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English language learner beliefs vs.

Pakistani English
language learner beliefs

Learners, too, bring to language their own attitudes, values, beliefs, decisions, and
goals which in turn influence how they approach their learning.
Learner belief systems cover a wide range of issues and can influence learners’
motivation to learn, their expectations about language learning, their perceptions
about what is easy or difficult about a language, as well as the kind of learning
strategies they favour.

English language learner beliefs vs. Pakistani English

language learner beliefs
Following are the various beliefs of English language learners and Pakistani
English language learners:

Beliefs about nature of English

English language learners often have very focused perceptions about which aspects
of English they find difficult, and about the status of English in comparison to
other languages.
Pakistani English language learners, however, don’t have clear or focused
perceptions about which aspects of English they find difficult. They often rely on
their teacher to tell them which aspect of English should be focused on and the
status of English in comparison to other languages.

Beliefs about speakers of English

English language learners have specific views and attitudes about native speakers
of English, based on their contacts with speakers of English or derived from other
sources, such as media.
Pakistani learners believe native speakers of English to be using English as a tool
for colonialism. They avoid contact with native speakers because they find native
speakers intimidating to talk to.
Beliefs about four language skills
English language learners believe that acquiring all four language skills,
i.e. ,listening, speaking, writing, and reading is crucial while learning English.
Pakistani learners believe in the importance of reading and writing, and often
neglected speaking and listening.

Beliefs about teaching

English language learners believe that teachers should provide information and
always set an example. They should have a grasp of their subject and provide
opportunities for students to talk.
Pakistani learners believe that teachers should be following the book. They should
have a system that they follow while teaching. Teacher should do all the talking in

Beliefs about appropriate classroom behaviour

Learners believe that students should actively participate in classroom while
learning. They believe in listening to the teacher attentively and asking questions at
the end of lecture.
Pakistani learners believe in the passive role of student in classroom. Students only
speak when teacher asks them question and don’t participate actively in classroom.
They believe in asking question during the lecture at the point of difficulty.

Beliefs about self

Learners believe in their language learning abilities and feel comfortable while
speaking to native speakers.
Pakistani learners often doubt their language learning abilities. They think of
remembering vocabulary as difficult. They believe that they cannot pick up the
language naturally and feel uncomfortable while speaking with native speakers

Beliefs about goals

English language learners have mainly the goal of being able to successfully
communicate in English while also having native like pronunciation.
Pakistani learners’ goal is to learn proper grammar rules and sentence structures
which will provide them with the ability to write I English. They are mostly
interested in reading, not speaking. They don’t focus on native like pronunciation,
since they will only use English with non native speakers.

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