Final Lesson Plan Multigrade AMOMA JOY LYN S

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5 & 6

I. Objectives:
At the end of the period, the pupils are expected to:
A. describe what is earthquake;
B. classify the different precautionary measures before, during and after the earthquake;
C. show some actions what to do when there was an earthquake.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Precautionary Measures Before, During and After Earthquake
B. Concept/ Ideas:
Earthquake is the shaking and trembling of the ground.
Epicenter- is the point on the earth surface located directly above the focus of an
Intensity- is the extent of damage caused by an earthquake.
Magnitude- is the amount of energy release by an earthquake.
Seismograph- detect and record the vibrations on the earth surface.
A. Processes: describing, observing
B. References: Science, Health and the Environment
C. Materials: manila paper, flash cards and pictures
D. Value Focus: Cooperation
lll. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Pre Activity


Let us pray.

Dear lord and father of all,

Thank you for today. Thank
you for ways in which you provide
for us all. For your protection and
love we thank you. Help us to focus
our hearts and minds now on what
we are about to learn. Inspire us by
your holy spirit as we listen and
write. Guide us by your eternal
light as we discover more about the
world around us.
We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.


Zumba Time-

1. Word Drill

I have here three scramble words on the board, arrange each to

form the correct word.






2. Unlocking of Difficulties

Earthquake- is the shaking and trembling of the ground.

Epicenter- is the point on the earth surface located directly

above the focus of an earthquake.

Intensity- is the extent of damage caused by an earthquake.

Magnitude- is the amount of energy release by an earthquake.

Seismograph- detect and record the vibrations on the earth


3. Review

What is our lesson last meeting?

Last meeting, we talked about The
3 Cycles in the Ecosystem.
And what are those 3 Cycles in the Ecosystem? The three cycles of an ecosystem
are the water cycle, the carbon
cycle, and the nitrogen cycle.

Define what is water cycle? The water cycle begins with

precipitation. Water from lakes,
rivers, and oceans evaporates into
the atmosphere. These water vapors
gather, under the right conditions,
to form clouds.

The carbon cycle can be broken

What about the carbon cycle? into two smaller sub-cycles:
respiration and photosynthesis.
These sub- cycles are dependent
upon one another.

4. Motivation
Do the thumbs up sign 👍 if the following is an effect of
earthquake and do the thumbs down sign 👎 if it is not an effect
of earthquake.
(The teacher will show some pictures on the presentation and
the students must give their ideas or insights regarding the

Are you ready class?

Yes ma’am

The student will answer

Thumbs up 👍 or thumbs down 👎?

The student will answer

Thumbs up 👍 or thumbs down 👎
3. The student will answer


Thumbs up 👍 or thumbs down 👎?

4. The student will answer

(Fish Kill)
Thumbs up 👍 or thumbs down 👎?

The student will answer

(Soil Erosion)

Thumbs up 👍 or thumbs down 👎

5. Presentation
This morning you will be able to learn the Safety
Precautionary measures before, during, and after
B. Activity Proper

1. Setting of Standards

Class, what are your take away while you are watching the
video about on what to do before, during, and after earthquake?

1. Grouping of Pupils

Direction: Count 1,2, and 3. All number 1 will be the

group 1, all number 2 will be the group 2 and then all number 3
will be the group 3. Please go to your respective groups quietly.

Are my instructions clear?

Yes ma'am

2. Giving of Activity Sheets

Group 1: Before Earthquake
May I call on the representative of each group to get the flash
Group 2: During Earthquake
cards that I provided to you.
Group 3: After Earthquake

3. Activity

Grade 5

Group 1: demonstrate what to do before earthquake

Group 2: demonstrate what to do during earthquake (Each group are demonstrating

their assigned task.)
Group 3: demonstrate what to do after earthquake

Grade 6

Group 1: demonstrate what to do before earthquake

(Each group are demonstrating

Group 2: demonstrate what to do during earthquake their assigned task.)

Group 3: demonstrate what to do after earthquake

C. Post- Activity

1. Reporting

May I call on the reporter of the Group 1 to come in front

and present your work, followed by Group 2, then Group 3.
2. Discussion

Okay class, based on your activity:

The students are raising their hands
what are the things that we need to do before an earthquakes?
and answer the question.

what about during an earthquake? The students are raising their hands
and answer the question.

The students are raising their hands

and what about after an earthquake? and answer the question

okay, class is there any question about earthquake? No teacher

3. Generalization

Make sure you have a fire

What is the importance of precautionary measures before,
extinguisher, first aid kit and extra
batteries at home. Learn first aid.
during and after earthquake in case of emergency?
Learn how to turn off the gas,
water, and electricity. Make up plan
of where to meet your family after
an earthquake.

Being prepared beforehand is a

How can the information save lives? very significant thing in the event
of a hazard. If people are prepared,
the damage done by the hazard can
be minimized. People can be ready
to volunteer and save survivors.

4. Application
List down 5 activities before, during and after an earthquake.


Did you finish your activity on time?

Yes ma'am. We finished our
activity on time because everyone
Cooperation is important in order
Why is cooperation important?
that we could come up with good
What will happen if we have no idea or knowledge when there's
an earthquake? If we have no idea when there's an
earthquake, we might be in danger.

Are safety precautionary measures being important when there's

an earthquake? Why?
Yes, safety precautionary measures
are important when there's an
earthquake because it can make us
safe, and aware on what to do when
there's an earthquake.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Classify the precautionary measures based on

the activities being stated. Choose the letter of the
correct answer on a 1/2 crosswise sheet of paper.

1. Conduct earthquake drills.

a) before
1. b. during
b) during
2. b. during
c) after
3. c. after
2. Stay Calm! If you’re indoors, stay inside. If you’re
4. after
outside, stay outside.
5. c. after
a) Before
6. a. before
b) During
7. c. after
c) After
8. a. before
3. Check yourself and the others for injuries.
9. b. during
a) Before
10. b. during
b) During
c) After
4. Stay away from the buildings.
a) before
b) during
c) after
5. Expect aftershocks.
a) Before
b) During
c) after
6. Learn the earthquake plan at your school or workplace.
a) Before
b) During
c) After
7. Observe and stay away from damaged areas.
a) Before
b) During
c) after
8. Prepare survival kit.
a) Before
b) During
c) After
9. Drop, cover and hold on!
a) Before
b) During
c) After
10. Turn on the radio. Don’t use the phone unless it’s an
a) Before
b) During
c) after

V. Assignment
Direction: Copy and answer in your science notebook.

A. Give at least 5 examples of activities done in before, during

and after earthquake.

1. What is volcanic eruption?
2. What are precautionary measures before, during and
after a volcanic eruption?

Prepared by:

Joy Lyn S. Amoma

(Signature over Printed Name)


(Curriculum Year & Section)

Checked by:



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