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World is at the verge of a new conflict


1. Introduction:
The world is at the verge of a new conflict due to evolving political, economic and social
challenges. However, mutual cooperation can lead to peace at large.

2. The evolving challenges that have brought the world at the verge of a new conflict:
i. In political sphere
a. Evolution of new world order-Thucydides trap.
b. Rise of populism and right wing politics.
c. Threat of neo-colonialism to subjugate weaker states.
d. Trans border terrorism- a threat to states’ sovereignty.
e. Decreasing credibility of International institutes-weakening International system.
f. Dilemma of Nuclear proliferation-threat to International security.

ii. At Economic level:

a. Global energy politics. Sowing the seeds of confrontation.
b. Rising protectionism fueling the trade war.
c. Enhancing gulf between Global North and Global South.
d. Industrial automation undermining the interests of working class.

iii. At social level:

a. Population explosion undermining social sustainability.
b. Rise of extremism, racism and xenophobia.
c. Gigantic challenge of climate change-threat to life on earth.
d. Social media-a tool to propagate propaganda.
e. Increasing food and water insecurity
3. Measures to save the world from a new conflict:
a. Upholding the credibility of international law.
b. Controlling the population explosion
c. Liberalizing the economy-avoiding trade war.
d. Uprooting the roots of terrorism.
e. Avoiding the clash of civilizations

4. Conclusion

The changing circumstances and rapid evolution of the intensity of challenges are posing severe
threat to world peace. It is quite evident from the history evident from the history that political,
economic and social rifts and divergences lead to the world war I and world war II. At present
however, the problems have become more gigantic due to ideological confrontation among the
great powers of the world. This has lead to increasing international insecurity which threatens the
interests of sovereign small states as well. Furthermore, non-traditional security threats have
further aggravated these challenges. Thus, it is quite clear that numerous challenges have brought
the world at the verge of a new conflict but amicable measures can be taken in order to ensure
prosperity and peace of the world.

In order to rationalize the argument that the verge world is at the verge of new conflict it is
necessary to jot down the reasons behind it. There cause can be rationalized at political,
economic and social level. At political level, numerous radical changes are taking place.
Evolution of a new world order is underway. Previously the world was unipolar. Now, it is
striving to become multipolar. Now, new world powers are originating in the form at other.
Therefore, in a multipolar world it becomes very difficult for great powers to maintain a balance
between conflict and competition.
Similarly, the world is witnessing the rise of populism and right wing politics. In populism, the
leaders try to galvanize the support of public by doing politics on sensitive and popular issues.
The rise of Trump in America-a bellicose leader is fruit of populism. He targeted the influx of
refugees and asylum seakers in America with a slogan of “America first”. This is fueling
uttranationalism in America. Whereas, the right wing politics has become the order of the day in
Europe. Thus, marginalization of minorities will increase in Europe. Hence, the conflict among
European countries is enhancing.

Likewise the rise of china and her debt trap policies are after alleged as neo-colonialism. China is
becoming an economic giant. Under its “agenda 2030”, it is expected that china will overtake the
hegemony of USA in economic field. Moreover, china is trying to subjugate the weaker
economies and states by means of her debt trap policy. Srilanka has already given her
“Hambantuta Port” to china for 99 years. This has been confronted by the “South Pacific
Strategy” of USA, where America is anxiously working to form “Ring of Alliances” to combat
the influence of china.

Moreover, the perpetuating threat of Transborder Terrorism light of us-India Nuclear deal have
been accelerated resulting in a nuclear race in South Asian region. Thus, Nuclear and atomic
energy is rapidly becoming a tool of deterrence.

A new conflict has also become inevitable due to rising challenges in economic filed. The threat
of confrontation with respect to global energy politic has been increased to a larger extent.
Russia uses her influence on Europe, as Europe is dependent on Russia for the provision of
Energy. Russian alignment with Iran and Turkey is also part of this Global energy politics. While
on the other hand America continues to support the authoritarian and autocratic regimes in
Middle East, for exploiting their natural reserves. Thus, new alignment is underway to keep
hegemony over global energy politics.

Moreover, rising protectionism is also threatening the International political economy. The
protectionist policies of the leaders fuel the trade wars among the states. As a result state imposes
high taxes on the imports of other countries in order to protect their domestic industry. The
ongoing trade war between china and America is a good manifestation in order to vividly support
the argument of destabilization of International political economy. In this way countries try to
sought out their reservations by themselves and undermine the working of World Trade
Organization”. Thus, the international economic order is threatened and conflicts become
In addition to this, the promulgating economic challenges in the form of increasing gulf between
Global North and Global South also threatens International peace and security. This is one of the
draw back of capitalism as pointed by Karl Marx, where rich become more rich and poor become
more poor. Thus, the mass migration of people from global south to global north increases. This
gives rise to refugee crisis. Moreover, the south considers that North is responsible for their
under development. Thus, a new conflict between global north and south is becoming sere.

In the same fashion, the present industrial revolution has perpetuated automation. This
automation is manifested in the form of Artificial intelligence. Besides the moral concerns, this
automation of industry and artificial intelligence is undermining the interest of working class.
The rate of unemployment is increasing all over the world and mainly in Western countries. This
has led to class system and yawning gap between segregated classes is increasing. Thus,
insurgency rebellion and concerns over the present economic system have enhanced greatly.

At social level the radical environmental deterioration is decelerating the process of climate
change. Maldives is expected to be the first sacrificial goat in this regard. Hence, social anxiety
and uncertainty among the people regarding their life, property and bright future is increasing. If
the rate of climate change continues unabated it will not only threaten the biodiversity but also
bring a death blow to survival of humanity. As World Health Organization has propounded that
one third of mammals have gone extinct due to climate change. Moreover, UN has also
introduced a new term of ‘climate refugees’ due to inevitability of conflict.

Similarly, social disintegration and degradation of social fabric is also fueling the new conflict
social fabric has become more prone to conflict. As a result extremism and Racism is increasing.
The rise of White Supremacy in America and Neo-Nazism in Germany has become undeniable
reality. Furthermore, Islamophobia is also perpetuating in the West at Rapid pace. The rise of
Hindutra ideology and rejuvenation of ultrat hindu nationalism is posing serious threats to the
pace in South Asian region.
Besides, the social media revolution has become a toot for terrorist and extremist elements for
propagating their propaganda. One half of the world population is now using internet. The
authenticity of the information cannot be validated on internet. The exploitation of masses and
their cyber insecurity has increased significantly, owing to social media. The recent Facebook
leaks undermined the privacy laws and infringed the privacy of number of individuals.
Therefore, masses consent can be reshaped by political elites and coorporates and masses can be
infuriated to wage war against other states.

The famous adage goes that there is no problem without solution. Therefore, pragmatic and
timely measures can be taken in order to safe the world from a new conflict. Firstly, upholding
the international law is necessary to propagate peace international law does not only ensures the
rights and duties of states but also that of individuals. However, there is a need to empower the
International institutes to ensure that they perform their duty civilized states should also be
required to fulfill their duties under the auspices of International law.

Secondly, population explosion should be controlled on war footing puts more pressure on
already scarce resources present manifestion is increasing water and food insecurity in countries.
Pakistan would become water scarce country by 2025 if efficient water management is not
carried out. Thus, controlling the rise in population can sought out the problem and threat of
conflict among countries.

Thirdly, the world economy should also be liberalized in order to distribute the fruits of
economic development. Moreover, trade wars should be discouraged in this regard. As, trade
wars usually result in inflation and hampers the availability of goods to the people. Similarly, the
rivalry among the countries can be mitigated by framing prefential trade agreements.
Lastly, there is a dire need to uproot terrorism. A united front of states against the menace of
terrorism is required. Likewise, ideological confrontation of terrorism should be carried out.
Hence, cooperation among states is required to avoid any future conflict due to lack of trust
among states. Similarly, the state should overcome the dilemma of Clash of civilizations. Clash
leads to conflict whereas respect for each other’s identity and culture leads to cooperation. Thus,
individuals and states should prioritize cooperation rather conflict.

In a nut shell, it can be recapitulated that the world has become at the verge of a new conflict.
The rise of ultra-nationalism, populism and deterioration of world economic order together with
the degrading social fabric have pushed the world further towards conflict. However, it is
pertinent to note here that the new prospects of cooperation are also present. Here, the world
needs to put all effort to address the challenges of mutual concern. Thus, world could become a
safer and peaceful place to live in by means of cooperation among states, international institution
and the societies.

“Success is counted sweetest those who ne’er succeed.

To comprehend a rector.Requires the sorest need
1. Introduction:
Over the past few decades, globalization has made tremendous changes. It is
simultaneously pulling many of the planet’s inhabitants together through centripetal
forces and pushing the rest inhabitants’ apart though centrifugal forces.
No doubt, globalization has created more problems than solutions.

2. Solutions provided by Globalization:

2.1 World has become a global village.
2.2 New-liberal paradigm
2.3 Economic inter-dependence. Leaky boat analogy.
2.4 Brettenwoods inhabitations and united nations.
2.5 Global non-proliferation regimes.
2.6 One law for one global nation.
2.7 Tremendous rise in middle class
2.8 Collective endeavors for world problems
2.9 Severe problems erupted by the wave of globalization.
2.10 Divide between the global north and south world system theory.
2.11 Prevalence of 80-20 equations: Inequality.
2.12 Brettonwoods institution; a new form of colonial.
2.13 Multi-national corporations unflinching control over under developed
2.14 U.N satellite state of USA.
2.15 Shift from unipolarity to multi polarity.
2.16 Rise of Populism and retribalism.
2.17 Clash of civilization Islamic v/s stern blocs.
2.18 Horizontal and vertical proliferation.
2.19 Global terrorism and global warming.
2.20 Artificial Intelligence. Rebuts can take over all control.
2.21 Vulnerability of third world war.

They Way forward.


Over the past few decades, globalization has made tremendous changes. It is simultaneously
pulling many of the global inhabitants together through centripetal forces and pushing the rest of
inhabitants apart through centrifugal forces. There is no denying the fact that globalization has
created more problems than solutions. On the one hand, due to globalization, work has become a
global village, thus everyone is connected on the social, economic and political front. While on
the other, it has instigated host of problem, like, divide between the global south and the north,
rise of populism and retribalism and, above all, global terrorism and vertical nuclear
proliferation. The global institutes like IMF (inter-Monetary fund_, WB (World Bank) and
MNC’s (Multi-National Corporation) have proved to be a shock wave which established the very
foundation of many countries. The idea of neo-liberalism highlighted by globalization has
considered a conceptual prison. According to the founded of cortical theory, Robert coax,
globalization is like an inflated balloon that has to be blown out sooner or late. However, in order
to understand the true meaning of the topic, it is quite pertinent to go through its main theme.

Globalization is a fundamental economic vision that endorses force trade in the goods and
services which is supported by all international organizations and facilitated by robust
technology. This phenomenon applied after the devastating world war II but its roots are far
beyond that about hundreds of thousands year ago, there were small tribes residing near the river
yellow-chins tribe, they were many time targeted by the floods and droughts. No single tribe had
ability to counter the threat but when they all united, they made dams and avoid the threat though
collective efforts. In the same vein, the idea of globalization was to pull all the planets
inhabitants together and made the world as global village the world has become the global
village where everyone has to learn to live together. This Waves of globalization has
exterminated the national values, culture and traditions of any one region and made the world
identical on every level.

Moreover, globalization has inter-connected all the world on economic level. The rise of
neoliberal paradigm, Brettonwood’s institutes has created many solutions for the world in terms
of fighting the hunger and poverty centric countries. The under-developed countries like Brazil,
Chine, South Africa, and India have transformed tremendously due to globalised world. The
Brazil which was fighting for tis survival is now the world’s 7 th largest economy. In the annals of
history, first time the people die due to obesity than to hunger. First time the rate of violence,
genocide and serialization decrease, and this has improved due to globalization.

Global arms race was at peak in the cold war era, but later on, global community has considered
it a threat to whole humanity and wage a war against it though non-proliferation regions. It has
provided the solutions, to avoid the chances of severe conflict by establishing the United Nation
forum. UNCLOS (United nation conversation on the Law of Sea) and international Law. Which,
in turn, motivate the nations to co-evict and co-operate with each other.

Similarly, the wave of globalization has fetched many people from starvation and given a great
rise to middle class take for example, chine, back in 1970, 1/3 rd of the chines population were
below poverty line. In 2007, only 11 % population lives under poverty line. Although
globalization have solved many of the world problems but it was for the few privileged
countries. However, there is no escaping the foot that it has created more problems than
solutions. The sever problems which are erupted by the globalization are in many shapes and
brands, the most lethal manifestation can be seen on divide between the global North and South.
According to World system theory, Joseph Stalin, encapsulated that global North Exploits the
resources of Global South, resultantly putting them aside. This unfair divide has made the core
countries global south. The south countries were believing that in the globalised world they will
also flourish but in reality it laid on 80-20 equation.

This 80-20 equation is the after moth of globalization which gave the 80% of the global wealth
into the hands of 20%. This equitation has accelerated unprecedented inequality in the world.
The trend of tiny elites have emerged which have created a social imbalance in the society
particular and world as a whole.
The most horrible problem created by globalization is the moment of multinational co-operations
throughout the whole of the world some of the Multi National co-corporation throughout the
whole of the world .Some of the multinational corporations have even high GDP than that of
developing countries. Take for example “Nokia” multinational company of policies these
nationalists leader are inciting the hearts and minds of the people. The disenchanted masses have
started hating the wave of globalization due to a massive divide between the tiny rich elites
versus the command men.

The major problem crusted by the globalization can be seen on the division of Islamic and
western culture. Clash of civilization argue that cultural identify due to globalization will lead to
cultural divide and hatred and these divide into the Islamic and western bloc and anticipated that
the next fight among them will be on cultural values.

The last and the foremost problem erupted by the wave of globalization is global terrorism and
global warming where the world has become a global village due to globalization, the world is
facing with global terrorism in the form of different militants agencies, cyber-crimes and
artificial intelligence.

Summing up the whole discussion, there is no denying the fault that globalization has created
more problems than solution. The solution that it has provided in the form of making world as a
global village, on dynamic law for all national etc having, in return, given wavered blow to the
world interims of terrorism, inequality, nuclear proliferation and clash of civilization. However,
measures should be taken on war footing to overcome these severe problems so that the world
would become a better place to live in.

Over the past few decades, globalization has made tremendous changes. It is simultaneously,
pulling many of the planets inhabitants together through centripetal forces while pushing every
inhabitant through centrifugal forces no doubt, it has created more problems centrifugal forces.
No doubt, it has created more problems than solutions in the wake of 21st century globalized
Women empowerment in a class ridden society is a non-issue.

Out line


Thesis Statement

Women empowerment is considered less importance in class ridden society, that is why
women are suppressed and ill-treated. Women do not recognized and acquire equal status in
class ridden society.

ii) Extent of the Issue:

1) Women are facing inequality and discrimination.

2) Women are not allowed to participate in socio political affairs.
3) Women are deprived of decision making and economic empowerment.
4) Women face psychological, physical and sexual violence.
5) Anita women practices such as child marriage and forced marriages are common in third
world countries.
6) Women are deprived of basic rights such as education and healthcare.
7) Half population of the world is comprised of women but their capabilities are being
8) Women are facing legal hurdles to achieve equal privileges.
9) Girls considered inferior and boys are considered superior in back ward societies.

iii) Causes:

1) Illiteracy is the root cause of poor status of women in class ridden society.
2) Male dominated structure of societies.
3) Feudalism.
4) Negative role of religious scholars
5) Media is not playing a responsible role.
6) Absence of rule of law.
7) Lack of implementation on laws regarding women empowerment.
8) Limited Job opportunities for women in public and private sectors.

iv) Suggestions to improve the status of women

1) Laws should be implemented regarding women empowerment.

2) Feudal traditions should be eradicated by strengthening democratic culture.
3) Women should be given access to education and healthcare.
4) Religious scholars should play a positive role in changing the attitude of men towards
5) NGOs and civil society organizations should create awareness among the women in
backward areas.
6) Women police stations should be increased to address the issues of domestic violence.
7) Number of women judges should be enhanced in courts to provided legal protection to
8) Cottage industry and industrialization should be promoted to create job opportunities for

iv) Conclusion.


Women empowerment is generally considered less important in a class ridden society, that is
why women are suppressed and ill-traced. Women do not recognize and acquire equal status in
class-ridden society. 21st Century is revolving around technological advancement and countries
are developing their economy by utilizing human resources effectively. But, still women are
facing tremendous issues which have impeded their role in socio-economic progress of countries.
Especially, backward areas and class ridden societies do not enable women to prosper and thrive.
Women are facing inequality and discrimination in all sectors. Women do not sent equality in
Public and private sectors. Women face “inferiority complex” because men are given priority
and top positions in private and government sector. Besides, in conservative societies, women
are unable to go outside their homes due to cultural restriction.

Women are not allowed to participate in socio political affairs. Patriarchal mindset of society
prevents women from achieving their rights. Women face hurdles while participating in
“Political activities”. Men order women to cat vote according to the social norms which is based
on women denigration golly, Women are politically weak and fragile due to their law
participation in socio-political affairs.

Moreover, women are deprived of decision making and economic empowerment in conservative
societies. Women are generally expected to remain inside home and to participate in hurdles
chores. In this way, women lose their self respect and decision makings power and women’s
dependence on men leads to the suppression of women. Women cannot independently take part
in economic activities.

Furthermore, women are confronting Psychological, Physical and sexual voidance in a class
ridden society. Psychological pressure is outcome of domestic violence and structural violence.
Physical violence includes honor killing, beating women by cutting nose and hair. Sexual
harassment in public places and offices has started next wave of MCTOO Movement globally.

Anti women practices such as child marriages and forced marriages are common in third world
countries. Child marriages prevent mental growth of females which leads to depression and
health complications. Forced marriages also lose the freedom of women. Socio Cultural
restrictions and norms do not allow women to flowing in practical life.

Women are also deprived of basic lights such as education and healthcare in under developed
areas and countries. Education develops critical thinking and decision making power among the
people but women are unable to acquire educational facilities especially in class ridden society.
Similarly, mostly women do not have access to healthcare facilities. Thousands of women die
globally due to mostly women do not have access to healthcare facilities. Thousands of women
die globally due to material mortality and breast cancel. In tribal societies, women do not have
access to proper medical treatment.
Half of the population of the world is comprised of women but their capabilities are benign
ignored. Women are not fully participating in economic and social activities. enjoy the birth and
attach expectation with the.

There are certain causes which have hampered the development of women in class ridden

Illiteracy is the root cause of women’s backwardness. Women are unfamiliar with their rights
because they are illiterate and have no access to modern education. Women are politically weak
and economically they do not possess higher jobs because they are not educated. As Asma
Jahangir Said “Illiteracy is the semantic obstacle in the way of women emancipation. Illiteracy
prevents the growth of women socially, politically and economically”.

Male dominated structure of society is also a major cause of women subordination “patriarchal
mindset of society does not allow women to take part in social and cultural activities. Socio
cultural taboos are hindrance in the way of women’s progress.

Feudalism is another major cause of women designated status. Feudal traditions put the women
in shackles and deprive the women in shackles and deprive the women from dignity and honor.
For example, in partisan enwalls and land lords impose restrictions on women and prevent the
women from political activities. That is why women’s number is low and fireside in parliament.
And, women do not play effective role in legislations regarding women improvement.

Negative role of religious schools is also a key cause of women’s poor status. Religious scholars
misinterpret religious scriptures and impose restrictions on women, in this way, women do not
convince men to comprehend their concerns.

Similarly, media is not playing a responsible role regarding women improvement. Media has
always shown women as a symbol of entertainment and through objectification women lose their
right to openly move in society.

Absence of rule of law is another cause of women poor status in class ridden society. Women
have to face decades of patience in ruder to get justice. Since men are at powerful positions so
women sometimes are reluctant to go to police stations and courts because those places are male
Lack of implementation on laws regarding women empowerment is another cause of women’s
subordinate status. In every country, there are some laws which ensure the rights of women but
due to lack of implementation, women face injustice. For example, article 1 of Human Rights
declaration says that every human being is born free and equal in dignity. But, realistically
women are not treated with equity.

There are certain solutions and suggestion which can develop the status of women globally and
especially in conservative patriarchal society.

Law should be implemented regarding women empowerment. This is only possible when
judiciary is strong and robust and ensures speedy justice to the suppressed women.

Feudal traditions should be eradicated by stress gathering democratic culture. Democracy

empowers women because democracy is the government of the people and focuses on human

Women should be given access to education and healthcare facilities. Education can empower
women intellectually and politically. Similarly, Women should be provided proper health care
facilities to ensure healthy nation.

Religious scholars should also play a constructive role in changing the attitude of men towards
women. Religious scholars should encourage women to participate in socio economic activities.
Media should also play a responsible role to empower women. Media should show such dramas
and movies which can transform the patriarchal mindset.

NGOs and civil society organization should create awareness among the women in backward
area. Special courses, workshops should be conducted to empower women by creating
confidence in women.

Women police station should be increased to address the issues of domestic violence. By
establishing women police stations, women will complain about injustice openly, and with fear
to women police officers.

Number of women judges should be increased in courts to provide legal protection to women. By
doing so, women judges, will address women related issues on priority basis.
Cottage industry and other industries should be established to create employment opportunities
for women. By acquiring economic opportunities, women will become more self-reliant and they
will contribute in national development.

It can be said that though of women are in no way inferior to men but still they are facing social,
political and economic inequalities and discrimination. Women can really become an asset for
the development of any society and country if they are treated with dignity, honor and equity. It
is true that class ridden society does not pay much attention to women empowerment but in
modern world no nation can thrive and make progress without inclusion of women in all spheres
of life. As Quaid-e-Azam vividly expressed:

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless and until your women work
side by side with you”
Will new provinces solve existing problems or create new ones?

Thesis statement

Provided recent events creation of new province has become inevitable. However,
the government must ensure that process is smooth, well planned and will be executed before it’s
too late.

1. Introduction
2. Diverse population of Pakistan
3. Question of creating new provinces
4. Existing problems
i. Poor governance
ii. Undermined democracy
iii. Poor human development over population.
iv. Poor access to justice
v. Unequal budgetary allocation
vi. Violation of minority rights
vii. Unequal distribution of natural resources
viii. Foreign interference
ix. Poor communication and transport
x. Terrorism
xi. Sectarianism
xii. Distrust/resentment of public towards government
xiv. Poor international image
5. Creation of new province on solve problems by ensuring:
i. National integration
ii. Equitable distribution of resources
iii. Democracy
iv. Better governance
v. Improved human development
vi. Access to justice
vii. Better development opportunity
viii. Protecting minority rights.

i. Creating new provinces
ii. Enhancing government machinery
iii. Increased role of civil society
iv. Responsible role of media
v. Creating new courts and extending jurisdiction of Supreme Court to new province
vi. Increased participations of locals
vii. Representative governance

Case of mainstreaming FATA with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Pakistan is faced with several external and internal challenges. However, main challenge that
amplifies the affects of other challenges is the challenge of governance. Pakistan is home to
diverse population since 1960, its population has increase by five folds. Several reports from
World Bank, IMF and World Economic Forum indicate that feelings of resentment among public
towards government are very common in Pakistan. This has led to rise is feeling of provincialism
in other provinces and separatism, is particular, in Baluchistan. It is a fact that only creation of
new provinces can solve the governance crisis in Pakistan as it will allow the new province to
have its own administrative machinery, financial budget and improved access to justice.

Pakistan is home to various ethic and religious groups. Where Muslims constitute 98% of the
total population of Pakistan, other religious groups are Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and others.
Similarly ethnically, Punjabis hold the majority at 49% approximately Sindhi, Baluch and
Pashtun hold minority. Based on evidence from various research reports it appears Pakistan’s
majorities hold special attention where as others feels marginalized. Hence, creation of new
provinces has necessary where responsible governments are elected based on true representation.

Incumbent government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has formed government by forming

coalitions from all other provinces as it alone would not win the required majority so, it becomes
crucial for the new government and becomes its moral responsibility to address the grievances of
those who are marginalized.

Recent events dictate why creation of new provinces would be the only viable solution. Recently,
South Punjab is in high lights although their demand and efforts for a new Saraki province have
for decades been ignored, despite their legitimate concerns. Resultantly, the region (South
Punjab) has remained under-developed. Although it has home towns of various political leaders
who have won votes from those electoral colleges, yet it has been ignored.

Creation of new province will solve many problems like governance, lack of development
opportunity, and distribution of resources, protect minority rights, social injustice and etc. Most
importantly, it will help tackle the governance crisis that has married the socio-economic
development of several regions for decades. Baluchistan, Sindh and previously FATA region
have long suffered at the hands of poor governance. Weak and even absence of political
institution, administrative machinery and negligence of successive governments has headed their

For example, as Pakistan People’s Party governed Sindh for decades, their dynastic politics is all
about chanting slogans. Sindh remains under-developed corruption as abuse and misuse of
power, goes unchecked. Tribalism and feudalism hinder development as it would challenge their
authority and influence. Government has failed to address the issues.

Where rights of people are not protected and they face discrimination and feel marginalized and
unheard, democracy is challenged. Pakistan currently has only four provinces and total
geographical area is 796096 Km. This is a vast piece to land not possible to be governed
effectively with only four provinces. Poor governance undermines democracy. Parliamentarians
are habitual of doing things their own ways. They devise policies that promote their personal
interests not interests of public at large. Public demands new provinces for better service delivery
that will ultimately enhance their participation and democracy

Another challenge faced by Pakistan is under development in majority of its provinces Except
for the Northern Punjab, rest of the Pakistan domains lonely under-developed due to lack of
infrastructure, efficient administrative machinery etc. however, human development has suffered
the most. Literacy rate remains relatively better in Punjab, particularly north. It also enjoys
better health facility and delivery of social justice and security. However, other provinces
remained highly under-developed. They lack of education, infrastructure for better
communication, health and sanitation, social justice and security 45% of children in Pakistan are
showing started growth. Maternal mortality rate stands 176 out of 100,000 live births, which is
one of the highest in the world 6% population in urban areas have no access to safe and clean
drinking water. This all shows failure of governance and human under development.

Active machinery etc. However, human development has suffered the most. Literacy rate
remarks relatively better in Punjab, particularly north. It also enjoy better health facility and
delivery of social justice and security. However, other provinces remained highly
underdeveloped. They lack education, infrastructure for better communication, health and
sanitation, social justice and security. 45% of children is Pakistan are showing stunted growth.
Maternal mortality rate stands 176 out of 100,000 live births, which is one of the highest in the
world 6% population in urban areas and 90% in rural areas have no action to safe and clean
drinking water. This all shows failure of governance and human under development.

Another, continuous threat faced by Pakistan is its ever increasing population. Since, 1960,
Pakistan’s population has increased by 5 bolds. With already existing demoting challenges of
human development, continuous increase in population further aggravates the situation. Need for
good governance becomes dire to effectively manage the population growth. The more the
population, more will be the stress on national resources, that are limited already.

In addition to the aforementioned challenges, increase to justice has always been detrimental for
human development. Lack of rule of law is Pakistan has trued law of the land into law of the
jungle. This has old to resentment among public and people resort to unlawful practices to seek
revenge. This creates anarchy and states become ungovernable. Lack of courts and
inaccessibility of common man to the fair justice are common reasons behind. Furthermore,
justices are common reasons behind. Furthermore, justice system of Pakistan is an inefficient as
several civilians cases are waiting for there resolution backlog of civilian cases indicate
efficiency and lack of sufficient courts.

Budgetary allocation is the matter of national interest that grabs the most headlines unequal
budgetary allocation among provinces becomes the cause of interprovincial clashes. Budge is
allocated according to provincial population. Punjab holding majority population, gets the most
of budget. However, Baluchistan contributes the most interims of natural resources and
advocates the un-equal and unfair return from those natural resources, due to which the province
largely remains under-developed.

Social security is also a change faced by Pakistan. Quid’s idea of unity spoke of equality among
religious and ethic groups. Residing under spirit of nationalism. Quid’s idea of national unity
under lined significance of Pakistan as a coming together state whose strength lies in its
diversity. To achieve unity in diversity. Tolerance and protection of rights minority is extremely
important. However, with rise of ethno centralism in Pakistan , rights are largely observed being

Furthermore , distribution of natural resources is also a challenge, Punjab being in upper riparian
province , with geographical proximity to all originating rivers from Kashmir, is legally
benefited from supply of fresh waters additionally naturally resources like supply of NLG for
domestic rules in particular is comparatively interrupted than other provinces .
Recently ,sindhhas observed the worst shutdown and non supply of LNG which handle economic
activity in the province is industries were closed for day and gas station shut. This shows unequal
distribution of resources between provinces in addition to the existing problem mentioned above,
the most determinate challenge is foreign interference in the triagenalized province of Pakistan,
for example Indian fans the feeling of resentment against government and radilcalism in
Baluchistan this foreign interference partly dictates failure of government to regulated and
monitor the marginalized areas that fall prey to foreign anti state elements in the lien of larger

Under development means lack of modern technology and improved means of communication
lack of communication indicates little exchange and low people to people contact, given rise to
attinocen traction and leads to national disintegration.

Terrorism is a menace faced by Pakistan for almost two deciders now. Pakistan has lost billion of
rupees and innocent lives in efforts to fight and eradicate terrorism. Terrorist adopt heinous
practice to send government marriages to fall to their demand. These anti state elements have for
long challenged Pakistan and still poses a grave threat.

Pakistan homes various groups, ethnically, and religiously. Though Pakistan holds Muslim
majority, yet, sects created have in demined national integration. Sunni Muslim defines a Shia
Muslim, Similarly Ahmedi Community declared non-Muslim created resentment towards state,
similarly, ethnic communities, diverse as they are face difficulties in national integration Punjabs
consider themselves superior than Pakistan and Baluch. Saraikis due to their separate identity
from Punjabis. The further the ethnicities consider themselves district from another, they
promote provincial interest over national interest.

Failure of government to take issues of governance, distribution of resources, equal budget,

ethocention, provincialism, has led to create a public distrust towards government and people
resort to feeling of separatism and indulge in anti state activity, that challenges the writ of the
state. It can also lead to violent clashes.

All these problems and situations are widely annexed by international organizations and they
generate reports. These reports when publicized they compromise Pakistan’s reputation as a
peace loving state. Pakistan has at times been declared as Cheater and liar. Additionally, have
been almost declared a Terrorist State Hence, out country’s international image is compromised.
All these problem can be effectively managed, if not completely solved by creation of new
province. Pakistan held large geographical territory and that can only be effectively managed and
administered if government machinery per group of population is increased. It can be effectively
done by creating new province. e.g creation of south Punjab is underway, and as the plan
executes, it will get its own secretariat development budget administrative machinery, political
institutions civil society.

Creation of new province can help promote national Investigation i.e, when south Punjab is
divided and made separate Salaries majority provinces, it will reduce the feeling of resentment
against government. Instead could create sense of portion and nationalism as the people feel that
they are heard. It would strengthens democracy and improve administration.

With the creation of new provi9nce, it would get its due share of budgetary allocation and hence
the development projects can initiate, as the under developed region will get its due share and
attribution Governance would improve at local levels of marginalized community and regions.

Furthermore, as the development activity initiates human development will automatically take a
kick start with improved budget, they will be better investment on education, health social
justice. Employment opportunity will be created in the region and eventually living stand4ards
improve al0ng with governmental service delivery, This will ultimately reduce poverty.

Minority rights will also be protected as ethic group is culturally identified and acknowledged
with a creation of new province. This can lead to lower crime rates and anti-state activities.
Tolerance towards other minority groups will eventually rise as diversity will be appreciated.

There are multitude of challenges that are present in Pakistan. Creation of new province is one of
many solutions that can be adopted. Its correctly said “Sweet are the fruits of adversity”.
However, its carrier said then done. Creation of a new province is not an easy job. It requires
clarity of objective and main challenge is not to lose social cohesion in the process that could
further alienate people.

Arrangement, regarding creation of new province should be made prior to actual execution
process should be well planned, smoothly executed 18th amendment poses a challenge to creation
of new province although it is not an impossible task.
Creating a separate secretariat for the new province can help as it will allow the new province to
have a dedicated administrative machinery to manage all the affairs effectively. Similarly, civil
society must be properly trained on the subject and must be properly equipped with required
shills. Civil society must effectively engage with local and address their grievances first hand.
This will instill the sense of trust in government and prevent alienation.

In addition to the effective side of administrative machinery and civil society, media must realize
its true responsibility and should work to promote healthy image of the country. The right of
censorship and information should be responsibly used so is it should not tarnish the country’s
overall reputation on international front.

For a new province it should be taken case of that the jurisdiction of supreme court extended to
the new provinces and it oversees all the governmental procedures and fair and smooth

Representative governess is extremely important in making the creation of new province a

success. Unless are until feedback is taken from the local and they are not provided true
representation at local and national level the purpose of new creating province cannot be fully
achieved. It is necessary that people the province are given their due seats in national assembly.
And they are involved at local level.

Although the creation of new province is a viable option to create cultured identity of those
marginalized. This is not always the best solution. Recent example of this use observed was
mainstreaming Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) with KP province creation of new
province would not have been a viable option. Proximity with afghan border was a major
challenge. Hence, the province is to be mainstreamed with the ethically affiliated KP province.
FCR was nullified and jurisdiction of supreme court has already been extended to the region.
Political process is still under way.

Although mainstreaming FATA with KP is a realistic solution to the radicalism is the area.
However, it faces entrain challenges as well. The issue of truce representation of previously
FATA region in National assembly and prospects of representative governance in the region
must not be ignored.
Creation of new province can effectively tackle the issues faced by Pakistan, both internally and
externally. Although it does not provide a perfect solution, it does mitigates the graveness if the
issue Government of Pakistan must work in coordination with all the new and old provinces to
address the issues of national importance. Equality, unity, fairness are the ideological
foundations of Pakistan. These are the values subsided by personal interests. These values need
to be incorporated before it’s too late.

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