Chocolate 3

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Shree Narayan Central School


Chocolate Analysis

- An Investigatory Project by:

- Shubham Chandegara
- Standard: 12


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I would like to convey my thanks to Mrs. Deepa Nair,
my Chemistry teacher, at Shree Narayan Central
School Ahmedabad for her immense help and guide
dance in the completion of the project. It is due to
her efforts that my project could be completed
successfully. This report is submitted the as a part of
practical examination included in curriculum of CBSE
of all India Senior Secondary Examination for the
year 2022-2023.

Name: Shubham Chandegara

Class: 12 Roll No.:38


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 What is chocolate

Chocolate is a food made from roasted and ground cacao seed kernels
that is available as a liquid, solid, or paste, either on its own or as a
flavouring agent in other foods. Cacao has been consumed in some form
since at least the Olmec civilisation (19th-11th century BCE),and the
majority of Mesoamerican people ─ including the Maya and Aztecs ─ made
chocolate beverages.

The seeds of the cacao tree have an intense bitter taste and must be
fermented to develop the flavour. After fermentation, the seeds are
dried, cleaned, and roasted. The shell is removed to produce cocoa nibs,
which are then ground to cocoa mass, unadulterated chocolate in rough
form. Once the cocoa mass is liquefied by heating, t is called chocolate
liquor. The liquor may also be cooled and processed into its two
components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Baking chocolate, also called
bitter chocolate, contains cocoa solids and cocoa butter in varying
proportions, without any added sugar. Powdered baking cocoa, which
contains more fibre than cocoa butter, can be processed with alkali to
produce Dutch cocoa. Much of the chocolate consumed today is in the
form of sweet chocolate, a coating of cocoa so the lids, cocoa butter or
added vegetable oils, and sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate that
additionally contains milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate
contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk, but no cocoa solids.

Chocolate is one of the most popular food types and flavours in the world,
and many foodstuffs involving chocolate exist, particularly desserts,
including cakes, pudding, mousse, chocolate brownies, and chocolate chip

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cookies. Many candies are filled with or coated with sweetened chocolate.
Chocolate bars, either made of solid chocolate or other ingredients coated
in chocolate, are eaten as snacks. Gifts of chocolate molded into different
shapes (such as eggs, hearts, coins) are traditional on cert the ain
Western holidays, including Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, and
Hanukkah. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, such as
chocolate milk and hot chocolate, and in some alcoholic drinks, such as
crème de cacao. Although cocoa originated in the Americas, West African
countries, particularly Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, are the leading producers
of cocoa in the 21st century, accounting for some 60% of the world cocoa

With some two million children involved in the farming of cocoa in West
Africa, child slavery and trafficking associated with the cocoa trade
remain major concerns. A 2018 report argued that international attempts
to improve conditions for children were doomed to failure because of
persistent poverty, absence of schools, increasing world cocoa demand,
more intensive farming of cocoa, and continued exploitation of child


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 History of Chocolate

Chocolate has been prepared as a drink for nearly all of its history. For
example, one vessel found at an Olmec archaeological site on the Gulf
Coast of Veracruz, Mexico, dates chocolate's preparation by pre-Olmec
peoples as early as 1750 BC. On the Pacific coast of Chiapas, Mexico, a
Mokaya archaeological site provides evidence of cocoa beverages dating
even earlier to 1900 BC. The residues and the kind of vessel in which they
were found indicate the initial use of cocoa was not simply as a beverage,
but the white pulp around the cocoa beans was likely used as a source of
fermentable sugars for an alcoholic drink.

Man Carrying a Cacao Pod, 1440–1521. Volcanic stone, traces of red



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An early Classic-period (460–480 AD) Maya tomb from the site in Rio Azul
had vessels with the Maya glyph for cocoa on them with residue of a
chocolate drink, suggests the Maya were drinking chocolate around
400 AD. Documents in Maya hieroglyphs stated chocolate was used for
ceremonial purposes in addition to everyday life. The Maya grew cacao
trees in their backyards and used the cocoa seeds the trees produced to
make a frothy, bitter drink.


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 There are ten types of chocolates they are:

1. Milk Chocolate

Milk chocolate is perhaps the most popular type of chocolate. It actually

contains only ten to 40 percent cacao mixed with sugar and milk (either
condensed milk or milk solids). Milk chocolate is much, much sweeter than
dark or bittersweet chocolate and has a lighter colour and less-
pronounced chocolate taste. However, milk chocolate isn’t great for baking
because it’s prone to overheating.


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2. White Chocolate

White chocolate does not contain chocolate liquor or any other cocoa
products besides cocoa butter. It doesn’t have a very chocolatey taste,
but resembles smooth vanilla. White chocolate contains a minimum 20
percent cocoa butter, a maximum of 55 percent sugar, and about 15
percent milk solids.

3. Dark Chocolate


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Dark chocolate contains chocolate liquor, sugar, and cocoa butter. It also
commonly includes lecithin as an emulsifier and vanilla for flavor. Dark
chocolate does not contain any milk solids. The amount of cocoa in dark
chocolate bars ranges from 30 percent all the way up to 80 percent.
Bittersweet chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate are also technically “dark
chocolate,” but are used for baking purposes.

4. Semisweet Chocolate

Semisweet chocolate contains at least 35 percent cocoa solids, but there

are no official guidelines that govern what can be called “semisweet.”
Semisweet chocolate falls somewhere between bittersweet chocolate and
sweet dark chocolate. This type of chocolate is most commonly used for
baking, but it’s important to follow the recipe to determine whether it
calls for semisweet, bittersweet, or baking chocolate.

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5. Bittersweet Chocolate

Bittersweet chocolate must contain at least 35 percent cocoa according to

the FDA, but most bittersweet bars contain 50 percent, with others
having as much as 80 percent cocoa. This type of chocolate often has a
deeper, more bitter flavour than other types of chocolate.

6. Unsweetened Chocolate (or Baking Chocolate)

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Unsweetened chocolate is just like its name implies. It’s pure chocolate
liquor, made of simply of ground cocoa beans. It’s also known as baking
chocolate, because it’s not meant for consumption on its own. Instead, it’s
best when used in baking or cooking and combined with other ingredients
to make it taste better. Contrary to popular belief, pure chocolate doesn’t
taste very good. However, it lends a deep, rich chocolate flavour to
recipes and is the base of most of the other types of chocolate.

7. Cocoa Powder

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Cocoa powder is also comprised of 100 percent cacao with no sugar, but
has had the cocoa butter extracted out. Cocoa powder is also very bitter,
but is commonly used in recipes. It’s a helpful ingredient because it easily
mixes in with doughs and batters without having to melt and monitor the

8. Sweet German Chocolate

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Sweet German chocolate is a dark baking chocolate created by a man

named Samuel German, who gave it its name. He created this chocolate to
be convenient for bakers and added sugar directly to it. Therefore, it is
sweeter than semisweet chocolate. This type of chocolate is most
commonly used in German Chocolate Cake, a rich cake with three layers of
chocolate cake with sweet, gooey frosting in the middle and topped with
coconut and pecans.

9. Couverture Chocolate

Couverture chocolate is an expensive type of chocolate that contains a

higher percentage of cocoa butter than other varieties. The high cocoa
butter content helps it melt quickly and evenly, making it perfect for
tempering and making candies. You can find milk, white, and dark
couverture chocolates.

10. Ruby Chocolate

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Ruby chocolate is the newest variety around and was first formulated in
China in September 2017. It is made from ruby cocoa beans naturally
found in Ecuador, Brazil, which give the chocolate its rosy hue. It is said
to taste a combination of white chocolate and berries, even though there
aren’t any berries in the recipe.

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 How is chocolate prepared

Chocolate is made from the beans of Theobroma cacao, a small evergreen

tree native to the rainforests of Central and South America. Translating
as ‘food of the Gods’ in Greek, its elongated pods grow up to 35cm and
vary in colour from bright yellow to deep purple.

Archaeological evidence - traces of cacao on ancient pottery - suggests

we’ve been indulging in cacao products for as long as 5,300 years (3,300
BC). The Mayans, indigenous people of Central America and Mexico,
enjoyed it as a thick, foamy, bitter drink and the beans were potentially
even used as currency by the years 250 - 900.

The beans were so revered that the Aztecs (circa 1345 - 1521) believed
that cacao was a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl. They continued the
Mayan tradition of preparing cacao as a drink, and it was enjoyed by
rulers, priests and noblemen. Cacao was consumed for a variety of
purposes including medicinal and as an aphrodisiac, and formed part of the
rations supplied to Aztec soldiers. On special occasions, such as weddings,
even lower-class members of society would be treated to a sip of the
divine drink.

Today, cacao is grown commercially grown in the tropical zones around the
equator where climate conditions are well suited for their finicky nature;
high temperatures, plenty of rainfall and moist air, while the rainforest
canopy provides shade and protection from the wind.

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 What are advantages and disadvantages of chocolate

 Advantages of white chocolate :

1. The fatty acid content of cocoa butter is made up of 60% saturated fat
split between stearic and palmitic acids. The high stearic acid content
means that cocoa butter has a small effect on cholesterol than do other
fats with similar saturated percentages.
2. Improves resistance to oxidation in rats when compared to vegetable
3. Has a beautiful taste because it contains sugar, some flavours, and no
cocoa powder.
4. Smoother and more buttery than dark chocolate.
5. White chocolate does not contain chocolate it is caffeine free so it is
ideal for those who are sensitive to caffeine.
6. It contains about 151 of calories, so you can eat it to have energy.

 Disadvantages of white chocolate :

White chocolate has 17 grams of sugar per ounce, so more than 60

percent of white chocolate is actually sugar.
2. Good-quality white chocolate uses cocoa butter as its main source of
fat, but cheaper one can contain cheap fats instead.
3. Cocoa can help lower high pressure, which is not found inside white
However both white and dark chocolate has advantages and disadvantages,
and they both useful if you eat a small quantity. Eating chocolate too much
harms your Pancreas and increase your cholesterol percentage. For our
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kids chocolate is the most popular sweet it can replace main meal, so you
have to monitor them for not eating chocolate in a huge amounts.

 Advantages of black chocolate

It is rich in antioxidants
It contains mood-enhancing elements
It can help fight certain diseases
It allows you to enjoy chocolate with less harmful effects

 Disadvantages of black chocolate

It still has sugar
It has high calorie count
It has unhealthy fats and caffeine
It can be addictive

Milk chocolate
Milk chocolate contains significantly more calcium than the darker stuff.
It is also possible the calcium and fatty acids found in milk chocolate may
have an additional heart healthy
The consumption of milk chocolate led to improvements in a number of
cognitive functions, including memory, problem solving, and attention span.
The researchers attributed these benefits to the chocolate’s high levels

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of procyanidin (a flavonoid that can reduce inflammation in the brain) and

vitamin B1, which has an energising effect.
Milk chocolate has almost the same properties as white chocolate. In the
United States, manufacturers are only permitted to put 10% pure cocoa
liquor into milk chocolate products. You would then be left to imagine what
the other 90% of the substances are.
Just as the name implies, this sweet treat comprises a high percentage of
milk powder, condensed or liquid milk. Luckily, all of these are non-organic.
Hydrogenated oils can cause coronary heart disease, stroke, obesity,
diabetes, and even cancer.
Therefore, it is just about taste and a pleasure for a kid who loves milk.

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To find the presence of :

o Proteins
o Fats
o Sugars
o Calcium
o Iron
o Magnesium
o Nickel
o In chocolate of three kinds. (Black, White, Milk)

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• Sodium Hydroxide
• Copper Sulphate
• Moliscli’s Reagent(C10H 7OH)
• Fehling’s Solution A&B
• Sulphuric Acid
• Tollen’s Reagent
• Ammonium Chloride
• Ammonium Hydroxide
• Sodium Phosphate

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1. 5ml of each Appearance of Presence of
sample taken violet color PROTIEN.
in test tube.
Add 1 pellet of
NaOH to each
then add 1-2
drops of CuSO4

All samples contain proteins.

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All the samples of chocolate contain fats.

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All the sample of chocolate contains sugar.

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Not all the sample of chocolate contains iron.

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Not all the sample of chocolate contains magnesium.

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All sample of chocolate contain calcium.

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All the sample of chocolate does not contain nickel.

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Chocolate of all the three types contain proteins, fats, sugars, and
calcium. It does not contain nickel, iron, or magnesium. Any food
product taken in moderation is good, similarly chocolate has a
lots of health benefits along with a remarkable taste. It also has
numerous side effects.
Therefore, chocolate can be consumed in moderation to enjoy
its benefits and to prevent any health complication caused by it.

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