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Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-9213-9_387-1
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Serina Diniegaa* and Károly Némethb
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
Volcanic Risk Solutions, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

A small-scale inflationary surface feature found most commonly on subaerial pahoehoe flows
(Walker 1991), but indicative for inflation processes within a range of lava types (Dann 2001;
Hon et al. 1994) including a’a lavas (Applegarth et al. 2010; Guest et al. 2012; Sheth et al. 2011).

(Plural, tumuli) lava rise; Pressure dome/schollendom

Description and Morphometry

Tumulus is a mound or localized raise of the surface of a lava flow, which is typically circular to
elliptical in plan view (Walker 1991; Fig. 1). They display a distinct cleft system that can zigzag
across the long axis or extend radially. Clefts can also develop around the edges forming marginal or
circumferential clefts with a flat crust at the top. Lava squeeze-ups or small tongues of toothpaste
lava may extrude from these clefts (Walker 1991). Tumuli sometimes appear in chains or clusters
(sometimes where smaller tumuli can appear as satellites of a larger tumulus) (Glaze et al. 2005) that
can be reflected in some slope angle changes of the basement. Tumuli are usually 10 to few 10s
m long/wide, but sometimes they can be much larger in diameter and height (e.g., Diniega
et al. 2012; Keszthelyi et al. 2008; Walker 1991). Proposed “mega-tumulus” structures can be up
to km long; however, their genetic relationship to usual size tumuli is not yet clear (Guest
et al. 1984; Keszthelyi et al. 2006).

As defined by Diniega et al. (2012):

(1) Positive topography, elliptical in plan form

(1.1) Tumulus
(1.2) Lava rise (larger than tumuli, more rectangular and elongate, with flat and smooth top, and
steep circumferential clefts)
(1.3) Inflation feature
(2) Overall negative topography – if the inflation feature has collapsed due to drainage of the interior lava


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Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-9213-9_387-1
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Fig. 1 Terrestrial tumuli. (a) A particularly steep and symmetric tumulus in the flow field near Kalapana, Hawai’i (Photo by Serina Diniega). (b) Tumulus crater,
Argentina (Photo by K. Németh). (c) Tumulus, Libya (Photo by K. Németh). (d) Tumulus on slopes of Erta Ale, Ethiopia. Note the clear axial cleft (Photo by Serina

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Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-9213-9_387-1
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

(2.1) Deflated/collapsed tumulus/lava rise/inflation feature

Indicative of inflation processes within a lava field (Hon et al. 1994), which requires (1) the
formation of a brittle crust over a liquid and active magma layer and (2) a localized high pressure
generating the uplift. Generally these features are assumed to have formed over a lava tube, with
flow direction aligned with the long axis (Walker 1991).

Produced by hydrostatic pressure of the underlying fluid lava on a rigid and buoyant crust. Pressure
buildup within the fluid core causes uplifting and brittle deformation of a small region of the crust
(Anderson et al. 2012; Rossi and Gudmundsson 1996; Walker 1991). Pressure could be due to
magmatic head or flow dynamics, with a localized buildup due to bending, narrowing, or blockage
of the lava tube.

Tumuli may collapse to form a depression with raised rim or wall; collapse is due to drainage of lava
from the interior (Walker 1991).


Studied Locations

(1) Subaerial inflated flows: e.g., Victoria, Australia (Ollier 1964); Queensland, Australia
(Stephenson et al. 1998; Whitehead and Stephenson 1998); Payen volcanic complex, Argentina
(Németh et al. 2008); Hawai’i, United States (Anderson et al. 1999; 2012; Walker 1991);
Carrizozo basalt lava flow, New Mexico, United States (Zimbelman and Johnston 2000); Iceland
(Rossi and Gunmundsson 1996); Deccan Volcanic Province, India (Bondre et al. 2004;
Duraiswami et al. 2001, 2002, 2004); and Mt. Etna, Italy (Anderson et al. 2012; Duncan
et al. 2004; Guest et al. 1984).
(2) Submarine inflated flows: e.g., Juan de Fuca Ridge (Appelgate and Embley 1992).

They form over lava tubes due to localized high pressure that causes cracking and bending of the
overlying brittle crust (Rossi and Gudmundsson 1996; Walker 1991). Tumuli have also been
reported from mafic subaqueous lava flows (Umino et al. 2000; Appelgate and Embley 1992).

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Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-9213-9_387-1
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Fig. 2 (a, b) Field of fractured mounds interpreted as tumuli (Diniega et al. 2012; Keszthelyi et al. 2008) in Elysium
Planitia at 3 S, 168 E. HiRISE PSP_002542_1765. Diameter 10–20 m. (c) Raised crust whose edge is fully exposed in
the Athabasca Valles region, interpreted as tumuli or evidence of flow deflation and draping of plates on underlying
topographic highs (Ryan and Christensen 2012). HiRISE PSP_007250_1840 at 4.0 N 150.1 E (NASA/JPL/UA)

Indicative of inflation processes within a lava field. Sizes are hypothesized to relate to formative
pressure (Anderson et al. 2012; Rossi and Gudmundsson 1996) and spatial distribution to lava tube
network structure (Glaze et al. 2005; Walker 1991) and eruption parameters.

Planetary Analogs
▶ Mesoscale positive relief landforms (Fig. 2).

Origin of Term
From “mound/swelling up” in Latin, also used for burial mounds (Daly 1914).

Similar Landforms Derived from Different Processes

▶ Pressure ridge (generally more elongate and formed through lateral compression and not through
uplift; Diniega et al. 2012; Walker 1991). Tumuli are formed through uplift due to hydrostatic

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Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-9213-9_387-1
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

pressure of lava, not a buildup of gases, e.g., morphologically similar, but a nonsolid structure (e.g.,
lava bubble bursts that typically build low rings and lava blisters) (e.g., Keszthelyi 2005), ▶ pingo
(Dundas and McEwen 2009), and ▶ rootless cone.

Landforms Derived from the Same Process

▶ Inflated lava flows, pillow lavas.

See Also
▶ Lava Tube
▶ Mesoscale Positive Relief Landforms

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Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-9213-9_387-1
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

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