(10-10) GT-S8000 2 Kinds of SW Version (CLW Version Added) - Rev1.1

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Product GSM Notice No. 10-10

Model GT-S8000 Notice Date 10th Feb ‘09
Subject 2 kinds of SW version (CLW version added)
1. Purpose
- To inform All ASCs and Contact Centers of information about technical TIP

2. Reason
- There are 2 kinds of SW version for S8000 DTM. They have same H/W spec but use
different S/W version that is related to calling service (CLW).
※CLW : Connected Life & Work

3. Instruction
- How to distinguish 2 models
Original version CLW version
Check the IMEI label if ‘CLW’ marked or not

If no ‘CLW’ marking on IMEI label,

check the full model code on IMEI review of Anysvc site
Buyer : LBADTM Buyer : LBUDTM

S8000 RF XX1 S8000 BO IK6
correct S/W
INI file Use Common CSC ini

4. Note
- This SVC bulletin is related to S8000 DTM only.

Published By [Global CS Team in HQ]

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