Ethics Chapter 4 The Act Activity PDF

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Activity1:TheEndsof theHumanActs

cteristics. And explainwhyyou haveto identifythesetwo.


1. Talking - when you do it there is an end and a 1. Study - you don't stop until you finish
limit studying and until you have nothing to show for
2. Game -when you do it there is an end and a
limit 2.Work - when you do this, it's up to you
whether you leave or not
3. Eating -when you do it there is an end and a
limit Loving never ends when no one gives up

4. Ready -when you do it there is an end and a 4.Game-same for love the game will not stop
limit until no one gives up.

5. Communication -when you do it there is an 5.Eat - either to appease his hunger or to

end and a limit indulge in his appetite.


End of the act – it is the natural termination of an activity. End of the doer – it is the personal purpose
intended by the person performing the act. ... Motive – is the reason why a person performs an act.



1. THEACTINITSELF_The Act Itself offers a deeper understanding of what is going on in our own
moral thoughts about human behaviour. Many of the descriptions of behaviour

2. THEMOTIVEOFTHEACT _The ocean is always moving. The ocean moves water, heat, salt and
nutrients around the world.
and we are like an ocean and a wave because it stops and continues

_ _

3. THECIRCUMSTANCESOFTHEACT circumstance is something that, while existing outside the

substance of an act, touches on the act in some way. _






A.7 StepModel(p. 177)

1. Resolves simple by clarifying the facts of the case in difficult case.

2.the issues should be presented in the medical care VC the sanctity in order to reflect the interest
that are colliding in a particular ethical dilemmas.

3.there are certain moral values or principles that are central to the competing positions being taken.

4.involves coming up with various alternative courses or action.

5. The task here is one of elimination alternative according to the moral principles that have a
bearing on the case.

6.both positive and negative consequences are to be considered they should be informally weighted .

7.realize that one common element to ethical dilemmas is that there are no easy and painless
solution oh them.
Activity5:Moral Courage


Non-judgmental explanation of desired behavior change.

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