Busbar Protection General Principles Application Examples

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ALSTOM NN & DISTRIBUTION Prot trol Course PC3, Dubai Application of Protective Relaying to - Distribution and Sub-Transmission Systems 25% - 29! March 2000 Busbar Protection:- General Principles and Application Examples (Lecture) Presented by A. Varghese BUSBAR PROTECTION ory In the early days of Power Systems, Busbars were regarded as intrinsically safe and left without specific protection. It was anticipated that system or back—up protection would provide sufficient cover. Many feared that accidental operation of Busbar protection, if fitted, would cause more disruption than that by a fault on unprotected bars. Teanee BUSBAR PROTECTION x x ! | I t Los ra Tw fi?) T I ” T T | x x x I \ { | | t i * i There are fewer faults on busbars than on other parts of the power system. WITHOUT BUSBAR PROTECTION * No dislocation of system due to accidental operation of busbar protection * Slow Fault Clearance. Busbar faults at F1 and F2 are cleared by remote time delayed protection on circuits feeding the faults: Time Delayed Overcurrent or Time Delayed Distance Protection As the Power System developed and fault levels increased Busbar Protection became essential since damage resulting from one uncleared fault may extend in magnitude up to the complete loss of the station by fire It is now usual to subdivide the Busbar into sections each of which is separately protected. A fault in one section does not involve tripping the complete station. Important loads can be then fed from two or more sections, and will not suffer interruption of supply if one section is tripped. ease BUSBAR FAULTS ARE USUALLY PERMANENT. CAUSES: * Insulation Failures Circuit Breaker Failures Falling Debris Isolators Operated Outside Their Ratings — Safety Earths Left Connected. Current Transformer Failures THEREFORE: CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHOULD BE TRIPPED AND LOCKED OUT BY BUSBAR PROTECTION BUSBAR PROTECTION a | + WITH BUSBAR PROTECTION ~ * Fast Clearance by Breakers at the Busbars Where Busbars are Sectionalised, Protection can Limit the Amount of System Disruption for a Busbar Fault SINGLE BUSBAR SINGLE BUSBAR WITH BUS SECTION DEN DAR WR BUS SECTION yoy yy yy yy yy Is x x x x ~ DOUBLE BUSBAR WITH BUS COUPLER *_] TTT td 7 4 S474 4747 7 “Ly WwW LI Ly x x 7 7 DOUBLE BUSBAR WITH TRANSFER FACILITIES AND BUS SECTION BREAKER BUSBAR PROTECTION MUST BE : RELIABLE Failure could cause widespread damage to the substation STABLE False tripping can cause widespread interruption of supplies to customers DISCRIMINATING Should trip the minimum number of breakers to clear the fault FAST To limit damage and possible power system instability. ~ METHODS OF PROVIDING BUSBAR PROTECTION 1. Remote Time Delayed Protection 2. Frame to Earth (Leakage) Protection 3. Directional Comparison Protection 4. Phase Comparison Protection - 5. Differential Protection: High Impedance Low Impedance FRAME LEAKAGE PROTECTION. ADVANTAGES. 1). Simple and economic form of protection. 2). Ideal for the protection of phase segregated switchgear where earth fault protection only is required. DISADVANTAGES. 1). Insulation is required between switchgear sections. 2). It is not possible to discriminate between faults on two sets of busbars running through common switchgear frames. 3). Care must be taken in construction of the substation in order to ensure that the fixing bolts do not come in to contact with the steel reinforcing of the concrete. 7>— FRAME EARTH PROTECTION SCHEME —, > Only an earth fault system > Involves measuring fault current from switchgear frame to earth > Switchgear insulated by standing on concrete plinth > Only one earthing point allowed on switchgear > C.T. mounted on single earth conductor used to energise instantaneous relay > All cable glands must be insulated Fro y— SINGLE ZONE FRAME-EARTH PROTECTION ‘Switchgear frame rs x H t t K Frame-earth fault relay y 1 { ' “ @—212 Trip all breakers circuit r— CURRENT DISTRIBUTION FOR EXTERNAL FAULT——— Outgoing feeder Swtchgearframe 5 ngear ame Frame-leakage current bar Ip=ly+ Io transformer / poone | Ch) Generator Frame insulation resistance to earth System earthing resistor Iy+ Tp Earthing electrode resistance GeENeeAToe SYSTEN ERNIE Reterance FAgTiWG ELEeroDE fesisranee FIG. OPERATING PRINCIPLE OF FRAME LEAKAGE PROTECTION FRAME LEAKAGE BUSBAR PROTECTION Simple, Economical Suitable for Phase Segregated Indoor Metalclad Switchgear. Only E/F protection required. ‘SYSTEM EARTHING RESISTANCE SUBSTATION EARTHING ELECTRODE 0.1 Ir(Max) Disadvantages: Insulation of switchgear frame and between sections. Insulation of cable glands to prevent spurious currents during through faults FRAME LEAKAGE BUSBAR PROTECTION EXTERNAL FAULT lon T, + 4 ott, ) 24 INSULATION BARRIER ZONE 1 / ZONE 2 POT i oo XA y KS cx ! 7 | LLL Ae a 0-2-1SEC. € TRIP A <= Ve 4 es FRAME-LEAKAGE SCHEME WITH SINGLE INSULATION BARRIER INSULATION BARBER cy i 1 1 I I — ' L [ ao 1 ' ' J FIG. FRAME LEAKAGE SCHEME WITH DOUBLE INSULATION BARRIER ZONE 1 ZONE 2 [ INSULATION BARRIER ZONE 3 R AS 0 Mi L es 8 Tis xe | + PAGE 30 Q ire FIG. FRAME=LEAKAGE SCHEME FOR DUPLICATE BUSBARS FRAME LEAKAGE PROTECTION. CHECK FEATURE. To differentiate between a genuine busbar fault and a fault in the secondary winding of a c.t. The check feature provides a second line of defence. The check relays pick up for both internal and external faults. Both check and discriminating relays must operate before tripping can occur. ~ The various methods of obtaining the check feature are:— (a). Neutral check provided by a relay energised from a single c.t. in the power system neutral. (b). Residual check provided by a relay energised from a residually connected c.t. on the busbar incomers. (c). Residual voltage check provided by a voltage relay energised from a broken delta v.t. supply. Check relays are normally self—reset in order to avoid having to reset the relay after each external fault. WITH NEUTRAL CHECK ‘Switchgear frame y— SINGLE ZONE FRAME - EARTH PROTECTION ————> zouTa + IN OUT. Loo+-om! 1 | ssezt IN OUT i oll | TRIP_SUPPLY SUPERVISION FIG. -N----2 -BF----2 Q LAMP: | a LAMP Z LAMP | ALARM BUZZER LAMP ALARM SUPPLY ‘SUPERVISION TYPICAL TRIP_AND ALARM CIRCUITS FOR FRAME LEAKAGE WITH DOUBLE INSULATION BARRIER AND CI FEATURE PAGE 31 ~ FIC. DIRECTIONAL COMPARISON SCHEME. POSITIVE HALE CYCLE INTERNAL FAULT CURRENT TRANSFORMER _// SECONDARY CURRENT RELAY OPERATION PHASE COMPARISON SCHEME FEEDER Y PAGE 24 EXTERNAL FAULT INTERNAL_FAULT FIG. BASIC CIRCULATING CURRENT SCHEME DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION zeuTe Uses Merz—Price circulating current principle. All currents entering and leaving Busbar'are compared. One set of CT’s for each circuit associated with a particular zone are all connected to a relay. A single element relay gives earth fault protection only. A three element relay gives phase and earth fault protection Earth Fault Protection Only -— BASIC CIRCULATING CURRENT SCHEME | kx Et A Lb EeePC ERE Et K ® xy Differential relay zur y PHASE AND EARTH FAULT CIRCULATING CURRENT —— SCHEME USING THREE-ELEMENT RELAY XG | F & J A B —— 288 Differential relay zoure -—HIGH IMPEDANCE PROTECTION This is a versatile and reliable protection system applied to many different Busbar configurations. If CT requirements are met, scheme performance may be predicted by calculation without heavy current conjunctive tests. HIGH IMPEDANCE BUSBAR PROTECTION Simple system to apply and extend High sensitivity for phase and earth faults. Extremely stable for external faults | Rst Metrosil CT Requirements: Equal ratios Class 'X' May require stabilising resistors , Rs May require non-linear resistors (Metrosils) 1 HIGH IMPEDANCE DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION Uses equal ratio CT’s Scheme assumes that with heaviest through fault, one CT saturates, the other not To ensure stability, voltage setting of relay circuit made higher than voltage developed across relay circuit. To achieve this an extra relay circuit resistance is required this is known as the stabilising resistance —— EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT ——————___] Rot Ly Rix Ber Rst LL RR zeus PAGE 320 Va yu + Ren) Vy(Rux + Ror) R =R- Re PRINCIPLE OF HIGH IMPEDANCE PROTECTION Hieu_ IMPEDANCE THEORY Assusa€ ONE CT SATURATES ASSUME RELAY RESISTANCE 1S HIGH Ve Ie (2k. +Rer) 2 Vs>V I we Choose I From mun, FAULT CURRENT i. (4 30%) Rs 2 Vs = Inks + IgRe Vs s IgRs = Vs -IrRe Ra Rs = Vs _ Re Te Rs = Vs - VA Ire I, Tuus We Can CHoose A VALUE OF Ks Kesowine ') Max. & MIN FAULT LEVELS , 2) CT. Cureuir IMPEDANCES , 3) RELAY INFoRMATIOW , 4) 6.7 kATIO. EXcITING VoLTAGE (Vs) Tek Exciting CureenT (I,) Kes - Point” VOLTAGE DEFINITION FoR HIGH IMPEDANCE PRoTECTION Choose Vie SUCH THAT = Ve 2 2Vs TMS ENSURES FAST OPERATION Fok ALL FAULTS 6QEATER THAN THE SETTING CURRENT. ‘Ve Is Thus DEPEWDENT ON SETTING VoLTAsG AND HENCE ON MAXIMUAA THROUGH FAULT CURRENT. -— EFFECTIVE SETTING Since in each zone of protection there are several CT’s in parallel with the relay and each other, the combined CT magnetising currents will increase the primary operating current. (P.O.C) P.O.C. = CT ratio (Int Ita +ntm) Where :— IR = Relay setting current Iq = CT magnetising current (one CT at relay setting voltage) n= Number of paralleled CT’s Iutp= Non linear resistor current at relay setting voltage raMe9 -— PRIMARY OPERATING CURRENT (P.O.C.) The value of primary operating current should be around 30% of minimum fault current available. This ensures sufficient relay current during internal fault conditions for high speed operation. route Fic. INTERNAL FAULT On HIGH \MPEDANCE SCHEME zt, = Tp: Ret Rx) Te Effective settling I, In 2 lm with 2 circuits sgt? on Wieh Ne Graits Primary effective setting y= T-Cetnb) o eT (tee Tat Int Leet 4) Top = Inthe FIG. USE OF FAULT SETTING RESISTOR -— THROUGH FAULT STABILITY Busbar protection stability limit is based on maximum through fault current. Generally this value is derived from the rating of the associated switchgear irrespective of existing fault level, since it can be expected that system will develope up to limit of rating. -— CHECK FEATURE Usually provided by duplication of primary protection using second set of CTs on all circuits other than bus section and coupler units. Check system forms one zone only, covering whole of busbar systems and not discriminating between faults on various sections. x 3 x x Zone A 1 ow) 4 Zone B Check zone 4 Dp 1 1— ©) 764400 Mergosic LiMITATION OF RELAY VouTAGE Foe HEAVY INTEAWAL FAULTS LARGE VoLTAGES MAY DEVELOP ACROSS RELAY + STAR. RESISTOR . > 3kV vecracéS — MuST USE METEoSIL. > Ve = 2N2Vc(Ve- Ve) Vic = Kncé Por VOLTAGE Ve = MAX. Rens VouTAGE IF CI" Dida)! SATURATE Ie(Rer+ 2h. + Ret Red FoR METROSIL: Vv " cI (b.c.) NZ V,= C (Zens I a (A.c.) V-I Curve of 600A/S1/Spec 256 Metrosil 5 TO IC RISC CTO I LILI OC o PEAK CURRENT V-I Curve of 600A/S1/ Spec 1088 Metrosil “ sana thomas USE OF NON LINEAR RESISTORS Under in zone fault conditions it is possible for voltages above the relay withstand of 3kV peak to be produced. “Metrosil” non linear resistors may be neccessary to limit the peak voltage below this level. Approx peak volts = 2./2VK (VF — VK) “Metrosil” characteristic :~ V= C18 where :— Vand] are peak values C = constant depending on metrosil construction B = constant in range of 0.2 to 0.25 The values of C and B are chosen to limit metrosil voltage to less than 3kV peak at maximum fault current. -— METROSIL LIMITATION OF RELAY VOLTAGE lop To ensure primary operating current not adversely affected, metrosil constant ‘C’ must be sufficiently high to restrict metrosil current at relay setting voltage VS. Typical currents :— 30ma for use with 1 amp CTs 100ma for use with 5 amp CTs Tous -— DIFFERENTIAL RELAYS Relays used for high impedance protection are high stability, unbiased and tuned to nominal frequency. Two modular types are available :— MCAG14/34 Current calibrated with external stabilising resistor. MFAC14/34 Voltage calibrated with internal high impedance. -—CT WIRING SUPERVISION | Open circuit connections between CT’s and relay circuit result in unbalance currents which may operate the protection. Supervision is applied by a voltage relay across differential relay circuit. Supervision relay is time delayed, gives alarm and also shorts out bus wires to protect differential relay circuit. Typical effective setting is 25 primary amps or 10% of lowest circuit rating, which ever is greater. Zeus PAGE 36 i 1 T 1 hh In Is le Telgtis4le HEALTHY CONDITION CTI OPEN CIRCUIT, 11 FLOWS THROUGH MAGNETISING IMPEDANCE AND RELAY CIRCUIT IN PARALLEL Fl SUPERMISION AGAINST OPEN CIRCUIT ‘Ss VOLTAGE MEASURED 8Y SUPERVISION RELAY v= M1 (Rij wdlZusll2wa) IF SUPERVISION RELAY SETTING = Vso OUT-OF-BALANCE CURRENT TO OPERATE THE SU |= Me Ve ie Me R Zu2 Zus Zue VISION RELAY crt (| st ge Y Zo | [ema | | 24 | telay @) y Voltage measured by supervision relay V =H RilZma2ilZu3illZma) If supervision relay setting = Vsp Out-of—balance current to operate the supervision relay I=Vsp , Vsp , VsP , VSP Ro ZmM2 2M3 2M4 Zone —— DIFFERENTIAL RELAY CIRCUIT — 4 B Zone bus wires N 95x 95X <— Bus wire shorting contacts 9X fo , 95 | Supervision relay mel Isle 2° 3. 4 ( |"~ Stabilising resistors 1 Metrosil # resistors _) HI @ |@'|© Erory CURRENT TRANSFORMERS ~ Current transformers must be of low reactance type (classx) and have identical turns ratio (1 in 100). They should be of similar design, or if not, of reasonably matched magnetic characteristics. It is common practice to use CT's having 1 amp secondaries ~ Tau -— CURRENT TRANSFORMER WIRING ——+ -~ Lead burdens between various sets of CT’s must be kept low. Usually buswires are run in closed ring between breaker control panels. Typical route is :— > CT’s to marshalling kiosk > Marshalling kiosk to isolator auxiliaries > Loop between marshalling kiosks Conductor size :— Normally 2.5mm? zeae CURRENT TRANSFORMERS. DESIGN All of the low reactance type. Le a knowledge of the secondary exciting current, the secondary winding resistance and the turns ratio is sufficient to assess its performance and conesquently avoids the necessity to carry out heavy current conjunctive tests. WIRING Stability and sensitivity is maintained by keeping the lead burdens between c.t.'s as low as possible. Buswires are run in the form of a ring to give the following advantages:— (a). This prevents inadvertant operation due to disconnection of the buswires (b). It permits easier future extension of the scheme. EFFECT OF C.T. LOCATION ON BUSBAR — PROTECTION PERFORMANCE 4 Interlocked Circuit 3 evra 4 Protection x cous 3 ea x i} protection 3 ined q Busbar protection $-Om. 2X man F ~ a relay Overtapping C.T-s AI C.T.s on line side AILG.T.s on Busbar ircuit bre side of circuit breaker TYPICAL DOUBLE BUSBAR ARRANGEMENT ————_ = ©) Generators x x ae 4k 132kV | 52 | yO LNA YAY LH 4 (ancl oe yf — ZONES OF PROTECTION FOR DOUBLE BUS STATION Typical feeder circuits ISOLATOR AUXILIARY Suit TCHES, —* —9 oF r Buswikes © Auxiviaky SwiTeHES SHourD = 1) Ctosé BEFORE THE ISoLATOR CLOSES 2) OPéN AFTER THE ISoLATOR OPENS IW oR0GA To MAINTAW STAG ITY ON SwiTeHING ISOLATOR AUXILIARY SWITCHES ~ On double bus installations, the two bars are treated as separate zones. The bus isolator switches must carry auxiliary contacts to transfer CT’s and also tripping circuits between zones. Auxiliary switches should be “Early make - Late break”, silver plated with 2 switches in parallel per phase. -— DOUBLE BUSBAR SCHEME Reserve LL \b Main 2 I —p Isolator b 7 auxiliaries | ao \ >} _____@) Check bus wires Main bus wires @) Reserve bus wires ® zoaee -— TRIPPING CIRCUITS One tripping relay (device 96) is required for each feeder breaker and 2 for each bus section or bus coupler breakers. Both main and check relays must be energised before tripping relays trip all breakers associated with zone. -— TYPIGAL TRIP RELAY ARRANGEMENT —— Double Busbar System 60502 ( q ‘92819 ‘IV INOL Yad AVTAY 3NO AWIHIS YvESNd Tenog 4 ( sg St | | sawn se ‘WaNOZ va (f ewiaoe | (ri vanoz ElG@. DOUBLE 8USBAR SCHEME ONE RELAY PER. ZONE . D.C. CikCUrTS. —\ —\ hoe. y Ly —\4 -\ \ r web doe \4 + X—\ I \— & NN 1 BREAKER SCH ELTE — — bon eer oT ae —\ [oe Han LL G (2 IZBRERKER Bets PROTECTION. -— BUSBAR PROTECTION AND BREAKER FAIL Where breaker fail protection is applied to a system, back tripping of associated breakers is required in the event of a breaker failure. Often, breaker fail protection is arranged in conjunction with busbar protection tripping circuits to initiate tripping of breakers on a busbar zone associated with the failed breaker. -—MIDOS RELAYS FOR HIGH IMPEDANCE PROTECTION — Differential Relay Supervision Relay Tripping Relay (Hand Reset) No Volt Relay Zone Indication Relay MCAG34 or MFAC34 MVTP31 MVAJ13 MVAX12 MVAA13 26806 -— LOW IMPEDANCE BUSBAR PROTECTION Low impedance protection has been used for many years. In particular on installations where CT output not sufficient for high impedance application. Low impedance protection also operates on circulating current. Through fault stability often assured by low value stabilising resistance plus through load bias. 64807 MODERN LOW IMPEDANCE BUSBAR PROTECTION Fast Modular scheme design allows relays to relate to each circuit and function of the protection. This enables the user to easily understand the principles of application. High sensitivity for phase and earth faults. Protection for each phase can be relatively independent Earlier schemes were less stable than high impedance schemes. Modern schemes incorporate saturation detectors and are extremely stable. Duplicate measuring circuits are included. Current transformers can be : of different ratio of relatively small output shared with other protections Current transformer secondary circuits are not switched. Continuous supervision of CT circuits and constant monitoring of vital circuits are included. TOTAL CURRENT It = Stn + Etout (lal Typical bias characteristic. “| &/ me —t ry = ff 2 rs i 5 orceaion zane ii 2 i | 7 gg 1 a ayy 13 ) 2 2k r seal 25 2 A ¢ 2 2 22 2Ck 23 10 DOUBLE BUS PROTECTION a eh = é 5 Bt a 5 tsi “Ja g--4 ~~ a r e é Ste tJ -----4 Ew eg | Pt sry t= « a = uw a = 2 te 5 - & o.||}©)6 | dP occ E- pe -— 3 7 = [=] MBCZ a ry 2k ral 23 ~-1t qu 4 \ fA 7] TI "| bell 1 fl u 13} Ick BS 22 i zu F2 Bc }, [PSt | |Ps2 | |Ps3y| TH i | I! | pt Wit i t i REFERENCE DESCRIPTION MODULE DESIGNATION 21.23, 10K ZONE DIFFERENTIAL MBCZIG FiJ Fe FEEDER MODULE MBCZI2Z BS BUS SECTION MODULE macZ 13 8c BUS COUPLER HODULE MaCzI an ALARM MODULE MBC PSI, PSZ POWER SUPPLY MSTZ03 TH TEST HODULE maczi8 FIGURE CONNECTIONS FoR DOUBLE BLS PROTECTION SCHEME a BS 2 ae 2b ee FI F2 FF Fe BC? 600mm TT pst |ps2 [ps3 | TH 71 | 73 |72}24 | | ps power suppLy +++ |_ TM TEST MODULE zex} gs am] | Z MAIN ZONE MODULE ZK CHECK ZONE MODULE - 5 | | AM ALARM MODULE 180mm BS BUS SECTION F FEEDER MODULE FA FA BE BUS COUPLER ee | BCI BC2 ; RACK/ CUBICLE LAYOUT FRONT VIEW Stability with Saturated CTs Stability with Saturated CTs. Operation with Saturated CTs Operation with Saturated CTs Duplication of Circuits rr] Sup. t Bias [| Biditt rl — En, | nea [| tite areal | & deel] | Dual 4 Out of 4 Logic Main zone Check zone Dc1 BD1 Det BD1 —. —. Dc2 BD2 Dc2 BD2 ( ) _—_-. __-. — Trip Isolator Repeat Relay + xOR} L Alarm Matching Transformer 4A 0.15, 0.15 0.15 0.15 018, 0.15 0.05 0.05 Ratio 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 Pt P2 P3 st m ‘Secondary Ps winding Pe 82 P7, Pa Module Designation = MBCZ11 = MBCZ12 = MBCZ13 = MBCZ14 MBCZ15 MBCZ16 MBCz17 MBCZ18 MBCZ19 Bus coupler modul Feeder module Bus section breaker module Special applications module Module Designation Bus section isolator module Bus differential (measuring) module Alarm module Test module Buswire access module ALSTOM Busbar Protection Using Numerical Overcurrent Relays ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Limited K - Series Midos Overcurrent Elements are Time ° Current Page 1 (Single Incomer) ple Busbar Blocking Scheme ALSTOM Incomer Block t >> Kee 142 10.0} ALSTOM t>incomer TOMT margin T> feeder + >> incomer Time to block ‘Start >> incomer 10 10.0 100.0 Current (kA) Page 2 Simple Busbar Blocking Scheme Dead Substation Protection © Protection for radial fed busbar Incomer Block short time OC KCEG 242 x KCGG 142 KCGG 142 KCGG 142 KCGG 142 Feeder] Feeder2 Feeder3 Feeder 4 Improving Security of Busbar ALSTOM Protection Scheme 4) Watch dog Trip relays) - repeat rel I> Watch dog Watch dog contacts contacts Page 3 Improving Security of Busbar ALSTOM Protection Scheme 10.0 1.0 Time t> incomer (secs) . t >>> incomer (secs) on >>> incomery > feeder an >> incomer Start 0.01 1.0 10.0 100.0 Current (kA) ALSTOM K - Ser Midos © Bus zone protection and unit protection of feeders Forward Forward Forword Page 4

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