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TOPIC:Which is better vegan diet or well-balanced diet

Well-balanced Diet Is The Best

What is better diet vegan diet or well-balanced diet? A brief explanation of

veganism.Veganism is the practice of avoiding consuming animal products,
especially in your diet, and a concept that supports this practice that rejects killing
animals as a commodity.On the other hand, a well-balanced diet is one that includes
eating both meat and vegetables.Which is better, a vegan diet or a well-balanced
diet? Of course, eating a well-balanced diet is the best choice.

Vegans experience nutritional deficiencies. Since some nutrients, such vitamin

B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, are more difficult to get from plant-based sources.It
can cause nutritional deficiency that can cause several diseases.And only well-
balanced diet can adequate our body nutritional needs.

Non-Vegans have lower risk of having a stroke than vegans.Researchers in

the UK examined nearly 50,000 people's diets over the course of two decades to
determine their risk of stroke and other health issues.The result is shocking the fact
that vegans have higher risk having a stroke than non-vegans.

A well-balanced diet is better than vegan diet in every aspect.In terms

nutritional ability.The fact vegan diet can't adequate the nutrient needs of our body
like vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids that the inadequate of these nutrients can
cause several diseases.Some say by well planning your vegan diet you can
adequate the nutrient needs of our body however according to Researchers in the
UK even using well planning the result is always same.The result is nutritional

In conclusion well-balanced diet is the best choice.That vegan diet is not the
best choice because of it can cause nutritional deficiency that can cause to several
disease.And start your well-balanced diet to become much healthy than ever before.


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