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Web authoring – html


1. The tag used to define a passage or write-up in a web page.Paragraph tag

2. The tag used for a line through the middle of the text.Strikethrough tag

3. The text written between the tags appears slightly below the line.<SUB></SUB>

4. The text written between the tags appears slightly above the line.<SUP></SUP>

5. The tag used to display text, images, links, etc. on the web page. Body tag

6. The tag used for display in the text in boldBold tag

7. The tag used for displaying the text or an image in the center of the web page.Center tag

8. The tag used for inserting comments in the HTML code Comment tag

9. Provides additional information about HTML elementsHTML tag attribute

10. The tag used to give a single line break tag

11. The tag that disallows any line breaks in the text between the tags.No break tag

12. To insert an image use the following syntax……..<IMG src=“image name”>

13. The tag is used to set a background color of the web page……<BODY BGCOLOR>

14. HTML stands for ……Hypertext markup language

15. WWW stands for …World Wide Web

16. Adds a start and end tag to a HTML element.Container tag

17. This has a start tag only, and no closing tags to a HTML element.Empty tag

18. The tags used to add formatting effects in a web page.Formatting tag

19. The first element under the HTML tag that contains information about the HTML

document.Head tag

20. The tag used to create a Horizontal rule tagline in a HTML page.

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