire this
transformation for the corporation, but I think that if they did not alter their behaviour,
societal perception would not alter in anyway. Someone with more power must intervene and
get proceedings rolling for anything to transpire. If 1,000 people from the instance left their
jobs, I believe there would be a large pool of candidates for new hires and replacements. It is
intriguing to consider how Amazon, a business with a sizable staff, is capable of getting away
with using practises that are frequently seen as irresponsible. Other, lesser, and weaker
corporations frequently face greater criticism for their deeds (Larry et al., 2004).

Quite significantly, the President of Amazon reads messages in writing prior conferences to
make sure that everybody is paying attention and concentrating. Prior to every meeting, he
makes his "S-team" of corporate managers recite six-page documents, and he orders them to
write observations as they are being recited. According to him, delivering and debating
written memos aloud in a group makes sure that each individual is listening attentively.

As the leader and owner of Amazon, Jeff Bezos has drawn accolades from a few. Amazon
still has a significant amount of rivalry with its competitors. Strongest rivals of Netflix CEO

Jeff Bezos are among them, along with hordes of ardent supporters. Bezos claims that one of
the aspects of his job that he likes the most is contending against his own businesses, and he
attributes the improvement of Amazon's goods to input from customers (Rogers, 2003).
Considering this, it is doubtful that Kindle Serials would boost Amazon's earnings. It is more
probable to be advantageous to the firm's heritage and tradition.

In its initial periods, the Amazon was highly prosperous, yet it has sometimes occasionally
failed. Its ongoing innovation and attention to the interests of its clients are factors in its
ultimate effectiveness. It looks after its clients by offering first-rate support. Amazon Web
Service, a newly created subsidiary of the corporation, offers companies access to the
complex internet foundation technologies that Amazon has been building over the years.
There have been instances in the old days, though, where Amazon did not take as much effort
to ensure the wellbeing of its workers. Amazon has historically been effective because it
prioritises its consumers over its workers (Sullivan, 2013).


Amazon should provide details regarding its impact on the environment and alter its
corporate practises in request to remain ecological as part of the collaborative strategy. The
advantage of this strategy is that Amazon should respond, which is something that both
consumers and staff want. The drawbacks of this strategy include that it would take a
significant amount of money and duration to implement these modifications, and Amazon
could not have the means to do so successfully. Owing to their stellar ecological track
experience, if Amazon adopted this strategy, they would be recognised as a market leader.
The aggressive strategy would see Amazon carry on as normal, oblivious to the needs of its
staff and clients. The advantage of this method will be that it might streamline business
procedures by preventing modifications to the firm overall (Pailwar, 2020). The drawbacks of
this strategy include the possibility that Amazon might indeed be disregarded and unheard of,
a situation that is exactly contrary to what both its staff and consumers desire. Amazon might
choose between a combative and a constructive strategy to handle the worker and consumer
requests for transformation described in this paper.


Neal, Mohan (2009), The double click ad exchange: Growing the display advertising pie for
everyone: The official Amazon Blog.

Pailwar, V. K. (2020, September 29). amazon: customers and climate change. Harvard
Business Publishing Education. Retrieved November 23, 2021, from -

Page, Larry and Brin Sergey (2004), Letter from the founders: An owner manual fir Amazon
Shareholders. Amazon Inc.

Rogers, Everett M. (2003); Diffusion of Innovations; Fifth edition; Simon and Schuster

Sullivan, Danny, (2013), Are Google’s adverts getting too Ad Heavy and Self Promotional:
Search engine land.

Whit, Richard, (2007), What do we ean by net neutrality? Amazon Public Policy Blog.

Yunkers, J. (2003). Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies. Indianapolis: New


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