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Les personnages aveugles ou aveuglés survivent avec bien plus de difficulté que les autres. Ils ratent
automatiquement leurs tests de Capacité de Tir et tout autre test qui impliquerait la vision. Ils
subissent également un malus de –30 aux tests de Capacité de Combat, d’Esquive et de parade.
Enfin, forcés de progresser à tâtons, ils ne peuvent se déplacer qu’à la moitié de leur vitesse
normale de déplacement dans un environnement qui ne leur est pas familier. S’ils tentent de se
déplacer plus vite, ils doivent réussir un test d’Agilité Assez difficile (–10), ou tombent au sol à la
fin de leur mouvement

Guided by the Emperor

Prerequisites: Psy Rating 1, Soulbound (The Emperor of Mankind)
You have given up both your eyes and your soul in order to be a direct extension of the Emperor's
own will. You lose both eyes and gain the Blind trait. However, your eyes have been illuminated by
holy truth allowing you to see the world by the light of the Emperor himself. Anytime you would
normally be called on to make a sight-based perception test, you instead roll psyniscience. This
sight extends out a number of meters equal to your Willpower bonus and multiplied by your Psy
Rating. You can see the world well enough that it does not hinder you in a normal fashion. You
can fire guns or catch a ball as well as any normal, sighted man. However, this psychic sense is
heavily covered with emotion. You cannot read printed writing or see digital images, but you can
still sense their emotional content with a successful psyniscience roll. Strong emotions or
powerful psychic storms may blind the character. In some cases, areas that have experinced
horrible events may even cause fear as the character experiences ghosts of past agony and
terror. However, the character will also never need to worry about bumping their shins into the
coffee table when the lights are out.

Warp Sense (Talent)

Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Psy Rating, Psyniscience, Perception 30 Aptitudes: Perception, Psyker The character’s senses
have evolved to perceive the warp in parallel with the physical world. After gaining this Talent, using the
Psyniscience Skill requires a Free Action instead of a Half Action. In addition, the character can passively detect
psychic effects and entities without the need to actively seek them out. Whenever the character could detect such a
Warp signature or a creature, the GM may allow him to make a Psyniscience Skill Test to detect it, in the same
way he might use Awareness to spot an ambush without knowing it is there.

sens surnaTureLs
La créature distingue son environnement sans s’appuyer sur la vue et l’ouïe, usant d’organes spéciaux, de cils
sensibles ou de quelque autre sens lui permettant de rester parfaitement consciente de ce qui se passe autour
d’elle. Ce trait s’accompagne toujours d’une portée, habituellement de 15 mètres.
DH p.332

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